UNC’s ‘Literature of 9/11’ course sympathizes with terrorists, paints U.S. as imperialistic


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
An English class offered at UNC Chapel Hill this fall called “Literature of 9/11” explores the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks from the perspective of radical Islamists and those who view America as an imperialist nation.

The reading assignments for the class, which includes poems, memoirs and graphic novels, present terrorists in a sympathetic light and American political leaders as greedy, war hungry and corrupt, according to a review by The College Fix.

The readings mostly focus on justifying the actions of terrorists – painting them as fighting against an American regime, or mistaken idealists, or good people just trying to do what they deem right. None of the readings assigned in the freshman seminar present the Sept. 11 attacks from the perspective of those who died or from American families who lost loved ones.

Professor Describes al-Qaeda As Freedom Fighters

OPINION: How Professors Indoctrinate Students: A Prime Example

How would you define al-Qaeda? Most would use the word “terrorists.”

But here is my professor’s stab at it: “The Al Qaeda movement of Osama bin Laden is one example of an attempt to free a country (in this case, Saudi Arabia) from a corrupt and repressive regime propped up by a neocolonial power (in this case, the United States).”


UNC’s ‘Literature of 9/11’ course sympathizes with terrorists, paints U.S. as imperialistic - The College Fix

Oooops, did I copy and paste facts again?


Just in case you needed another reason to understand how and why our kids are being brainwashed to hate America.

Oh, and just in case you needed another reason to know who the true enemies within are.

Oh, and just in case you needed another reason to despise every liberal and treat them with utter disrespect.
"Brainwashed" :lmao:

Right, because god forbid we should ever look at anything from any perspective other than that of Numero Uno. And not even that but from Numero Uno's gummint, vich ve vill salute vizout qvestion!! :lalala:

What a maroon.
"Brainwashed" :lmao:

Right, because god forbid we should ever look at anything from any perspective other than that of Numero Uno. And not even that but from Numero Uno's gummint, vich ve vill salute vizout qvestion!! :lalala:

What a maroon.

Fuck you. You can take osama bin ladens pathetic perspective along with every last disgusting sandNIGGER terrorist and shove it right up your pathetic liberal American hating ass.
"Brainwashed" :lmao:

Right, because god forbid we should ever look at anything from any perspective other than that of Numero Uno. And not even that but from Numero Uno's gummint, vich ve vill salute vizout qvestion!! :lalala:

What a maroon.

Fuck you. You can take osama bin ladens pathetic perspective along with every last disgusting sandNIGGER terrorist and shove it right up your pathetic liberal American hating ass.


"Ugh! Me make post! Say Nigga! Is good day!"​
Maybe, just maybe, had we had someone that before we got deep into Vietnam, who said, let's stop and look at this through the eyes of an educated Vietnamese, we would not have left that little nation with our tail between our legs. When we are in a position like that in another nation, it does not matter what we think of why we are there, what matters is what the people of that nation think to be our reasons.

Bin Laden was a blood thirsty bastard, and met a fitting end. But people followed him for a reason. And if one wishes to put an end to that kind of thing, you damned well better understand what the other fellows beliefs and reasons are.
Liberal Arts professors don't teach or instruct, they use their position in academia as a platform to espouse their own ideals.

That students, and taxpayers, foot the bill for such charade is beyond absurd.
An English class offered at UNC Chapel Hill this fall called “Literature of 9/11” explores the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks from the perspective of radical Islamists and those who view America as an imperialist nation.

The reading assignments for the class, which includes poems, memoirs and graphic novels, present terrorists in a sympathetic light and American political leaders as greedy, war hungry and corrupt, according to a review by The College Fix.

The readings mostly focus on justifying the actions of terrorists – painting them as fighting against an American regime, or mistaken idealists, or good people just trying to do what they deem right. None of the readings assigned in the freshman seminar present the Sept. 11 attacks from the perspective of those who died or from American families who lost loved ones.

Professor Describes al-Qaeda As Freedom Fighters

OPINION: How Professors Indoctrinate Students: A Prime Example

How would you define al-Qaeda? Most would use the word “terrorists.”

But here is my professor’s stab at it: “The Al Qaeda movement of Osama bin Laden is one example of an attempt to free a country (in this case, Saudi Arabia) from a corrupt and repressive regime propped up by a neocolonial power (in this case, the United States).”


UNC’s ‘Literature of 9/11’ course sympathizes with terrorists, paints U.S. as imperialistic - The College Fix

Oooops, did I copy and paste facts again?


Just in case you needed another reason to understand how and why our kids are being brainwashed to hate America.

Oh, and just in case you needed another reason to know who the true enemies within are.

Oh, and just in case you needed another reason to despise every liberal and treat them with utter disrespect.

Since you didn't take the class (not having graduated 4th grade) you have no real facts?

Just your pathetic far-right xenophobic spin?

-- sit and spin, bitch...
Liberal Arts professors don't teach or instruct, they use their position in academia as a platform to espouse their own ideals.

That students, and taxpayers, foot the bill for such charade is beyond absurd.

You're not even qualified to clean toilets at a university, much less a Jr. College.

So... STFU.
Liberal Arts professors don't teach or instruct, they use their position in academia as a platform to espouse their own ideals.

That students, and taxpayers, foot the bill for such charade is beyond absurd.

You're not even qualified to clean toilets at a university, much less a Jr. College.

So... STFU.
This is Politics, not the FZ.

STEM professors teach and instruct.

Poly Sci is a fruitless recitation in bullshit.
"Brainwashed" :lmao:

Right, because god forbid we should ever look at anything from any perspective other than that of Numero Uno. And not even that but from Numero Uno's gummint, vich ve vill salute vizout qvestion!! :lalala:

What a maroon.

Fuck you. You can take osama bin ladens pathetic perspective along with every last disgusting sandNIGGER terrorist and shove it right up your pathetic liberal American hating ass.
have you gotten education beyond high school &/or served?
Liberal Arts professors don't teach or instruct, they use their position in academia as a platform to espouse their own ideals.

That students, and taxpayers, foot the bill for such charade is beyond absurd.
projecty much shit stain? Same goes for asswipe rw reactionary OP
Liberal Arts professors don't teach or instruct, they use their position in academia as a platform to espouse their own ideals.

That students, and taxpayers, foot the bill for such charade is beyond absurd.
projecty much shit stain? Same goes for asswipe rw reactionary OP
This is Politics and not the FZ. I've said that three times now.

And what does "projecty much shit stain" mean? :dunno:
This is like Springtime for Hitler and lefties justify it as some kind of moralistic perspective exercise.

Oooh, somebody's afwaid of what college students might learn about da world.... :eek:

Not quite. I'm very aware of the lefty indoctrination. My kid just graduated and we were very careful to scrutinize and vet.
Two of my siblings were college professors and they were very insulated left wingers.
OPINION: How Professors Indoctrinate Students: A Prime Example

Oooops, did I copy and paste facts again?

Eh, you copy/paste an opinion piece

Besides that, don't you think it's important to know where terrorist evildoers come from and what motivates them?

Or is simple Bu$h "logic" good enough for you

"They hate us for our freedoms, now go shopping and stimulate the economy"

An English class offered at UNC Chapel Hill this fall called “Literature of 9/11” explores the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks from the perspective of radical Islamists and those who view America as an imperialist nation.

The reading assignments for the class, which includes poems, memoirs and graphic novels, present terrorists in a sympathetic light and American political leaders as greedy, war hungry and corrupt, according to a review by The College Fix.

The readings mostly focus on justifying the actions of terrorists – painting them as fighting against an American regime, or mistaken idealists, or good people just trying to do what they deem right. None of the readings assigned in the freshman seminar present the Sept. 11 attacks from the perspective of those who died or from American families who lost loved ones.

Professor Describes al-Qaeda As Freedom Fighters

OPINION: How Professors Indoctrinate Students: A Prime Example

How would you define al-Qaeda? Most would use the word “terrorists.”

But here is my professor’s stab at it: “The Al Qaeda movement of Osama bin Laden is one example of an attempt to free a country (in this case, Saudi Arabia) from a corrupt and repressive regime propped up by a neocolonial power (in this case, the United States).”


UNC’s ‘Literature of 9/11’ course sympathizes with terrorists, paints U.S. as imperialistic - The College Fix

Oooops, did I copy and paste facts again?


Just in case you needed another reason to understand how and why our kids are being brainwashed to hate America.

Oh, and just in case you needed another reason to know who the true enemies within are.

Oh, and just in case you needed another reason to despise every liberal and treat them with utter disrespect.
You want facts? How about these facts from someone who actually took the fucking class.

"As someone who took this class at UNC, I strongly disagree with this article. The class would be more aptly named, "The Cultural Impact of 9/11," and considering the class as I took it in 2011, much of this article is untrue. Course reading also included "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close," a Jonahtan Safran Foer novel from the perspective of a young jewish boy whose father was lost in the event. We also looked at various memorials and how people cope with and respond to tragedy. Additionally, conspiracy theories were discussed, but the entire course was in the style of "this is what this certain people believe/ how they responded" and not "this is what you ought to believe." I actually feel that this was one of the most valuable classes that I took at UNC, as it challenged me to consider the country's social response to 9/11 and consider the perspective of someone who is not a WASP, like myself. In no way did I come out of the class feeling pushed to believe the US was imperialistic, nor feeling in any way sympathetic toward terrorism. Welcome to UNC, Alec, but be cautious of speculative journalism."
OPINION: How Professors Indoctrinate Students: A Prime Example

Oooops, did I copy and paste facts again?

Eh, you copy/paste an opinion piece

Besides that, don't you think it's important to know where terrorist evildoers come from and what motivates them?

Or is simple Bu$h "logic" good enough for you

"They hate us for our freedoms, now go shopping and stimulate the economy"



A lot of right wingers here don't know:
Why Al Qaeda did 911.
What type of organisation Al Qaeda is
What was Bin Ladens role in it
Al Qeada's Origin
How previous attempts in history have don against organisation like Al Qeada

There is many more questions...

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