Unbelievable....Bill Mayer: Palins Audience at Fox is Like a Downs Syndrome Baby.

What a liberal vile person:evil:. I can't even begin to express how awful that comment is. These liberal people have no shame whatsoever. They will say anything in the name of hate. This has gone to far.

Read more:
Maher: Palin?s Job at Fox Equivalent to Talking to Her Down Syndrome Baby | NewsBusters.org

How does one prepare for an upcoming appearance by Seth MacFarlane of Family Guy fame? If you're Bill Maher, you follow up the Family Guy/Sarah Palin/Down Syndrome attack by doing an 'exclusive rant' for the Huffington Post which includes - you guessed it - a joke about Sarah Palin's son, Trig. Maher appeals to his lower-intellect audience by stating:
"...while we were off, Sarah Palin agreed to do commentary at Fox News. Which is actually very similar to her day job - talking to a baby with Down Syndrome."

Did you get mad at Palin when it came out she calls her baby " My little retarded baby" ?

Did you also get mad at Rush, when he made his comments?

Please provide a link to your source that shows Palin making that remark.
yeah. It's almost like..... him calling David Duke a racist.

Or calling you an ass. Ass.

HEY EVERYONE, ELVIS IS GOING TO NEG REP ME AGAIN. Woooooooow. I am so scared! Wooooooow. No really, please mr. big bad man, dont neg rep me again. pretty please.

Fuck you.

you really have a lot of balls posting yourself in your avatar. I mean who knew you were a Hannity look-alike.

Neg rep me...do it now! Do it hard! Fetch.
The same people who think Bill Maher was making fun of Palin's son, probably thought Harry Reids comments were putting down black people. :lol:

His comment did put down some black people. He basically said if your dark-skinned and talk with a negro dialect, you're not going to make it into public office. I knew you were stupid, but I didn't realize to what extent until this thread.

Oh and I'm still waiting on the link that shows Palin calling Trig retarded.
It isn't alright to say Fox viewers have downs, but it is cool to say Obama supporters are communist? Got it!

I guess you'd have to have personal experience with retarded children. One of my sister's has a child with Down's Syndrome, so I understand. I guess that's true with many things in life.

News flash, my son is developmentally disabled, so I might have a little experience in dealing with a child with special needs.

And you would have no problems with people using him as a butt of their jokes or comparing him to Fox viewers?
See, this is why I knew Obama was not the first. real trancendant politician.

The first one will tell us all we are all idiot assholes who do not deserve to live. Every last one of us is a whinging asshole who deserves to get what they get up their great kazoo.

When that person gets elected there will be peace on Earth.
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No, but she doesn't need to use him as an instrument to score political points.

She doesn't. She travels. He's her kid. She takes him along. She would do the same if he were healthy.

Look. You guys fucking HATE her! We get it!

She's no longer in office and she will not be the nominee. You won. Enjoy.

Keep making fun of her hair, how she quit her job, her palm-reading, her lousy interview skills and her job at Faux News. They're all lame-ass old jokes by now, but what the hell.

"At long last, have you no shame?"

We will, as long as she keeps spreading lies about Obama. Tell me again who took " In God we Trust" off the quarters? And how Obama is friends with terrorist?
And if she looses, don't worry she can always blame the liberals and McCain.

No one took "In God We Trust" off of quarters stupid!!

What lies did she tell about Obama ? List them please!!

You don't consider Bill Ayers a domestic terrorist? Then you're truly fucking STUPID!

If she loses what? She's not running for anything STUPID!!
I don't seem to see very many politicians bringing their HEALTHY babies to EVERY political event so WHY does she bring her Down's baby EVERYWHERE with her like some kind of fucking PROP!!!???

My senator also has a child with downs, and you hardly see her bringing him out. She keeps him or her ( I can't remember sex) behind the scenes, which is what you do when you are a mother. You don't put your children in a postion to be attacked.

A Republican senator? No? Surprise, surprise!:cuckoo:
What a liberal vile person:evil:. I can't even begin to express how awful that comment is. These liberal people have no shame whatsoever. They will say anything in the name of hate. This has gone to far.

Read more:
Maher: Palin?s Job at Fox Equivalent to Talking to Her Down Syndrome Baby | NewsBusters.org

How does one prepare for an upcoming appearance by Seth MacFarlane of Family Guy fame? If you're Bill Maher, you follow up the Family Guy/Sarah Palin/Down Syndrome attack by doing an 'exclusive rant' for the Huffington Post which includes - you guessed it - a joke about Sarah Palin's son, Trig. Maher appeals to his lower-intellect audience by stating:
"...while we were off, Sarah Palin agreed to do commentary at Fox News. Which is actually very similar to her day job - talking to a baby with Down Syndrome."

Who would have guessed about 5 years ago that the Right would be the Biggest PC Police evah!!??!!!
Well, since it's now in fashion now to bash politicians kids, i'm sure you lib's won't mind me bashin' Obama'a two lil' nappy headed ho's!

You people do realize that that Obama's two lil' crack whore's are nothing more than fried chicken eatin', fingerlickin', moonpie scarfin', Ripple suckin', pole smokin' lil' ghetto tramps, who will drop their drawers for any Joe Biden lookin' white motherfucker with 5 bucks and a bag o' crack!...Yep, those aunt Jemima lookin' lil' hookers can suck it like a Kirby vacuum cleaner, and they gots the big ol' gorilla lookin' lips to prove it!

NOW, that's some funny shit!, eh lib's?....Yesssirrrreeeeee that's some seriously funny "satire" right there!....Come lib's, let me hear it!...Surely you're laughing your looney asses off!

You aren't as funny as Bill Maher. But we are laughing at you. Mission accomplished!
Well, since it's now in fashion now to bash politicians kids, i'm sure you lib's won't mind me bashin' Obama'a two lil' nappy headed ho's!

You people do realize that that Obama's two lil' crack whore's are nothing more than fried chicken eatin', fingerlickin', moonpie scarfin', Ripple suckin', pole smokin' lil' ghetto tramps, who will drop their drawers for any Joe Biden lookin' white motherfucker with 5 bucks and a bag o' crack!...Yep, those aunt Jemima lookin' lil' hookers can suck it like a Kirby vacuum cleaner, and they gots the big ol' gorilla lookin' lips to prove it!

NOW, that's some funny shit!, eh lib's?....Yesssirrrreeeeee that's some seriously funny "satire" right there!....Come lib's, let me hear it!...Surely you're laughing your looney asses off!

You stay classy scumbag!

It was Palin who called it "Satire" first after Rush used the word, and the Liberals mocked her for it as they should. But hey, nothing says idiot like turning around and firing at your own generals like you just did.

And it's not Satire when you truly believe it like you probably do.
Oh, so that's the way it is!...The tables get turned and all of a sudden you liberal assholes don't like it!...Hit a lil' too close to home!

Yeeeeeeaaaaaaah, how did we see that one coming!

Less than 5 minutes and I got one of you clowns to throw a fit!.....Too fucking predictable.

You fucking assholes are something else!

More humor! :lol::lol::lol: Keep it up! You've got me in stitches. :lol::lol::lol:
Oh, so that's the way it is!...The tables get turned and all of a sudden you liberal assholes don't like it!...Hit a lil' too close to home!

Yeeeeeeaaaaaaah, how did we see that one coming!

Less than 5 minutes and I got one of you clowns to throw a fit!.....Too fucking predictable.

You fucking assholes are something else!

I didn't throw a fit, I accurately called you a scumbag.
Oh, then you must surely believe that the writers of "Family Guy" are scumbags too, eh?

I mean, there's no difference whatsoever. None of the kids we are speaking of had a choice as to how they were born, Riiiiiiiight?

Surely, you couldn't Possibly be a fucking hypocrite, eh?
The writers for Family Guy are funnier than you too. And they make money doing it.

(Of course, you might be making money too...on that street corner with your cardboard sign)
Maybe everyone is getting sick of hearing her bragg about what a great mother she is for taking care of her downs syndrome baby.. She gave birth, it's her job.

I kind of feel sorry for her kids the way she exploits them.
I don't seem to see very many politicians bringing their HEALTHY babies to EVERY political event so WHY does she bring her Down's baby EVERYWHERE with her like some kind of fucking PROP!!!???

My senator also has a child with downs, and you hardly see her bringing him out. She keeps him or her ( I can't remember sex) behind the scenes, which is what you do when you are a mother. You don't put your children in a postion to be attacked.

Remember Sen Rick Santori (or whatever his last name is), who is now a FOX pundit BRAGGING about bringing his wife's still born fetus home for his children to see and touch before they had a funeral?

This seems to be a Republican thing. Very odd. :cuckoo:
Now, I'm not really the type who gets offended at ANYTHING, and also not the type to fake it either. I understand that not everyone is like me.

But seriously, who the fuck cares?

What terrible thing will happen because of this?
How will this affect ANY of our lives today?

There's no bigger bullshit out there, politically, than the tit-for-tat faux outrage. It's Rhetoric 101 - play on emotions. Straight from Rules For Radicals or ANY COLLEGE TEXTBOOK. And it's bullshit.

Jesus Christ, I do this shit for a living, I know what it is. BULLSHIT.

I agree. There are more important things...like, did Bill Maher use a teleprompter when he made that comment.
OH, here comes to faux outrage from the right trying to falsely demonize the left. Yawn. Comedy, enough said
We don't have to demonize the left. You fucking idiots do quite well proving you're fucking idiots everyday.
I don't seem to see very many politicians bringing their HEALTHY babies to EVERY political event so WHY does she bring her Down's baby EVERYWHERE with her like some kind of fucking PROP!!!???

My senator also has a child with downs, and you hardly see her bringing him out. She keeps him or her ( I can't remember sex) behind the scenes, which is what you do when you are a mother. You don't put your children in a postion to be attacked.

Remember Sen Rick Santori (or whatever his last name is), who is now a FOX pundit BRAGGING about bringing his wife's still born fetus home for his children to see and touch before they had a funeral?

This seems to be a Republican thing. Very odd. :cuckoo:
What's odd is disgusting immoral gay freaks raising children in that disgusting environment, eh Iwannabeaguy?

You're such a fucking dipshit!
My senator also has a child with downs, and you hardly see her bringing him out. She keeps him or her ( I can't remember sex) behind the scenes, which is what you do when you are a mother. You don't put your children in a postion to be attacked.

Remember Sen Rick Santori (or whatever his last name is), who is now a FOX pundit BRAGGING about bringing his wife's still born fetus home for his children to see and touch before they had a funeral?

This seems to be a Republican thing. Very odd. :cuckoo:
What's odd is disgusting immoral gay freaks raising children in that disgusting environment, eh Iwannabeaguy?

You're such a fucking dipshit!


would you rather live in a house with two loving, functional gay people or a house with a man and a woman who constantly fight and hit each other?
No, but she doesn't need to use him as an instrument to score political points.

She doesn't. She travels. He's her kid. She takes him along. She would do the same if he were healthy.

Look. You guys fucking HATE her! We get it!

She's no longer in office and she will not be the nominee. You won. Enjoy.

Keep making fun of her hair, how she quit her job, her palm-reading, her lousy interview skills and her job at Faux News. They're all lame-ass old jokes by now, but what the hell.

"At long last, have you no shame?"

Oh give me a FUCKING BREAK!!!! She could leave her child BACK STAGE rather than having her younger daughter flop him around like a bag of flour!!!
So, buddy, I guess the same should apply to Obama's incompetent ass. How many times as he dragged his kids out in the spotlight?

I guess the rules should only apply to Palin because you can't stand the fact that she tells it like it is. Tells us the truth about Obama being an abject failure who is pissing this great country down the toilet.

Shall I get the videos of the Obama's parading their kids all over the place?....How about we get the interview out where one of them started saying things the Obama's didn't want the public to hear, and Obama covered her mouth. Seriously buddy, I think we can easily prove the Obama's use their kids as props far more than Palin EVER HAS!

But you guys go ahead and keep attacking Palin's children. It only makes you people look like complete idiots, and only strenghtens Palin's resolve. As she continually proves, she's far above those who are doing the attacking!

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