Understanding the Global Warming Debate

Even Fox News sees that global warming is happening
Skeptic Finds He Now Agrees Global Warming Is Real | Fox News

WASHINGTON – A prominent physicist and skeptic of global warming spent two years trying to find out if mainstream climate scientists were wrong. In the end, he determined they were right: Temperatures really are rising rapidly.
The study of the world's surface temperatures by Richard Muller was partially bankrolled by a foundation connected to global warming deniers. He pursued long-held skeptic theories in analyzing the data. He was spurred to action because of "Climategate," a British scandal involving hacked emails of scientists.

Yet he found that the land is 1.6 degrees warmer than in the 1950s. Those numbers from Muller, who works at the University of California, Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, match those by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and NASA.
He said he went even further back, studying readings from Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson. His ultimate finding of a warming world, to be presented at a conference Monday, is no different from what mainstream climate scientists have been saying for decades.
What's different, and why everyone from opinion columnists to "The Daily Show" is paying attention is who is behind the study.
One-quarter of the $600,000 to do the research came from the Charles Koch Foundation, whose founder is a major funder of skeptic groups and the tea party. The Koch brothers, Charles and David, run a large privately held company involved in oil and other industries, producing sizable greenhouse gas emissions.
Muller's research team carefully examined two chief criticisms by skeptics. One is that weather stations are unreliable; the other is that cities, which create heat islands, were skewing the temperature analysis.
"The skeptics raised valid points and everybody should have been a skeptic two years ago," Muller said in a telephone interview. "And now we have confidence that the temperature rise that had previously been reported had been done without bias."
Muller said that he came into the study "with a proper skepticism," something scientists "should always have. I was somewhat bothered by the fact that there was not enough skepticism" before.
There is no reason now to be a skeptic about steadily increasing temperatures, Muller wrote recently in The Wall Street Journal's editorial pages, a place friendly to skeptics. Muller did not address in his research the cause of global warming. The overwhelming majority of climate scientists say it's man-made from the burning of fossil fuels such as coal and oil. Nor did his study look at ocean warming, future warming and how much of a threat to mankind climate change might be.
Still, Muller said it makes sense to reduce the carbon dioxide created by fossil fuels.
"Greenhouse gases could have a disastrous impact on the world," he said. Still, he contends that threat is not as proven as the Nobel Prize-winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says it is.
On Monday, Muller was taking his results — four separate papers that are not yet published or peer-reviewed, but will be, he says — to a conference in Santa Fe, N.M., expected to include many prominent skeptics as well as mainstream scientists.
"Of course he'll be welcome," said Petr Chylek of Los Alamos National Lab, a noted skeptic and the conference organizer. "The purpose of our conference is to bring people with different views on climate together, so they can talk and clarify things."
Shawn Lawrence Otto, author of the book "Fool Me Twice" that criticizes science skeptics, said Muller should expect to be harshly treated by global warming deniers. "Now he's considered a traitor. For the skeptic community, this isn't about data or fact. It's about team sports. He's been traded to the Indians. He's playing for the wrong team now."
And that started on Sunday, when a British newspaper said one of Muller's co-authors, Georgia Tech climate scientist Judith Curry, accused Muller of another Climategate-like scandal and trying to "hide the decline" of recent global temperatures.
The Associated Press contacted Curry on Sunday afternoon and she said in an email that Muller and colleagues "are not hiding any data or otherwise engaging in any scientifically questionable practice."
The Muller "results unambiguously show an increase in surface temperature since 1960," Curry wrote Sunday. She said she disagreed with Muller's public relations efforts and some public comments from Muller about there no longer being a need for skepticism.
Muller's study found that skeptics' concerns about poor weather station quality didn't skew the results of his analysis because temperature increases rose similarly in reliable and unreliable weather stations. He also found that while there is an urban heat island effect making cities warmer, rural areas, which are more abundant, are warming, too.
Among many climate scientists, the reaction was somewhat of a yawn.
"After lots of work he found exactly what was already known and accepted in the climate community," said Jerry North, a Texas A&M University atmospheric sciences professor who headed a National Academy of Sciences climate science review in 2006. "I am hoping their study will have a positive impact. But some folks will never change."
Chris Field, a Carnegie Institution scientist who is chief author of an upcoming intergovernmental climate change report, said Muller's study "may help the world's citizens focus less on whether climate change is real and more on smart options for addressing it."
Some of the most noted scientific skeptics are no longer saying the world isn't warming. Instead, they question how much of it is man-made, view it as less a threat and argue it's too expensive to do something about, Otto said.
Skeptical MIT scientist Richard Lindzen said it is a fact and nothing new that global average temperatures have been rising since 1950, as Muller shows. "It's hard to see how any serious scientist (skeptical, denier or believer — frequently depending on the exact question) will view it otherwise," he wrote in an email.
In a brief email statement, the Koch Foundation noted that Muller's team didn't examine ocean temperature or the cause of warming and said it will continue to fund such research. "The project is ongoing and entering peer review, and we're proud to support this strong, transparent research," said foundation spokeswoman Tonya Mullins.

Read more: Skeptic Finds He Now Agrees Global Warming Is Real | Fox News

So whos sock are you? We seem to be deluged with them all of a sudden.
Increases in CO2 results in more acidic bodies of waters which in turn kills of fish and other aquatic life that million depend on for food.
Second CO2 causes climate change which results in more flooding, droughts, hurricanes, and tornadoes all of which cause trillions in damages and kill hundreds of thousands of lives.
Third higher CO2 emissions and other green house gasses are very detrimental to human health cost trillions of dollars in increase health costs and lost productivity .
The list goes on.

Demonstrate how the acidity of oceans is increasing away from the run off areas of the large population where the fertilizers used on lawns are causing huge increases in acidification.

Strike one.

There have been weather events since the beginning of time. There is no compelling evidence that there are any more or less severe weather events today than there were centuries ago. People starve in very cold times. People thrive in warmer times.

You're out.

Its 5th grade science dumbass CO2+H2O create acid. Go back to elementary school and get a basic education

Also you are full of shit.
1) Tropical storms have increased by 100% because of global warming
^Tropical storms stepping up with climate change - environment - 30 July 2007 - New Scientist
6,000 people die each year due to global warmings’ increase in tropical storms
Global warming’s effect on tropical storms cost the economy 60 billion dollars each year.
(Total increase in American cost x [total tropical storms/total Atlantic storms] = total cost)

2) Droughts. Droughts have increased by 300% since 1970 because of global warming.
Global Warming Linked to Increasing Drought
Drought's Growing Reach: NCAR Study Points to Global Warming as Key Factor - News Release
The increase in droughts due to global warming kills 23,000 people and costs 45 billion every year.
How Bad is the Texas Drought? "In Austin, They are Praying for a Hurricane" | ThinkProgress
His State In Record Heat Wave, Inhofe Bails On Climate Denier Conference: 'I Am Under The Weather' | ThinkProgress
^In 2011 Texas, Oklahoma and the southwest go through the worst drought in the area ever recorded.
"Worst Food Crisis of the 21st Century" Driven by "Worst Drought in 60 Years" in East Africa, as Climate Change Makes Reduced Rainfall a "Chronic Problem" | ThinkProgress
^2011 sees the worst drought in east Africa in 60 years.

3) Floods have increased by 500%
^Number of Disasters per Year - Maps and Graphics at UNEP/GRID-Arendal
The increase in floods due to global warming kills 20,000 people, and costs the economy 45 billion each year.
Mississippi Flood Causes Billions In Damage, While Representatives Deny Climate Pollution Threat | ThinkProgress
^Mississippi’s 2011 floods caused billions in damages.
AFP: Australian flood costs top $6.3 billion
^Flooding in 2010 in Australia expected to cost over 6 billion dollars.
Landsat satellite images reveal extent of historic North Dakota flooding
^In 2011 the Dakotas a mid-west have record and massive flooding.

Corn & Soybean Meal Weekly Prices - 30th April
Facts About Corn
Warming Dents Corn And Wheat Yields - Science News
Environmental changes to blame for drop in yield of 'miracle rice'
^Hotter nights/Global warming, and air pollution are linked to a 15% decline in rice yields.
^Farms produced 3.8% less corn, and 5.5% less wheat then they could of during 1980-2008 due to slightly higher temperatures. This increased corn prices by 6.4% and wheat by 18.9%.
^Global warming cost 21 billion a year in 2009 due to decreased corn yields.
^Global warming cost 40 billion a year in 2009 due to decreased wheat yields.
^Global warming cost 20 billion in the year 2009 due to decreased rice yields
Food Security Wanes As World Warms - Science News
^Global warming/climate change responsible for a decline in food yields such as cereals in The Former Soviet Union. Future warming/climate change will result in a decline in food yields and a spike in food costs.
August 12 News: Heat Wave Reduces Crop Harvests; Senate Democrats Urge White House to Act on Smog Rule | ThinkProgress
^The unprecedented heat wave that occurred in the United State in 2011caused corn yields to fall by 4.1%, soybeans by 5.2%, and wheat by 5.2%.
Breeding ozone-tolerant crops
^Scientists find that if current trends of ground level Ozone (which occurs due to fossil fuel emissions reacting with Carbons and sunlight) stay it will reduce soybean yields by 23% by 2050
Record Heat Causes Peanut Butter Prices to Skyrocket: "I Don't Remember A Year" We Had "So Little Moisture" | ThinkProgress
^Climate change in 2010-2011 caused peanut prices to increase by over 50%

BBC News - Nitrogen pollution 'costs EU up to £280bn a year'
^Nitrogen pollution is estimated to cost Europe 100-500 billion dollars yearly. Extrapolating that data means that Nitrogen pollution costs America 100-500 billion yearly. And costs the world around 400-2000 billion each year.

^Coal pollution kills as much as 30,000 people each year in America extrapolating means coal kills around 100,000 people each year in the world.

^Number of tornadoes has increased by 30% due to global warming.
Tornadoes are formed when hot air collides with cold air.
Usually when the hot air is below the cold air, when the hot air rises and the cold air falls it causes tornadoes to form.
Tornadoes total cost of damage statistics - states compared - Statemaster
^Total yearly cost to America of Global warming increase in tornadoes is over 7 billion yearly
When and Where Do Tornadoes Occur?
^America accounts for around 25% of all Tornadoes meaning worldwide global warming increase in tornadoes costs around over 20 billion.
Tornadoes fatalities statistics - states compared - Geography data on StateMaster
^Tornadoes kill 4,000+ Americans yearly extrapolating means tornados kill 16,000 people yearly, meaning that global warming’s increase in tornadoes kills 4,000 yearly.
Tornado Season Breaks National, Local Records - Louisville News Story - WLKY Louisville
^Using data from 2008-2011 shows that tornado frequency has increased by more than 30%, possibly as high as 70%. This would mean that tornado activity due to global warming would now cost the world 30 billion dollars a year and kill 6,000 lives each year.
Southern tornadoes hit an economy already hurting | OregonLive.com
^Unprecedented tornadoes occur throughout the southern United States in 2011 killing over 300 people and costing billions of dollars.
Joplin: Deadliest Single Twister In 58 Years - Kansas City News Story - KMBC Kansas City
^Tornadoes hit Joplin damaging 30% of the city, killing almost 100 people.
‘Major Tornado Outbreak’ in Nine Central States Adding to Insurance Losses - Bloomberg
^Major tornado outbreaks occur in the Midwest.
Daily Kos: Tornado Outbreak Déjà Vu -- PDS Tornado Watch For STL East To KY -- Updated x17
^More tornadoes go through the south including through KY
BBC News - Massachusetts emergency after tornadoes kill four
^Unprecedented tornadoes sweep through New England.

^Global warming’s increase in wildfires costs 1.2 billion yearly.
Where Wildfire Fatalities Occur | Who Dies in a Wildfire
^Global warming’s increase in wild fires causes tens of people to die.
Increasing number of wildfires is caused by global warming, study finds - The Boston Globe
^Since 1986 wildfires have increased by 400%, and acres burned has increased by 650%.
Large Trees Declining In Yosemite National Park, U.S.
^Global warming responsible for decline in size of trees, because it decreases snowpack which provides most of the water for growth.
^Smaller trees are less fire-resistance. The results are more and worse wildfires.
Bill McKibben: Wildfires And Spills In The Canadian Tar Sands | ThinkProgress
^Wildfires in Alberta cause the evacuation of several towns
/4) Health care.
Study: zero emission vehicles could save $142 billion in health care costs
About Transportation & Climate Change: Transportation’s Role in Climate Change: Overview - DOT Transportation and Climate Change Clearinghouse
CO2 Emissions statistics - Countries compared - NationMaster
^Greenhouse gas emissions cause damage to lungs costing billions in health care costs.
Total greenhouse gas emissions cost America 150 billion dollars each year, and kill 2,400 Americans a year.
Total greenhouse gas emissions cost the world 600 billion each year, and kill around 10,000 people each year. (This only include lung disease)

Global Warming Likely Causing More Heat Waves, Scientists Say
^Global Warming has increased the odds of heat waves by 6 times.
The Watchers - Deadly heatwaves will be more frequent in coming decades
^Europe’s 2003/2010 heat wave destroyed crops and killed tens of thousands of people.
^Russia’s heat wave in 2009 killed 50,000 people, and cost the nation 15billion dollars.
^Global warming increase in heat waves likely costs 60,000 people every year and likely costs the global economy over 15 billion dollars a year.

Blah, blah, blah...

I said centuries, not years.

You're grasping at strawmen.
Demonstrate how the acidity of oceans is increasing away from the run off areas of the large population where the fertilizers used on lawns are causing huge increases in acidification.

Strike one.

There have been weather events since the beginning of time. There is no compelling evidence that there are any more or less severe weather events today than there were centuries ago. People starve in very cold times. People thrive in warmer times.

You're out.

Its 5th grade science dumbass CO2+H2O create acid. Go back to elementary school and get a basic education

Also you are full of shit.
1) Tropical storms have increased by 100% because of global warming
^Tropical storms stepping up with climate change - environment - 30 July 2007 - New Scientist
6,000 people die each year due to global warmings’ increase in tropical storms
Global warming’s effect on tropical storms cost the economy 60 billion dollars each year.
(Total increase in American cost x [total tropical storms/total Atlantic storms] = total cost)

2) Droughts. Droughts have increased by 300% since 1970 because of global warming.
Global Warming Linked to Increasing Drought
Drought's Growing Reach: NCAR Study Points to Global Warming as Key Factor - News Release
The increase in droughts due to global warming kills 23,000 people and costs 45 billion every year.
How Bad is the Texas Drought? "In Austin, They are Praying for a Hurricane" | ThinkProgress
His State In Record Heat Wave, Inhofe Bails On Climate Denier Conference: 'I Am Under The Weather' | ThinkProgress
^In 2011 Texas, Oklahoma and the southwest go through the worst drought in the area ever recorded.
"Worst Food Crisis of the 21st Century" Driven by "Worst Drought in 60 Years" in East Africa, as Climate Change Makes Reduced Rainfall a "Chronic Problem" | ThinkProgress
^2011 sees the worst drought in east Africa in 60 years.

3) Floods have increased by 500%
^Number of Disasters per Year - Maps and Graphics at UNEP/GRID-Arendal
The increase in floods due to global warming kills 20,000 people, and costs the economy 45 billion each year.
Mississippi Flood Causes Billions In Damage, While Representatives Deny Climate Pollution Threat | ThinkProgress
^Mississippi’s 2011 floods caused billions in damages.
AFP: Australian flood costs top $6.3 billion
^Flooding in 2010 in Australia expected to cost over 6 billion dollars.
Landsat satellite images reveal extent of historic North Dakota flooding
^In 2011 the Dakotas a mid-west have record and massive flooding.

Corn & Soybean Meal Weekly Prices - 30th April
Facts About Corn
Warming Dents Corn And Wheat Yields - Science News
Environmental changes to blame for drop in yield of 'miracle rice'
^Hotter nights/Global warming, and air pollution are linked to a 15% decline in rice yields.
^Farms produced 3.8% less corn, and 5.5% less wheat then they could of during 1980-2008 due to slightly higher temperatures. This increased corn prices by 6.4% and wheat by 18.9%.
^Global warming cost 21 billion a year in 2009 due to decreased corn yields.
^Global warming cost 40 billion a year in 2009 due to decreased wheat yields.
^Global warming cost 20 billion in the year 2009 due to decreased rice yields
Food Security Wanes As World Warms - Science News
^Global warming/climate change responsible for a decline in food yields such as cereals in The Former Soviet Union. Future warming/climate change will result in a decline in food yields and a spike in food costs.
August 12 News: Heat Wave Reduces Crop Harvests; Senate Democrats Urge White House to Act on Smog Rule | ThinkProgress
^The unprecedented heat wave that occurred in the United State in 2011caused corn yields to fall by 4.1%, soybeans by 5.2%, and wheat by 5.2%.
Breeding ozone-tolerant crops
^Scientists find that if current trends of ground level Ozone (which occurs due to fossil fuel emissions reacting with Carbons and sunlight) stay it will reduce soybean yields by 23% by 2050
Record Heat Causes Peanut Butter Prices to Skyrocket: "I Don't Remember A Year" We Had "So Little Moisture" | ThinkProgress
^Climate change in 2010-2011 caused peanut prices to increase by over 50%

BBC News - Nitrogen pollution 'costs EU up to £280bn a year'
^Nitrogen pollution is estimated to cost Europe 100-500 billion dollars yearly. Extrapolating that data means that Nitrogen pollution costs America 100-500 billion yearly. And costs the world around 400-2000 billion each year.

^Coal pollution kills as much as 30,000 people each year in America extrapolating means coal kills around 100,000 people each year in the world.

^Number of tornadoes has increased by 30% due to global warming.
Tornadoes are formed when hot air collides with cold air.
Usually when the hot air is below the cold air, when the hot air rises and the cold air falls it causes tornadoes to form.
Tornadoes total cost of damage statistics - states compared - Statemaster
^Total yearly cost to America of Global warming increase in tornadoes is over 7 billion yearly
When and Where Do Tornadoes Occur?
^America accounts for around 25% of all Tornadoes meaning worldwide global warming increase in tornadoes costs around over 20 billion.
Tornadoes fatalities statistics - states compared - Geography data on StateMaster
^Tornadoes kill 4,000+ Americans yearly extrapolating means tornados kill 16,000 people yearly, meaning that global warming’s increase in tornadoes kills 4,000 yearly.
Tornado Season Breaks National, Local Records - Louisville News Story - WLKY Louisville
^Using data from 2008-2011 shows that tornado frequency has increased by more than 30%, possibly as high as 70%. This would mean that tornado activity due to global warming would now cost the world 30 billion dollars a year and kill 6,000 lives each year.
Southern tornadoes hit an economy already hurting | OregonLive.com
^Unprecedented tornadoes occur throughout the southern United States in 2011 killing over 300 people and costing billions of dollars.
Joplin: Deadliest Single Twister In 58 Years - Kansas City News Story - KMBC Kansas City
^Tornadoes hit Joplin damaging 30% of the city, killing almost 100 people.
‘Major Tornado Outbreak’ in Nine Central States Adding to Insurance Losses - Bloomberg
^Major tornado outbreaks occur in the Midwest.
Daily Kos: Tornado Outbreak Déjà Vu -- PDS Tornado Watch For STL East To KY -- Updated x17
^More tornadoes go through the south including through KY
BBC News - Massachusetts emergency after tornadoes kill four
^Unprecedented tornadoes sweep through New England.

^Global warming’s increase in wildfires costs 1.2 billion yearly.
Where Wildfire Fatalities Occur | Who Dies in a Wildfire
^Global warming’s increase in wild fires causes tens of people to die.
Increasing number of wildfires is caused by global warming, study finds - The Boston Globe
^Since 1986 wildfires have increased by 400%, and acres burned has increased by 650%.
Large Trees Declining In Yosemite National Park, U.S.
^Global warming responsible for decline in size of trees, because it decreases snowpack which provides most of the water for growth.
^Smaller trees are less fire-resistance. The results are more and worse wildfires.
Bill McKibben: Wildfires And Spills In The Canadian Tar Sands | ThinkProgress
^Wildfires in Alberta cause the evacuation of several towns
/4) Health care.
Study: zero emission vehicles could save $142 billion in health care costs
About Transportation & Climate Change: Transportation’s Role in Climate Change: Overview - DOT Transportation and Climate Change Clearinghouse
CO2 Emissions statistics - Countries compared - NationMaster
^Greenhouse gas emissions cause damage to lungs costing billions in health care costs.
Total greenhouse gas emissions cost America 150 billion dollars each year, and kill 2,400 Americans a year.
Total greenhouse gas emissions cost the world 600 billion each year, and kill around 10,000 people each year. (This only include lung disease)

Global Warming Likely Causing More Heat Waves, Scientists Say
^Global Warming has increased the odds of heat waves by 6 times.
The Watchers - Deadly heatwaves will be more frequent in coming decades
^Europe’s 2003/2010 heat wave destroyed crops and killed tens of thousands of people.
^Russia’s heat wave in 2009 killed 50,000 people, and cost the nation 15billion dollars.
^Global warming increase in heat waves likely costs 60,000 people every year and likely costs the global economy over 15 billion dollars a year.

Blah, blah, blah...

I said centuries, not years.

You're grasping at strawmen.

Yes, I find it amusing that you point out to them that cycles (even the short ones) take decades and they ignore that and focus on one year events as evidence for their religion.
Demonstrate how the acidity of oceans is increasing away from the run off areas of the large population where the fertilizers used on lawns are causing huge increases in acidification.

Strike one.

There have been weather events since the beginning of time. There is no compelling evidence that there are any more or less severe weather events today than there were centuries ago. People starve in very cold times. People thrive in warmer times.

You're out.

Its 5th grade science dumbass CO2+H2O create acid. Go back to elementary school and get a basic education

Also you are full of shit.
1) Tropical storms have increased by 100% because of global warming
^Tropical storms stepping up with climate change - environment - 30 July 2007 - New Scientist
6,000 people die each year due to global warmings’ increase in tropical storms
Global warming’s effect on tropical storms cost the economy 60 billion dollars each year.
(Total increase in American cost x [total tropical storms/total Atlantic storms] = total cost)

2) Droughts. Droughts have increased by 300% since 1970 because of global warming.
Global Warming Linked to Increasing Drought
Drought's Growing Reach: NCAR Study Points to Global Warming as Key Factor - News Release
The increase in droughts due to global warming kills 23,000 people and costs 45 billion every year.
How Bad is the Texas Drought? "In Austin, They are Praying for a Hurricane" | ThinkProgress
His State In Record Heat Wave, Inhofe Bails On Climate Denier Conference: 'I Am Under The Weather' | ThinkProgress
^In 2011 Texas, Oklahoma and the southwest go through the worst drought in the area ever recorded.
"Worst Food Crisis of the 21st Century" Driven by "Worst Drought in 60 Years" in East Africa, as Climate Change Makes Reduced Rainfall a "Chronic Problem" | ThinkProgress
^2011 sees the worst drought in east Africa in 60 years.

3) Floods have increased by 500%
^Number of Disasters per Year - Maps and Graphics at UNEP/GRID-Arendal
The increase in floods due to global warming kills 20,000 people, and costs the economy 45 billion each year.
Mississippi Flood Causes Billions In Damage, While Representatives Deny Climate Pollution Threat | ThinkProgress
^Mississippi’s 2011 floods caused billions in damages.
AFP: Australian flood costs top $6.3 billion
^Flooding in 2010 in Australia expected to cost over 6 billion dollars.
Landsat satellite images reveal extent of historic North Dakota flooding
^In 2011 the Dakotas a mid-west have record and massive flooding.

Corn & Soybean Meal Weekly Prices - 30th April
Facts About Corn
Warming Dents Corn And Wheat Yields - Science News
Environmental changes to blame for drop in yield of 'miracle rice'
^Hotter nights/Global warming, and air pollution are linked to a 15% decline in rice yields.
^Farms produced 3.8% less corn, and 5.5% less wheat then they could of during 1980-2008 due to slightly higher temperatures. This increased corn prices by 6.4% and wheat by 18.9%.
^Global warming cost 21 billion a year in 2009 due to decreased corn yields.
^Global warming cost 40 billion a year in 2009 due to decreased wheat yields.
^Global warming cost 20 billion in the year 2009 due to decreased rice yields
Food Security Wanes As World Warms - Science News
^Global warming/climate change responsible for a decline in food yields such as cereals in The Former Soviet Union. Future warming/climate change will result in a decline in food yields and a spike in food costs.
August 12 News: Heat Wave Reduces Crop Harvests; Senate Democrats Urge White House to Act on Smog Rule | ThinkProgress
^The unprecedented heat wave that occurred in the United State in 2011caused corn yields to fall by 4.1%, soybeans by 5.2%, and wheat by 5.2%.
Breeding ozone-tolerant crops
^Scientists find that if current trends of ground level Ozone (which occurs due to fossil fuel emissions reacting with Carbons and sunlight) stay it will reduce soybean yields by 23% by 2050
Record Heat Causes Peanut Butter Prices to Skyrocket: "I Don't Remember A Year" We Had "So Little Moisture" | ThinkProgress
^Climate change in 2010-2011 caused peanut prices to increase by over 50%

BBC News - Nitrogen pollution 'costs EU up to £280bn a year'
^Nitrogen pollution is estimated to cost Europe 100-500 billion dollars yearly. Extrapolating that data means that Nitrogen pollution costs America 100-500 billion yearly. And costs the world around 400-2000 billion each year.

^Coal pollution kills as much as 30,000 people each year in America extrapolating means coal kills around 100,000 people each year in the world.

^Number of tornadoes has increased by 30% due to global warming.
Tornadoes are formed when hot air collides with cold air.
Usually when the hot air is below the cold air, when the hot air rises and the cold air falls it causes tornadoes to form.
Tornadoes total cost of damage statistics - states compared - Statemaster
^Total yearly cost to America of Global warming increase in tornadoes is over 7 billion yearly
When and Where Do Tornadoes Occur?
^America accounts for around 25% of all Tornadoes meaning worldwide global warming increase in tornadoes costs around over 20 billion.
Tornadoes fatalities statistics - states compared - Geography data on StateMaster
^Tornadoes kill 4,000+ Americans yearly extrapolating means tornados kill 16,000 people yearly, meaning that global warming’s increase in tornadoes kills 4,000 yearly.
Tornado Season Breaks National, Local Records - Louisville News Story - WLKY Louisville
^Using data from 2008-2011 shows that tornado frequency has increased by more than 30%, possibly as high as 70%. This would mean that tornado activity due to global warming would now cost the world 30 billion dollars a year and kill 6,000 lives each year.
Southern tornadoes hit an economy already hurting | OregonLive.com
^Unprecedented tornadoes occur throughout the southern United States in 2011 killing over 300 people and costing billions of dollars.
Joplin: Deadliest Single Twister In 58 Years - Kansas City News Story - KMBC Kansas City
^Tornadoes hit Joplin damaging 30% of the city, killing almost 100 people.
‘Major Tornado Outbreak’ in Nine Central States Adding to Insurance Losses - Bloomberg
^Major tornado outbreaks occur in the Midwest.
Daily Kos: Tornado Outbreak Déjà Vu -- PDS Tornado Watch For STL East To KY -- Updated x17
^More tornadoes go through the south including through KY
BBC News - Massachusetts emergency after tornadoes kill four
^Unprecedented tornadoes sweep through New England.

^Global warming’s increase in wildfires costs 1.2 billion yearly.
Where Wildfire Fatalities Occur | Who Dies in a Wildfire
^Global warming’s increase in wild fires causes tens of people to die.
Increasing number of wildfires is caused by global warming, study finds - The Boston Globe
^Since 1986 wildfires have increased by 400%, and acres burned has increased by 650%.
Large Trees Declining In Yosemite National Park, U.S.
^Global warming responsible for decline in size of trees, because it decreases snowpack which provides most of the water for growth.
^Smaller trees are less fire-resistance. The results are more and worse wildfires.
Bill McKibben: Wildfires And Spills In The Canadian Tar Sands | ThinkProgress
^Wildfires in Alberta cause the evacuation of several towns
/4) Health care.
Study: zero emission vehicles could save $142 billion in health care costs
About Transportation & Climate Change: Transportation’s Role in Climate Change: Overview - DOT Transportation and Climate Change Clearinghouse
CO2 Emissions statistics - Countries compared - NationMaster
^Greenhouse gas emissions cause damage to lungs costing billions in health care costs.
Total greenhouse gas emissions cost America 150 billion dollars each year, and kill 2,400 Americans a year.
Total greenhouse gas emissions cost the world 600 billion each year, and kill around 10,000 people each year. (This only include lung disease)

Global Warming Likely Causing More Heat Waves, Scientists Say
^Global Warming has increased the odds of heat waves by 6 times.
The Watchers - Deadly heatwaves will be more frequent in coming decades
^Europe’s 2003/2010 heat wave destroyed crops and killed tens of thousands of people.
^Russia’s heat wave in 2009 killed 50,000 people, and cost the nation 15billion dollars.
^Global warming increase in heat waves likely costs 60,000 people every year and likely costs the global economy over 15 billion dollars a year.

Blah, blah, blah...

I said centuries, not years.

You're grasping at strawmen.
How is proving that you are a clueless idiot a strawman?
Now Frankieboy, just google carbon cycle, and learn something. Of course you will not, but it is there for anybody that is really interested in the science.

What a moron. A CO2 CYCLE goes in a circle. For your supposed science, it has to go frontwards then backup, all at the same time. You can't even grasp a cycle? No wonder its so easy for the Faither leadership to lead you around.

I read through the articles you posted, but didn't bother to read, and they don't explain how warming both increases the CO2 that's released from the oceans and increases the CO2 absorbed by the oceans.

Then again, your streak is perfect: you never posted a single experiment that show how a 100PPM increase in CO2 (that's a .01% changes in total atmospheric composition) does ANY of the things you allege.

AGW: It's just not science
Its 5th grade science dumbass CO2+H2O create acid. Go back to elementary school and get a basic education

Also you are full of shit.
1) Tropical storms have increased by 100% because of global warming
^Tropical storms stepping up with climate change - environment - 30 July 2007 - New Scientist
6,000 people die each year due to global warmings’ increase in tropical storms
Global warming’s effect on tropical storms cost the economy 60 billion dollars each year.
(Total increase in American cost x [total tropical storms/total Atlantic storms] = total cost)

2) Droughts. Droughts have increased by 300% since 1970 because of global warming.
Global Warming Linked to Increasing Drought
Drought's Growing Reach: NCAR Study Points to Global Warming as Key Factor - News Release
The increase in droughts due to global warming kills 23,000 people and costs 45 billion every year.
How Bad is the Texas Drought? "In Austin, They are Praying for a Hurricane" | ThinkProgress
His State In Record Heat Wave, Inhofe Bails On Climate Denier Conference: 'I Am Under The Weather' | ThinkProgress
^In 2011 Texas, Oklahoma and the southwest go through the worst drought in the area ever recorded.
"Worst Food Crisis of the 21st Century" Driven by "Worst Drought in 60 Years" in East Africa, as Climate Change Makes Reduced Rainfall a "Chronic Problem" | ThinkProgress
^2011 sees the worst drought in east Africa in 60 years.

3) Floods have increased by 500%
^Number of Disasters per Year - Maps and Graphics at UNEP/GRID-Arendal
The increase in floods due to global warming kills 20,000 people, and costs the economy 45 billion each year.
Mississippi Flood Causes Billions In Damage, While Representatives Deny Climate Pollution Threat | ThinkProgress
^Mississippi’s 2011 floods caused billions in damages.
AFP: Australian flood costs top $6.3 billion
^Flooding in 2010 in Australia expected to cost over 6 billion dollars.
Landsat satellite images reveal extent of historic North Dakota flooding
^In 2011 the Dakotas a mid-west have record and massive flooding.

Corn & Soybean Meal Weekly Prices - 30th April
Facts About Corn
Warming Dents Corn And Wheat Yields - Science News
Environmental changes to blame for drop in yield of 'miracle rice'
^Hotter nights/Global warming, and air pollution are linked to a 15% decline in rice yields.
^Farms produced 3.8% less corn, and 5.5% less wheat then they could of during 1980-2008 due to slightly higher temperatures. This increased corn prices by 6.4% and wheat by 18.9%.
^Global warming cost 21 billion a year in 2009 due to decreased corn yields.
^Global warming cost 40 billion a year in 2009 due to decreased wheat yields.
^Global warming cost 20 billion in the year 2009 due to decreased rice yields
Food Security Wanes As World Warms - Science News
^Global warming/climate change responsible for a decline in food yields such as cereals in The Former Soviet Union. Future warming/climate change will result in a decline in food yields and a spike in food costs.
August 12 News: Heat Wave Reduces Crop Harvests; Senate Democrats Urge White House to Act on Smog Rule | ThinkProgress
^The unprecedented heat wave that occurred in the United State in 2011caused corn yields to fall by 4.1%, soybeans by 5.2%, and wheat by 5.2%.
Breeding ozone-tolerant crops
^Scientists find that if current trends of ground level Ozone (which occurs due to fossil fuel emissions reacting with Carbons and sunlight) stay it will reduce soybean yields by 23% by 2050
Record Heat Causes Peanut Butter Prices to Skyrocket: "I Don't Remember A Year" We Had "So Little Moisture" | ThinkProgress
^Climate change in 2010-2011 caused peanut prices to increase by over 50%

BBC News - Nitrogen pollution 'costs EU up to £280bn a year'
^Nitrogen pollution is estimated to cost Europe 100-500 billion dollars yearly. Extrapolating that data means that Nitrogen pollution costs America 100-500 billion yearly. And costs the world around 400-2000 billion each year.

^Coal pollution kills as much as 30,000 people each year in America extrapolating means coal kills around 100,000 people each year in the world.

^Number of tornadoes has increased by 30% due to global warming.
Tornadoes are formed when hot air collides with cold air.
Usually when the hot air is below the cold air, when the hot air rises and the cold air falls it causes tornadoes to form.
Tornadoes total cost of damage statistics - states compared - Statemaster
^Total yearly cost to America of Global warming increase in tornadoes is over 7 billion yearly
When and Where Do Tornadoes Occur?
^America accounts for around 25% of all Tornadoes meaning worldwide global warming increase in tornadoes costs around over 20 billion.
Tornadoes fatalities statistics - states compared - Geography data on StateMaster
^Tornadoes kill 4,000+ Americans yearly extrapolating means tornados kill 16,000 people yearly, meaning that global warming’s increase in tornadoes kills 4,000 yearly.
Tornado Season Breaks National, Local Records - Louisville News Story - WLKY Louisville
^Using data from 2008-2011 shows that tornado frequency has increased by more than 30%, possibly as high as 70%. This would mean that tornado activity due to global warming would now cost the world 30 billion dollars a year and kill 6,000 lives each year.
Southern tornadoes hit an economy already hurting | OregonLive.com
^Unprecedented tornadoes occur throughout the southern United States in 2011 killing over 300 people and costing billions of dollars.
Joplin: Deadliest Single Twister In 58 Years - Kansas City News Story - KMBC Kansas City
^Tornadoes hit Joplin damaging 30% of the city, killing almost 100 people.
‘Major Tornado Outbreak’ in Nine Central States Adding to Insurance Losses - Bloomberg
^Major tornado outbreaks occur in the Midwest.
Daily Kos: Tornado Outbreak Déjà Vu -- PDS Tornado Watch For STL East To KY -- Updated x17
^More tornadoes go through the south including through KY
BBC News - Massachusetts emergency after tornadoes kill four
^Unprecedented tornadoes sweep through New England.

^Global warming’s increase in wildfires costs 1.2 billion yearly.
Where Wildfire Fatalities Occur | Who Dies in a Wildfire
^Global warming’s increase in wild fires causes tens of people to die.
Increasing number of wildfires is caused by global warming, study finds - The Boston Globe
^Since 1986 wildfires have increased by 400%, and acres burned has increased by 650%.
Large Trees Declining In Yosemite National Park, U.S.
^Global warming responsible for decline in size of trees, because it decreases snowpack which provides most of the water for growth.
^Smaller trees are less fire-resistance. The results are more and worse wildfires.
Bill McKibben: Wildfires And Spills In The Canadian Tar Sands | ThinkProgress
^Wildfires in Alberta cause the evacuation of several towns
/4) Health care.
Study: zero emission vehicles could save $142 billion in health care costs
About Transportation & Climate Change: Transportation’s Role in Climate Change: Overview - DOT Transportation and Climate Change Clearinghouse
CO2 Emissions statistics - Countries compared - NationMaster
^Greenhouse gas emissions cause damage to lungs costing billions in health care costs.
Total greenhouse gas emissions cost America 150 billion dollars each year, and kill 2,400 Americans a year.
Total greenhouse gas emissions cost the world 600 billion each year, and kill around 10,000 people each year. (This only include lung disease)

Global Warming Likely Causing More Heat Waves, Scientists Say
^Global Warming has increased the odds of heat waves by 6 times.
The Watchers - Deadly heatwaves will be more frequent in coming decades
^Europe’s 2003/2010 heat wave destroyed crops and killed tens of thousands of people.
^Russia’s heat wave in 2009 killed 50,000 people, and cost the nation 15billion dollars.
^Global warming increase in heat waves likely costs 60,000 people every year and likely costs the global economy over 15 billion dollars a year.

Blah, blah, blah...

I said centuries, not years.

You're grasping at strawmen.
How is proving that you are a clueless idiot a strawman?

Still having a problem with that whole proofy thingy, aren't we.

First prove your assertion that CO2 increasing from current levels will cause catastrophic warming.

A good place to start is how the increase from the levels of 280 has already caused catastrophic warming.

Go ahead and present the proof that has never been produced up until now by any person in any sector at any time.

I'll wait...
Blah, blah, blah...

I said centuries, not years.

You're grasping at strawmen.
How is proving that you are a clueless idiot a strawman?

Still having a problem with that whole proofy thingy, aren't we.

First prove your assertion that CO2 increasing from current levels will cause catastrophic warming.

A good place to start is how the increase from the levels of 280 has already caused catastrophic warming.

Go ahead and present the proof that has never been produced up until now by any person in any sector at any time.

I'll wait...
I already have dumbass you just ignored it because your to much of a douche to accept reality
How is proving that you are a clueless idiot a strawman?

Still having a problem with that whole proofy thingy, aren't we.

First prove your assertion that CO2 increasing from current levels will cause catastrophic warming.

A good place to start is how the increase from the levels of 280 has already caused catastrophic warming.

Go ahead and present the proof that has never been produced up until now by any person in any sector at any time.

I'll wait...
I already have dumbass you just ignored it because your to much of a douche to accept reality

The proof I require is that you

1. Post a prediction from 30 years ago that accurately meets the temperatures of today.

2. Demonstrate how the increase in temperature of 0.7 degrees over 2000 years is catastrophic

and finally,

3. How much CO2 much be added to the atmosphere to cause a specific amount of warming when the warming for the whole 2nd millennium was on 0.3 degrees.

Posting links to unrelated and unsupported conjecture from agenda driven hacks who make their living by creating panic is not proof. You really need to check your dictionary. What I require is actual data of actual temperature.

You might want to start by explaining why the planet is a little less than a degree cooler than it was 8000 years ago when CO2 was about 60% of what it is today. Your claim is that if CO2 is higher, then temperature is higher and yet it's not.

Show me the proof that supports your assertion or give it up.

If you can't produce proof, you're welcome to throw another tantrum.
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absolutely fantastic article at Forbes that describes the differences between warmers and skeptics-
Understanding the Global Warming Debate - Forbes

The IPCC assumed that strong positive feedbacks dominated, and thus arrived at numbers that implied that feedbacks added an additional 2-4 degrees to the 1 degree from CO2 directly. So in the IPCC numbers, at least two thirds of the future warming comes not from the basic greenhouse gas effect but a second independent theory that the Earth’s climate is dominated by strong positive feedbacks. Other more alarmist scientists have come up with feedback numbers even higher. When Al Gore says that we will see a tipping point where temperatures will run away, he is positing that feedbacks will be nearly infinite (a phenomenon we can hear with loud feedback screeches from a microphone).

But the science of this positive climate feedback theory is far from settled. Just as skeptics are probably wrong to question the basic greenhouse gas effect of CO2, catastrophic global warming advocates are wrong to over-estimate our understanding of these feedbacks. Not only may the feedback number not be high, but it might be negative, as implied by some recent research, which would actually reduce the warming we would see from a doubling of CO2 to less than one degree Celsius. After all, most long-term stable natural systems (and that would certainly describe climate) are dominated by negative rather than positive feedbacks.

I highly recommend reading the article

In the article where he says Deniers is an attempt to evoke a parallel with holocaust deniers... is an absolute retardation on the contributor's part. It's not at all meant to draw a parallel with the holocaust. Denialism is prevalent in many areas of life... not just the fucking holocaust.

Denialism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
absolutely fantastic article at Forbes that describes the differences between warmers and skeptics-
Understanding the Global Warming Debate - Forbes

The IPCC assumed that strong positive feedbacks dominated, and thus arrived at numbers that implied that feedbacks added an additional 2-4 degrees to the 1 degree from CO2 directly. So in the IPCC numbers, at least two thirds of the future warming comes not from the basic greenhouse gas effect but a second independent theory that the Earth’s climate is dominated by strong positive feedbacks. Other more alarmist scientists have come up with feedback numbers even higher. When Al Gore says that we will see a tipping point where temperatures will run away, he is positing that feedbacks will be nearly infinite (a phenomenon we can hear with loud feedback screeches from a microphone).

But the science of this positive climate feedback theory is far from settled. Just as skeptics are probably wrong to question the basic greenhouse gas effect of CO2, catastrophic global warming advocates are wrong to over-estimate our understanding of these feedbacks. Not only may the feedback number not be high, but it might be negative, as implied by some recent research, which would actually reduce the warming we would see from a doubling of CO2 to less than one degree Celsius. After all, most long-term stable natural systems (and that would certainly describe climate) are dominated by negative rather than positive feedbacks.

I highly recommend reading the article

In the article where he says Deniers is an attempt to evoke a parallel with holocaust deniers... is an absolute retardation on the contributor's part. It's not at all meant to draw a parallel with the holocaust. Denialism is prevalent in many areas of life... not just the fucking holocaust.

Denialism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

While that may be true the AGW supporters use it to attempt to smear the sceptics through simple propaganda, just like the prosecutors of the holocaust of old. they are no different. Especially when their major supporters in media start calling sceptics "insane" or call for the mass incarceration or murder of those sceptics.

I give you the new NAZI's. Nice side to be on, just remember they lost.
I read through the articles you posted, but didn't bother to read, and they don't explain how warming both increases the CO2 that's released from the oceans and increases the CO2 absorbed by the oceans.

Pretty basic concept.... when you take 400,000,000 year old atmospheric CO2 and start pumping it back into the atmosphere you are going to increase the total carbon flux in the sytem while simultaneously moving the kinetics of the carbon budget further from equillibrium.
I read through the articles you posted, but didn't bother to read, and they don't explain how warming both increases the CO2 that's released from the oceans and increases the CO2 absorbed by the oceans.

Pretty basic concept.... when you take 400,000,000 year old atmospheric CO2 and start pumping it back into the atmosphere you are going to increase the total carbon flux in the sytem while simultaneously moving the kinetics of the carbon budget further from equillibrium.

Fail. We have sea life that has survived several CO2 cycles.
absolutely fantastic article at Forbes that describes the differences between warmers and skeptics-
Understanding the Global Warming Debate - Forbes

I highly recommend reading the article

In the article where he says Deniers is an attempt to evoke a parallel with holocaust deniers... is an absolute retardation on the contributor's part. It's not at all meant to draw a parallel with the holocaust. Denialism is prevalent in many areas of life... not just the fucking holocaust.

Denialism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

While that may be true the AGW supporters use it to attempt to smear the sceptics through simple propaganda, just like the prosecutors of the holocaust of old. they are no different. Especially when their major supporters in media start calling sceptics "insane" or call for the mass incarceration or murder of those sceptics.

I give you the new NAZI's. Nice side to be on, just remember they lost.

No they don't... you're dishonest and a liar. Also good job with the Nazi comparison, jackass. Sorry... but neonazi's already exist... and they are certainly not on this playground.
I read through the articles you posted, but didn't bother to read, and they don't explain how warming both increases the CO2 that's released from the oceans and increases the CO2 absorbed by the oceans.

Pretty basic concept.... when you take 400,000,000 year old atmospheric CO2 and start pumping it back into the atmosphere you are going to increase the total carbon flux in the sytem while simultaneously moving the kinetics of the carbon budget further from equillibrium.

Fail. We have sea life that has survived several CO2 cycles.

Most sea life can't even adapt to a sudden(in terms of evolutionary scale) change of even one degree in ocean temperature without dying off. They have to migrate to fit in their comfort range, which is drastically impeded or even impossible if the ocean currents are altered, which is particularly possible not simply due to increasing temperatures on earth, but by the thermohaline circulation problems it creates.
I read through the articles you posted, but didn't bother to read, and they don't explain how warming both increases the CO2 that's released from the oceans and increases the CO2 absorbed by the oceans.

Pretty basic concept.... when you take 400,000,000 year old atmospheric CO2 and start pumping it back into the atmosphere you are going to increase the total carbon flux in the sytem while simultaneously moving the kinetics of the carbon budget further from equillibrium.

How many socks are you going to create? No one, and I mean no one pays you any attention any more. Just give it a rest.
In the article where he says Deniers is an attempt to evoke a parallel with holocaust deniers... is an absolute retardation on the contributor's part. It's not at all meant to draw a parallel with the holocaust. Denialism is prevalent in many areas of life... not just the fucking holocaust.

Denialism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

While that may be true the AGW supporters use it to attempt to smear the sceptics through simple propaganda, just like the prosecutors of the holocaust of old. they are no different. Especially when their major supporters in media start calling sceptics "insane" or call for the mass incarceration or murder of those sceptics.

I give you the new NAZI's. Nice side to be on, just remember they lost.

No they don't... you're dishonest and a liar. Also good job with the Nazi comparison, jackass. Sorry... but neonazi's already exist... and they are certainly not on this playground.

I have many friends in Germany and their saying is the Greens are the new Reds. Neonazis are incompetant morons who live in a little dream world. Your cohorts are trying to institute a global government and they are using environmental laws to do it. You're an admitted socialist so for you it's OK.

I, on the other hand, actually read history books and socialist countries ALLWAYS fail, but usually not before they kill mass quantities of their citizens in the name of collectivisation.
Pretty basic concept.... when you take 400,000,000 year old atmospheric CO2 and start pumping it back into the atmosphere you are going to increase the total carbon flux in the sytem while simultaneously moving the kinetics of the carbon budget further from equillibrium.

Fail. We have sea life that has survived several CO2 cycles.

Most sea life can't even adapt to a sudden(in terms of evolutionary scale) change of even one degree in ocean temperature without dying off. They have to migrate to fit in their comfort range, which is drastically impeded or even impossible if the ocean currents are altered, which is particularly possible not simply due to increasing temperatures on earth, but by the thermohaline circulation problems it creates.

Demonstrably and provable untrue. The main stress on sea life is overfishing. Do you know anything, or are you just capable of parroting the party line?
..and yet, I present the shark.

I guess you don't know what rapid means or the kind of timescale I'm talking about.

I guess you don't understand much about the world. Here's a friendly bit of advice. Go back and look at all the predictions and claims that the AGW crowd have made. Everytime, and I mean everytime their claims or predictions have been tested they have been wrong. A more colossal lack of accuracy would be impossible to find in the scientific community. To get as dead wrong as the AGW crowd have been you need to look at astrologers. Actually astrologers are more accurate. You have to drop down to palm readers to get the type of failure the AGW crowd has enjoyed.

"The scientists say the hybrid sharks are a combination of the common blacktip shark and the smaller Australian blacktip shark, which lives in warmer tropical waters near the coastline.

The researchers say the new, hybrid sharks live along a 200 kilometer stretch of Australia's northeastern coast but have ventured more than 1,600 kilometers south, to cooler waters.

The scientists say they do not know for certain why the two species started interbreeding but suggest it may be an evolutionary process to adapt to climate change or pressures on their food supply.

The findings appear in the journal Conservation Genetics."

Aussie Sharks ‘Evolving’ « VOA Breaking News

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