UN: Israel committed "Complete Massacre" and "the worst ever" in Gaza

Whole family, sheltered in UN school, shot dead by IOF terrorists in a new massacre:

According to Charles Stratford, Israeli soldiers
  • killed people,
  • ripped up roads,
  • damaged and destroyed houses and businesses, &
  • ransacked mosques

    during Israel's three-day raid on Jenin.
BREAKING: Israel buried dozens of Palestinian patients alive in Kamal Udwan hospital in Gaza, and then ran over them with bulldozers.

Israeli forces also crushed many tents in the hospital yard with Palestinians still alive inside.

The Israeli army has reportedly buried wounded Palestinian civilians alive outside of Kamal Adwan Hospital in the Gaza Strip’s northern town of Beit Lahia, after nine consecutive days of total siege, raids, and horrifying atrocities in the area. An independent international investigation must be opened into these reports, Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor said in a press release issued on Saturday.

Before they left the medical facility this morning, Israeli bulldozers buried Palestinian civilians alive in the hospital courtyard, according to testimonies the Geneva-based organisation received from media and medical crews on the ground. At least one of the bodies could be seen amid the sand piles, witnesses said, confirming that the victim was injured before being buried and killed.
Horrific scenes after Israelis drive over & crush tents with bulldozers in the yard of Kamal Adwan Hospital, killing all who were sleeping inside.

The brutality of Israeli savages reached a point where they would encourage their children to sign on the bombs that kill Palestinian children.

It is a level of unethical savagery that our modern history has never witnessed.

Body parts of those buried under Israeli Bulldozer in Kamal Adwan Hospital massacre:

Israeli occupation forces open fire on a press conference of doctors and medical staff outside Kamel Adwan hospital.


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