Unarmed Robbery In Cyprus


Sep 23, 2010
It ain’t like the enemy controls The Guns of Navarone, but they hold all the fire power just the same.

I’m happy to report that the Cyprus heist made it to TV. I surfed into the tail end of a report on FOX. I also saw articles on 5 or 6 web sites —— better known as the social media. I like that term because it automatically makes Hussein’s media the unsocial media. I can’t prove this, but I think Canada Free Press’ Judi McLeod played a big part in embarrassing Hussein’s unsocial media into reporting a story just as important to Americans as it is to Europeans.

Incidentally, nobody should be surprised by the MSM initially putting a blackout on the Cyprus story. Bill Clinton was in attendance when David Rockefeller said this at a 1991 Bilderberg Meeting in Baden Baden, Germany:

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years.”

“It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries."

David Rockefeller Quote - Liberty Quotes Blog

Do the math and you’ll see that the media has been protecting global government traitors since the early 1950s.

In today’s article Judi ties the IMF to the stickup without guns:

Like the politicians and International Monetary Fund (IMF) heavies like Christine Lagarde, the oligarchs will get by.


Worse is the acceptance of the description of the raid as a “one-off tax” and the “introduction of more progressive rates” as touted by IMF head Christine Legarde, who says the IMF is “extremely supportive of the Cypriot authorities’ intentions to introduce more progressive rates in the one-off tax.”

That’s an important tie-in because THE IMF IS A UNITED NATIONS AGENCY.

No more dollar

Doug Hagmann, also writing for Canada Free Press, pointed to a universal currency:

Based on the events in Cyprus, it should be quite clear to even the most vocal critic of the legitimacy of the information provided to me by my source within the DHS as published on this web site is no longer at issue. The U.S. dollar, the backbone of world currencies and the proverbial firewall preventing the erosion of our national sovereignty, is the ultimate target of a takedown by the global banking interests controlled by a handful of banks and families of the “royal elite.”

The plan for a global currency or a one world economic order is a matter that transcends political parties. Those who continue to argue in the Republican-Democrat meme are doing nothing more than providing entertainment to distract people from the real issue, that of the global elite versus the rest of us. The top of the pyramid in this Ponzi scheme is filled with members of both U.S. political parties who are systematically pillaging us and our future generations into financial debt, bondage and slavery. It is a plan that has been in the works for centuries. The problem, however, is that we have been conditioned not to think that big. Yet, the lie is that big.


“When the curtain is pulled back to reveal the true agenda of a single digital world currency, the people who have been yelling the loudest about such ‘conspiracy theories’ will be specifically singled out and demonized. They will be blamed for causing the panic we will see, and of course, dealt with by the army we asked for, accepted and even tolerated.”

For years, I raged against the Left’s long-running universal currency agenda; so I’m happy to see it surfacing as an issue Americans should look into. In short: How long will it be before those forces who have been angling toward a universal currency tell the American people they must give up the dollar for the sake of world peace? Once the dollar is gone it’s bye-bye sovereignty. Look at what’s happening to the sovereignty of those countries in the European Union if you doubt me.

First the British pound then the dollar

For decades I’ve heard about the wonderful United Nations. The MSM never mentioned that American elitists have been funding the IMF with American tax dollars. Not once in the years I’ve heard about UN garbage did I ever hear one ruling elitist defend America’s sovereignty in relation to the dollar. Not once did an American New World Order big shot defend the dollar the way Margaret Thatcher defended the pound.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5Dp1F5H1hQ&feature=player_detailpage]Thatcher_ _quote_No __to EU CURRENCY - YouTube[/ame]​

Sad to say, after Ms. Thatcher was gone Bill Clinton’s bunghole buddy, Tony Blair, did everything he could do to betray Great Britain to the European Union —— just as Clinton spent 8 years betraying America to the United Nations. Today, Clinton works for the United Nations and is the UN’s chief fund raiser. The dream of President Hillary Clinton and Secretary General Bill Clinton saving the world together lives on.

More to the point, the theft in Cyprus is a precursor to what’s coming to this country. The EURO was a test run for a universal currency.

All of the decades, and the hundreds of billions of dollars, the US squandered on the United Nations is paying off —— FOR THE GLOBAL GOVERNMENT TRAITORS.

The time and money spent on the UN would have been better-spent building alliances with countries dedicated to limited government and individual freedoms. Instead of recognizing the UN for what it is, and building a counterbalance to totalitarian government, US membership in the UN systematically made America weaker while making America’s enemies progressively stronger.

In addition to the birth of the United Nations in 1945, it’s easy to see how the Left’s agenda has been rolling along unchallenged. That day in 1949 when Mao took control of China the American Left began agitating to have Communist China seated in the UN. Not only was China seated, but the Chicoms replaced the Republic Of China on the Security Council. Many will call my reminder ancient history; nevertheless, Cyprus and the march towards a universal currency should remind everyone of the phrase “Chickens coming home to roost.”

Finally, government thieves will get support from tens of millions of low-level parasites living on the welfare state. Both groups see no difference between stealing someone’s else life savings and parasites living on the labors of others. Even if the low-level parasites have a few bucks in the bank their confiscated money will come back to them through welfare state programs.

Here are the links to the articles I quoted:

It was never “the seizure of a percentage” but the seizure of the cash
Life’s Little People always Ripped off First by Socialist Governments
Judi McLeod
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Life?s Little People always Ripped off First by Socialist Governments


Our current financial situation was not bred out of incompetence, but by design
DHS Insider update: It has begun
Doug Hagmann Monday, March 18, 2013

DHS Insider update: It has begun
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The Parliament in Cyprus voted it down. Negotiations will have to begin again.

In any case....do you think we're NOT going to have a global currency? If so, you don't know your Bible prophesy, do you?
The Parliament in Cyprus voted it down. Negotiations will have to begin again.

In any case....do you think we're NOT going to have a global currency? If so, you don't know your Bible prophesy, do you?

To Oldguy: Negotiations! What negotiations. Either the government steals the money or it doesn’t.

I’m not knowledgeable enough to talk about the Bible although I’m pretty sure Jesus did not have universal currency in mind when he drove the moneylenders from Herod’s Temple.

Irrespective of your interpretation withdrawing from the United Nations will shoot universal currency in the ass.
Cyprus bank problem starting to ripple through Europe...
Cyprus sends rumbles through shaky banking system
29 Mar.`13 — This week's deal to rescue Cyprus and its banks from financial collapse has renewed fears about Europe's shaky financial system and where trouble might next appear.
Many banks across Europe have been struggling for more than three years as losses on government bonds and bad loans piled up. Some governments, meanwhile, have taken on more debt trying to prop up their lenders to the point where they have needed bailing out themselves. In Cyprus's case, its banking sector became much bigger than the country's government could afford to rescue — seven times the size of the country's economy. When the banks were hit by large losses and Cyprus could not afford to bail it out on its own, the country turned to the other 16 European Union countries that use the euro.

Rather than making Europe's taxpayers foot the entire bill for bad banking, Cyprus and the other eurozone countries agreed to make the banks' bondholders and big depositors contribute to the rescue. One bank, Laiki, is to be split up, with its nonperforming loans and toxic assets going into a "bad bank." The healthy side will be absorbed into the Bank of Cyprus. Savers with more 100,000 euros in both Bank of Cyprus and Laiki will face big losses — possibly as much as 80 cents on the euro. Daniel Gros, director of the Centre for European Policy Studies in Brussels, said the Cyprus deal "could be a strategic change."

Depositors and investors have taken note of the Cyprus deal and are warily looking around at other countries where the financial sector appears too big or too unstable. The STOXX Europe 600 Banks index have fallen 7 percent since a first bailout deal, later rejected, was reached March 16. Even some of the more financially disciplined countries in the eurozone can raise concerns: The Netherlands had to take over SNS Reaal, the country's fourth-largest bank, after it suffered heavy losses. And in Germany there are banks under pressure from competition and losses on bad loans. However, most of the countries that are gaining scrutiny in the aftermath of the Cyprus bailout do not have economies on the same scale as the eurozone's financial leaders.

Here is a look at some countries whose banking sectors are getting increased attention form analysts and investors.

More Cyprus sends rumbles through shaky banking system

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