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Uncomfortable FACT about Ferguson for conservatives...

I think people like the op should take up a collection and erect a statue of Brown. they have him made into a Saint

The only one treated like a saint is officer Wilson. He was allowed to testify for hours unchallenged and without cross examination. His every word was considered absolute truth. THAT is not how our justice system is supposed to work.

It was a clear case of GOVERNMENT covering up for GOVERNMENT, and you right wing turds are totally embracing every single aspect of this GOVERNMENT abuse of power.

oh sure it was. your thread should be moved into the Conspiracy forum.
And while you're at it. You all should erect a statue of O.J Simpson. You have a thing for black thugs. who attack and kill others as long as they GET AWAY with it

OJ was found not guilty by a jury. Wilson was not indicted by a grand jury.
The narrative that Wilson tried to hit the two young men with his SUV was provided by Brown's little buddy, Dorian Johnson. Your problem with his testimony is that Dorian has a bad habit of lying his ass off to make himself look good. If you'll recall, Johnson originally said that he met up with Michael Brown outside of the convenience store. When it became public knowledge that there was a tape showing what happened inside of the store that day, Johnson changed that story completely, admitting he was in the store with Brown but that he (Johnson) didn't steal anything.

The more I read you posts here, it is clear you are a real piece of shit. Comparing human beings to hunting wild animals.

Wilson was not hunting wild animals. His job was to arrest and then let a judge and/or jury decide guilt or innocence and hand out proper justice. Wilson served as judge, jury and executioner. He executed a human being. This cop refused carry or use non lethal weapons or drive away and allow backup to arrive. He testified that a tazer was too cumbersome and pepper spray might get in his eyes. He made NO effort to seek a non lethal way to resolve this confrontation. He is not a peace officer. He is a thug with a badge.

I never said that Wilson was hunting animals. I simply made the point that someone can run quite a distance when shot. The fact that you turned what I said into my calling Michael Brown an animal shows just how over the top you're willing to go with this whole thing!

Officer Wilson didn't serve as "judge, jury and executioner"...he simply did his job that morning. What happened was totally the fault of the man who ended up dead on the ground. It wasn't Wilson who woke up with an attitude that day. It wasn't Wilson who decided to rob a store and push around the clerk who tried to stop him. It wasn't Wilson who decided to stroll down the center line of the street holding the cigars he's just stolen. It wasn't Wilson who refused to get out of the street. It wasn't Wilson who reached inside that SUV window and repeatedly struck a police officer. It wasn't Wilson who refused to surrender ever after being shot.

Darren Wilson had been on the job for six years and that was the first time he'd ever shot his gun. To call him a "thug with a badge" is such hyperbole that it's absurd even for you. Police don't "drive away" when they confront felons. They confront them. That's their JOB! That's what that officer did that day...HIS JOB! Nothing more...nothing less.

Michael Brown was executed. That is not the sentence for petty larceny and disobeying a police officer.

Officer Wilson's attitude created the scenario that ended with this tragedy. He rejected the use of all non lethal weapons at his disposal, because they were either too cumbersome or he might get a little pepper in his own eyes. So when a confrontation manifested, he had only ONE weapon at his disposal...a LETHAL one. There is nothing written in law that an officer can't retreat to a safe distance and wait for backup to arrive. He could have driven a few hundred feet to buy time for backup to arrive and assist in the apprehension of a UNARMED young man.

It is amazing just how incurious and unquestioning you folks are when it comes to the GOVERNMENT agencies you folks support. And it is ironic that all those agencies dole out death to citizens.

"It is the job of thinking people not to be on the side of the executioners"
Albert Camus
It's easy to be an arm chair quarterback after the incident has happened. Let's face it, MB did not react like a normal unarmed person would be expected to react to an armed cop. You don't try to overpower a cop and take his gun unless you have a death wish.
Oh my gosh didn't the ass kicking that the liberal left took last election enough for them to realize that their brand of hate no one wants? Will it take a kick in the groin to get through to them or are they just a lost cause that should be relegated to internet discussion boards for our entertainment?
Wow! An all caps meltdown this early in morning. The entire issue is not the single incident that sparked this strife but decades of asshole cops treating the black community like garbage. At this point the Brown shooting is almost a side note to the greater problem of militant police regularly getting away with brutality and murder because they wear a badge. A lot of people on both sides of this have acted terribly but the question of bad police conduct has been allowed to fester for so long that they have lost the moral high ground that is necessary to do their job.
YOU are the fuckers MELTING DOWN. You can't speak the TRUTH any more than you can SHOOT THE MOON.


Where's your FAKE OUTRAGE over that?

The problem isn't COPS and their treatment of BLACKS. If you liberal JACKASSES were actually HONEST, you'd admit that the ROOT of the problem is with BLACK PEOPLE THEMSELVES. They have a SERIOUS problem of children born out of wedlock and raised with no father or family. They're taught to hate whitey from the day they were born. They're taught how to live on welfare and vote for democrats. They're victims of their own making but trying to blame someone else. Sounds a HELL of a lot like someone else we know in the WHITE HOUSE.
The root of their problems is intractable poverty over generations, people of all races act exactly the same when the place they live is full of poverty with no hope that it will ever change.
And WHY are they in poverty? There has to be a reason for that?

Could it be they've been DUPED into voting for people that have promised to help them but HAVEN'T... for DECADES? How about that?

Maybe blacks should stop voting for democrats.
Blacks are voting exactly how Lyndon Johnson said they would vote for 200 years.

And all he had to do is give them a little something, but not enough to make a difference. Meanwhile the party of Lincoln won a war freeing them, go figure.
It made enough of one to get what he said.
The narrative that Wilson tried to hit the two young men with his SUV was provided by Brown's little buddy, Dorian Johnson. Your problem with his testimony is that Dorian has a bad habit of lying his ass off to make himself look good. If you'll recall, Johnson originally said that he met up with Michael Brown outside of the convenience store. When it became public knowledge that there was a tape showing what happened inside of the store that day, Johnson changed that story completely, admitting he was in the store with Brown but that he (Johnson) didn't steal anything.

The more I read you posts here, it is clear you are a real piece of shit. Comparing human beings to hunting wild animals.

Wilson was not hunting wild animals. His job was to arrest and then let a judge and/or jury decide guilt or innocence and hand out proper justice. Wilson served as judge, jury and executioner. He executed a human being. This cop refused carry or use non lethal weapons or drive away and allow backup to arrive. He testified that a tazer was too cumbersome and pepper spray might get in his eyes. He made NO effort to seek a non lethal way to resolve this confrontation. He is not a peace officer. He is a thug with a badge.

I never said that Wilson was hunting animals. I simply made the point that someone can run quite a distance when shot. The fact that you turned what I said into my calling Michael Brown an animal shows just how over the top you're willing to go with this whole thing!

Officer Wilson didn't serve as "judge, jury and executioner"...he simply did his job that morning. What happened was totally the fault of the man who ended up dead on the ground. It wasn't Wilson who woke up with an attitude that day. It wasn't Wilson who decided to rob a store and push around the clerk who tried to stop him. It wasn't Wilson who decided to stroll down the center line of the street holding the cigars he's just stolen. It wasn't Wilson who refused to get out of the street. It wasn't Wilson who reached inside that SUV window and repeatedly struck a police officer. It wasn't Wilson who refused to surrender ever after being shot.

Darren Wilson had been on the job for six years and that was the first time he'd ever shot his gun. To call him a "thug with a badge" is such hyperbole that it's absurd even for you. Police don't "drive away" when they confront felons. They confront them. That's their JOB! That's what that officer did that day...HIS JOB! Nothing more...nothing less.

Michael Brown was executed. That is not the sentence for petty larceny and disobeying a police officer.

Officer Wilson's attitude created the scenario that ended with this tragedy. He rejected the use of all non lethal weapons at his disposal, because they were either too cumbersome or he might get a little pepper in his own eyes. So when a confrontation manifested, he had only ONE weapon at his disposal...a LETHAL one. There is nothing written in law that an officer can't retreat to a safe distance and wait for backup to arrive. He could have driven a few hundred feet to buy time for backup to arrive and assist in the apprehension of a UNARMED young man.

It is amazing just how incurious and unquestioning you folks are when it comes to the GOVERNMENT agencies you folks support. And it is ironic that all those agencies dole out death to citizens.

"It is the job of thinking people not to be on the side of the executioners"
Albert Camus
It's easy to be an arm chair quarterback after the incident has happened. Let's face it, MB did not react like a normal unarmed person would be expected to react to an armed cop. You don't try to overpower a cop and take his gun unless you have a death wish.

And lets face this...Wilson's rejection of the use of non lethal weapons at his disposal because they were too inconvenient made this outcome inevitable.
Just so we get this fact clear going forward...

YOU folks on the right are supporting GOVERNMENT over individuals and over people.

However you want to twist it, that is an irrefutable FACT...

The history of mankind has been a struggle between those who want to increase freedom, opportunity and rights to all people and those who want to restrict them. The people who have always fought to increase freedom, opportunity and rights are liberals. The people who have fought to restrict them are conservatives.

Just giving you an update here. I've been keeping a close eye on things an this thread is still the most idiotic thread ever posted. Here's hoping for a long run.
Just so we get this fact clear going forward...

YOU folks on the right are supporting GOVERNMENT over individuals and over people.

However you want to twist it, that is an irrefutable FACT...

The history of mankind has been a struggle between those who want to increase freedom, opportunity and rights to all people and those who want to restrict them. The people who have always fought to increase freedom, opportunity and rights are liberals. The people who have fought to restrict them are conservatives.

Just giving you an update here. I've been keeping a close eye on things an this thread is still the most idiotic thread ever posted. Here's hoping for a long run.

Well coming from a pea brain like you makes it a complement.
Just so we get this fact clear going forward...

YOU folks on the right are supporting GOVERNMENT over individuals and over people.

However you want to twist it, that is an irrefutable FACT...

The history of mankind has been a struggle between those who want to increase freedom, opportunity and rights to all people and those who want to restrict them. The people who have always fought to increase freedom, opportunity and rights are liberals. The people who have fought to restrict them are conservatives.

Just giving you an update here. I've been keeping a close eye on things an this thread is still the most idiotic thread ever posted. Here's hoping for a long run.

Well coming from a pea brain like you makes it a complement.

Wow! I'm burned by your blazing wit!
The narrative that Wilson tried to hit the two young men with his SUV was provided by Brown's little buddy, Dorian Johnson. Your problem with his testimony is that Dorian has a bad habit of lying his ass off to make himself look good. If you'll recall, Johnson originally said that he met up with Michael Brown outside of the convenience store. When it became public knowledge that there was a tape showing what happened inside of the store that day, Johnson changed that story completely, admitting he was in the store with Brown but that he (Johnson) didn't steal anything.

The more I read you posts here, it is clear you are a real piece of shit. Comparing human beings to hunting wild animals.

Wilson was not hunting wild animals. His job was to arrest and then let a judge and/or jury decide guilt or innocence and hand out proper justice. Wilson served as judge, jury and executioner. He executed a human being. This cop refused carry or use non lethal weapons or drive away and allow backup to arrive. He testified that a tazer was too cumbersome and pepper spray might get in his eyes. He made NO effort to seek a non lethal way to resolve this confrontation. He is not a peace officer. He is a thug with a badge.

I never said that Wilson was hunting animals. I simply made the point that someone can run quite a distance when shot. The fact that you turned what I said into my calling Michael Brown an animal shows just how over the top you're willing to go with this whole thing!

Officer Wilson didn't serve as "judge, jury and executioner"...he simply did his job that morning. What happened was totally the fault of the man who ended up dead on the ground. It wasn't Wilson who woke up with an attitude that day. It wasn't Wilson who decided to rob a store and push around the clerk who tried to stop him. It wasn't Wilson who decided to stroll down the center line of the street holding the cigars he's just stolen. It wasn't Wilson who refused to get out of the street. It wasn't Wilson who reached inside that SUV window and repeatedly struck a police officer. It wasn't Wilson who refused to surrender ever after being shot.

Darren Wilson had been on the job for six years and that was the first time he'd ever shot his gun. To call him a "thug with a badge" is such hyperbole that it's absurd even for you. Police don't "drive away" when they confront felons. They confront them. That's their JOB! That's what that officer did that day...HIS JOB! Nothing more...nothing less.

Michael Brown was executed. That is not the sentence for petty larceny and disobeying a police officer.

Officer Wilson's attitude created the scenario that ended with this tragedy. He rejected the use of all non lethal weapons at his disposal, because they were either too cumbersome or he might get a little pepper in his own eyes. So when a confrontation manifested, he had only ONE weapon at his disposal...a LETHAL one. There is nothing written in law that an officer can't retreat to a safe distance and wait for backup to arrive. He could have driven a few hundred feet to buy time for backup to arrive and assist in the apprehension of a UNARMED young man.

It is amazing just how incurious and unquestioning you folks are when it comes to the GOVERNMENT agencies you folks support. And it is ironic that all those agencies dole out death to citizens.

"It is the job of thinking people not to be on the side of the executioners"
Albert Camus

Micheal Brown didn't "disobey" a police officer...Michael Brown committed assault and battery on a police officer! Michael Brown tried to wrestle a police officer's gun away from him after striking him! What part of that concept don't you grasp? Do you think somehow that there should have been a "trial" conducted in the midst of that fight to determine what Officer Wilson's response was allowed to be? How does that work in your naive little world, Bfgrn? I'd really like to know...
Officer Martin "could" have taken a page out of Governor Nixon'
The narrative that Wilson tried to hit the two young men with his SUV was provided by Brown's little buddy, Dorian Johnson. Your problem with his testimony is that Dorian has a bad habit of lying his ass off to make himself look good. If you'll recall, Johnson originally said that he met up with Michael Brown outside of the convenience store. When it became public knowledge that there was a tape showing what happened inside of the store that day, Johnson changed that story completely, admitting he was in the store with Brown but that he (Johnson) didn't steal anything.

The more I read you posts here, it is clear you are a real piece of shit. Comparing human beings to hunting wild animals.

Wilson was not hunting wild animals. His job was to arrest and then let a judge and/or jury decide guilt or innocence and hand out proper justice. Wilson served as judge, jury and executioner. He executed a human being. This cop refused carry or use non lethal weapons or drive away and allow backup to arrive. He testified that a tazer was too cumbersome and pepper spray might get in his eyes. He made NO effort to seek a non lethal way to resolve this confrontation. He is not a peace officer. He is a thug with a badge.

I never said that Wilson was hunting animals. I simply made the point that someone can run quite a distance when shot. The fact that you turned what I said into my calling Michael Brown an animal shows just how over the top you're willing to go with this whole thing!

Officer Wilson didn't serve as "judge, jury and executioner"...he simply did his job that morning. What happened was totally the fault of the man who ended up dead on the ground. It wasn't Wilson who woke up with an attitude that day. It wasn't Wilson who decided to rob a store and push around the clerk who tried to stop him. It wasn't Wilson who decided to stroll down the center line of the street holding the cigars he's just stolen. It wasn't Wilson who refused to get out of the street. It wasn't Wilson who reached inside that SUV window and repeatedly struck a police officer. It wasn't Wilson who refused to surrender ever after being shot.

Darren Wilson had been on the job for six years and that was the first time he'd ever shot his gun. To call him a "thug with a badge" is such hyperbole that it's absurd even for you. Police don't "drive away" when they confront felons. They confront them. That's their JOB! That's what that officer did that day...HIS JOB! Nothing more...nothing less.

Michael Brown was executed. That is not the sentence for petty larceny and disobeying a police officer.

Officer Wilson's attitude created the scenario that ended with this tragedy. He rejected the use of all non lethal weapons at his disposal, because they were either too cumbersome or he might get a little pepper in his own eyes. So when a confrontation manifested, he had only ONE weapon at his disposal...a LETHAL one. There is nothing written in law that an officer can't retreat to a safe distance and wait for backup to arrive. He could have driven a few hundred feet to buy time for backup to arrive and assist in the apprehension of a UNARMED young man.

It is amazing just how incurious and unquestioning you folks are when it comes to the GOVERNMENT agencies you folks support. And it is ironic that all those agencies dole out death to citizens.

"It is the job of thinking people not to be on the side of the executioners"
Albert Camus
It's easy to be an arm chair quarterback after the incident has happened. Let's face it, MB did not react like a normal unarmed person would be expected to react to an armed cop. You don't try to overpower a cop and take his gun unless you have a death wish.

And lets face this...Wilson's rejection of the use of non lethal weapons at his disposal because they were too inconvenient made this outcome inevitable.

Well let's look at the "non lethal weapons at his disposal"...shall we? He's not carrying a Taser so that's not an option. He's inside of a car at close quarters so if he does use Mace he's going to incapacitate himself nearly as much as the man punching him in the face and there is still another man (Johnson) that is unaccounted for. He can't use his wand because the interior of the SUV is too confining to swing such an implement even if he could get it free. As Wilson testified, he went with his best option at the time which was his firearm and he had an extremely hard time getting that into play even then. It turned into a wrestling match between him and Michael Brown...a wrestling match that could have gone the other way. Bear in mind that during this entire situation, Officer Wilson has no idea at all whether or not Brown or Johnson are armed. One or both of them might very well be carrying a knife or a firearm. He has no way of knowing. How stupid would you be to pull your Mace when you're facing someone with a gun?
shitstain.....A 6-4 300 LBS black goon attacking you in your police car and grabbing for your gun crosses the non-lethal barrier in a split second....it is now lethal force time.

It became clearly apparent deadly force was required when the goon charged the police officer with a gun pointed at him.

The narrative that Wilson tried to hit the two young men with his SUV was provided by Brown's little buddy, Dorian Johnson. Your problem with his testimony is that Dorian has a bad habit of lying his ass off to make himself look good. If you'll recall, Johnson originally said that he met up with Michael Brown outside of the convenience store. When it became public knowledge that there was a tape showing what happened inside of the store that day, Johnson changed that story completely, admitting he was in the store with Brown but that he (Johnson) didn't steal anything.

The more I read you posts here, it is clear you are a real piece of shit. Comparing human beings to hunting wild animals.

Wilson was not hunting wild animals. His job was to arrest and then let a judge and/or jury decide guilt or innocence and hand out proper justice. Wilson served as judge, jury and executioner. He executed a human being. This cop refused carry or use non lethal weapons or drive away and allow backup to arrive. He testified that a tazer was too cumbersome and pepper spray might get in his eyes. He made NO effort to seek a non lethal way to resolve this confrontation. He is not a peace officer. He is a thug with a badge.

I never said that Wilson was hunting animals. I simply made the point that someone can run quite a distance when shot. The fact that you turned what I said into my calling Michael Brown an animal shows just how over the top you're willing to go with this whole thing!

Officer Wilson didn't serve as "judge, jury and executioner"...he simply did his job that morning. What happened was totally the fault of the man who ended up dead on the ground. It wasn't Wilson who woke up with an attitude that day. It wasn't Wilson who decided to rob a store and push around the clerk who tried to stop him. It wasn't Wilson who decided to stroll down the center line of the street holding the cigars he's just stolen. It wasn't Wilson who refused to get out of the street. It wasn't Wilson who reached inside that SUV window and repeatedly struck a police officer. It wasn't Wilson who refused to surrender ever after being shot.

Darren Wilson had been on the job for six years and that was the first time he'd ever shot his gun. To call him a "thug with a badge" is such hyperbole that it's absurd even for you. Police don't "drive away" when they confront felons. They confront them. That's their JOB! That's what that officer did that day...HIS JOB! Nothing more...nothing less.

Michael Brown was executed. That is not the sentence for petty larceny and disobeying a police officer.

Officer Wilson's attitude created the scenario that ended with this tragedy. He rejected the use of all non lethal weapons at his disposal, because they were either too cumbersome or he might get a little pepper in his own eyes. So when a confrontation manifested, he had only ONE weapon at his disposal...a LETHAL one. There is nothing written in law that an officer can't retreat to a safe distance and wait for backup to arrive. He could have driven a few hundred feet to buy time for backup to arrive and assist in the apprehension of a UNARMED young man.

It is amazing just how incurious and unquestioning you folks are when it comes to the GOVERNMENT agencies you folks support. And it is ironic that all those agencies dole out death to citizens.

"It is the job of thinking people not to be on the side of the executioners"
Albert Camus
It's easy to be an arm chair quarterback after the incident has happened. Let's face it, MB did not react like a normal unarmed person would be expected to react to an armed cop. You don't try to overpower a cop and take his gun unless you have a death wish.

And lets face this...Wilson's rejection of the use of non lethal weapons at his disposal because they were too inconvenient made this outcome inevitable.
That shithead (Bfgrn) is just too stupid to understand the concept of defending your own life from a criminal.

Officer Martin "could" have taken a page out of Governor Nixon'
The more I read you posts here, it is clear you are a real piece of shit. Comparing human beings to hunting wild animals.

Wilson was not hunting wild animals. His job was to arrest and then let a judge and/or jury decide guilt or innocence and hand out proper justice. Wilson served as judge, jury and executioner. He executed a human being. This cop refused carry or use non lethal weapons or drive away and allow backup to arrive. He testified that a tazer was too cumbersome and pepper spray might get in his eyes. He made NO effort to seek a non lethal way to resolve this confrontation. He is not a peace officer. He is a thug with a badge.

I never said that Wilson was hunting animals. I simply made the point that someone can run quite a distance when shot. The fact that you turned what I said into my calling Michael Brown an animal shows just how over the top you're willing to go with this whole thing!

Officer Wilson didn't serve as "judge, jury and executioner"...he simply did his job that morning. What happened was totally the fault of the man who ended up dead on the ground. It wasn't Wilson who woke up with an attitude that day. It wasn't Wilson who decided to rob a store and push around the clerk who tried to stop him. It wasn't Wilson who decided to stroll down the center line of the street holding the cigars he's just stolen. It wasn't Wilson who refused to get out of the street. It wasn't Wilson who reached inside that SUV window and repeatedly struck a police officer. It wasn't Wilson who refused to surrender ever after being shot.

Darren Wilson had been on the job for six years and that was the first time he'd ever shot his gun. To call him a "thug with a badge" is such hyperbole that it's absurd even for you. Police don't "drive away" when they confront felons. They confront them. That's their JOB! That's what that officer did that day...HIS JOB! Nothing more...nothing less.

Michael Brown was executed. That is not the sentence for petty larceny and disobeying a police officer.

Officer Wilson's attitude created the scenario that ended with this tragedy. He rejected the use of all non lethal weapons at his disposal, because they were either too cumbersome or he might get a little pepper in his own eyes. So when a confrontation manifested, he had only ONE weapon at his disposal...a LETHAL one. There is nothing written in law that an officer can't retreat to a safe distance and wait for backup to arrive. He could have driven a few hundred feet to buy time for backup to arrive and assist in the apprehension of a UNARMED young man.

It is amazing just how incurious and unquestioning you folks are when it comes to the GOVERNMENT agencies you folks support. And it is ironic that all those agencies dole out death to citizens.

"It is the job of thinking people not to be on the side of the executioners"
Albert Camus
It's easy to be an arm chair quarterback after the incident has happened. Let's face it, MB did not react like a normal unarmed person would be expected to react to an armed cop. You don't try to overpower a cop and take his gun unless you have a death wish.

And lets face this...Wilson's rejection of the use of non lethal weapons at his disposal because they were too inconvenient made this outcome inevitable.

Well let's look at the "non lethal weapons at his disposal"...shall we? He's not carrying a Taser so that's not an option. He's inside of a car at close quarters so if he does use Mace he's going to incapacitate himself nearly as much as the man punching him in the face and there is still another man (Johnson) that is unaccounted for. He can't use his wand because the interior of the SUV is too confining to swing such an implement even if he could get it free. As Wilson testified, he went with his best option at the time which was his firearm and he had an extremely hard time getting that into play even then. It turned into a wrestling match between him and Michael Brown...a wrestling match that could have gone the other way. Bear in mind that during this entire situation, Officer Wilson has no idea at all whether or not Brown or Johnson are armed. One or both of them might very well be carrying a knife or a firearm. He has no way of knowing. How stupid would you be to pull your Mace when you're facing someone with a gun?
Guess what....the goon would still be alive today if he didn't decide to attack a police officer inside his car and later charge at that officer ignoring demands to stop.
Just so we get this fact clear going forward...

YOU folks on the right are supporting GOVERNMENT over individuals and over people.

However you want to twist it, that is an irrefutable FACT...

The history of mankind has been a struggle between those who want to increase freedom, opportunity and rights to all people and those who want to restrict them. The people who have always fought to increase freedom, opportunity and rights are liberals. The people who have fought to restrict them are conservatives.

Conservatives believe in negative liberty. Liberals believe in positive liberty. Conservatives know that if you place equality before liberty you receive neither. Liberals think that by mitigating the liberty of the individual they can increase the liberty of the whole. This is the true status of things in American politics.

Positive liberty means less government intrusion into your lives, and allowing the individual to make their own decisions, learn from their own mistakes, all without the dependency of government to do it for them.
The left always takes up a cause that is a loser. Are they helping things. No, they can't stand the decision so they just stomp their feet and accuse everyone else of being wrong.
We would have never heard of this case if it wasn't for Obama, Holder and Sharpton.

It should have stayed LOCAL MATTER

How disgusting for elected officials in government to have a hand in all this?

The citizen of Ferguson should sue everyone of the above people
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WTF? The man owed 8 million dollars in grazing fees, and he owed them because he NEVER paid those fees IN THE FIRST PLACE, when everyone else did. The land was and is not his or his family's. It belongs to you and me. And so if you lease land from the government (you and me) you pay the grazing fees. Period. End of story. Moreover, he not only grazed that land without paying for the priveledge, he overgrazed it which damaged the productivity of that land.

Grazing fees on PUBLIC land. Land that he had as much right to be on as anyone else, since he's a US Citizen. I don't believe in fees to use PUBLIC land. Then again, outside of the original contraints of Washington, DC and US Military Posts I don't believe the US Government should own any land.

He only has a right to those lands IF HE PAYS THE GRAZING FEES. If he or you don't believe in charging fees to use public lands, you can go suck eggs. That is the law. You don't get to break the law just because you don't believe in it.

Perhaps he should have been an illegal immigrant. It's rather interesting when we choose to make "obeying the law" an important issue.
WTF? The man owed 8 million dollars in grazing fees, and he owed them because he NEVER paid those fees IN THE FIRST PLACE, when everyone else did. The land was and is not his or his family's. It belongs to you and me. And so if you lease land from the government (you and me) you pay the grazing fees. Period. End of story. Moreover, he not only grazed that land without paying for the priveledge, he overgrazed it which damaged the productivity of that land.

Grazing fees on PUBLIC land. Land that he had as much right to be on as anyone else, since he's a US Citizen. I don't believe in fees to use PUBLIC land. Then again, outside of the original contraints of Washington, DC and US Military Posts I don't believe the US Government should own any land.

He only has a right to those lands IF HE PAYS THE GRAZING FEES. If he or you don't believe in charging fees to use public lands, you can go suck eggs. That is the law. You don't get to break the law just because you don't believe in it.
You are FULL OF SHIT. The so called POS government RAN ALL THE RANCHERS BUT HIM OUT OF BUSINESS. They limited the number of cows you could have to a number that is LOWER THAN THE NUMBER OF COWS A RANCHER CAN RUN A RANCH WITH. This is not about grazing fees this is about KILLING EVERY COW IN THAT AREA.

The real reason they are having difficulty is the present multiyear drought (about which nothing has been done because you wingnuts refuse to believe global warming is real and have fought every measure to mitigate it), which is wreaking havoc on the land out west. The BLM has put restrictions on the number of cattle on those lands to keep them from being overgrazed during this drought. If those restrictions were not put in place, mother nature would do the job for the government and kill every last cow on that range. And it is likely that mother nature is going to win out in the end at any rate and decimate that land, and your rancher buddy is going to be out of business (assuming the government doesn't lock him up first).
The modern American "liberal" likes to pretend that "racism" is somehow at the root of the death of that stupid lummox, Michael Brown. The fact is, of course, that the only "racism" was that or that dead dopey dildo, Brown.

As a not totally unrelated side-note, let's explore a question:

what percentage of the looters, arsonists, shooters, other assorted rioters and recently arrested scumbags in Ferguson were even residents of Ferguson?
WTF? The man owed 8 million dollars in grazing fees, and he owed them because he NEVER paid those fees IN THE FIRST PLACE, when everyone else did. The land was and is not his or his family's. It belongs to you and me. And so if you lease land from the government (you and me) you pay the grazing fees. Period. End of story. Moreover, he not only grazed that land without paying for the priveledge, he overgrazed it which damaged the productivity of that land.

Grazing fees on PUBLIC land. Land that he had as much right to be on as anyone else, since he's a US Citizen. I don't believe in fees to use PUBLIC land. Then again, outside of the original contraints of Washington, DC and US Military Posts I don't believe the US Government should own any land.

He only has a right to those lands IF HE PAYS THE GRAZING FEES. If he or you don't believe in charging fees to use public lands, you can go suck eggs. That is the law. You don't get to break the law just because you don't believe in it.

Perhaps he should have been an illegal immigrant. It's rather interesting when we choose to make "obeying the law" an important issue.

If he was an illegal immigrant, he would not have access to that land for grazing purposes.
I read that as much as 27% of those arrested were not even residents of Missouri!
WTF? The man owed 8 million dollars in grazing fees, and he owed them because he NEVER paid those fees IN THE FIRST PLACE, when everyone else did. The land was and is not his or his family's. It belongs to you and me. And so if you lease land from the government (you and me) you pay the grazing fees. Period. End of story. Moreover, he not only grazed that land without paying for the priveledge, he overgrazed it which damaged the productivity of that land.

Grazing fees on PUBLIC land. Land that he had as much right to be on as anyone else, since he's a US Citizen. I don't believe in fees to use PUBLIC land. Then again, outside of the original contraints of Washington, DC and US Military Posts I don't believe the US Government should own any land.

He only has a right to those lands IF HE PAYS THE GRAZING FEES. If he or you don't believe in charging fees to use public lands, you can go suck eggs. That is the law. You don't get to break the law just because you don't believe in it.
You are FULL OF SHIT. The so called POS government RAN ALL THE RANCHERS BUT HIM OUT OF BUSINESS. They limited the number of cows you could have to a number that is LOWER THAN THE NUMBER OF COWS A RANCHER CAN RUN A RANCH WITH. This is not about grazing fees this is about KILLING EVERY COW IN THAT AREA.

The real reason they are having difficulty is the present multiyear drought (about which nothing has been done because you wingnuts refuse to believe global warming is real and have fought every measure to mitigate it), which is wreaking havoc on the land out west. The BLM has put restrictions on the number of cattle on those lands to keep them from being overgrazed during this drought. If those restrictions were not put in place, mother nature would do the job for the government and kill every last cow on that range. And it is likely that mother nature is going to win out in the end at any rate and decimate that land, and your rancher buddy is going to be out of business (assuming the government doesn't lock him up first).
Bull shit.

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