Uncovered: MASSIVE Tax give away in Stimulus Bill

Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
By "MASSIVE tax give away" you mean.....THEY GET TO KEEP MONEY THEY EARNED???


AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class. This excuse is so pathetic and does not age well.
They don’. You are a lying sack.
with this loop hole they do... man you people are just stupid. You embarrass yourself on a constant basis.
Nope. You are a lying sack.

You are too stupid too even understand what a tax loop hole is. First you said it was fake news, then you said it was the dems fault, now you don't even understand how this works... You must have gone to one of those schools in the hood, you're dumb as dog shit...
Feel free to bring your data showing low income people paying a higher tax rate than high income earners, moron.

I have absolutely schooled you... I don't know who is dumber you ar toddster, Warren Buffet pays a lower tax percentage than his secretary and there are thousands of examples of this. I can literally list 1000 examples of this, here's one you need to look up the others.

People that use this real estate depreciation tax loop hole can pay 0% income tax, yet earn millions in cash per year... that's why it is a loop hole. You are so stupid that you don't even know the loop holes that are out there, naively believing everything Foxnews tells you...

You are fuckin too stupid for words... Here you go:

here's real estate:

DUHHHH you fuckin moron. i truly can't believe just how dumb you are.

Warren Buffet pays a lower tax percentage than his secretary

Warren is such a fucking liar.

Think he's lying about this, too?


Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
By "MASSIVE tax give away" you mean.....THEY GET TO KEEP MONEY THEY EARNED???


AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class. This excuse is so pathetic and does not age well.
They don’. You are a lying sack.
with this loop hole they do... man you people are just stupid. You embarrass yourself on a constant basis.
Nope. You are a lying sack.

You are too stupid too even understand what a tax loop hole is. First you said it was fake news, then you said it was the dems fault, now you don't even understand how this works... You must have gone to one of those schools in the hood, you're dumb as dog shit...
Feel free to bring your data showing low income people paying a higher tax rate than high income earners, moron.

I have absolutely schooled you... I don't know who is dumber you or toddster, Warren Buffet pays a lower tax percentage than his secretary and there are thousands of examples of this. I can literally list 1000 examples of this, here's one you need to look up the others.

People that use this real estate depreciation tax loop hole can pay 0% income tax, yet earn millions in cash per year... that's why it is a loop hole. You are so stupid that you don't even know the loop holes that are out there, naively believing everything Foxnews tells you...

You are fuckin too stupid for words... Here you go:

here's real estate:

DUHHHH you fuckin moron. i truly can't believe just how dumb you are and you set yourself up for this...

Get real. He is the 4th richest person in the world, moron.

We are talking about people who work for wages. You just embarrassed yourself, idiot.

Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
By "MASSIVE tax give away" you mean.....THEY GET TO KEEP MONEY THEY EARNED???


AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class. This excuse is so pathetic and does not age well.
They don’. You are a lying sack.
with this loop hole they do... man you people are just stupid. You embarrass yourself on a constant basis.
Nope. You are a lying sack.

You are too stupid too even understand what a tax loop hole is. First you said it was fake news, then you said it was the dems fault, now you don't even understand how this works... You must have gone to one of those schools in the hood, you're dumb as dog shit...
Feel free to bring your data showing low income people paying a higher tax rate than high income earners, moron.

I have absolutely schooled you... I don't know who is dumber you or toddster, Warren Buffet pays a lower tax percentage than his secretary and there are thousands of examples of this. I can literally list 1000 examples of this, here's one you need to look up the others.

People that use this real estate depreciation tax loop hole can pay 0% income tax, yet earn millions in cash per year... that's why it is a loop hole. You are so stupid that you don't even know the loop holes that are out there, naively believing everything Foxnews tells you...

You are fuckin too stupid for words... Here you go:

here's real estate:

DUHHHH you fuckin moron. i truly can't believe just how dumb you are and you set yourself up for this...

People that use this real estate depreciation tax loop hole can pay 0% income tax, yet earn millions in cash per year...

When your taxable income is zero, how much tax should you pay?

that's why it is a loop hole.

Depreciation is a valid business expense.
Depreciation of real estate is abused by con men developers like Trump and others. They can devalue a property to save on taxes and then turn right around and over-value it for purposes of obtaining loans. Laws should be changed.


Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
By "MASSIVE tax give away" you mean.....THEY GET TO KEEP MONEY THEY EARNED???


AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class. This excuse is so pathetic and does not age well.
They don’. You are a lying sack.
with this loop hole they do... man you people are just stupid. You embarrass yourself on a constant basis.
Nope. You are a lying sack.

You are too stupid too even understand what a tax loop hole is. First you said it was fake news, then you said it was the dems fault, now you don't even understand how this works... You must have gone to one of those schools in the hood, you're dumb as dog shit...
Feel free to bring your data showing low income people paying a higher tax rate than high income earners, moron.

I have absolutely schooled you... I don't know who is dumber you or toddster, Warren Buffet pays a lower tax percentage than his secretary and there are thousands of examples of this. I can literally list 1000 examples of this, here's one you need to look up the others.

People that use this real estate depreciation tax loop hole can pay 0% income tax, yet earn millions in cash per year... that's why it is a loop hole. You are so stupid that you don't even know the loop holes that are out there, naively believing everything Foxnews tells you...

You are fuckin too stupid for words... Here you go:

here's real estate:

DUHHHH you fuckin moron. i truly can't believe just how dumb you are and you set yourself up for this...

Get real. He is the 4th richest person in the world, moron.

We are talking about people who work for wages. You just embarrassed yourself, idiot.
Warren's secretary works for wages. You just embarrassed yourself, idiot.

Still waiting for Meister to tell us who Banker's "masters" are who have him down on his knees.
I know the Republicans who support Trump aren't down on their knees.
They are up in Trump's colon.


Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
By "MASSIVE tax give away" you mean.....THEY GET TO KEEP MONEY THEY EARNED???


AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class. This excuse is so pathetic and does not age well.
They don’. You are a lying sack.
with this loop hole they do... man you people are just stupid. You embarrass yourself on a constant basis.
Nope. You are a lying sack.

You are too stupid too even understand what a tax loop hole is. First you said it was fake news, then you said it was the dems fault, now you don't even understand how this works... You must have gone to one of those schools in the hood, you're dumb as dog shit...
Feel free to bring your data showing low income people paying a higher tax rate than high income earners, moron.

I have absolutely schooled you... I don't know who is dumber you or toddster, Warren Buffet pays a lower tax percentage than his secretary and there are thousands of examples of this. I can literally list 1000 examples of this, here's one you need to look up the others.

People that use this real estate depreciation tax loop hole can pay 0% income tax, yet earn millions in cash per year... that's why it is a loop hole. You are so stupid that you don't even know the loop holes that are out there, naively believing everything Foxnews tells you...

You are fuckin too stupid for words... Here you go:

here's real estate:

DUHHHH you fuckin moron. i truly can't believe just how dumb you are and you set yourself up for this...

Get real. He is the 4th richest person in the world, moron.

We are talking about people who work for wages. You just embarrassed yourself, idiot.
Warren's secretary works for wages. You just embarrassed yourself, idiot.

He doesn’t you blithering idiot. He uses dozens of accountants and attorneys to make sure he pays the least amount of taxes possible, then cries that he doesn’t pay enough. He is a hypocrite.

Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
By "MASSIVE tax give away" you mean.....THEY GET TO KEEP MONEY THEY EARNED???


AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class. This excuse is so pathetic and does not age well.
They don’. You are a lying sack.
with this loop hole they do... man you people are just stupid. You embarrass yourself on a constant basis.
Nope. You are a lying sack.

You are too stupid too even understand what a tax loop hole is. First you said it was fake news, then you said it was the dems fault, now you don't even understand how this works... You must have gone to one of those schools in the hood, you're dumb as dog shit...
Feel free to bring your data showing low income people paying a higher tax rate than high income earners, moron.

I have absolutely schooled you... I don't know who is dumber you or toddster, Warren Buffet pays a lower tax percentage than his secretary and there are thousands of examples of this. I can literally list 1000 examples of this, here's one you need to look up the others.

People that use this real estate depreciation tax loop hole can pay 0% income tax, yet earn millions in cash per year... that's why it is a loop hole. You are so stupid that you don't even know the loop holes that are out there, naively believing everything Foxnews tells you...

You are fuckin too stupid for words... Here you go:

here's real estate:

DUHHHH you fuckin moron. i truly can't believe just how dumb you are and you set yourself up for this...

People that use this real estate depreciation tax loop hole can pay 0% income tax, yet earn millions in cash per year...

When your taxable income is zero, how much tax should you pay?

that's why it is a loop hole.

Depreciation is a valid business expense.
OMG you still don't get it. It is not a valid business expense, it is a loop hole and it lets people that earn millions pay no taxes. Did you even read the articles???? Obviously not. The loop hole lets you earn millions then claim that your income is zero through unfair tax deductions... All the while your real-estate assets are appreciating in value.
trying to explain this to you is like talking to a wall, you are just too stupid to understand this stuff.

Did you even read the articles?

It might be legal under the tax code, but it isn't valid... hence loop hole.

Here we go again with your stupidity.
first off, that is an unsigned bill
secondly, you are making claims based on sources proven to lie.
got anything else before i take away your free speech and put you on ignore?

The only source proven to lie is Donald Trump. Of course you will ignore those who post evidence and facts to expose Trump&Co.; I wonder why.

Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
Knew shit like this had to be in there somewhere.

Republicans are fundamentally dishonest. They can't help themselves.
They model themselves after the corrupt demoncraps.
Still waiting for Meister to tell us who Banker's "masters" are who have him down on his knees.
I know the Republicans who support Trump aren't down on their knees.
They are up in Trump's colon.

The 3 amigos of stupidity Meister, Toddster, and Nostra. These people are literally too stupid for words.

Nostra doesn't even understand that Buffet pays a lower tax percentage than his secretary, this is public info, he's released it...

Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
By "MASSIVE tax give away" you mean.....THEY GET TO KEEP MONEY THEY EARNED???


AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class. This excuse is so pathetic and does not age well.
They don’. You are a lying sack.
with this loop hole they do... man you people are just stupid. You embarrass yourself on a constant basis.
Nope. You are a lying sack.

You are too stupid too even understand what a tax loop hole is. First you said it was fake news, then you said it was the dems fault, now you don't even understand how this works... You must have gone to one of those schools in the hood, you're dumb as dog shit...
Feel free to bring your data showing low income people paying a higher tax rate than high income earners, moron.

I have absolutely schooled you... I don't know who is dumber you ar toddster, Warren Buffet pays a lower tax percentage than his secretary and there are thousands of examples of this. I can literally list 1000 examples of this, here's one you need to look up the others.

People that use this real estate depreciation tax loop hole can pay 0% income tax, yet earn millions in cash per year... that's why it is a loop hole. You are so stupid that you don't even know the loop holes that are out there, naively believing everything Foxnews tells you...

You are fuckin too stupid for words... Here you go:

here's real estate:

DUHHHH you fuckin moron. i truly can't believe just how dumb you are.

Warren Buffet pays a lower tax percentage than his secretary

Warren is such a fucking liar.

Think he's lying about this, too?


Cutting corporate tax rates saves corporations money.

Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
By "MASSIVE tax give away" you mean.....THEY GET TO KEEP MONEY THEY EARNED???


AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class. This excuse is so pathetic and does not age well.
They don’. You are a lying sack.
with this loop hole they do... man you people are just stupid. You embarrass yourself on a constant basis.
Nope. You are a lying sack.

You are too stupid too even understand what a tax loop hole is. First you said it was fake news, then you said it was the dems fault, now you don't even understand how this works... You must have gone to one of those schools in the hood, you're dumb as dog shit...
Feel free to bring your data showing low income people paying a higher tax rate than high income earners, moron.

I have absolutely schooled you... I don't know who is dumber you or toddster, Warren Buffet pays a lower tax percentage than his secretary and there are thousands of examples of this. I can literally list 1000 examples of this, here's one you need to look up the others.

People that use this real estate depreciation tax loop hole can pay 0% income tax, yet earn millions in cash per year... that's why it is a loop hole. You are so stupid that you don't even know the loop holes that are out there, naively believing everything Foxnews tells you...

You are fuckin too stupid for words... Here you go:

here's real estate:

DUHHHH you fuckin moron. i truly can't believe just how dumb you are and you set yourself up for this...

People that use this real estate depreciation tax loop hole can pay 0% income tax, yet earn millions in cash per year...

When your taxable income is zero, how much tax should you pay?

that's why it is a loop hole.

Depreciation is a valid business expense.
OMG you still don't get it. It is not a valid business expense, it is a loop hole and it lets people that earn millions pay no taxes. Did you even read the articles???? Obviously not. The loop hole lets you earn millions then claim that your income is zero through unfair tax deductions... All the while your real-estate assets are appreciating in value.
trying to explain this to you is like talking to a wall, you are just too stupid to understand this stuff.

Did you even read the articles?

It might be legal under the tax code, but it isn't valid... hence loop hole.

Here we go again with your stupidity.
Who says it isn’t valid? You? A moron who thinks all money belongs to the govt.

Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
By "MASSIVE tax give away" you mean.....THEY GET TO KEEP MONEY THEY EARNED???


AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class. This excuse is so pathetic and does not age well.
They don’. You are a lying sack.
with this loop hole they do... man you people are just stupid. You embarrass yourself on a constant basis.
Nope. You are a lying sack.

You are too stupid too even understand what a tax loop hole is. First you said it was fake news, then you said it was the dems fault, now you don't even understand how this works... You must have gone to one of those schools in the hood, you're dumb as dog shit...
Feel free to bring your data showing low income people paying a higher tax rate than high income earners, moron.

I have absolutely schooled you... I don't know who is dumber you or toddster, Warren Buffet pays a lower tax percentage than his secretary and there are thousands of examples of this. I can literally list 1000 examples of this, here's one you need to look up the others.

People that use this real estate depreciation tax loop hole can pay 0% income tax, yet earn millions in cash per year... that's why it is a loop hole. You are so stupid that you don't even know the loop holes that are out there, naively believing everything Foxnews tells you...

You are fuckin too stupid for words... Here you go:

here's real estate:

DUHHHH you fuckin moron. i truly can't believe just how dumb you are and you set yourself up for this...

People that use this real estate depreciation tax loop hole can pay 0% income tax, yet earn millions in cash per year...

When your taxable income is zero, how much tax should you pay?

that's why it is a loop hole.

Depreciation is a valid business expense.
Depreciation of real estate is abused by con men developers like Trump and others. They can devalue a property to save on taxes and then turn right around and over-value it for purposes of obtaining loans. Laws should be changed.


they can devalue a property to save on taxes

You think it's up to the developer? The IRS has no input?

Still waiting for Meister to tell us who Banker's "masters" are who have him down on his knees.
I know the Republicans who support Trump aren't down on their knees.
They are up in Trump's colon.

The 3 amigos of stupidity Meister, Toddster, and Nostra. These people are literally too stupid for words.

Nostra doesn't even understand that Buffet pays a lower tax percentage than his secretary, this is public info, he's released it...
Finding one guy who doesn’t pay himself a salary in no way backs up your bullshit lies.

You continue to humiliate yourself.

Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
By "MASSIVE tax give away" you mean.....THEY GET TO KEEP MONEY THEY EARNED???


AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class. This excuse is so pathetic and does not age well.
They don’. You are a lying sack.
with this loop hole they do... man you people are just stupid. You embarrass yourself on a constant basis.
Nope. You are a lying sack.

You are too stupid too even understand what a tax loop hole is. First you said it was fake news, then you said it was the dems fault, now you don't even understand how this works... You must have gone to one of those schools in the hood, you're dumb as dog shit...
Feel free to bring your data showing low income people paying a higher tax rate than high income earners, moron.

I have absolutely schooled you... I don't know who is dumber you or toddster, Warren Buffet pays a lower tax percentage than his secretary and there are thousands of examples of this. I can literally list 1000 examples of this, here's one you need to look up the others.

People that use this real estate depreciation tax loop hole can pay 0% income tax, yet earn millions in cash per year... that's why it is a loop hole. You are so stupid that you don't even know the loop holes that are out there, naively believing everything Foxnews tells you...

You are fuckin too stupid for words... Here you go:

here's real estate:

DUHHHH you fuckin moron. i truly can't believe just how dumb you are and you set yourself up for this...

Get real. He is the 4th richest person in the world, moron.

We are talking about people who work for wages. You just embarrassed yourself, idiot.
Warren's secretary works for wages. You just embarrassed yourself, idiot.

He doesn’t you blithering idiot. He uses dozens of accountants and attorneys to make sure he pays the least amount of taxes possible, then cries that he doesn’t pay enough. He is a hypocrite.
Either wya Buffet pays a lower percentage than his secretary, which you were too stupid to understand, and just embarassed yourself over.

He pays more total money, but a lower percentage.

you said this:
Feel free to bring your data showing low income people paying a higher tax rate than high income earners, moron.

I showed you multiple examples of the rich paying a lower tax rate than low income people... you are just clueless in life... You have a lot to learn son...

Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
By "MASSIVE tax give away" you mean.....THEY GET TO KEEP MONEY THEY EARNED???


AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class. This excuse is so pathetic and does not age well.
They don’. You are a lying sack.
with this loop hole they do... man you people are just stupid. You embarrass yourself on a constant basis.
Nope. You are a lying sack.

You are too stupid too even understand what a tax loop hole is. First you said it was fake news, then you said it was the dems fault, now you don't even understand how this works... You must have gone to one of those schools in the hood, you're dumb as dog shit...
Feel free to bring your data showing low income people paying a higher tax rate than high income earners, moron.

I have absolutely schooled you... I don't know who is dumber you or toddster, Warren Buffet pays a lower tax percentage than his secretary and there are thousands of examples of this. I can literally list 1000 examples of this, here's one you need to look up the others.

People that use this real estate depreciation tax loop hole can pay 0% income tax, yet earn millions in cash per year... that's why it is a loop hole. You are so stupid that you don't even know the loop holes that are out there, naively believing everything Foxnews tells you...

You are fuckin too stupid for words... Here you go:

here's real estate:

DUHHHH you fuckin moron. i truly can't believe just how dumb you are and you set yourself up for this...

Get real. He is the 4th richest person in the world, moron.

We are talking about people who work for wages. You just embarrassed yourself, idiot.
Warren's secretary works for wages. You just embarrassed yourself, idiot.

He doesn’t you blithering idiot. He uses dozens of accountants and attorneys to make sure he pays the least amount of taxes possible, then cries that he doesn’t pay enough. He is a hypocrite.
Either wya Buffet pays a lower percentage than his secretary, which you were too stupid to understand, and just embarassed yourself over.

He pays more total money, but a lower percentage.

you said this:
Feel free to bring your data showing low income people paying a higher tax rate than high income earners, moron.

I showed you multiple examples of the rich paying a lower tax rate than low income people... you are just clueless in life... You have a lot to learn son...
Wrong. Buffet pays capital gains taxes, not income taxes.

You are a clueless boob.
This article is about the tax cut for the rich bill passed a few years ago.

How big developers like Trump benefit from web of tax breaks
More evidence the Conman-in-Chief's motto should "Trump First," not America First.

Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
By "MASSIVE tax give away" you mean.....THEY GET TO KEEP MONEY THEY EARNED???


AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class. This excuse is so pathetic and does not age well.
They don’. You are a lying sack.
with this loop hole they do... man you people are just stupid. You embarrass yourself on a constant basis.
Nope. You are a lying sack.

You are too stupid too even understand what a tax loop hole is. First you said it was fake news, then you said it was the dems fault, now you don't even understand how this works... You must have gone to one of those schools in the hood, you're dumb as dog shit...
Feel free to bring your data showing low income people paying a higher tax rate than high income earners, moron.

I have absolutely schooled you... I don't know who is dumber you or toddster, Warren Buffet pays a lower tax percentage than his secretary and there are thousands of examples of this. I can literally list 1000 examples of this, here's one you need to look up the others.

People that use this real estate depreciation tax loop hole can pay 0% income tax, yet earn millions in cash per year... that's why it is a loop hole. You are so stupid that you don't even know the loop holes that are out there, naively believing everything Foxnews tells you...

You are fuckin too stupid for words... Here you go:

here's real estate:

DUHHHH you fuckin moron. i truly can't believe just how dumb you are and you set yourself up for this...

Get real. He is the 4th richest person in the world, moron.

We are talking about people who work for wages. You just embarrassed yourself, idiot.
Wait hang on.

Does Warren Buffet pay a higher tax rate or a lower tax rate than his secretary?

Because it is a proven fact that he pays a lower tax rate than his secretary does. You stupidity never ends... You are dumber than Toddster.

Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
By "MASSIVE tax give away" you mean.....THEY GET TO KEEP MONEY THEY EARNED???


AHAHAHA so you think it is fair and smart policy to have millionaires and billionaires pay a much smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class. This excuse is so pathetic and does not age well.
They don’. You are a lying sack.
with this loop hole they do... man you people are just stupid. You embarrass yourself on a constant basis.
Nope. You are a lying sack.

You are too stupid too even understand what a tax loop hole is. First you said it was fake news, then you said it was the dems fault, now you don't even understand how this works... You must have gone to one of those schools in the hood, you're dumb as dog shit...
Feel free to bring your data showing low income people paying a higher tax rate than high income earners, moron.

I have absolutely schooled you... I don't know who is dumber you or toddster, Warren Buffet pays a lower tax percentage than his secretary and there are thousands of examples of this. I can literally list 1000 examples of this, here's one you need to look up the others.

People that use this real estate depreciation tax loop hole can pay 0% income tax, yet earn millions in cash per year... that's why it is a loop hole. You are so stupid that you don't even know the loop holes that are out there, naively believing everything Foxnews tells you...

You are fuckin too stupid for words... Here you go:

here's real estate:

DUHHHH you fuckin moron. i truly can't believe just how dumb you are and you set yourself up for this...

People that use this real estate depreciation tax loop hole can pay 0% income tax, yet earn millions in cash per year...

When your taxable income is zero, how much tax should you pay?

that's why it is a loop hole.

Depreciation is a valid business expense.
OMG you still don't get it. It is not a valid business expense, it is a loop hole and it lets people that earn millions pay no taxes. Did you even read the articles???? Obviously not. The loop hole lets you earn millions then claim that your income is zero through unfair tax deductions... All the while your real-estate assets are appreciating in value.
trying to explain this to you is like talking to a wall, you are just too stupid to understand this stuff.

Did you even read the articles?

It might be legal under the tax code, but it isn't valid... hence loop hole.

Here we go again with your stupidity.

OMG you still don't get it. It is not a valid business expense

You should tell the IRS, quick. LOL!

It might be legal under the tax code, but it isn't valid

Ohhhhh, something that's been in place for decades, isn't valid, because you say so.


All the while your real-estate assets are appreciating in value.

And what happens with the depreciation when you sell that appreciating asset?
Educate the board with your tax code wisdom.

Currently if you own real estate and other businesses, you get to use depreciation AND improvement/upgrade expenses to write off the profits on your other businesses/income. Meaning If I make $1 million or $1 billion trading stocks or any other business, and I own real estate I can make tax deductions on that $1 million/billion profit by claiming depreciation on real estate or upgrade expenses. This is already a pretty big scam and windfall for real estate investors.

This is capped at $500k, so you could only deduct $500k of that $1 million/billion or whatever the income is... BUTTTTT in this stimulus bill, republicans quietly slipped a provision in that removes the cap completely!!!!

Meaning now you can deduct any amount that you can come up with (even Billions)!!! So basically you can make millions/billions on non-real estate income and pay no taxes on it, by claiming depreciation and upgrades of your real estate investments!!!!

BUTTTT it gets even worse!!! They also made the removal of the cap retroactive for the past 3 years!!! So that means you can deduct the depreciation etc etc from 2018 and the government will send them a massive refund check!!!!

This is estimated to cost the government $180 Billion!! That $180 billion could go to hard working Americans, but it is going to the ultra wealthy. This is indefensible, but we know that Trumpers will somehow defend it, because they are sheep!! Stop crying about being over taxed, because you gladly support policy that lets the ultra wealthy pay no taxes on their millions/billions...
Why do you say these things when you do not give anything back to the working class yourselves. Next time offer up a multi trillion dollar rebate for the peasants. All of it going to us. Would that be ten thousand dollars or more a person back? You ain't doing it. And there must be a reason the progs voted for it as it is now. Perhaps the peasant needs homes, apartments and whatever else. Let the economic, stock market, financial, and housing system collapse.

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