Uncovered: MASSIVE Tax give away in Stimulus Bill

Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
By "MASSIVE tax give away" you mean.....THEY GET TO KEEP MONEY THEY EARNED???


AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class. This excuse is so pathetic and does not age well.

AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class.

You think millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class?

Your elevator doesn't go all the way to the top floor, does it?
With this loop hole yes, man you are just stupid...

If they have $1,000,000 in gains and $1,000,000 in depreciation, their income is zero.
How does that make them a millionaire? How much tax should someone pay with $0 income?
trickle down economics has been the battler cry of republicans ever since Rummy had it explained to him on a napkin - there in no such thing as a temporary tax break - interest never ends, and another one comes along the first time they get a door of opportunity.

tax breaks solve everything .....

The key is spending less...not robbing our best of more.
ShaQuita and Guadalupe should NEVER EVER be paid to increase the size of their filthy litters whom are destined to become public liabilities.
ShQuita should never be able to smoke weed, drink 40's and watch a flat screen paid for by our best.
Cut spending on bottom feeders...they can't be improved.
Stop spending less, Trump has spent like a drunken sailor and he has the biggest deficits in US history.

Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
By "MASSIVE tax give away" you mean.....THEY GET TO KEEP MONEY THEY EARNED???


AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class. This excuse is so pathetic and does not age well.
They don’. You are a lying sack.
with this loop hole they do... man you people are just stupid. You embarrass yourself on a constant basis.
Nope. You are a lying sack.

Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
By "MASSIVE tax give away" you mean.....THEY GET TO KEEP MONEY THEY EARNED???


AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class. This excuse is so pathetic and does not age well.

AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class.

You think millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class?

Your elevator doesn't go all the way to the top floor, does it?
With this loop hole yes, man you are just stupid...

If they have $1,000,000 in gains and $1,000,000 in depreciation, their income is zero.
How does that make them a millionaire? How much tax should someone pay with $0 income?
Oh MY GOD you are dumb ass shit. My son, you embarrass yourself on a daily basis. Fuckin A, you're just pathetic.
You don't even know what real-estate depreciation is. WOW!!!!!! Why do you always do this to yourself? You always get embarrassed when you try and go up against me, you didn't even bother to look up what real-estate depreciation is... I figured you'd learn your lesson by know, but no...


You can purchase real estate to create passive cash flow and simultaneously reduce your taxable income by the depreciation allowance, even though the asset is appreciating in value.

an appreciable asset that is allowed a depreciation for tax purposes

Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
This is estimated to cost the government $180 billion? Where does that money come from you fucking retard? From the people who "actually" work. So dumbasses like you who sit on your ass all day collecting welfare, bitching and moaning how fucked your life is, just cant come to grips that maybe some people would like to keep more of their earned income. Cry me a fucking river, you worthless liberal scum.


So you support policy that gives a massive tax break to millionaires and billionaires, so they don't have to pay their fair share in taxes??? You Trump sheep are truly pathetic. You can't criticize anything the GOP does, even something as indefensible as this loop hole.
Sure is a good thing that there were no democrats who were on board with that. I know that they didn't vote for such a debacle. Oh, wait.....what?
You are a proven idiot, and show it with your partisan BS. If it is true, they are all in on it, you buffoon. Now, get on your knees and assume the
position of respect for your masters. idiot
What a pathetic excuse. the GOP put this give away loop hole in there. With out them we wouldn't have it. Then when democrats fought to get this crap out of the bill you partisan hacks claimed "the democrats are sabotaging the bill"

You people are pathetic. Basically you can't criticize the GOP and you are a partisan hack...
There is a difference between me and you. You're on your knees for your masters, I'm not.
I don't like any politician, and said so many times, they are all bought and paid for.
You are the epitome of a partisan hack, dude/dudette.
Both parties were giving and taking with this important Bill.
But, you, being a knucklehead, are on your knees for your masters.

Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
By "MASSIVE tax give away" you mean.....THEY GET TO KEEP MONEY THEY EARNED???



Then how come I have to pay taxes on the money I earned?

Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
By "MASSIVE tax give away" you mean.....THEY GET TO KEEP MONEY THEY EARNED???


AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class. This excuse is so pathetic and does not age well.
They don’. You are a lying sack.
with this loop hole they do... man you people are just stupid. You embarrass yourself on a constant basis.
Nope. You are a lying sack.

You are too stupid too even understand what a tax loop hole is. First you said it was fake news, then you said it was the dems fault, now you don't even understand how this works... You must have gone to one of those schools in the hood, you're dumb as dog shit...

Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
This is estimated to cost the government $180 billion? Where does that money come from you fucking retard? From the people who "actually" work. So dumbasses like you who sit on your ass all day collecting welfare, bitching and moaning how fucked your life is, just cant come to grips that maybe some people would like to keep more of their earned income. Cry me a fucking river, you worthless liberal scum.


So you support policy that gives a massive tax break to millionaires and billionaires, so they don't have to pay their fair share in taxes??? You Trump sheep are truly pathetic. You can't criticize anything the GOP does, even something as indefensible as this loop hole.
Sure is a good thing that there were no democrats who were on board with that. I know that they didn't vote for such a debacle. Oh, wait.....what?
You are a proven idiot, and show it with your partisan BS. If it is true, they are all in on it, you buffoon. Now, get on your knees and assume the
position of respect for your masters. idiot
What a pathetic excuse. the GOP put this give away loop hole in there. With out them we wouldn't have it. Then when democrats fought to get this crap out of the bill you partisan hacks claimed "the democrats are sabotaging the bill"

You people are pathetic. Basically you can't criticize the GOP and you are a partisan hack...
There is a difference between me and you. You're on your knees for your masters, I'm not.
I don't like any politician, and said so many times, they are all bought and paid for.
You are the epitome of a partisan hack, dude/dudette.
Both parties were giving and taking with this important Bill.
But, you, being a knucklehead, are on your knees for your masters.
Right, all you do is defend Trump. You are just another partisan hack.

You defend this loop hole, and then blame the dems for it when the GOP were the ones that put it in there. Had the dems delayed the bill to get this removed, then you'd cry about how the dems are delaying the bill, which your side did...

And your a moderator... sad...

your BS is pathetic.

If you really weren't partisan then you would actually be criticizing this loop hole and criticizing the people that put it in there, instead you are trying to divert blame to others... a typical GOP move as you can never take responsibility for your actions...
got a link to the actual bill ?
the two links in the op are not trustworthy

But if the link was to Fox, the "news" outlet that just fired one of their anchors for pushing the virus "hoax", you'd be all over it, right?



Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
By "MASSIVE tax give away" you mean.....THEY GET TO KEEP MONEY THEY EARNED???


AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class. This excuse is so pathetic and does not age well.
They don’. You are a lying sack.
with this loop hole they do... man you people are just stupid. You embarrass yourself on a constant basis.
Nope. You are a lying sack.

You are too stupid too even understand what a tax loop hole is. First you said it was fake news, then you said it was the dems fault, now you don't even understand how this works... You must have gone to one of those schools in the hood, you're dumb as dog shit...
Feel free to bring your data showing low income people paying a higher tax rate than high income earners, moron.

Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
This is estimated to cost the government $180 billion? Where does that money come from you fucking retard? From the people who "actually" work. So dumbasses like you who sit on your ass all day collecting welfare, bitching and moaning how fucked your life is, just cant come to grips that maybe some people would like to keep more of their earned income. Cry me a fucking river, you worthless liberal scum.


So you support policy that gives a massive tax break to millionaires and billionaires, so they don't have to pay their fair share in taxes??? You Trump sheep are truly pathetic. You can't criticize anything the GOP does, even something as indefensible as this loop hole.
Sure is a good thing that there were no democrats who were on board with that. I know that they didn't vote for such a debacle. Oh, wait.....what?
You are a proven idiot, and show it with your partisan BS. If it is true, they are all in on it, you buffoon. Now, get on your knees and assume the
position of respect for your masters. idiot
What a pathetic excuse. the GOP put this give away loop hole in there. With out them we wouldn't have it. Then when democrats fought to get this crap out of the bill you partisan hacks claimed "the democrats are sabotaging the bill"

You people are pathetic. Basically you can't criticize the GOP and you are a partisan hack...
There is a difference between me and you. You're on your knees for your masters, I'm not.
I don't like any politician, and said so many times, they are all bought and paid for.
You are the epitome of a partisan hack, dude/dudette.
Both parties were giving and taking with this important Bill.
But, you, being a knucklehead, are on your knees for your masters.
Right, all you do is defend Trump. You are just another partisan hack.

You defend this loop hole, and then blame the dems for it when the GOP were the ones that put it in there. Had the dems delayed the bill to get this removed, then you'd cry about how the dems are delaying the bill, which your side did...

And your a moderator... sad...

your BS is pathetic.

If you really weren't partisan then you would actually be criticizing this loop hole and criticizing the people that put it in there, instead you are trying to divert blame to others... a typical GOP move as you can never take responsibility for your actions...

You are SPOT ON, Banker. High 5.


Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
This is estimated to cost the government $180 billion? Where does that money come from you fucking retard? From the people who "actually" work. So dumbasses like you who sit on your ass all day collecting welfare, bitching and moaning how fucked your life is, just cant come to grips that maybe some people would like to keep more of their earned income. Cry me a fucking river, you worthless liberal scum.


So you support policy that gives a massive tax break to millionaires and billionaires, so they don't have to pay their fair share in taxes??? You Trump sheep are truly pathetic. You can't criticize anything the GOP does, even something as indefensible as this loop hole.
Sure is a good thing that there were no democrats who were on board with that. I know that they didn't vote for such a debacle. Oh, wait.....what?
You are a proven idiot, and show it with your partisan BS. If it is true, they are all in on it, you buffoon. Now, get on your knees and assume the
position of respect for your masters. idiot
What a pathetic excuse. the GOP put this give away loop hole in there. With out them we wouldn't have it. Then when democrats fought to get this crap out of the bill you partisan hacks claimed "the democrats are sabotaging the bill"

You people are pathetic. Basically you can't criticize the GOP and you are a partisan hack...
There is a difference between me and you. You're on your knees for your masters, I'm not.
I don't like any politician, and said so many times, they are all bought and paid for.
You are the epitome of a partisan hack, dude/dudette.
Both parties were giving and taking with this important Bill.
But, you, being a knucklehead, are on your knees for your masters.
Right, all you do is defend Trump. You are just another partisan hack.

You defend this loop hole, and then blame the dems for it when the GOP were the ones that put it in there. Had the dems delayed the bill to get this removed, then you'd cry about how the dems are delaying the bill, which your side did...

And your a moderator... sad...

your BS is pathetic.

If you really weren't partisan then you would actually be criticizing this loop hole and criticizing the people that put it in there, instead you are trying to divert blame to others... a typical GOP move as you can never take responsibility for your actions...
It isn’t a “loophole”, moron. It is restoring a tax deduction that was in place under Barry Hussein.


Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
By "MASSIVE tax give away" you mean.....THEY GET TO KEEP MONEY THEY EARNED???


AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class. This excuse is so pathetic and does not age well.

AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class.

You think millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class?

Your elevator doesn't go all the way to the top floor, does it?
With this loop hole yes, man you are just stupid...

If they have $1,000,000 in gains and $1,000,000 in depreciation, their income is zero.
How does that make them a millionaire? How much tax should someone pay with $0 income?
Oh MY GOD you are dumb ass shit. My son, you embarrass yourself on a daily basis. Fuckin A, you're just pathetic.
You don't even know what real-estate depreciation is. WOW!!!!!! Why do you always do this to yourself? You always get embarrassed when you try and go up against me, you didn't even bother to look up what real-estate depreciation is... I figured you'd learn your lesson by know, but no...


You can purchase real estate to create passive cash flow and simultaneously reduce your taxable income by the depreciation allowance, even though the asset is appreciating in value.

an appreciable asset that is allowed a depreciation for tax purposes

You don't even know what real-estate depreciation is.

If you want to make the case that real-estate shouldn't be depreciated, feel free.

I'll just continue to point and laugh.

You always get embarrassed when you try and go up against me

I am embarrassed, by your ignorance.....embarrassed for you.
But I'll be okay and you'll still be an idiot.

Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
This is estimated to cost the government $180 billion? Where does that money come from you fucking retard? From the people who "actually" work. So dumbasses like you who sit on your ass all day collecting welfare, bitching and moaning how fucked your life is, just cant come to grips that maybe some people would like to keep more of their earned income. Cry me a fucking river, you worthless liberal scum.


So you support policy that gives a massive tax break to millionaires and billionaires, so they don't have to pay their fair share in taxes??? You Trump sheep are truly pathetic. You can't criticize anything the GOP does, even something as indefensible as this loop hole.
Sure is a good thing that there were no democrats who were on board with that. I know that they didn't vote for such a debacle. Oh, wait.....what?
You are a proven idiot, and show it with your partisan BS. If it is true, they are all in on it, you buffoon. Now, get on your knees and assume the
position of respect for your masters. idiot
What a pathetic excuse. the GOP put this give away loop hole in there. With out them we wouldn't have it. Then when democrats fought to get this crap out of the bill you partisan hacks claimed "the democrats are sabotaging the bill"

You people are pathetic. Basically you can't criticize the GOP and you are a partisan hack...
There is a difference between me and you. You're on your knees for your masters, I'm not.
I don't like any politician, and said so many times, they are all bought and paid for.
You are the epitome of a partisan hack, dude/dudette.
Both parties were giving and taking with this important Bill.
But, you, being a knucklehead, are on your knees for your masters.
Right, all you do is defend Trump. You are just another partisan hack.

You defend this loop hole, and then blame the dems for it when the GOP were the ones that put it in there. Had the dems delayed the bill to get this removed, then you'd cry about how the dems are delaying the bill, which your side did...

And your a moderator... sad...

your BS is pathetic.

If you really weren't partisan then you would actually be criticizing this loop hole and criticizing the people that put it in there, instead you are trying to divert blame to others... a typical GOP move as you can never take responsibility for your actions...
  • $10,804,687,000 for international development
  • $350,000,000 for refugee resettlement
  • $93,000,000 Congress ($25 million of which is for "salaries and expenses")
  • $75,000,000 for PBS stations
  • $75,000,000 for the National Foundation on the Arts and Humanities
  • $75,000,000 National Endowment for the Humanities
  • $50,000,000 for the Institute of Museum and Library Services
  • $25,000,000 for the Kennedy Center for Performing Arts
  • $7,500,000 for the Smithsonian Institution

Have at it, if your going to start whining, start whining about all of it, I'm sure both parties were part
of this list. A lot looks like your masters work. Damn, you're an idiot

Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
Knew shit like this had to be in there somewhere.

Republicans are fundamentally dishonest. They can't help themselves.
EVERY Dimsocialist voted for it.


And your RINO president signed it.


Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
Knew shit like this had to be in there somewhere.

Republicans are fundamentally dishonest. They can't help themselves.
EVERY Dimsocialist voted for it.


And your RINO president signed it.

Nothing gets by you.

Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
By "MASSIVE tax give away" you mean.....THEY GET TO KEEP MONEY THEY EARNED???


AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class. This excuse is so pathetic and does not age well.
They don’. You are a lying sack.
with this loop hole they do... man you people are just stupid. You embarrass yourself on a constant basis.
Nope. You are a lying sack.

You are too stupid too even understand what a tax loop hole is. First you said it was fake news, then you said it was the dems fault, now you don't even understand how this works... You must have gone to one of those schools in the hood, you're dumb as dog shit...
Feel free to bring your data showing low income people paying a higher tax rate than high income earners, moron.

I have absolutely schooled you... I don't know who is dumber you or toddster, Warren Buffet pays a lower tax percentage than his secretary and there are thousands of examples of this. I can literally list 1000 examples of this, here's one you need to look up the others.

People that use this real estate depreciation tax loop hole can pay 0% income tax, yet earn millions in cash per year... that's why it is a loop hole. You are so stupid that you don't even know the loop holes that are out there, naively believing everything Foxnews tells you...

You are fuckin too stupid for words... Here you go:

here's real estate:

DUHHHH you fuckin moron. i truly can't believe just how dumb you are and you set yourself up for this...

Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
This is estimated to cost the government $180 billion? Where does that money come from you fucking retard? From the people who "actually" work. So dumbasses like you who sit on your ass all day collecting welfare, bitching and moaning how fucked your life is, just cant come to grips that maybe some people would like to keep more of their earned income. Cry me a fucking river, you worthless liberal scum.


So you support policy that gives a massive tax break to millionaires and billionaires, so they don't have to pay their fair share in taxes??? You Trump sheep are truly pathetic. You can't criticize anything the GOP does, even something as indefensible as this loop hole.
Sure is a good thing that there were no democrats who were on board with that. I know that they didn't vote for such a debacle. Oh, wait.....what?
You are a proven idiot, and show it with your partisan BS. If it is true, they are all in on it, you buffoon. Now, get on your knees and assume the
position of respect for your masters. idiot
What a pathetic excuse. the GOP put this give away loop hole in there. With out them we wouldn't have it. Then when democrats fought to get this crap out of the bill you partisan hacks claimed "the democrats are sabotaging the bill"

You people are pathetic. Basically you can't criticize the GOP and you are a partisan hack...
There is a difference between me and you. You're on your knees for your masters, I'm not.
I don't like any politician, and said so many times, they are all bought and paid for.
You are the epitome of a partisan hack, dude/dudette.
Both parties were giving and taking with this important Bill.
But, you, being a knucklehead, are on your knees for your masters.

Who are his masters?
I like your attempt at haiku here but you should name names, otherwise you sound like Trump at a press conference.


Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
By "MASSIVE tax give away" you mean.....THEY GET TO KEEP MONEY THEY EARNED???


AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class. This excuse is so pathetic and does not age well.
They don’. You are a lying sack.
with this loop hole they do... man you people are just stupid. You embarrass yourself on a constant basis.
Nope. You are a lying sack.

You are too stupid too even understand what a tax loop hole is. First you said it was fake news, then you said it was the dems fault, now you don't even understand how this works... You must have gone to one of those schools in the hood, you're dumb as dog shit...
Feel free to bring your data showing low income people paying a higher tax rate than high income earners, moron.

I have absolutely schooled you... I don't know who is dumber you ar toddster, Warren Buffet pays a lower tax percentage than his secretary and there are thousands of examples of this. I can literally list 1000 examples of this, here's one you need to look up the others.

People that use this real estate depreciation tax loop hole can pay 0% income tax, yet earn millions in cash per year... that's why it is a loop hole. You are so stupid that you don't even know the loop holes that are out there, naively believing everything Foxnews tells you...

You are fuckin too stupid for words... Here you go:

here's real estate:

DUHHHH you fuckin moron. i truly can't believe just how dumb you are.

Warren Buffet pays a lower tax percentage than his secretary

Warren is such a fucking liar.

Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
By "MASSIVE tax give away" you mean.....THEY GET TO KEEP MONEY THEY EARNED???


AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class. This excuse is so pathetic and does not age well.
They don’. You are a lying sack.
with this loop hole they do... man you people are just stupid. You embarrass yourself on a constant basis.
Nope. You are a lying sack.

You are too stupid too even understand what a tax loop hole is. First you said it was fake news, then you said it was the dems fault, now you don't even understand how this works... You must have gone to one of those schools in the hood, you're dumb as dog shit...
Feel free to bring your data showing low income people paying a higher tax rate than high income earners, moron.

I have absolutely schooled you... I don't know who is dumber you or toddster, Warren Buffet pays a lower tax percentage than his secretary and there are thousands of examples of this. I can literally list 1000 examples of this, here's one you need to look up the others.

People that use this real estate depreciation tax loop hole can pay 0% income tax, yet earn millions in cash per year... that's why it is a loop hole. You are so stupid that you don't even know the loop holes that are out there, naively believing everything Foxnews tells you...

You are fuckin too stupid for words... Here you go:

here's real estate:

DUHHHH you fuckin moron. i truly can't believe just how dumb you are and you set yourself up for this...

People that use this real estate depreciation tax loop hole can pay 0% income tax, yet earn millions in cash per year...

When your taxable income is zero, how much tax should you pay?

that's why it is a loop hole.

Depreciation is a valid business expense.

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