

Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
standing in Washington National Cathederal Eulogizing your father and using it to bash Trump!

Garbage in garbage out!
This is the desperation the Global Socialists have dropped down to. I get the feeling American voters are no longer interested in being lectured to. They see Trump taking on everybody and the U.S economy is booming.

When Trump said that the U.S went through "the greatest redistribution of wealth in the history of the world", he wasn't kidding. American jobs and wealth have been scattered everywhere else but America. He's turning back the clock on this abuse, nobody else would have.

They can cry and pretend that Trump is to blame for the worlds problems. The average American couldn't care less about their political theatre.
standing in Washington National Cathederal Eulogizing your father and using it to bash Trump!

Garbage in garbage out!

The Left are garbage. I caught a few minutes on ABC and THEY were bashing Trump during the McCain funeral. Proof again that the McCain family is trash and anyone who thought McCain was some great senator is an idiot. If McCain had been a stout Trump supporter, the media wouldn't even be covering the funeral-- -- they would have put John in his pine box and shoveled him into the ground w/o fanfare.
The abuse was pushed as it was good for the world, rather than for our country. Sorry, I was born American, and I want to see our country thrive. If other countries would follow our example, they very well could be , too. Forcing us to live as others to help others, supposedly, does nothing to help either.
This is the desperation the Global Socialists have dropped down to. I get the feeling American voters are no longer interested in being lectured to. They see Trump taking on everybody and the U.S economy is booming.

When Trump said that the U.S went through "the greatest redistribution of wealth in the history of the world", he wasn't kidding. American jobs and wealth have been scattered everywhere else but America. He's turning back the clock on this abuse, nobody else would have.

They can cry and pretend that Trump is to blame for the worlds problems. The average American couldn't care less about their political theatre.
standing in Washington National Cathederal Eulogizing your father and using it to bash Trump!

Garbage in garbage out!
President Clinton and Hillary there ; Dubya and Laura there; President Obama and Michelle there!

And Dumpf is NOT there!!! I love it!!
standing in Washington National Cathederal Eulogizing your father and using it to bash Trump!

Garbage in garbage out!

Frankly, I thought people were too RESTRAINED. Their shots should have been harder.
That's what eulogizing a man's life is all about? Having his friends and family lash out for political advantage? Truly and utterly, PATHETIC.
The abuse was pushed as it was good for the world, rather than for our country. Sorry, I was born American, and I want to see our country thrive. If other countries would follow our example, they very well could be , too. Forcing us to live as others to help others, supposedly, does nothing to help either.
This is the desperation the Global Socialists have dropped down to. I get the feeling American voters are no longer interested in being lectured to. They see Trump taking on everybody and the U.S economy is booming.

When Trump said that the U.S went through "the greatest redistribution of wealth in the history of the world", he wasn't kidding. American jobs and wealth have been scattered everywhere else but America. He's turning back the clock on this abuse, nobody else would have.

They can cry and pretend that Trump is to blame for the worlds problems. The average American couldn't care less about their political theatre.

Hey geniuses C A N A D A is our biggest trading partner. (Well it MIGHT have been supplanted by China recently). So we, by proxy, let Trump tell them to go fuck themselves? Seriously, we really wanna do that? As for OUR wealth distribution, get a grip. AMERICANS own it. Well, unless the WALTONS and GATES and Bezos and Zuckerbergs and Buffets Kochs and Bloombergs all have CITIZENSHIP in other countries I'm not familiar with.

Trump is an ASS. Enjoy SHORT TERM GAINS while you can get them. We're about to start a new cold war with China! How much is your kids plastic toy truck or your IPhone or PC gonna cost if CHINA can find more trading partners around the world? Good news, I think they were still BUYING our debt. (And they have a lot more to buy since Trump).

Wealth distribution in the United States in 2017
Share of the population ranked by household income Share of total wealth

Lowest 70% 6.9%
Top 20% 87%
Top 10% 75%
Top 1% 35.5%

U.S. wealth distribution in 2017 | Statistic
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