UnderStanding "Bedlam" At Tampa, FL: Even Tea Party Staying Away(?)!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
And so, with The Republicans now on track for offering more misrepresentations of Reality than even can be found on Network TV: Just where is the Tea Party, no one asks? Apparently, Half of them are not at the GOP Convention in Tampa, FL.

Many tea party freshmen congressmen stay away from Tampa - latimes.com

1) Actually, Governor Christie did use the "bi-partisan" word several times.
2) Actually, not once did Mrs. Romney offer up relief from the Romney extensive fortune for Working Women, or for Breast Cancer victims, or for MS victims. Anyone is led to believe that anyone has to "feel the love," instead.
3) Mrs. Romney did attempt a defense of the hoarding of the money!
4) And so there was, "The Strangelove Address," nowhere to be recited in the schools, with any good fortune, worldwide.
5) The correcting of the reality problems in the Ryan Address fill up more internet space than the address itself. Anyone wonders what "Doing this" means at all at GOP! From Romney to Ryan the theme was all about hoarding, (and even with a visual of . . .well!)

Bethleham Royal Hospital, offering "Bedlam" since 1547: Manages to come to mind!

1) Not even the nutcakes showed up at the nutcase, obsessed-with-the-hoarding convention.
2) Bethleham Royal Hospital was an insane asylum, in London, that had just been an ordinary hospital since 1297, or so.
3) It was then a giant psychiatric ward starting 1547.
4) The famous roar of "Bedlam" comes from there.

Even the Tea Party knew enough to stay away from Tampa, FL, during the GOP gathering in the ward, there. Little kids even say, "It takes one, to know one!"

The addiction to reward of the rich, even treating Medicare cost-cuts as benefits cuts--directing money instead to other services: Is Mostly the Consistent theme of the gathering. Mrs. Romney alluded to the value of the hoarding. Governor Christie side-stepped it--at least tried(?). Anyone guesses that Rep. Ryan had not proof-read his remarks. Spend less, tax less, and fail to create cost-containing initiatives, all at the same: Would further suggest that he never reads any of his prepared remarks.

Not even the Tea Party showed up for that!

The Attending Press Corps--likely including from the Ivy League--only heard the roar, and reported that.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Young braves go to sweat house lodge to send evil spirits away! Young braves then run out and jump in water. None of that seemed to work either, and so now no one does that anymore!)
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The Internal Revenue Code has far more than 2000 pages in it, but is more widely accepted than are the $700 bil. in cost-cuts taken away from hospital administrators, medical staffs, and Insurance Company Execs in the Obama-Biden health plan on the books, and upheld.

The $700 bil. then goes to creating even newer benefits for even far more people.

Rep. Ryan proposes vouchers, instead. There are no cost-containment measures at all! There are no benefits guidelines at all! After listening to the often-wrong remarks at Tampa, anyone guesses that Ryan's plan may in fact not be written down at all!

For Ryan's plan to work, first anyone has to see any sitting President: Part the Atlantic Ocean to let the Hispanics flee, or something(?)!

Anyone gets the impression that the Internal Revenue Code, tens of thousands of pages: Are relatively well-liked, for a reason(S). Someone gets away with something, and doesn't even have to show the paperwork off, when running for office(?)!

Repeated on the internet, over and over again, are words in writing, like below:

"There is a connection between the Medicare cost savings and the health care law. At the time the health care law was being finalized, Democrats said it was important to them that the new law not add to the deficit. So the reductions in Medicare spending were counted against the health care law’s new spending."

"We should point out that some new spending is within the Medicare program, such as increasing coverage for prescription drugs and offering preventive care with no out-of-pocket costs."

"More significantly, though, the law moves to cover the uninsured, by giving them tax credits to buy private insurance. It also expands Medicaid, the state insurance program for the poor. The savings from Medicare offset that spending."

"The health law also imposes new taxes, primarily on the wealthy and on the health care industry. That, too, offsets the new spending."

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many young braves understand the new Youtube! Lies on paper, not written down--which no one could read if they were(?)!)
This explanation, in the article itself, it like best:

"Others stayed home for practical reasons, as they run for reelection in a year when the race for control of the House is not expected to be on the same glide path as two years ago."

When people actually turn out to vote, then outcomes are different from when nobody except a few like-mentally-deranged show up!

The momentum has to be in the direction of a sea-change, and the seas ahead are likely calming: On behalf of the Democrats in support of the more beningn-than-it-has-been-economy.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(The Ivy League sent one-third of the stimulus money to state and local governments, which hoarded it as cheerfully as do the Romneys. The bad taste is over, and the spending is on the uptick. Asset values are on the uptick. Wall Street even hates the recent rally, and is hoping even for a correction. Overall, however, the direction has been moving away from the madness, lingering on though it is!)
This is what happens when the OP is too stupid to understand the articles he's cutting and pasteing.
This is what happens when the OP is too stupid to understand the articles he's cutting and pasteing.

I dont think it's a matter of stupidity. I just dont think English is his first language.
Hear Governor Christie use the "Bi-partisan," word again and again. That is probably on Youtube somewhere. It is noted that the critics of OP don't appear able to read all that well.

Likely they are stand-ins for Rep. Ryan!

Read Governor Christie-Running-Scared: Hoping that Romney or Ryan use the "Bi-Partisan" word a lot, going into the General Election!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes Not Comprehend Great Smoke Signals--Even from Great Medicine Lodges(?)--but call it their own(?)!)

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