Under President Trump, Majority Of Americans Want Mass Deportations

The majority of Americans don't want this.

The great replacement has already happened. It happened before we all were born when the majority population was almost wiped out by whites.

No other group gets fucked by wetbacks more than blacks do...Why do blacks always tend to side with their fuckers?
Weird shit.

Whites like you always speak that lie. Where I grew up, hispanics and blacks had one enemy, the white boy who called us n's and who called them wetbacks like you just did.

So FEELZ...umm, okay.
What about the economics...how do your people always dismiss the economics?

by spending 103$ milion bucks playing golf ?
The majority of Americans don't want this.

The great replacement has already happened. It happened before we all were born when the majority population was almost wiped out by whites.

No other group gets fucked by wetbacks more than blacks do...Why do blacks always tend to side with their fuckers?
Weird shit.

Whites like you always speak that lie. Where I grew up, hispanics and blacks had one enemy, the white boy who called us n's and who called them wetbacks like you just did.

So FEELZ...umm, okay.
What about the economics...how do your people always dismiss the economics?

by spending 103$ milion bucks playing golf ?

No, by spending $100 BIILION on filthy wetbacks
I agree. It's time for another Operation Wetback except on a larger scale ridding this country of brown illegal third worlders who've infiltrated our country. It can be done! America's borders, language, culture, and White European heritage must be preserved in order to keep our founders principles and values alive. Why? Because multiculturalism and DIEversity kills. All you have to do is look at the current situation in Europe for proof.

Poll: Majority Wants Mass Deportations Following Congressional Inaction
With or without immigration from the south the days of the White man holding majority in America is nearing the end. The melting pot is working. I am against poor people immigrating to America regardless of race and for those who will make America stronger immigrating here. It has nothing to do with color or race. The situation in Europe is due to a cult not a race! I am ashamed to be of the same race as you.
The very definition of a snowflake.
Most Americans want Illegals gone. No surprise there. Those illegals cost us billions each year.

Illegals also rape, rob and murder Americans every year.

All 20 million need to be booted out. Ike did it in the 50's and Trump can do it now. He won't get any grief from Americans.

The problem with illegals is they have no commitment to this country. They come here and send the money they make "often untaxed under the table" back to their families in whereverville. If they have to revert to crime in the hard times between illegal employment they have no problem with that either, if they get caught they make bail and disappear again, today they are David tomorrow Tony or whatever. If they face real jail time they just flee back to whereverville. Round 'em up ship them out and make them pay the coyotes to sneak in again. We should have "turn in a illegal immigrant week" every month until they are gone. $1000.00 bounty for each. It would cost less than was just appropriated to take care of the Illegals in detention centers! And it would go to Americans who are here legally and create jobs and address the homeless problem(more housing for legal people) Win Win .
The majority of Americans don't want this.

The great replacement has already happened. It happened before we all were born when the majority population was almost wiped out by whites.

No other group gets fucked by wetbacks more than blacks do...Why do blacks always tend to side with their fuckers?
Weird shit.

Whites like you always speak that lie. Where I grew up, hispanics and blacks had one enemy, the white boy who called us n's and who called them wetbacks like you just did.

So FEELZ...umm, okay.
What about the economics...how do your people always dismiss the economics?

We don't.

Why do you miss the economics of white racism? If illegal hispanic immigrants are taking jobs from us, it's because they are being hired and we aren't.
I agree. It's time for another Operation Wetback except on a larger scale ridding this country of brown illegal third worlders who've infiltrated our country. It can be done! America's borders, language, culture, and White European heritage must be preserved in order to keep our founders principles and values alive. Why? Because multiculturalism and DIEversity kills. All you have to do is look at the current situation in Europe for proof.

Poll: Majority Wants Mass Deportations Following Congressional Inaction
With or without immigration from the south the days of the White man holding majority in America is nearing the end. The melting pot is working. I am against poor people immigrating to America regardless of race and for those who will make America stronger immigrating here. It has nothing to do with color or race. The situation in Europe is due to a cult not a race! I am ashamed to be of the same race as you.
I encourage education regardless of race, religion, etc...
The majority of Americans don't want this.

The great replacement has already happened. It happened before we all were born when the majority population was almost wiped out by whites.

No other group gets fucked by wetbacks more than blacks do...Why do blacks always tend to side with their fuckers?
Weird shit.

Whites like you always speak that lie. Where I grew up, hispanics and blacks had one enemy, the white boy who called us n's and who called them wetbacks like you just did.

So FEELZ...umm, okay.
What about the economics...how do your people always dismiss the economics?

We don't.

Why do you miss the economics of white racism? If illegal hispanic immigrants are taking jobs from us, it's because they are being hired and we aren't.
It’s because both parties love cheap labor.
The majority of Americans don't want this.

The great replacement has already happened. It happened before we all were born when the majority population was almost wiped out by whites.

No other group gets fucked by wetbacks more than blacks do...Why do blacks always tend to side with their fuckers?
Weird shit.

Whites like you always speak that lie. Where I grew up, hispanics and blacks had one enemy, the white boy who called us n's and who called them wetbacks like you just did.

So FEELZ...umm, okay.
What about the economics...how do your people always dismiss the economics?

We don't.

Why do you miss the economics of white racism? If illegal hispanic immigrants are taking jobs from us, it's because they are being hired and we aren't.
The womenz soccer team is about as white as you can get! Racist azzes! rumor has it the women of color on the team do the cleaning and laundry. Lots of sanitizer used to kill the bacteria and germs also.
The majority of Americans don't want this.

The great replacement has already happened. It happened before we all were born when the majority population was almost wiped out by whites.

No other group gets fucked by wetbacks more than blacks do...Why do blacks always tend to side with their fuckers?
Weird shit.

Whites like you always speak that lie. Where I grew up, hispanics and blacks had one enemy, the white boy who called us n's and who called them wetbacks like you just did.

So FEELZ...umm, okay.
What about the economics...how do your people always dismiss the economics?

We don't.

Why do you miss the economics of white racism? If illegal hispanic immigrants are taking jobs from us, it's because they are being hired and we aren't.
The womenz soccer team is about as white as you can get! Racist azzes! rumor has it the women of color on the team do the cleaning and laundry. Lots of sanitizer used to kill the bacteria and germs also.

At least they are learning valuable job skills for when they are forgotten as Soccer players, you know like tomorrow ! Most of them are from well off families who could afford the Endless years of Soccer camps and traveling leagues and tournaments. Not many low income "rainbows" on that team I'll bet! Locker room conversation : "Coach I want to play and represent my Country" "Oaky dokey as soon as you get the stains out of the white girls underwear !:www_MyEmoticons_com__shush:
The majority of Americans don't want this.

The great replacement has already happened. It happened before we all were born when the majority population was almost wiped out by whites.
And how old are you?
I agree. It's time for another Operation Wetback except on a larger scale ridding this country of brown illegal third worlders who've infiltrated our country. It can be done! America's borders, language, culture, and White European heritage must be preserved in order to keep our founders principles and values alive. Why? Because multiculturalism and DIEversity kills. All you have to do is look at the current situation in Europe for proof.

Poll: Majority Wants Mass Deportations Following Congressional Inaction

Trump definitely brings out the worst in people.
Yes, since his glorious election, Democrats have become more unhinged and violently dangerous than ever.
I agree. It's time for another Operation Wetback except on a larger scale ridding this country of brown illegal third worlders who've infiltrated our country. It can be done! America's borders, language, culture, and White European heritage must be preserved in order to keep our founders principles and values alive. Why? Because multiculturalism and DIEversity kills. All you have to do is look at the current situation in Europe for proof.

Poll: Majority Wants Mass Deportations Following Congressional Inaction

Trump definitely brings out the worst in people.
Yes, since his glorious election, Democrats have become more unhinged and violently dangerous than ever.

you'll be ok - those big ol meanie democrats wont hurt you.

The majority of Americans don't want this.

The great replacement has already happened. It happened before we all were born when the majority population was almost wiped out by whites.
And how old are you?
Old enough to know that whites crying about being replaced is a belief steeped in a multitude of mental disorders.
Most American black women are running track and playing basketball. And the USWNT has managers, trainers and doctors.
People will talk about mass deportations till they find out how cost prohibitive it will be. Congress is not going to deal with this issue head on. The two parties would rather caterwaul about open borders and xenophobia...
People that do not believe in the American way should depart. America has always opened their hearts and country to people fleeing death and destruction. My god one idiot even suggested we would be better off in Russia than with the democrats. Now that is just lain stupid. I mean really stupid. If you want a murderous dictator then immigrate to Russia. You white nationalists make me sick. You should be ashamed of yourselves but you are not smart enough to understand that all people had the same creator. Are you saying that god didn't know what he was doing. You sure as hell don't believe what the bible says about taking care of the stranger. So on you way to hell wave to all the good people heading the other way. God doesn't want your stupid ass.

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