UN: Over 145,000 Syrian Refugee Families Headed By Mothers Who Are 'Struggling Alone


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
I truly hope that these single mothers have relatives in the West who will be able to take them in. It is difficult enough for single mothers who have no working experience to even get decent jobs anyplace in the world, so you can imagine how these women are suffering.

UN: Over 145,000 Syrian Refugee Families Headed By Mothers Who Are 'Struggling Alone'


(AP) — More than 145,000 Syrian refugee families in Egypt, Lebanon, Iraq and Jordan are headed by women who are the sole caregivers and face daily threats of violence while often lacking the means to put food on the table, the United Nations said Tuesday in a report meant to galvanize more support for those suffering from Syria's civil war.

The women's struggles as the lone breadwinner for one of every four refugee family households in those nations often includes coping with the threat of violence or exploitation and grappling with their children's mounting trauma and distress, according to the Office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees, known as UNHCR.

"Syrian refugee women are the glue holding together a broken society. Their strength is extraordinary, but they are struggling alone," UNHCR special envoy Angelina Jolie said in a statement.

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UN: Over 145,000 Syrian Refugee Families Headed By Mothers Who Are 'Struggling Alone'
time for women to stand up and demand equal rights to employment and freedom within Islam to be heads of family and not beholden to any man.

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