Unemployment 5.1% Sept 2015


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Oct 10, 2009
Unemployment 5.1% Sept 2015

Payroll employment increased by 173,000 over the past 14 years this month always gets revised up by 75K, so the real number is up 247,000

A few days ago the Federal Reserve Beige Book said The overall Labor supply continues to be "very tight", with contacts noting shortages of workers. Pay rates have grown by 3 percent to 20 percent, with the sharper increases reflecting a greater supply-demand gap.
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Unemployment 5.1% Sept 2015

Payroll employment increased by 173,000 over the past 14 years this month always gets revised up by 75K, so the real number is up 247,000

A few days ago the Federal Reserve Beige Book said The overall Labor supply continues to be "very tight", with contacts noting shortages of workers. Pay rates have grown by 3 percent to 20 percent, with the sharper increases reflecting a greater supply-demand gap.

Thanks, Obama!
Hey, that Dear Leader might have that number reading 0% unemployed before he leaves us to go save the world.

and if you believe anything that comes from this administration. you deserve to be led over the cliff which is were they are taking us

whatever. all heil Obama
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Unemployment 5.1% Sept 2015

Payroll employment increased by 173,000 over the past 14 years this month always gets revised up by 75K, so the real number is up 247,000

A few days ago the Federal Reserve Beige Book said The overall Labor supply continues to be "very tight", with contacts noting shortages of workers. Pay rates have grown by 3 percent to 20 percent, with the sharper increases reflecting a greater supply-demand gap.

Thanks, Obama!
didn't you mean all heil Obama.
Thank you, Mr. President.

And, most of these are high paying jobs.

Just think what he could accomplish if the GOP was working for the good of their own country.
Unemployment dropped a full percent this year. We are now at average unemployment rate. So the Fed will now start focusing on inflation & stocks to determine weather it hikes interest rates. The PPI is heading down showing inflation is not a problem & global stock market weakness shows stocks are not a bubble that needs a rate hike. The Fed should wait 4 to 5 months to hike rates. By that time Unemployment rate should be 4.7%

The PPI shows Deflation Risk
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Pay is rising!!! Employment rates have been under reported & subsequently revised up!

"In August, average hourly earnings for all employees on private nonfarm
payrolls rose by 8 cents to $25.09, following a 6-cent gain in July. Hourly
earnings have risen by 2.2 percent over the year. Average hourly earnings
of private-sector production and nonsupervisory employees increased by 5
cents to $21.07 in August.

The change in total nonfarm payroll employment for June was revised from
+231,000 to +245,000, and the change for July was revised from +215,000 to
+245,000. With these revisions, employment gains in June and July combined
were 44,000 more than previously reported. Over the past 3 months, job
gains have averaged 221,000 per month."
Did they lie when it was 5.1% under Bush?

Record 94 Million NOT in Labor Force! Just think: When 150-200 million drop out there'll be damn near ZERO Unemployment!
Record 94 Million Americans Not In The Labor Force; Participation Rate Lowest Since 1977 | Zero Hedge

Labor Force Participation Rate has been dropping for 17 years...why didn't you whine while it dropped under Bush?

It is what you get when 4 million Baby Boomers retire each year......do you oppose retired people not being in the workforce?
wait a minute. If pay is rising why are the snake Democrats still calling to raise the minimum wage? , they say that unemployment is down to 5.1%. what they don't tell you is the majority of the jobs are now PART-time hours because OF ObamaCare for one and two: fast jobs is most of the jobs that has been "created" under this regime
5.1% ?
sure...sure...whatever they say...the government wouldn't lie.

Did they lie when it was 5.1% under Bush?

Obviously not. He didnt have record numbers on some form of government assistance or record numbers out of the work force.
Actually Bush DID have record numbers out of the workforce each and every year of his failed regime, but then for some strange reason it didn't matter to the Right then.

Can you please explain why the record numbers not in the workforce was not meaningful during the Bush Regime????
Did they lie when it was 5.1% under Bush?

Record 94 Million NOT in Labor Force! Just think: When 150-200 million drop out there'll be damn near ZERO Unemployment!
Record 94 Million Americans Not In The Labor Force; Participation Rate Lowest Since 1977 | Zero Hedge

Dear IDIOT! The Labor Force Participation Rate of Working Age Population 16 to 64 years old is Much, Much Higher than that & Climbing. Must We Employ Children & Elderly??? Bush dropped the participation rate 9% & gets a pass. Obama increased it by 3% & gets blamed! :lol:

Yes! - If the Shoe Fits.... Boooosh!
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