Unemployment, gas prices, and deficits lower under Republican-majority government


Gold Member
Feb 6, 2014
THANKS REPUBLICANS; for doing what you were sent to do; reign in out of control Progressive losers to the best extent possible. YOu have disapponted on some levels but made progress.
Unamployment under obama WITH a Democrat majority of both chambers of Congress skyrocketed over 10% and the real unemployment rate was much higher. Thanks for "obstructing" at least to some degree, the out of control failed Progressive agenda!!;)
THANKS REPUBLICANS; for doing what you were sent to do; reign in out of control Progressive losers to the best extent possible. YOu have disapponted on some levels but made progress.
Unamployment under obama WITH a Democrat majority of both chambers of Congress skyrocketed over 10% and the real unemployment rate was much higher. Thanks for "obstructing" at least to some degree, the out of control failed Progressive agenda!!;)
Bizarre. The GOP gave us the deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts costing trillions. They gave us the failed Iraq war costing trillions. They brought down the world economy. And that was only the beginning.
THANKS REPUBLICANS; for doing what you were sent to do; reign in out of control Progressive losers to the best extent possible. YOu have disapponted on some levels but made progress.
Unamployment under obama WITH a Democrat majority of both chambers of Congress skyrocketed over 10% and the real unemployment rate was much higher. Thanks for "obstructing" at least to some degree, the out of control failed Progressive agenda!!;)
Bizarre. The GOP gave us the deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts costing trillions. They gave us the failed Iraq war costing trillions. They brought down the world economy. And that was only the beginning.
That never happened in the eyes of a bedwetter...
THANKS REPUBLICANS; for doing what you were sent to do; reign in out of control Progressive losers to the best extent possible. YOu have disapponted on some levels but made progress.
Unamployment under obama WITH a Democrat majority of both chambers of Congress skyrocketed over 10% and the real unemployment rate was much higher. Thanks for "obstructing" at least to some degree, the out of control failed Progressive agenda!!;)

This is what Fox News does to peoples' brains.
you poor self-deluding Prog idiots.
do you mean the Bush tax cuts that obama EXTENDED for ALL BRACKETS when he still had Dem majorities in BOTH chambers of Congress, before making NINETY-EIGHT PERCENT OF THEM PERMANENT?

if tht is the case leftardz how are they paying for themselves now?

libs are losers who lie TO THEMSELVES
You cannot point to anything they actually did to achieve these things troll.

yes i can loon; remember that "OBSTRUCTION" CHARGE you losers leveled?

well tell me it's not a FACT BOY that obama and Dems wanted to spend BILLIONS MORE on various "jobs bills". so the deficits would be HIGHER wouldnt they?
and who argued for increased domestic energy production? and who opposed it?

you cant have it both ways clown; either they obstructed or they didnt
THANKS REPUBLICANS; for doing what you were sent to do; reign in out of control Progressive losers to the best extent possible. YOu have disapponted on some levels but made progress.
Unamployment under obama WITH a Democrat majority of both chambers of Congress skyrocketed over 10% and the real unemployment rate was much higher. Thanks for "obstructing" at least to some degree, the out of control failed Progressive agenda!!;)
Bizarre. The GOP gave us the deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts costing trillions. They gave us the failed Iraq war costing trillions. They brought down the world economy. And that was only the beginning.

everybody here knows your'e a loon.
but if i was to imagine for a moment that you were actually sane i'd ask you for a list of the things you say Republicans brought down the world economy that your own Jackass Party DIDNT vote FOR REPEATEDLY, because, loon, that is a much SHORTER list then the ones they DID vote for; and KEPT VOTING FOR AND CONTINUED LONG AFTER BUSH WAS GONE AND DEMS HAVE BOTH CHAMBERS OF CONGRESS AND THE WHITE HOUSE AS WELL
Price of gas below $2.00 in some places.

Thank your Mr. President. No thanks to any Republican opposing our President.
Thank fracking (which Obozo opposed), and OPEC's reaction of lowering oil prices to maintain market share...

Thank you Republicans, for not giving us the $7 - $9/ gal gas Obozo wanted....
Price of gas below $2.00 in some places.

Thank your Mr. President. No thanks to any Republican opposing our President.

Republicans increased domestic energy production in Red states; supply and demand leftard; obama had nothing to do with it
obama and his left-wing groups have opposed virtually every form of domestic energy production, even wind farms (harm birds) and solar, (transmission lines disturb wildlife)
obama's eneergy czar wanted ueropean prices for gasoline; abotu $7-$9/gallon; and obama said his domestic energy policy would make electricity prices "NECESSARILY SKYROCKET"
OK ..... would you mind explaining the following to us:

(1) The astronomical and rising national debt
(2) The poor getting poorer, and rich getting richer
(3) The decline of home ownership and the increase in renters
(4) The rising cost of rent, food, utilities, health care, and higher education
(5) Our rundown infrastructure
(6) The job market trend towards part-time, temporary, and low wage employment
(7) The retail market closing stores, laying-off employees, malls closing, and some major retail chains going out of business
(8) The embarrassing number of citizens receiving some form of government assistance ( 47 million on food stamps )
(9) Our unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and policies
(10) Our dependency on cheap foreign imports
(11) The off-shore out-sourcing of our jobs, the importing of labor, and the millions of illegal immigrants living and working in this country
(12) Businesses offering less company paid benefits
(13) Lost ( or nearly lost ) industries ( textile, steel, electronics, tools, toys, housewares, appliances, automotive parts, furniture, and farm equipment, etc. )
(14) Lost skills that were once handed down from generation to generation
(15) The injustices in our corrupt judicial system
(16) Government corruption
(17) The buying and selling of legislation and policies
(18) Excessive military spending
(19) Foreign aid ( give-aways to foreign governments - our hard earned tax dollars )
(20) Subsides to rich farmers ( agriculture corporations ) and big oil
(21) Our unfair and unjust tax system and tax codes
(22) The largest prison population in the world
(23) The failed war on illegal drugs
(24) The worst health care per dollar spent among industrialized nations
(25) Our deteriorating relationships with our foreign allies
(26) Increased racism ( protests, marches, riots )
(27) Declining confidence in government
(28) Senseless deadly costly wars
(29) The mistreatment and neglect of our Vets
(30) The abuse and misuse of eminent domain laws
(31) The number of innocent citizens in our prisons and jails
(32) Loss of privacy
(33) Taxation without fair, equal, and just representation
(34) Cities going bankrupt
(35) Troubled pension funds

Care to explain the above listed items? Thanks.
You cannot point to anything they actually did to achieve these things troll.

yes i can loon; remember that "OBSTRUCTION" CHARGE you losers leveled?

well tell me it's not a FACT BOY that obama and Dems wanted to spend BILLIONS MORE on various "jobs bills". so the deficits would be HIGHER wouldnt they?
and who argued for increased domestic energy production? and who opposed it?

you cant have it both ways clown; either they obstructed or they didnt
Gas prices are cheap because Saudi is flooding the market in an attempt to kill our increased production, and it it's working.
THANKS REPUBLICANS; for doing what you were sent to do; reign in out of control Progressive losers to the best extent possible. YOu have disapponted on some levels but made progress.
Unamployment under obama WITH a Democrat majority of both chambers of Congress skyrocketed over 10% and the real unemployment rate was much higher. Thanks for "obstructing" at least to some degree, the out of control failed Progressive agenda!!;)

Unemployment 'skyrocketed' under Reagan. As did deficits.
You cannot point to anything they actually did to achieve these things troll.

yes i can loon; remember that "OBSTRUCTION" CHARGE you losers leveled?

well tell me it's not a FACT BOY that obama and Dems wanted to spend BILLIONS MORE on various "jobs bills". so the deficits would be HIGHER wouldnt they?
and who argued for increased domestic energy production? and who opposed it?

you cant have it both ways clown; either they obstructed or they didnt
Gas prices are cheap because Saudi is flooding the market in an attempt to kill our increased production, and it it's working.

IF YOU EVER grow up you'll admit the Left opposes and opposed all that increased production, and Republicans supported it
THANKS REPUBLICANS; for doing what you were sent to do; reign in out of control Progressive losers to the best extent possible. YOu have disapponted on some levels but made progress.
Unamployment under obama WITH a Democrat majority of both chambers of Congress skyrocketed over 10% and the real unemployment rate was much higher. Thanks for "obstructing" at least to some degree, the out of control failed Progressive agenda!!;)

Unemployment 'skyrocketed' under Reagan. As did deficits.

what century is it leftard?
who is President?
what is this thread titled?
You cannot point to anything they actually did to achieve these things troll.

yes i can loon; remember that "OBSTRUCTION" CHARGE you losers leveled?

well tell me it's not a FACT BOY that obama and Dems wanted to spend BILLIONS MORE on various "jobs bills". so the deficits would be HIGHER wouldnt they?
and who argued for increased domestic energy production? and who opposed it?

you cant have it both ways clown; either they obstructed or they didnt
Gas prices are cheap because Saudi is flooding the market in an attempt to kill our increased production, and it it's working.

IF YOU EVER grow up you'll admit the Left opposes and opposed all that increased production, and Republicans supported it
So what? What did they actually do? Obama did these things you should thank him if you like it.
THANKS REPUBLICANS; for doing what you were sent to do; reign in out of control Progressive losers to the best extent possible. YOu have disapponted on some levels but made progress.
Unamployment under obama WITH a Democrat majority of both chambers of Congress skyrocketed over 10% and the real unemployment rate was much higher. Thanks for "obstructing" at least to some degree, the out of control failed Progressive agenda!!;)
Thanks Obama.

I told everyone Republicans would eventually start to take credit for the economic recovery they denied was happening under Obama. Lol

It's amazing how slick you are at switching positions.
You cannot point to anything they actually did to achieve these things troll.

yes i can loon; remember that "OBSTRUCTION" CHARGE you losers leveled?

well tell me it's not a FACT BOY that obama and Dems wanted to spend BILLIONS MORE on various "jobs bills". so the deficits would be HIGHER wouldnt they?
and who argued for increased domestic energy production? and who opposed it?

you cant have it both ways clown; either they obstructed or they didnt
Gas prices are cheap because Saudi is flooding the market in an attempt to kill our increased production, and it it's working.

IF YOU EVER grow up you'll admit the Left opposes and opposed all that increased production, and Republicans supported it
So what? What did they actually do? Obama did these things you should thank him if you like it.

how did obama do these things dullard?

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