Unemployment Comp vs. Minimum Wage


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Back in the days when I was working as a full-time security guard (while going to college), I was distressed (and jealous?) to realize that there were several members of my wife's extended family who were making more in unemployment comp than I was making working a full time job. (I use the term "working" in a very loose sense; security guards don't actually do any "work," per se). These guys were construction workers who, at the time, would normally be laid off every year from mid-November through the end of February.

I would occasionally have conversations with them about the process of signing up for unemployment. At the time, the Unemployment Office had the bizarre requirement that you actually be LOOKING FOR WORK while you were collecting these weekly checks. In fact, you had to sign a statement to that effect in order for your check to be processed.

But of course, these guys were not looking for anything but a nice nap in the afternoon. They were making good money when working, and there was no copulating way they were going to take a job at half or a third their customary rate, knowing that their employers were going to be calling them back in March. Or - more importantly - knowing that they were making more sitting on their asses at home than they could make at a temporary job, particularly when you factor in the cost of going to work every day.

Bottom line: The unemployment comp was a HUGE deterrent to these guys getting a job.

Fast forward 40 years.

Now we have a President and his fellow travelers in Congress whining about the possibility that the extended unemployment benefits (going out as long as 99 weeks) will be expiring, and it would simply be too cruel to let it expire.

And we still have the perverse situation that, depending on what state you live in, you can make more sitting on your ass drawing UEC than your neighbor makes stocking shelves at the local hardware store.

And some people honestly believe that UEC is not a dis-incentive to getting real and finding a [fucking] job.

UEC is not a "free" government benefit. Employers pay an unemployment insurance premium out of the earnings of every employee, and like all insurance, when the indemnified event takes place (you lose your job), you are entitled to the benefit that the insurance pays. Which is a maximum of six months of compensation at the state-defined rate - while you are looking for work if you please.

But when you get past that six months, you are ON WELFARE, and sucking at the teat's of your friends and neighbors.

There are millions of jobs available in this great land. The "Help Wanted" signs in my area are ubiquitous. But as long as the UEC weekly comp and the minimum wage are aligned as they are now, nobody who is drawing UEC is going to get an entry-level job. It would be financially stupid, eh?

Regardless of whether the ill-conceived initiative to raise the MW goes forward, the extension of UEC benefits is a stupid, wasteful, and generally bad idea.
UE is tied to your salary. If you made more money working, you will get more money on UE than someone who made less money working.

I agree with Newt Gingrich's solution. If someone has been on unemployment for a long time, send them to retraining so they can learn a more worthwhile skill.
Better: Don't let them stay on unemployment for "a long time."

Six months.

UE is tied to your salary. If you made more money working, you will get more money on UE than someone who made less money working.

I agree with Newt Gingrich's solution. If someone has been on unemployment for a long time, send them to retraining so they can learn a more worthwhile skill.

And THAT was exactly in the latest food stamp bill that Democrats wouldn't sign..!
A) The cuts are over 10 years or $4 billion a year to a program that spends $700 billion over ten years!
But USA makes it sound like a $40 billion cut right away!!! BIG LIE!
So when the above idiot says "$668 family of 4 is cut by $36 they are taking the entire $4 billion across all participants!

B) The bill would cut $40 billion from the food stamp program over the next 10 years.
C) It would also require adults between 18 and 50 without minor children to find a job or to enroll in a work-training program in order to receive benefits.

D) It would also limit the time those recipients could get benefits to three months.
Currently, states can extend food stamp benefits past three months for able-bodied people who are working or preparing for work as part of a job-training program.

E) The bill would also restrict people enrolled in other social welfare programs from automatically becoming eligible for food stamps.

F) In addition, the legislation would allow states to require food stamp recipients to be tested for drugs and
G) to stop lottery winners from getting benefits.
Top secret: $80B a year for food stamps, but feds won't reveal what's purchased - Washington Times
Over the years, I've heard numerous employers and business owners lament the fact that they simply can not attract employees no matter how hard they try. Most recently, a local factory operator told us in a presentation that his number one challenge was finding ANYONE who wanted a job. "If you know anyone who wants to work, please send them over"!
ONE OTHER MAJOR POINT our ignorant President supporting raising minimum wage is this:

If you raise the minimum wage there will be more unemployed! FACT.
If there are MORE unemployed that means there will be LESS Federal Unemployment Taxes Collected!
Employer pays what is called Federal Unemployment TAX... a minimum of $600 a year per employee!
So these dummies want LESS people working so there will be less FUTA tax collected!

Over the years, I've heard numerous employers and business owners lament the fact that they simply can not attract employees no matter how hard they try. Most recently, a local factory operator told us in a presentation that his number one challenge was finding ANYONE who wanted a job. "If you know anyone who wants to work, please send them over"!

I hear the same thing all the time. There are reasons for this, one being why bother working when you don't have to. We are becoming a people of surfer dudes who get free money while hanging out all day. Then of course, whine about the evil companies not wanting to increase benefits for the non-working poor.
Over the years, I've heard numerous employers and business owners lament the fact that they simply can not attract employees no matter how hard they try. Most recently, a local factory operator told us in a presentation that his number one challenge was finding ANYONE who wanted a job. "If you know anyone who wants to work, please send them over"!

Those business owners are correct...
They can't find anyone but an illegal or an Indian business visa who will work for $5.00/hour, 24/7 and STFU.
Let's be honest and face the facts, anyone who starts a business in this failed Clinton/GW/Obama Free Market Global Employee Pool needs low wage workers to barely make it.
Back in the days when I was working as a full-time security guard (while going to college), I was distressed (and jealous?) to realize that there were several members of my wife's extended family who were making more in unemployment comp than I was making working a full time job. (I use the term "working" in a very loose sense; security guards don't actually do any "work," per se). These guys were construction workers who, at the time, would normally be laid off every year from mid-November through the end of February.

I would occasionally have conversations with them about the process of signing up for unemployment. At the time, the Unemployment Office had the bizarre requirement that you actually be LOOKING FOR WORK while you were collecting these weekly checks. In fact, you had to sign a statement to that effect in order for your check to be processed.

But of course, these guys were not looking for anything but a nice nap in the afternoon. They were making good money when working, and there was no copulating way they were going to take a job at half or a third their customary rate, knowing that their employers were going to be calling them back in March. Or - more importantly - knowing that they were making more sitting on their asses at home than they could make at a temporary job, particularly when you factor in the cost of going to work every day.

Bottom line: The unemployment comp was a HUGE deterrent to these guys getting a job.

Fast forward 40 years.

Now we have a President and his fellow travelers in Congress whining about the possibility that the extended unemployment benefits (going out as long as 99 weeks) will be expiring, and it would simply be too cruel to let it expire.

And we still have the perverse situation that, depending on what state you live in, you can make more sitting on your ass drawing UEC than your neighbor makes stocking shelves at the local hardware store.

And some people honestly believe that UEC is not a dis-incentive to getting real and finding a [fucking] job.

UEC is not a "free" government benefit. Employers pay an unemployment insurance premium out of the earnings of every employee, and like all insurance, when the indemnified event takes place (you lose your job), you are entitled to the benefit that the insurance pays. Which is a maximum of six months of compensation at the state-defined rate - while you are looking for work if you please.

But when you get past that six months, you are ON WELFARE, and sucking at the teat's of your friends and neighbors.

There are millions of jobs available in this great land. The "Help Wanted" signs in my area are ubiquitous. But as long as the UEC weekly comp and the minimum wage are aligned as they are now, nobody who is drawing UEC is going to get an entry-level job. It would be financially stupid, eh?

Regardless of whether the ill-conceived initiative to raise the MW goes forward, the extension of UEC benefits is a stupid, wasteful, and generally bad idea.

So several members of your wife's extended family were deadbeats in your opinion, so you conclude ever person who is eligible for UE is a deadbeat. Clear thinking at its best (sarcasm alert).

Not every recipient of UE works F/T March to October so before advocating for an entire change in policy responsible people would look to the data and see who, where and why some recipients have been unable to secure employment. The answer might be as close as your own member of congress who holds the same ideology as you (I got mine, fuck the rest of 'em). Or that Romney & Friends have closed the factory, sold off the assets and moved on, leaving hundreds of employees out of work with no prospects. Or, Bush's Great Recession and predatory capitalism might explain long term unemployment too.
Over the years, I've heard numerous employers and business owners lament the fact that they simply can not attract employees no matter how hard they try. Most recently, a local factory operator told us in a presentation that his number one challenge was finding ANYONE who wanted a job. "If you know anyone who wants to work, please send them over"!

Those business owners are correct...
They can't find anyone but an illegal or an Indian business visa who will work for $5.00/hour, 24/7 and STFU.
Let's be honest and face the facts, anyone who starts a business in this failed Clinton/GW/Obama Free Market Global Employee Pool needs low wage workers to barely make it.

You keep making up the same crap over and over. OK, you dont make it up because you aren't that smart. You repeat it from someone else.
Indians dont come here to work for $5/hr. And not 24/7. Illegals largely dont either. And companies face penalties for violating immigration and wage laws.
You've never had a job in your life, have you?
Over the years, I've heard numerous employers and business owners lament the fact that they simply can not attract employees no matter how hard they try. Most recently, a local factory operator told us in a presentation that his number one challenge was finding ANYONE who wanted a job. "If you know anyone who wants to work, please send them over"!

Those business owners are correct...
They can't find anyone but an illegal or an Indian business visa who will work for $5.00/hour, 24/7 and STFU.
Let's be honest and face the facts, anyone who starts a business in this failed Clinton/GW/Obama Free Market Global Employee Pool needs low wage workers to barely make it.

You keep making up the same crap over and over. OK, you dont make it up because you aren't that smart. You repeat it from someone else.
Indians dont come here to work for $5/hr. And not 24/7. Illegals largely dont either. And companies face penalties for violating immigration and wage laws.
You've never had a job in your life, have you?

Do you have anything valid to say?
16 years working in several Fortune 500 companies.
You actually believe that companies are audited by paid off administrations?
Oh, the same auditing that was done during the Housing Bubble!
Was that auditing done by Anderson Consulting? Deloitte & Douchebag?
Ernst & Young?
Let's count the number of auditing firms that have been consistently honest!

Back in the days when I was working as a full-time security guard (while going to college), I was distressed (and jealous?) to realize that there were several members of my wife's extended family who were making more in unemployment comp than I was making working a full time job. (I use the term "working" in a very loose sense; security guards don't actually do any "work," per se). These guys were construction workers who, at the time, would normally be laid off every year from mid-November through the end of February.

I would occasionally have conversations with them about the process of signing up for unemployment. At the time, the Unemployment Office had the bizarre requirement that you actually be LOOKING FOR WORK while you were collecting these weekly checks. In fact, you had to sign a statement to that effect in order for your check to be processed.

But of course, these guys were not looking for anything but a nice nap in the afternoon. They were making good money when working, and there was no copulating way they were going to take a job at half or a third their customary rate, knowing that their employers were going to be calling them back in March. Or - more importantly - knowing that they were making more sitting on their asses at home than they could make at a temporary job, particularly when you factor in the cost of going to work every day.

Bottom line: The unemployment comp was a HUGE deterrent to these guys getting a job.

Fast forward 40 years.

Now we have a President and his fellow travelers in Congress whining about the possibility that the extended unemployment benefits (going out as long as 99 weeks) will be expiring, and it would simply be too cruel to let it expire.

And we still have the perverse situation that, depending on what state you live in, you can make more sitting on your ass drawing UEC than your neighbor makes stocking shelves at the local hardware store.

And some people honestly believe that UEC is not a dis-incentive to getting real and finding a [fucking] job.

UEC is not a "free" government benefit. Employers pay an unemployment insurance premium out of the earnings of every employee, and like all insurance, when the indemnified event takes place (you lose your job), you are entitled to the benefit that the insurance pays. Which is a maximum of six months of compensation at the state-defined rate - while you are looking for work if you please.

But when you get past that six months, you are ON WELFARE, and sucking at the teat's of your friends and neighbors.

There are millions of jobs available in this great land. The "Help Wanted" signs in my area are ubiquitous. But as long as the UEC weekly comp and the minimum wage are aligned as they are now, nobody who is drawing UEC is going to get an entry-level job. It would be financially stupid, eh?

Regardless of whether the ill-conceived initiative to raise the MW goes forward, the extension of UEC benefits is a stupid, wasteful, and generally bad idea.

So several members of your wife's extended family were deadbeats in your opinion, so you conclude ever person who is eligible for UE is a deadbeat. Clear thinking at its best (sarcasm alert).

Not every recipient of UE works F/T March to October so before advocating for an entire change in policy responsible people would look to the data and see who, where and why some recipients have been unable to secure employment. The answer might be as close as your own member of congress who holds the same ideology as you (I got mine, fuck the rest of 'em). Or that Romney & Friends have closed the factory, sold off the assets and moved on, leaving hundreds of employees out of work with no prospects. Or, Bush's Great Recession and predatory capitalism might explain long term unemployment too.

We are comparing APPLES... UE benefits to Oranges -- Minimum wage...

First the OP was describing a FEW people... NOT the majority... But we've got to stop making LEGISLATION based on the FEW, the RARE, the exceptional situation... i.e. for
example ACA was passed because people don't seem to understand that there never were 46 million uninsured!
When 10 million counted as uninsured are not citizens... 14 million people counted as uninsured need only be registered with Medicaid and the most bogus number counting
the 18 million that don't need health insurance (under 34) could afford (make over $50k) and spend less then $1,000/year on health services less then employers' health plans !
So we have been sold ACA based on not 46 million but less then 4 million!
Same too with minimum wage!
Less then 4 million make minimum wage and half are under age 24 living most likely at home!

YET we have continually been agitated.. LIED to by people that want these rare,exceptional small numbers ....for every piece of legislation to the detriment of the majority!!!
Those business owners are correct...
They can't find anyone but an illegal or an Indian business visa who will work for $5.00/hour, 24/7 and STFU.
Let's be honest and face the facts, anyone who starts a business in this failed Clinton/GW/Obama Free Market Global Employee Pool needs low wage workers to barely make it.

You keep making up the same crap over and over. OK, you dont make it up because you aren't that smart. You repeat it from someone else.
Indians dont come here to work for $5/hr. And not 24/7. Illegals largely dont either. And companies face penalties for violating immigration and wage laws.
You've never had a job in your life, have you?

Do you have anything valid to say?
16 years working in several Fortune 500 companies.
You actually believe that companies are audited by paid off administrations?
Oh, the same auditing that was done during the Housing Bubble!
Was that auditing done by Anderson Consulting? Deloitte & Douchebag?
Ernst & Young?
Let's count the number of auditing firms that have been consistently honest!


Sixteen years working for Fortune 500 companies and you don't know what GDP is. Sixteen years and you don't know what accounting firms do.
Yeah, tell me about. You aren't even credible as a liar. You literally fail at lying.
For anyone who has children, and who are shamelessly willing to take advantage of all social programs available - you will "make" more money doing nothing than you will likely earn with an unskilled job.
Sad but true - on both accounts.
You keep making up the same crap over and over. OK, you dont make it up because you aren't that smart. You repeat it from someone else.
Indians dont come here to work for $5/hr. And not 24/7. Illegals largely dont either. And companies face penalties for violating immigration and wage laws.
You've never had a job in your life, have you?

Do you have anything valid to say?
16 years working in several Fortune 500 companies.
You actually believe that companies are audited by paid off administrations?
Oh, the same auditing that was done during the Housing Bubble!
Was that auditing done by Anderson Consulting? Deloitte & Douchebag?
Ernst & Young?
Let's count the number of auditing firms that have been consistently honest!


Sixteen years working for Fortune 500 companies and you don't know what GDP is. Sixteen years and you don't know what accounting firms do.
Yeah, tell me about. You aren't even credible as a liar. You literally fail at lying.

I know what GDP is and that about 3% of the con men take a good portion of it.
You can yelp all you want, but if your postings lack information, you are merely showing yourself as an empty ideologue.
Do you have anything valid to say?
16 years working in several Fortune 500 companies.
You actually believe that companies are audited by paid off administrations?
Oh, the same auditing that was done during the Housing Bubble!
Was that auditing done by Anderson Consulting? Deloitte & Douchebag?
Ernst & Young?
Let's count the number of auditing firms that have been consistently honest!


Sixteen years working for Fortune 500 companies and you don't know what GDP is. Sixteen years and you don't know what accounting firms do.
Yeah, tell me about. You aren't even credible as a liar. You literally fail at lying.

I know what GDP is and that about 3% of the con men take a good portion of it.
You can yelp all you want, but if your postings lack information, you are merely showing yourself as an empty ideologue.

No, you actually dont know. You've demonstrated that already.
How long before you went to Wiki to figure it out?
Sixteen years working for Fortune 500 companies and you don't know what GDP is. Sixteen years and you don't know what accounting firms do.
Yeah, tell me about. You aren't even credible as a liar. You literally fail at lying.

I know what GDP is and that about 3% of the con men take a good portion of it.
You can yelp all you want, but if your postings lack information, you are merely showing yourself as an empty ideologue.

No, you actually dont know. You've demonstrated that already.
How long before you went to Wiki to figure it out?

Oh yeah, I listened to Rush for years as he gloated about our glorious GDP.
Sure, going to Wall Street.
I'm sure all that wealth created by labor is going directly back to that labor.
You sure have a good sense of humor...cruel, but funny.
Do you have anything valid to say?
16 years working in several Fortune 500 companies.
You actually believe that companies are audited by paid off administrations?
Oh, the same auditing that was done during the Housing Bubble!
Was that auditing done by Anderson Consulting? Deloitte & Douchebag?
Ernst & Young?
Let's count the number of auditing firms that have been consistently honest!


Sixteen years working for Fortune 500 companies and you don't know what GDP is. Sixteen years and you don't know what accounting firms do.
Yeah, tell me about. You aren't even credible as a liar. You literally fail at lying.

I know what GDP is and that about 3% of the con men take a good portion of it.
You can yelp all you want, but if your postings lack information, you are merely showing yourself as an empty ideologue.

Please.. source your "about 3% of the con men"????

I have a problem with that hyperbolic statement.
A) 3% of con men??? how many con men are there in your analysis?
B) "good portion?" good portion is what ? something over 50%???
C) 50% of GDP (as of 2012 per this link: GDP (current US$) | Data | Table is $15.684 trillion.... would be $7 trillion.
D) So you are telling us that 3% of some number take $7 trillion???

See what happens when hyperbolic statements ARE F...king Blown APART???

Prove to me!
You know the total ignorance of some people USING the internet is appalling!

When these people make such wild eyed, super hyperbolic idiotic statements like.." that about 3% of the con men take a good portion of it."
I wonder if they are really that dumb not to think people using the Internet will ATTACK their stupid wild statements?

They can't be that stupid!

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