'Uncaring' 911 dispatcher lectures drowning woman moments before she died

She was 47 years old, a person should have a brain at that age. Again can you tell me the min of the rude 911 operator. I must of missed it?
The 911 operator is there to help save her life. Not to lecture or demean her. You must have suffered through a horrible, horrible life that you can't see the problem here.

She did everything possible to save the woman’s life. Being polite would not have changed the outcome
She did everything possible to save the woman’s life. Being polite would not have changed the outcome
You are invariably on the wrong side of every issue but this time you've really gone the extra mile of idiocy.

Being polite, supportive and helpful instead of demeaning, bullying and accusatory might well have saved this woman's life but we'll never know that now because the woman is dead.

A dispatcher's job is to comfort and gain the trust and cooperation of people in imminent danger. Not to lecture and demean them. If this evil bitch of a dispatcher could have become a life line to this woman maybe she could have gained her trust and cooperation and talked her onto the hood of her auto, even though she was frightened to death of drowning.

But as I said, we'll never know that now because instead of calming the woman down she was lecturing her and stoking the fear of death in her by telling her that her stupidity was endangering the lives of rescuers as well as her own....just what every panic stricken person wants to hear while staring death in the face.

Only you know why you would take the side of this uncaring incompetent evil bitch. What happened in your life that you are utterly devoid of compassion?
Just remember, this type of callous disregard for life will be in your future if you ever have Nationalized Healthcare.
If I'm not mistaken, that happened here in America where we don't have nationalised healthcare, not in Canada where you do.

Can you explain that in light of your comment above?
Missing the point here, why did it take so long for the first res ponders to arrive on the scene?
I didn't hear anything uncaring. She should of got out of the car and stood on top. I heard her at 22 mins as well.

Perhaps you can tell me the min on the video of her being rude.

Stevens pleaded for help and prayer but received a lecture: "Well this will teach you, next time don't drive in the water," Reneau responds. "I don't see how you didn't see it, you had to go right over it, so."
I'm sure she didn't plan either.

The issue isn't the value of the product once you need it, the issue is how many safety products one would have to have on hand for every potential emergency situation.
In her case she was deathly afraid of water and couldn't swim so this hammer wouldn't solve that problem.
But for anyone else it's a handy tool and doubles as a self defense weapon. I think it's very handy.

It's actually why nearly every folding knife you buy these days has a round stud with a point on the pommel, to break windows as escape a flooded car.

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