Unemployment Comp vs. Minimum Wage

You know the total ignorance of some people USING the internet is appalling!

When these people make such wild eyed, super hyperbolic idiotic statements like.." that about 3% of the con men take a good portion of it."
I wonder if they are really that dumb not to think people using the Internet will ATTACK their stupid wild statements?

They can't be that stupid!

They are. They toss out crap like "America is a plutocracy" and "Romney shipped jobs to China" because they heard it somewhere or other. They dont have a clue what they're talking about. But they have the ability to vote. that's the scary part. So they vote for people who echo what they think: Wall St Fat Cats caused the meltdown. The rich control all the wealth. Republicans only care about the wealthy. Trickle down economics is a failure (they dont know waht trickle down economics is, because no one knows what it is). The Democrats will stick it to Big Corporations (typed on their Apple computer, using Cisco routers). Etc.
It is appalling.

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