Unbelievable: Terrorist Earns Hebrew U. Doctorate

His name is Adal Hidmi, for the 1000 time

Adal is going to be a very useful asset, Lipush. He will surely be contacted for his talent and when he is? They are going down just like he is. But I'd let him run loose out there and track him - sure - why not - he is the right kind of bait and will surely bring in quite a few bad guys.
Palestine is his home, whatever you may call him. Why dont you go back to where you were born? He has blood ties to the land and its people, that is more than can be said about you.

That isn't true, Sherri, so you should not be saying it here. Lipush is a Jew. The Jews have been on the earth for over 6000 years. The land of Israel has been their land for past 4000 yrs with a period of separation from their land.

Your muslim terrorists religion has only been around since 570 A.D. Islam is one of the newer religions. There was no such thing as a Muslim or Islam or a flight on a horse to Jerusalem fairy tales when some of Lipushs relatives were tending to their olive trees and such.

Truth is your friends do not have any legitimate claim to Israeli land or Jerusalem. It isn't theirs to claim. It belongs to the Jews.


Wow, you call all that garbage you posted truth? Nothing I said in my post was a lie, your first false statement is calling me a liar. God owns the land, not certain races or peoples. That is a second lie. A third lie, you calling me a Muslim. I am a Christian, that means I believe in Jesus, one you know nothing about, being a Zionist as you first and foremost see yourself as. A fourth lie, claiming Lipush has the ties to Palestine you claim she has, she has none. She was born on another continent with no ties to Jews who you claim lived in the land 6000 years ago. A fifth lie, slandering Muslims who have lived since 570 AD by calling them all terrorists. I am sure I have not identified all your lies. But back to the thread, we are speaking of an Arab in what I shall call Pa lestine because that has been the name of the land since 400 BC. He has lived his whole life under Occupation and been treated as a dog, with unequal rights. He has been unlawfully treated in every conceivable fashion, but he has struggled to survive and overcome and remain steadfast. And he has earned a Doctorate degree And I see GOd and Gods blessings written all over this mans life. God is good, thank you God for blessing this man with continuing life and this degree he worked so hard for. To God is owed all the glory and praise. Sherri
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Every word of it is true, Sherri. Where is your rebuttal? Where did I say in 500 A.D. all Muslims were terrorists, Sherri? Another lie. Mohammad was not even born until 570 A.D. He didn't take Mecca until 622 A.D. and I'm not quite sure when he made the claim on Jerusalem but we are talking recent history here in the scope of how old the Hebrew race and Israel is.

We are speaking about one specific terrorist, the one you are praying to G-d of Israel for success. Oh the irony of that one. Praying for a terrorist to be successful. Thanks for your honesty. At least people can see what they are dealing with here. - Jeri
Palestine is his home, whatever you may call him. Why dont you go back to where you were born? He has blood ties to the land and its people, that is more than can be said about you.

That isn't true, Sherri, so you should not be saying it here. Lipush is a Jew. The Jews have been on the earth for over 6000 years. The land of Israel has been their land for past 4000 yrs with a period of separation from their land.

Your muslim terrorists religion has only been around since 570 A.D. Islam is one of the newer religions. There was no such thing as a Muslim or Islam or a flight on a horse to Jerusalem fairy tales when some of Lipushs relatives were tending to their olive trees and such.

Truth is your friends do not have any legitimate claim to Israeli land or Jerusalem. It isn't theirs to claim. It belongs to the Jews.


Wow, you call all that garbage you posted truth? Nothing I said in my post was a lie, your first false statement is calling me a liar. God owns the land, not certain races or peoples. That is a second lie. A third lie, you calling me a Muslim. I am a Christian, that means I believe in Jesus, one you know nothing about, being a Zionist as you first and foremost see yourself as. A fourth lie, claiming Lipush has the ties to Palestine you claim she has, she has none. She was born on another continent with no ties to Jews who you claim lived in the land 6000 years ago. A fifth lie, slandering Muslims who have lived since 500 AD by calling them all terrorists. I am sure I have not identified all your lies. But back to the thread, we are speaking of an Arab in what I shall call Pa lestine because that has been the name of the land since 400 BC. He has lived his whole life under Occupation and been treated as a dog, with unequal rights. He has been unlawfully treated in every conceivable fashion, but he has struggled to survive and overcome and remain steadfast. And he has earned a Doctorate degree And I see GOd and Gods blessings written all over this mans life. God is good, thank you God for blessing this man with continuing life and this degree he worked so hard for. To God is owed all the glory and praise. Sherri

What's the difference Sherri? Lipush is an Israeli living in Israel . You can call the land Palestine, but you are just living in a world of delusions, because the land is now called Israel, weather you like it or not.
Thread reopened. Violative posts removed. Kindly stay "On Topic".

The Administration and the Moderation Team are serious in their efforts to have a civil discourse as it pertains to the OP and any further posts which violate Zone 2 rules will be viewed in a more serious manner where infractions will be administered on a case by case basis.
Palestine is his home, whatever you may call him. Why dont you go back to where you were born? He has blood ties to the land and its people, that is more than can be said about you.

That isn't true, Sherri, so you should not be saying it here. Lipush is a Jew. The Jews have been on the earth for over 6000 years. The land of Israel has been their land for past 4000 yrs with a period of separation from their land.

Your muslim terrorists religion has only been around since 570 A.D. Islam is one of the newer religions. There was no such thing as a Muslim or Islam or a flight on a horse to Jerusalem fairy tales when some of Lipushs relatives were tending to their olive trees and such.

Truth is your friends do not have any legitimate claim to Israeli land or Jerusalem. It isn't theirs to claim. It belongs to the Jews.


Wow, you call all that garbage you posted truth? Nothing I said in my post was a lie, your first false statement is calling me a liar. God owns the land, not certain races or peoples. That is a second lie. A third lie, you calling me a Muslim. I am a Christian, that means I believe in Jesus, one you know nothing about, being a Zionist as you first and foremost see yourself as. A fourth lie, claiming Lipush has the ties to Palestine you claim she has, she has none. She was born on another continent with no ties to Jews who you claim lived in the land 6000 years ago. A fifth lie, slandering Muslims who have lived since 500 AD by calling them all terrorists. I am sure I have not identified all your lies. But back to the thread, we are speaking of an Arab in what I shall call Pa lestine because that has been the name of the land since 400 BC. He has lived his whole life under Occupation and been treated as a dog, with unequal rights. He has been unlawfully treated in every conceivable fashion, but he has struggled to survive and overcome and remain steadfast. And he has earned a Doctorate degree And I see GOd and Gods blessings written all over this mans life. God is good, thank you God for blessing this man with continuing life and this degree he worked so hard for. To God is owed all the glory and praise. Sherri

You don't know anything about me, so shut upppp!
I think this man who earned this degree living under Apartheid as he has and overcoming so many struggles should be given an international award for his accomplishments. He is a testimony of samud, Palestinians remaining steadfast as they live with Apartheid and inequality.
Israel Bars New Palestinian Students From Its Universities, Citing Concern Over Security

ANATA, West Bank, Oct. 9 — Sawsan Salameh, a Palestinian from the West Bank, was thrilled to get a full scholarship from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem to begin a doctorate in theoretical chemistry.Enlarge This ImageRina Castelnuovo for The New York TimesSawsan Salameh in the municipal council office in Anata. She hopes to earn a doctorate in chemistry at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.But a recent move by the Israeli Army to ban new Palestinian students from Israeli universities for security reasons is keeping her from studying at the campus, just two miles from her home.Gisha calls upon*Israel*not to prevent Palestinian students from studying just because they are Palestinian,” said the group’s director, Sari Bashi. “No one should be denied access to education based on his or her national identity.”The practice of reviewing student permits has been in effect since 2001, the last time any new Palestinian student was granted a permit, officials said. But before the outright ban began this summer, the army reviewed requests case by case, something it says it will not do now. Gisha is asking that individual reviews be restored.The official ban comes before the beginning of the Israeli academic year at the end of October. But in effect it dates from the Palestinian uprising that began in the fall of 2000." http://www.nytimes.com/2006/10/11/world/middleeast/11palestinians.html?_r=0.
Palestine is his home, whatever you may call him. Why dont you go back to where you were born? He has blood ties to the land and its people, that is more than can be said about you.

Please tell me how you know he has blood ties to the land ?

What a bigotry mindset you have. You are essentially saying that only people with blood ties to the land should live there.
Now, it is clear why this story is being reported, to justify keeping new Palestinian students from attending this college.
A Palestinian gets a degree from an Israeli university, and Sherri still finds some way to distort the truth and vilify Israel. Disgusting
Because she cannot believe a poor arab is capable of doing such thing.

It's only Israelis who are the bad guys.

Anyone stating something else is obviously lying.

A terrorist who served two prison terms for involvement in terrorism, including a plot to carry out a suicide bombing, has been awarded his doctorate in chemistry from Hebrew University, Maariv reports.

The terrorist is an Israeli citizen and a resident of eastern Jerusalem.

During the graduation ceremony in Hebrew University’s Har Hatzofim campus he refused to shake hands with Hebrew University President Professor Menachem Ben-Sasson. His name was read aloud at the ceremony and he was applauded by the crowd.

He began working on his doctorate prior to his second terror conviction, several years after serving time in prison for membership in a terrorist organization. He did his research in the Hebrew University laboratories.

At the same time, he was in close touch with local terrorist groups and assisted them in plotting a suicide bombing attack in Jerusalem. He assisted in finding a young Arab man to carry out the planned attack.

The bombing was planned in August 2002, shortly after a terrorist bombed a Hebrew University cafeteria, murdering nine students and staff members.

Terrorist Earns Hebrew U. PhD, Refuses Handshake - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News


Have we gone completely mad?!

Liberal Jewish policies aren't any better than the liberal American, French, British, Swedish or German policies.

Whether they take a hardline or softline on the Palestinians, they will still seek Israel's destruction. Promote the hardline. I have strong, yet secret, plan to push out the Arabs from Eastern Jerusalem and move Jews in!
Now, it is clear why this story is being reported, to justify keeping new Palestinian students from attending this college.

Palestinians shouldn't be allowed in the country much less attend the fine educational institutions in Israel. Bravo to Israel for keeping new terrorist out of their country. Fuck the PC bullshit. Educating future terrorist isn't a high risk with no reward!

If only America would toss out the PC bull shit and stop handing out student VISAs to Muslims and ban Muslim immigration, then the Boston Bombing, Fort Hood Massacure and other similar attacks wouldn't have occured.
Parts of the campuses are in Occupied Palestine, so what could be more natural then Palestinians attending the campuses in East Jerusalem. And the student here is an Israeli citizen, he should be free to attend Israeli colleges. I cant believe all this support for Apartheid practices on this board.
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I see any Palestinian's graduation as a a cause for celebration. Wonderful to hear an unnamed and demonized and persecuted man like this overcome all these Injustices of Occupation and earn a degree. God bless him. An accomplishment like this is like a man surviving living in a concentration camp in Nazi Germany. Sherri

So do you hate Jews for religious reasons, or is it some sort of jealousy thing?

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