Lynn Britton's salary (in these "hard times") is now over $ 3.000.000......How many of those employees could have been kept on if this idiot gave up only HALF of her salary?
How's about giving up the corporate jet...or eliminating the little vacations to Dublin?
How much of your salary are you willing to give up?
As much as us construction workers had to lose to the illegal invasion of our trades...
Once again thanks Obama!
That was done during Bush and Reagan...
The ACA made some insurance and health care company jobs obsolete and provided the companies ways to make money saving adjustments. That is why Mercy is letting go of 347 administrative employees while it is hiring `2,000 health care workers. There are no longer rooms full of workers searching for old medical files and records that can tie a patient to an indication of a previous illness that can be used as a chance to boot them off an insurance policy is one example.
Lynn Britton's salary (in these "hard times") is now over $ 3.000.000......How many of those employees could have been kept on if this idiot gave up only HALF of her salary?
How's about giving up the corporate jet...or eliminating the little vacations to Dublin?
How much of your salary are you willing to give up?
As much as us construction workers had to lose to the illegal invasion of our trades...
Once again thanks Obama!
That was done during Bush and Reagan...
Actually Obama has let millions across and wants to immediately make the legal. All for a vote.
Lynn Britton's salary (in these "hard times") is now over $ 3.000.000......How many of those employees could have been kept on if this idiot gave up only HALF of her salary?
How's about giving up the corporate jet...or eliminating the little vacations to Dublin?
How much of your salary are you willing to give up?
As much as us construction workers had to lose to the illegal invasion of our trades...
Once again thanks Obama!
That was done during Bush and Reagan...
Actually Obama has let millions across and wants to immediately make the legal. All for a vote.
English as a second language? Is that for you?? You vote illegal?
How much of your salary are you willing to give up?

Before I start bitching about late "reimbursements" AND if a truly cared about my workers being laid off, sure I'd give up a sizeable chunk of my ludicrous salary. We are not here talking about a unique talent of Mercy's CEO, but about a "business" that is purported to provide health care services.
The left are the ones that support the job killing obama care.

Nitwit, Obama just handed health care insurers and providers 15plus million NEW customers....You'd think that paragon of free market capitalism is a job-killer?
Yeah... It's just another Healthcare Provider, showing the same signs of economic failure due to the economic policy set upon them by the Ideological Left.

That's all it is... .
The left are the ones that support the job killing obama care.

Nitwit, Obama just handed health care insurers and providers 15plus million NEW customers....You'd think that paragon of free market capitalism is a job-killer?

Yeah... 15 million clients who the guy that 'Gave' ya those clients, set policy that forced the cost of your product beyond their means to BUY IT!

Now... someone help this idiot with the math on this... 15 million new clients who can't sustain the cost of your product, equals how many clients?

1 - 150 million

2 - 6.333

3 - 1 billion

4 - the inverse of some.
Now folks, Remember that these same geniuses gave the Mortgage Companies 10s of Millions of new clients... with policy that could only drive the value of the underlying properties beyond the means of those clients to sustain.
They blab and blob but give no facts, no analysis, no solid reasoning.

15 million new customers, a subsidized base, and this is job killing socialism? These dopes are adorable.
They blab and blob but give no facts, no analysis, no solid reasoning.

15 million new customers, a subsidized base, and this is job killing socialism? These dopes are adorable.
The lost jobs were all in billing. LOL
Yeah... 15 million clients who the guy that 'Gave' ya those clients, set policy that forced the cost of your product beyond their means to BUY IT!

You're dumber than usual today (not an easy task for you)...HC is NOT a product.
The mandate (a right wingers' idea in the first place) gets young, healthy people involved in the pool of insured.
Obamacare has latched onto the healthcare industry like a financial vampire sucking the life out of it. Bravo libs you idiots.
Remember the liberal's plan people, since tax increases were losing at the ballot box the liberal filth instead decided to pass spending bills like Obamacare first, then later when Obamacare starts to crash and burn financially they reasoned that we would be forced to increase taxes. While they stand around and pretend the tax increases were not their fault.
Yeah... 15 million clients who the guy that 'Gave' ya those clients, set policy that forced the cost of your product beyond their means to BUY IT!

You're dumber than usual today (not an easy task for you)...HC is NOT a product.
The mandate (a right wingers' idea in the first place) gets young, healthy people involved in the pool of insured.

I'm fine with young idiot liberals with limited income buying way more coverage than they need to keep my health insurance costs down while I bask in the 2% world. lol
I'm fine with young idiot liberals with limited income buying way more coverage than they need to keep my health insurance costs down while I bask in the 2% world. lol

Yet another right wing idiot chimes in with the above garbage......

As a country we should be ashamed that we have the MOST expensive health care delivery, at LOWER quality than most and with tons of fellow citizens having to go to the ER for chemo therapy......and nitwits like Blues, cheers and LOLs...like the clueless moron that he surely is.
There is no way verify the Breitfart claim on Mercy. Given the very poor and totally questionable history old breit due to lying and fabrications the statements should be questioned.
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Hey Key...before you shed a tear for Mercy.......

Lynn Britton, chief executive of Mercy, received $2.2 million in total compensation in fiscal year 2012 — a 15 percent increase over 2011. A year earlier, he received an 18 percent increase. Britton declined to comment.

Five current and former Mercy executives received total compensation in fiscal year 2012 exceeding $1 million.

Mercy executives are provided additional perquisites, including first class and charter travel on Mercy’s aircraft and the opportunity at times for their spouses to accompany them to business and other events. Executives and staff fly to and from some business meetings in Mercy’s midsize corporate jet, a Rockwell Sabreliner.

Mercy board members and executives also hold retreats in Dublin to commemorate where the health system’s sponsor — the Sisters of Mercy religious order — was founded in about 1830.

Hospital CEOs see double-digit pay hikes Business

I can find no story outside of the RW Press that would verify the Mercy Health Story. Brietbart has not exactly ever been the most honest site when comes to information.

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