Unarmed Man Goes On Shooting Rampage

And to think, some people believe that only the police and military should have guns.

Imagine the whining crying and screaming from the anti-gun loons had this been a story about someone with a CCW shooting someone reaching for their wallet.
If you hadn't linked to a NY Times article, I would have sworn this was a piece from The Onion.

One thing this tragedy highlights: Police can't shoot for shit.

The average cop has to "qualify" once a year with a few dozen bullets downrange...that's it. As a competitive pistol shooter (IPSC, Bullseye, IDPA), I see cops watching the matches all the time. When we ask "Why don't you join us?", inevitably, they're too intimidated to compete. Of course there are exceptions, but for the most part, cops have almost no practice time with their firearms to ensure THEY FUCKING HIT WHAT THEY'RE AIMING AT!!!

To drive that point home, the article stated this shooting:
...drew comparisons to a shooting a year ago, when officers struck nine bystanders in front of the Empire State Building when they killed an armed murder suspect.

In an average year, I put at least 25,000 rounds downrange. At my peak, over 50,000. Most cops...under 100. You figure it out.

Why they would fire into a crowd in the first place is another question, but if I give the cops the benefit of the doubt that they had reason to fire on this crazy fuck, then for God's sake, learn to hit your intended target.

That the crazy guy is being charged for the cop's incompetence is just beyond comprehension.
Let me break it down to baby sized chunks so you'll at least have a shot at it. If owning guns makes citizens a potential threat, owning a vagina makes women potential whores.

So, it's the misuse that's the issue, not the possession of said equipment.

You must be a profound idiot. No I can't "refute" your unworkable analogy, because it refutes itself. Duh. Trying to compare gun owners with women? :lmao:
That's pathetic.
I said vaginas. To you women are vaginas? I guess that makes you a dick.

I didn't bring up vaginas -- you did. So to you possessing a gun is equivalent to possessing a vagina. What does that make you besides stupid?

What's that got to do with it? The analogy was possessing the equipment. Or a man as a potential rapist. Owning the equipment doesn't make you suspect. Misuse of said equipment does.

I haven't said anything about "suspect", about "owning equipment" or about "misuse". You're plugging all that in on your own. It's got absolutely zero to do with anything I've posted. Idiot.

No wonder you made the ill informed comment you did, it isn't the 2nd Amendment's fault that some people misuse firearms and driver bozos like you to distraction.

Nor did I bring up the Second Amendment, or the Constitution at all or for that matter anything whatsoever that has to do with laws or politics. Nor did I bring up "driver bozos", whatever the fuck that is.

Reading is a lost art. Or for some, one they never had.

The comment simply means that without the gun culture in which we live, it would not have occurred to these cops to imagine this guy was pulling a gun. Because it would not be something that would be expected. But I already said this.

Yes, it was stupid then and stupid now. Maybe stupider since the folly was explained.

Which means you still don't get it even at the third-grade reading level.

Perhaps you should just retire from all this since you can't handle it.
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I didn't bring up vaginas -- you did. So to you possessing a gun is equivalent to possessing a vagina. What does that make you besides stupid?
I didn't say equivelant. You interpreted it that way because you apparently can't process information.
I haven't said anything about "suspect", about "owning equipment" or about "misuse". You're plugging all that in on your own. It's got absolutely zero to do with anything I've posted. Idiot.
I gave the analogy, you didn't get it so it's my fault?
Nor did I bring up the Second Amendment, or the Constitution at all or for that matter anything whatsoever that has to do with laws or politics. Nor did I bring up "driver bozos", whatever the fuck that is.

Reading is a lost art. Or for some, one they never had.
You couldn't connect those dots either, I see.
Which means you still don't get it even at the third-grade reading level.

Perhaps you should just retire from all this since you can't handle it.
Irony. Look it up.

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