Uncovered: MASSIVE Tax give away in Stimulus Bill

Still waiting for Meister to tell us who Banker's "masters" are who have him down on his knees.
I know the Republicans who support Trump aren't down on their knees.
They are up in Trump's colon.

The 3 amigos of stupidity Meister, Toddster, and Nostra. These people are literally too stupid for words.

Nostra doesn't even understand that Buffet pays a lower tax percentage than his secretary, this is public info, he's released it...

Buffet pays a lower tax percentage than his secretary, this is public info, he's released it...

Cool story, bro.
How much does his secretary earn? What are her capital gains?
How much does he earn? What are his capital gains?

Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
By "MASSIVE tax give away" you mean.....THEY GET TO KEEP MONEY THEY EARNED???


AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class. This excuse is so pathetic and does not age well.
They don’. You are a lying sack.
with this loop hole they do... man you people are just stupid. You embarrass yourself on a constant basis.
Nope. You are a lying sack.

You are too stupid too even understand what a tax loop hole is. First you said it was fake news, then you said it was the dems fault, now you don't even understand how this works... You must have gone to one of those schools in the hood, you're dumb as dog shit...
Feel free to bring your data showing low income people paying a higher tax rate than high income earners, moron.

I have absolutely schooled you... I don't know who is dumber you or toddster, Warren Buffet pays a lower tax percentage than his secretary and there are thousands of examples of this. I can literally list 1000 examples of this, here's one you need to look up the others.

People that use this real estate depreciation tax loop hole can pay 0% income tax, yet earn millions in cash per year... that's why it is a loop hole. You are so stupid that you don't even know the loop holes that are out there, naively believing everything Foxnews tells you...

You are fuckin too stupid for words... Here you go:

here's real estate:

DUHHHH you fuckin moron. i truly can't believe just how dumb you are and you set yourself up for this...

Get real. He is the 4th richest person in the world, moron.

We are talking about people who work for wages. You just embarrassed yourself, idiot.
Warren's secretary works for wages. You just embarrassed yourself, idiot.

He doesn’t you blithering idiot. He uses dozens of accountants and attorneys to make sure he pays the least amount of taxes possible, then cries that he doesn’t pay enough. He is a hypocrite.
Either wya Buffet pays a lower percentage than his secretary, which you were too stupid to understand, and just embarassed yourself over.

He pays more total money, but a lower percentage.

you said this:
Feel free to bring your data showing low income people paying a higher tax rate than high income earners, moron.

I showed you multiple examples of the rich paying a lower tax rate than low income people... you are just clueless in life... You have a lot to learn son...
Wrong. Buffet pays capital gains taxes, not income taxes.

You are a clueless boob.
Buffet a man worth billions that makes billions, pays a lower tax rate than his secretary, end of story. undeniable...

you suck at this... next time you try and go up against me get your facts correct or you are going to keep embarrassing yourself like you have done every fucking exchange we have had...

Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
By "MASSIVE tax give away" you mean.....THEY GET TO KEEP MONEY THEY EARNED???


AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class. This excuse is so pathetic and does not age well.
They don’. You are a lying sack.
with this loop hole they do... man you people are just stupid. You embarrass yourself on a constant basis.
Nope. You are a lying sack.

You are too stupid too even understand what a tax loop hole is. First you said it was fake news, then you said it was the dems fault, now you don't even understand how this works... You must have gone to one of those schools in the hood, you're dumb as dog shit...
Feel free to bring your data showing low income people paying a higher tax rate than high income earners, moron.

I have absolutely schooled you... I don't know who is dumber you or toddster, Warren Buffet pays a lower tax percentage than his secretary and there are thousands of examples of this. I can literally list 1000 examples of this, here's one you need to look up the others.

People that use this real estate depreciation tax loop hole can pay 0% income tax, yet earn millions in cash per year... that's why it is a loop hole. You are so stupid that you don't even know the loop holes that are out there, naively believing everything Foxnews tells you...

You are fuckin too stupid for words... Here you go:

here's real estate:

DUHHHH you fuckin moron. i truly can't believe just how dumb you are and you set yourself up for this...

Get real. He is the 4th richest person in the world, moron.

We are talking about people who work for wages. You just embarrassed yourself, idiot.
Wait hang on.

Does Warren Buffet pay a higher tax rate or a lower tax rate than his secretary?

Because it is a proven fact that he pays a lower tax rate than his secretary does. You stupidity never ends... You are dumber than Toddster.
The old tax rates before Trump had a 39% top tax rate. None of the rich paid that. Tax incentives, writeoffs, shelters and more and they paid less then the secretary back then. Progs could have fixed that over the years. Did not.
Still waiting for Meister to tell us who Banker's "masters" are who have him down on his knees.
I know the Republicans who support Trump aren't down on their knees.
They are up in Trump's colon.

The 3 amigos of stupidity Meister, Toddster, and Nostra. These people are literally too stupid for words.

Nostra doesn't even understand that Buffet pays a lower tax percentage than his secretary, this is public info, he's released it...

Buffet pays a lower tax percentage than his secretary, this is public info, he's released it...

Cool story, bro.
How much does his secretary earn? What are her capital gains?
How much does he earn? What are his capital gains?
Nice diversion dumb ass, and a pointless one. You were too stupid to understand what the real estate depreciation is, and you have been schooled yet again... son

I have told you this repeatedly, anytime you want to go up against me you better know what the fuck you are talking about or you are going to get schooled...

Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
By "MASSIVE tax give away" you mean.....THEY GET TO KEEP MONEY THEY EARNED???


AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class. This excuse is so pathetic and does not age well.
They don’. You are a lying sack.
with this loop hole they do... man you people are just stupid. You embarrass yourself on a constant basis.
Nope. You are a lying sack.

You are too stupid too even understand what a tax loop hole is. First you said it was fake news, then you said it was the dems fault, now you don't even understand how this works... You must have gone to one of those schools in the hood, you're dumb as dog shit...
Feel free to bring your data showing low income people paying a higher tax rate than high income earners, moron.

I have absolutely schooled you... I don't know who is dumber you or toddster, Warren Buffet pays a lower tax percentage than his secretary and there are thousands of examples of this. I can literally list 1000 examples of this, here's one you need to look up the others.

People that use this real estate depreciation tax loop hole can pay 0% income tax, yet earn millions in cash per year... that's why it is a loop hole. You are so stupid that you don't even know the loop holes that are out there, naively believing everything Foxnews tells you...

You are fuckin too stupid for words... Here you go:

here's real estate:

DUHHHH you fuckin moron. i truly can't believe just how dumb you are and you set yourself up for this...

Get real. He is the 4th richest person in the world, moron.

We are talking about people who work for wages. You just embarrassed yourself, idiot.
Wait hang on.

Does Warren Buffet pay a higher tax rate or a lower tax rate than his secretary?

Because it is a proven fact that he pays a lower tax rate than his secretary does. You stupidity never ends... You are dumber than Toddster.
Keep digging, idiot.


Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
By "MASSIVE tax give away" you mean.....THEY GET TO KEEP MONEY THEY EARNED???


AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class. This excuse is so pathetic and does not age well.
They don’. You are a lying sack.
with this loop hole they do... man you people are just stupid. You embarrass yourself on a constant basis.
Nope. You are a lying sack.

You are too stupid too even understand what a tax loop hole is. First you said it was fake news, then you said it was the dems fault, now you don't even understand how this works... You must have gone to one of those schools in the hood, you're dumb as dog shit...
Feel free to bring your data showing low income people paying a higher tax rate than high income earners, moron.

I have absolutely schooled you... I don't know who is dumber you or toddster, Warren Buffet pays a lower tax percentage than his secretary and there are thousands of examples of this. I can literally list 1000 examples of this, here's one you need to look up the others.

People that use this real estate depreciation tax loop hole can pay 0% income tax, yet earn millions in cash per year... that's why it is a loop hole. You are so stupid that you don't even know the loop holes that are out there, naively believing everything Foxnews tells you...

You are fuckin too stupid for words... Here you go:

here's real estate:

DUHHHH you fuckin moron. i truly can't believe just how dumb you are and you set yourself up for this...

Get real. He is the 4th richest person in the world, moron.

We are talking about people who work for wages. You just embarrassed yourself, idiot.
Wait hang on.

Does Warren Buffet pay a higher tax rate or a lower tax rate than his secretary?

Because it is a proven fact that he pays a lower tax rate than his secretary does. You stupidity never ends... You are dumber than Toddster.
Keep digging, idiot.

I ask you again:
Does Warren Buffet pay a higher tax rate or a lower tax rate than his secretary?

Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
By "MASSIVE tax give away" you mean.....THEY GET TO KEEP MONEY THEY EARNED???


AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class. This excuse is so pathetic and does not age well.

AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class.

You think millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class?

Your elevator doesn't go all the way to the top floor, does it?

You actually believe billionaires will be paying smaller tax percentage?

Some people are dumb...

Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
By "MASSIVE tax give away" you mean.....THEY GET TO KEEP MONEY THEY EARNED???


AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class. This excuse is so pathetic and does not age well.
They don’. You are a lying sack.
with this loop hole they do... man you people are just stupid. You embarrass yourself on a constant basis.
Nope. You are a lying sack.

You are too stupid too even understand what a tax loop hole is. First you said it was fake news, then you said it was the dems fault, now you don't even understand how this works... You must have gone to one of those schools in the hood, you're dumb as dog shit...
Feel free to bring your data showing low income people paying a higher tax rate than high income earners, moron.

I have absolutely schooled you... I don't know who is dumber you or toddster, Warren Buffet pays a lower tax percentage than his secretary and there are thousands of examples of this. I can literally list 1000 examples of this, here's one you need to look up the others.

People that use this real estate depreciation tax loop hole can pay 0% income tax, yet earn millions in cash per year... that's why it is a loop hole. You are so stupid that you don't even know the loop holes that are out there, naively believing everything Foxnews tells you...

You are fuckin too stupid for words... Here you go:

here's real estate:

DUHHHH you fuckin moron. i truly can't believe just how dumb you are and you set yourself up for this...

Get real. He is the 4th richest person in the world, moron.

We are talking about people who work for wages. You just embarrassed yourself, idiot.
Wait hang on.

Does Warren Buffet pay a higher tax rate or a lower tax rate than his secretary?

Because it is a proven fact that he pays a lower tax rate than his secretary does. You stupidity never ends... You are dumber than Toddster.
Keep digging, idiot.

I ask you again:
Does Warren Buffet pay a higher tax rate or a lower tax rate than his secretary?
He pays a higher capital gains tax rate. He pays no income taxes because he doesn’t take a salary. You are trying to compare apples and oranges, moron.

You found one guy out of 143 MILLION taxpayers, and you are stupid enough to think that backs up your bullshit lies.

Your IQ is in negative numbers, Chowderhead.

Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
By "MASSIVE tax give away" you mean.....THEY GET TO KEEP MONEY THEY EARNED???


AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class. This excuse is so pathetic and does not age well.

AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class.

You think millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class?

Your elevator doesn't go all the way to the top floor, does it?

You actually believe billionaires will be paying smaller tax percentage?

Some people are dumb...
Another dumb motherfucker. It is common knowledge amongst the educated that Warren Buffet pays a lower tax rate than his secretary... you have just shown us that you are completely clueless to the reality of this world.

You are too stupid to vote and should be sterilized so you never have any offspring, not that would ever get laid anyways... you're probably still a virgin like most loser trump supporters...
Still waiting for Meister to tell us who Banker's "masters" are who have him down on his knees.
I know the Republicans who support Trump aren't down on their knees.
They are up in Trump's colon.

The 3 amigos of stupidity Meister, Toddster, and Nostra. These people are literally too stupid for words.

Nostra doesn't even understand that Buffet pays a lower tax percentage than his secretary, this is public info, he's released it...

Buffet pays a lower tax percentage than his secretary, this is public info, he's released it...

Cool story, bro.
How much does his secretary earn? What are her capital gains?
How much does he earn? What are his capital gains?
Nice diversion dumb ass, and a pointless one. You were too stupid to understand what the real estate depreciation is, and you have been schooled yet again... son

I have told you this repeatedly, anytime you want to go up against me you better know what the fuck you are talking about or you are going to get schooled...

You were too stupid to understand what the real estate depreciation is,


This sounds like an ok explanation. Is it wrong?

and you have been schooled yet again... son

Is that when you call it when I laugh at your stupidity?
Buffett pays less tax as a percent than his secretary is because he is being taxed primarily on capital gains income as an investor versus his secretary, who is taxed on a salary or earned income as an employee. And while Buffett does pay himself a relatively small salary of $100,000 (same for the past 25 years, Investopedia) as CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, the majority of his income is from stock market investments. And even though the long-term capital gains and qualified dividend taxes did not change in the TJIA (taxed at 0%, 15% and 20%), they remain much lower than ordinary income tax rates.

there ya go dumbasses -

Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
By "MASSIVE tax give away" you mean.....THEY GET TO KEEP MONEY THEY EARNED???


AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class. This excuse is so pathetic and does not age well.

AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class.

You think millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class?

Your elevator doesn't go all the way to the top floor, does it?

You actually believe billionaires will be paying smaller tax percentage?

Some people are dumb...

He's a "banker", but that's what he believes.

Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
By "MASSIVE tax give away" you mean.....THEY GET TO KEEP MONEY THEY EARNED???


AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class. This excuse is so pathetic and does not age well.
They don’. You are a lying sack.
with this loop hole they do... man you people are just stupid. You embarrass yourself on a constant basis.
Nope. You are a lying sack.

You are too stupid too even understand what a tax loop hole is. First you said it was fake news, then you said it was the dems fault, now you don't even understand how this works... You must have gone to one of those schools in the hood, you're dumb as dog shit...
Feel free to bring your data showing low income people paying a higher tax rate than high income earners, moron.

I have absolutely schooled you... I don't know who is dumber you or toddster, Warren Buffet pays a lower tax percentage than his secretary and there are thousands of examples of this. I can literally list 1000 examples of this, here's one you need to look up the others.

People that use this real estate depreciation tax loop hole can pay 0% income tax, yet earn millions in cash per year... that's why it is a loop hole. You are so stupid that you don't even know the loop holes that are out there, naively believing everything Foxnews tells you...

You are fuckin too stupid for words... Here you go:

here's real estate:

DUHHHH you fuckin moron. i truly can't believe just how dumb you are and you set yourself up for this...

Get real. He is the 4th richest person in the world, moron.

We are talking about people who work for wages. You just embarrassed yourself, idiot.
Wait hang on.

Does Warren Buffet pay a higher tax rate or a lower tax rate than his secretary?

Because it is a proven fact that he pays a lower tax rate than his secretary does. You stupidity never ends... You are dumber than Toddster.
Keep digging, idiot.

I ask you again:
Does Warren Buffet pay a higher tax rate or a lower tax rate than his secretary?
He pays a higher capital gains tax rate. He pays no income taxes because he doesn’t take a salary. You are trying to compare apples and oranges, moron.

You found one guy out of 143 MILLION taxpayers, and you are stupid enough to think that backs up your bullshit lies.

Your IQ is in negative numbers, Chowderhead.
OMGGGGG!!! You dumb fuck, a total embarassment. Why do you keep doing this to yourself retard. I don't know what to tell you, you are soooo stupid. There is literally 1,000 articles out there explaining this. Buffet himself explains this. HE PAYS A LOWER TOTAL TAX RATE THAN HIS SECRETARY.

(Warren says he pays 17.7% of his total income in taxes.) You can watch Warren explaining this here.

Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
By "MASSIVE tax give away" you mean.....THEY GET TO KEEP MONEY THEY EARNED???


AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class. This excuse is so pathetic and does not age well.

AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class.

You think millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class?

Your elevator doesn't go all the way to the top floor, does it?

You actually believe billionaires will be paying smaller tax percentage?

Some people are dumb...
Another dumb motherfucker. It is common knowledge amongst the educated that Warren Buffet pays a lower tax rate than his secretary... you have just shown us that you are completely clueless to the reality of this world.

You are too stupid to vote and should be sterilized so you never have any offspring, not that would ever get laid anyways... you're probably still a virgin like most loser trump supporters...

It is common knowledge amongst the educated that Warren Buffet pays a lower tax rate than his secretary..

Post her salary, I'll point out Warren's lie.

Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
By "MASSIVE tax give away" you mean.....THEY GET TO KEEP MONEY THEY EARNED???


AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class. This excuse is so pathetic and does not age well.
They don’. You are a lying sack.
with this loop hole they do... man you people are just stupid. You embarrass yourself on a constant basis.
Nope. You are a lying sack.

You are too stupid too even understand what a tax loop hole is. First you said it was fake news, then you said it was the dems fault, now you don't even understand how this works... You must have gone to one of those schools in the hood, you're dumb as dog shit...
Feel free to bring your data showing low income people paying a higher tax rate than high income earners, moron.

I have absolutely schooled you... I don't know who is dumber you or toddster, Warren Buffet pays a lower tax percentage than his secretary and there are thousands of examples of this. I can literally list 1000 examples of this, here's one you need to look up the others.

People that use this real estate depreciation tax loop hole can pay 0% income tax, yet earn millions in cash per year... that's why it is a loop hole. You are so stupid that you don't even know the loop holes that are out there, naively believing everything Foxnews tells you...

You are fuckin too stupid for words... Here you go:

here's real estate:

DUHHHH you fuckin moron. i truly can't believe just how dumb you are and you set yourself up for this...

Get real. He is the 4th richest person in the world, moron.

We are talking about people who work for wages. You just embarrassed yourself, idiot.
Wait hang on.

Does Warren Buffet pay a higher tax rate or a lower tax rate than his secretary?

Because it is a proven fact that he pays a lower tax rate than his secretary does. You stupidity never ends... You are dumber than Toddster.
Keep digging, idiot.

I ask you again:
Does Warren Buffet pay a higher tax rate or a lower tax rate than his secretary?
He pays a higher capital gains tax rate. He pays no income taxes because he doesn’t take a salary. You are trying to compare apples and oranges, moron.

You found one guy out of 143 MILLION taxpayers, and you are stupid enough to think that backs up your bullshit lies.

Your IQ is in negative numbers, Chowderhead.
OMGGGGG!!! You dumb fuck, a total embarassment. Why do you keep doing this to yourself retard. I don't know what to tell you, you are soooo stupid. There is literally 1,000 articles out there explaining this. Buffet himself explains this. HE PAYS A LOWER TOTAL TAX RATE THAN HIS SECRETARY.

(Warren says he pays 17.7% of his total income in taxes.) You can watch Warren explaining this here.
I explained why he pays less, Moron.

You found one guy out of 143 MILLION taxpayers, and your are so stupid you think that backs up your bullshit lies.

Keep digging you blithering idiot.

Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
By "MASSIVE tax give away" you mean.....THEY GET TO KEEP MONEY THEY EARNED???


AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class. This excuse is so pathetic and does not age well.

AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class.

You think millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class?

Your elevator doesn't go all the way to the top floor, does it?

You actually believe billionaires will be paying smaller tax percentage?

Some people are dumb...

He's a "banker", but that's what he believes.
I would bet money that idiot doesn’t even have a bank account.
Hey retard where do you get 3 years? This is permanent, it is retroactive for the 3 years prior, learn to read before you embarrass yourself. Trumpers are dumb as dirt...

From the NY Times, MSN "The new stimulus bill lifts that restriction for three years — this year, and two retroactive years"

Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
By "MASSIVE tax give away" you mean.....THEY GET TO KEEP MONEY THEY EARNED???


AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class. This excuse is so pathetic and does not age well.

AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class.

You think millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class?

Your elevator doesn't go all the way to the top floor, does it?

You actually believe billionaires will be paying smaller tax percentage?

Some people are dumb...

He's a "banker", but that's what he believes.

there are literally 1000 articles out there explaing this. And Buffet explains this in his own words. BUFFET PAYS A LOWER TOTAL TAX RATE THAN HIS SECRETARY. Toddster stop speaking you are too stupid to speak.

Suddenly Toddster inderstands how stupid he is. Like I said if you want to go up against me you better know what the fuck you are talking about... you have no clue what you are talking about. What is so funny about this is that you are finally realizing that the ultra wealthy have some incredible tax loopholes and lots of them pay a lower percentage of taxes than the middle class...

The main reason Warren Buffett pays less than his secretary is that his dividends and capital gains are taxed at a lower rate than his secretary's salary income. (Warren says he pays 17.7% of his total income in taxes.) You can watch Warren explaining this here.
Buffett pays less tax as a percent than his secretary is because he is being taxed primarily on capital gains income as an investor versus his secretary, who is taxed on a salary or earned income as an employee. And while Buffett does pay himself a relatively small salary of $100,000 (same for the past 25 years, Investopedia) as CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, the majority of his income is from stock market investments. And even though the long-term capital gains and qualified dividend taxes did not change in the TJIA (taxed at 0%, 15% and 20%), they remain much lower than ordinary income tax rates.

there ya go dumbasses -

What is wrong with these retards they are too stupid for words...

Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
By "MASSIVE tax give away" you mean.....THEY GET TO KEEP MONEY THEY EARNED???


AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class. This excuse is so pathetic and does not age well.

AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class.

You think millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class?

Your elevator doesn't go all the way to the top floor, does it?

You actually believe billionaires will be paying smaller tax percentage?

Some people are dumb...

He's a "banker", but that's what he believes.

there are literally 1000 articles out there explaing this. And Buffet explains this in his own words. BUFFET PAYS A LOWER TOTAL TAX RATE THAN HIS SECRETARY. Toddster stop speaking you are too stupid to speak.

Suddenly Toddster inderstands how stupid he is. Like I said if you want to go up against me you better know what the fuck you are talking about... you have no clue what you are talking about. What is so funny about this is that you are finally realizing that the ultra wealthy have some incredible tax loopholes and lots of them pay a lower percentage of taxes than the middle class...

The main reason Warren Buffett pays less than his secretary is that his dividends and capital gains are taxed at a lower rate than his secretary's salary income. (Warren says he pays 17.7% of his total income in taxes.) You can watch Warren explaining this here.
Keep digging....


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