Uncovered: MASSIVE Tax give away in Stimulus Bill

Still waiting for Meister to tell us who Banker's "masters" are who have him down on his knees.
I know the Republicans who support Trump aren't down on their knees.
They are up in Trump's colon.

The 3 amigos of stupidity Meister, Toddster, and Nostra. These people are literally too stupid for words.

Nostra doesn't even understand that Buffet pays a lower tax percentage than his secretary, this is public info, he's released it...

Buffet pays a lower tax percentage than his secretary, this is public info, he's released it...

Cool story, bro.
How much does his secretary earn? What are her capital gains?
How much does he earn? What are his capital gains?
Nice diversion dumb ass, and a pointless one. You were too stupid to understand what the real estate depreciation is, and you have been schooled yet again... son

I have told you this repeatedly, anytime you want to go up against me you better know what the fuck you are talking about or you are going to get schooled...

You were too stupid to understand what the real estate depreciation is,

View attachment 316799

This sounds like an ok explanation. Is it wrong?

and you have been schooled yet again... son

Is that when you call it when I laugh at your stupidity?
OK so then using that explanation can you then comprehend that somebody can earn millions in profits from trading stocks or another business yet pay no taxes on those millions, AND still have the real-estate that they own appreciate in value and earn passive rental income, all at the same time using the depreciation loophole to pay no taxes for the year...

Or are you still too stupid to comprehend this??? Because look what you posted it says it in the second paragraph, which is why it is a loop hole.

WHAT YOU DIDN"T COMPREHEND BEFORE: You can claim on your taxes that the real-estate is depreciating, the law allows this, but really it is appreciating, that is why it is a loop hole... Dumbass...

And can you finally admit that Buffet pays a lower total tax rate than his secretary, something that is preposterous... A billionaire pays a lower tax rate than their secretary...

Wow that was enough schooling for one day... Again, next time you go up against me you better have some form of a clue what you are talking about or you will look stupid yet again...

OK so then using that explanation can you then comprehend that somebody can earn millions in profits from trading stocks or another business yet pay no taxes on those millions,

Abso-fuckin-lutely. $1,000,000 in profits minus $1,000,000 in depreciation equals zero.

AND still have the real-estate that they own appreciate in value

Wait.....are you saying that an unrealized capital gain is untaxed? Well.......DUH!

You can claim on your taxes that the real-estate is depreciating

Why don't you explain what depreciation means?

Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
By "MASSIVE tax give away" you mean.....THEY GET TO KEEP MONEY THEY EARNED???


AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class. This excuse is so pathetic and does not age well.

AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class.

You think millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class?

Your elevator doesn't go all the way to the top floor, does it?

You actually believe billionaires will be paying smaller tax percentage?

Some people are dumb...

He's a "banker", but that's what he believes.
I would bet money that idiot doesn’t even have a bank account.
I ask again:
does warren Buffet pay a lower total tax rate than his secretary????
Asked and answered, moron.

Keep digging.

OK so now you are ready to admit that you were too stupid to comprehend that millionaires and billionaires do indeed pay a lower tax rate than lower class people?

That Warren Buffet does indeed pay a lower total tax rate than his secretary???

Something that you didn't comprehend 10 minutes ago...
I admit no such thing, Crayon Eater.

You found one guy out of 143 MILLION tax payers and you are so stupid you think that backs up your bullshit lies.

Keep digging, Window Licker.


When the debate is lost slander becomes the tool of loser


So you still can't admit that Buffet a billionaire pays a lower total tax rate than his secretary, congrats you have just proven your self completely incompetent. There are many many millionaires and billionaires that pay absurdly low total tax rates using these loopholes... I would say you are completely ignorant to how the world works...
I eat Trumpers for breakfast!! NEXT!!!!!!


bullshit bullshit bullshit

tax codes are what richies are supposed to pay- NOT WHAT THEY PAY AFTER DEDUCTIONS


long-term capital gains and qualified dividend taxes did not change in the TJIA (taxed at 0%, 15% and 20%), they remain much lower than ordinary income tax rates .



Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
By "MASSIVE tax give away" you mean.....THEY GET TO KEEP MONEY THEY EARNED???


AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class. This excuse is so pathetic and does not age well.

AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class.

You think millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class?

Your elevator doesn't go all the way to the top floor, does it?
With this loop hole yes, man you are just stupid...

If they have $1,000,000 in gains and $1,000,000 in depreciation, their income is zero.
How does that make them a millionaire? How much tax should someone pay with $0 income?

Depreciation of real estate seems weird to me. I mean, buildings don’t really depreciate like that. They go up in value.
Still waiting for Meister to tell us who Banker's "masters" are who have him down on his knees.
I know the Republicans who support Trump aren't down on their knees.
They are up in Trump's colon.

The 3 amigos of stupidity Meister, Toddster, and Nostra. These people are literally too stupid for words.

Nostra doesn't even understand that Buffet pays a lower tax percentage than his secretary, this is public info, he's released it...

Buffet pays a lower tax percentage than his secretary, this is public info, he's released it...

Cool story, bro.
How much does his secretary earn? What are her capital gains?
How much does he earn? What are his capital gains?
Nice diversion dumb ass, and a pointless one. You were too stupid to understand what the real estate depreciation is, and you have been schooled yet again... son

I have told you this repeatedly, anytime you want to go up against me you better know what the fuck you are talking about or you are going to get schooled...

You were too stupid to understand what the real estate depreciation is,

View attachment 316799

This sounds like an ok explanation. Is it wrong?

and you have been schooled yet again... son

Is that when you call it when I laugh at your stupidity?
OK so then using that explanation can you then comprehend that somebody can earn millions in profits from trading stocks or another business yet pay no taxes on those millions, AND still have the real-estate that they own appreciate in value and earn passive rental income, all at the same time using the depreciation loophole to pay no taxes for the year...

Or are you still too stupid to comprehend this??? Because look what you posted it says it in the second paragraph, which is why it is a loop hole.

WHAT YOU DIDN"T COMPREHEND BEFORE: You can claim on your taxes that the real-estate is depreciating, the law allows this, but really it is appreciating, that is why it is a loop hole... Dumbass...

And can you finally admit that Buffet pays a lower total tax rate than his secretary, something that is preposterous... A billionaire pays a lower tax rate than their secretary...

Wow that was enough schooling for one day... Again, next time you go up against me you better have some form of a clue what you are talking about or you will look stupid yet again...

OK so then using that explanation can you then comprehend that somebody can earn millions in profits from trading stocks or another business yet pay no taxes on those millions,

Abso-fuckin-lutely. $1,000,000 in profits minus $1,000,000 in depreciation equals zero.

AND still have the real-estate that they own appreciate in value

Wait.....are you saying that an unrealized capital gain is untaxed? Well.......DUH!

You can claim on your taxes that the real-estate is depreciating

Why don't you explain what depreciation means?
And then you understand that by using the loop hole they can legally claim a large depreciation on their taxes, when in fact the asset is appreciating, as explained in the forbes article, Hence making it a loop hole that allows them to pay no taxes, yet take no losses (actually they make gains)... which doesn't really make sense... because you didn't seem to understand this fact 15 minutes ago

The value of a real estate investment such as an apartment complex, for example, can appreciate in value over time, thus creating more equity for the owner, while the value of the building depreciates, thus reducing its tax basis.
Making it an appreciable asset that is allowed a depreciation for tax purposes
Last edited:

Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
By "MASSIVE tax give away" you mean.....THEY GET TO KEEP MONEY THEY EARNED???


AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class. This excuse is so pathetic and does not age well.

AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class.

You think millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class?

Your elevator doesn't go all the way to the top floor, does it?
With this loop hole yes, man you are just stupid...

If they have $1,000,000 in gains and $1,000,000 in depreciation, their income is zero.
How does that make them a millionaire? How much tax should someone pay with $0 income?

Depreciation of real estate seems weird to me. I mean, buildings don’t really depreciate like that. They go up in value.

buildings don’t really depreciate like that.

Three identical buildings, one is ten years old, one is five years old, one is brand new.

Are they identical in value?

Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
By "MASSIVE tax give away" you mean.....THEY GET TO KEEP MONEY THEY EARNED???


AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class. This excuse is so pathetic and does not age well.

AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class.

You think millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class?

Your elevator doesn't go all the way to the top floor, does it?
With this loop hole yes, man you are just stupid...

If they have $1,000,000 in gains and $1,000,000 in depreciation, their income is zero.
How does that make them a millionaire? How much tax should someone pay with $0 income?

Depreciation of real estate seems weird to me. I mean, buildings don’t really depreciate like that. They go up in value.
exactly, it's a total scam that these people don't seem to understand, or they just don't want to admit...

bullshit bullshit bullshit

tax codes are what richies are supposed to pay- NOT WHAT THEY PAY AFTER DEDUCTIONS


long-term capital gains and qualified dividend taxes did not change in the TJIA (taxed at 0%, 15% and 20%), they remain much lower than ordinary income tax rates .


Keep reading my charts, Window Licker.

Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
By "MASSIVE tax give away" you mean.....THEY GET TO KEEP MONEY THEY EARNED???


AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class. This excuse is so pathetic and does not age well.

AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class.

You think millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class?

Your elevator doesn't go all the way to the top floor, does it?

You actually believe billionaires will be paying smaller tax percentage?

Some people are dumb...

He's a "banker", but that's what he believes.
I would bet money that idiot doesn’t even have a bank account.
I ask again:
does warren Buffet pay a lower total tax rate than his secretary????
Asked and answered, moron.

Keep digging.

OK so now you are ready to admit that you were too stupid to comprehend that millionaires and billionaires do indeed pay a lower tax rate than lower class people?

That Warren Buffet does indeed pay a lower total tax rate than his secretary???

Something that you didn't comprehend 10 minutes ago...
I admit no such thing, Crayon Eater.

You found one guy out of 143 MILLION tax payers and you are so stupid you think that backs up your bullshit lies.

Keep digging, Window Licker.


When the debate is lost slander becomes the tool of loser


So you still can't admit that Buffet a billionaire pays a lower total tax rate than his secretary, congrats you have just proven your self completely incompetent. There are many many millionaires and billionaires that pay absurdly low total tax rates using these loopholes... I would say you are completely ignorant to how the world works...
I eat Trumpers for breakfast!! NEXT!!!!!!

What color Crayon is your favorite flavor?

Keep digging.


Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
By "MASSIVE tax give away" you mean.....THEY GET TO KEEP MONEY THEY EARNED???


AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class. This excuse is so pathetic and does not age well.

AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class.

You think millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class?

Your elevator doesn't go all the way to the top floor, does it?
With this loop hole yes, man you are just stupid...

If they have $1,000,000 in gains and $1,000,000 in depreciation, their income is zero.
How does that make them a millionaire? How much tax should someone pay with $0 income?

Depreciation of real estate seems weird to me. I mean, buildings don’t really depreciate like that. They go up in value.

buildings don’t really depreciate like that.

Three identical buildings, one is ten years old, one is five years old, one is brand new.

Are they identical in value?
I guess you still don't get it, the depreciation is greatly overstated allowing them to get a big tax write off, yet the building itself actually appreciates in value. The difference in value between a 10 yr old building and a 5 yr old building is VERY small, yet the owner collects a large deduction every year... So why the fuck do they get a big write off? Hence the loop hole, all of this is explained in the forbes article...
You can purchase real estate to create passive cash flow and simultaneously reduce your taxable income by the depreciation allowance, even though the asset is appreciating in value. Income is then increased actively by appreciation and passively by the decrease in taxable value using the depreciation allowance.

Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
By "MASSIVE tax give away" you mean.....THEY GET TO KEEP MONEY THEY EARNED???


AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class. This excuse is so pathetic and does not age well.

AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class.

You think millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class?

Your elevator doesn't go all the way to the top floor, does it?
With this loop hole yes, man you are just stupid...

If they have $1,000,000 in gains and $1,000,000 in depreciation, their income is zero.
How does that make them a millionaire? How much tax should someone pay with $0 income?

Depreciation of real estate seems weird to me. I mean, buildings don’t really depreciate like that. They go up in value.

buildings don’t really depreciate like that.

Three identical buildings, one is ten years old, one is five years old, one is brand new.

Are they identical in value?

That depends, doesn’t it. If they’re identical, then why wouldn’t they be?

bullshit bullshit bullshit

tax codes are what richies are supposed to pay- NOT WHAT THEY PAY AFTER DEDUCTIONS


long-term capital gains and qualified dividend taxes did not change in the TJIA (taxed at 0%, 15% and 20%), they remain much lower than ordinary income tax rates .


That wasn’t a chart of the “tax code” you blithering idiot.

Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
By "MASSIVE tax give away" you mean.....THEY GET TO KEEP MONEY THEY EARNED???


AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class. This excuse is so pathetic and does not age well.

AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class.

You think millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class?

Your elevator doesn't go all the way to the top floor, does it?

You actually believe billionaires will be paying smaller tax percentage?

Some people are dumb...

He's a "banker", but that's what he believes.
I would bet money that idiot doesn’t even have a bank account.
I ask again:
does warren Buffet pay a lower total tax rate than his secretary????
Asked and answered, moron.

Keep digging.

OK so now you are ready to admit that you were too stupid to comprehend that millionaires and billionaires do indeed pay a lower tax rate than lower class people?

That Warren Buffet does indeed pay a lower total tax rate than his secretary???

Something that you didn't comprehend 10 minutes ago...
I admit no such thing, Crayon Eater.

You found one guy out of 143 MILLION tax payers and you are so stupid you think that backs up your bullshit lies.

Keep digging, Window Licker.


When the debate is lost slander becomes the tool of loser


So you still can't admit that Buffet a billionaire pays a lower total tax rate than his secretary, congrats you have just proven your self completely incompetent. There are many many millionaires and billionaires that pay absurdly low total tax rates using these loopholes... I would say you are completely ignorant to how the world works...
I eat Trumpers for breakfast!! NEXT!!!!!!

What color Crayon is your favorite flavor?

Keep digging.

Your surrender has been noted!!!!


Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
By "MASSIVE tax give away" you mean.....THEY GET TO KEEP MONEY THEY EARNED???


AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class. This excuse is so pathetic and does not age well.

AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class.

You think millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class?

Your elevator doesn't go all the way to the top floor, does it?
With this loop hole yes, man you are just stupid...

If they have $1,000,000 in gains and $1,000,000 in depreciation, their income is zero.
How does that make them a millionaire? How much tax should someone pay with $0 income?

Depreciation of real estate seems weird to me. I mean, buildings don’t really depreciate like that. They go up in value.

buildings don’t really depreciate like that.

Three identical buildings, one is ten years old, one is five years old, one is brand new.

Are they identical in value?

That depends, doesn’t it. If they’re identical, then why wouldn’t they be?
The depreciation is greatly overstated on their taxes, giving them a huge tax savings when in reality the depreciation is very very small, making it a huge loophole. Toddster doesn't want to admit this though.

This is too easy, these people are just too stupid. And they wonder why they haven't amounted to anything in life!!! They can't even comprehend this simple concept. They didn't know that Buffet pays a lower total tax rate than his secretary...

Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
By "MASSIVE tax give away" you mean.....THEY GET TO KEEP MONEY THEY EARNED???


AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class. This excuse is so pathetic and does not age well.

AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class.

You think millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class?

Your elevator doesn't go all the way to the top floor, does it?

You actually believe billionaires will be paying smaller tax percentage?

Some people are dumb...

He's a "banker", but that's what he believes.
I would bet money that idiot doesn’t even have a bank account.
I ask again:
does warren Buffet pay a lower total tax rate than his secretary????
Asked and answered, moron.

Keep digging.

OK so now you are ready to admit that you were too stupid to comprehend that millionaires and billionaires do indeed pay a lower tax rate than lower class people?

That Warren Buffet does indeed pay a lower total tax rate than his secretary???

Something that you didn't comprehend 10 minutes ago...
I admit no such thing, Crayon Eater.

You found one guy out of 143 MILLION tax payers and you are so stupid you think that backs up your bullshit lies.

Keep digging, Window Licker.


When the debate is lost slander becomes the tool of loser


So you still can't admit that Buffet a billionaire pays a lower total tax rate than his secretary, congrats you have just proven your self completely incompetent. There are many many millionaires and billionaires that pay absurdly low total tax rates using these loopholes... I would say you are completely ignorant to how the world works...
I eat Trumpers for breakfast!! NEXT!!!!!!

What color Crayon is your favorite flavor?

Keep digging.

Your surrender has been noted!!!!

I kicked your ass with a half dozen charts showing you to be a clueless idiot.

Deal with it, Window Licker.

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