Unequal distribution of wealth

Very simply, that claims I hear around here that everyone's self made and all people have the same opportunity, are bullshit. Everyone doesn't have the same opportunity; Wealth begets wealth and poverty begets poverty. Yes, there's unlimited opportunity in theory, and some people do make huge leaps and bounds, others fall hard from grace. But moreso than intelligence, drive, virtue, etc; Birthright is the #1 indicator in determining where you'll wind up.

This is a situation that has gotten worse in this country in the last 30 years, not better.

And I don't blame her for showing me to be wrong, I thank her for that. I hate being wrong and I'm always willing to learn. What I blame her for, is having an incredibly abrasive personality. She reminds me of fucking Ann Coulter.

No, wealth does NOT beget wealth. Lots of people inherit money from their parents and blow it all. EDUCATION begets wealth. If you want your kids to be wealthy and successful, it's a lot more important to bequeath to them an appreciation for learning and hard work than a bundle of cash.

If birthright is such a big deal, then explain to me why the vast majority of people who start out in the lowest quintile of income end up near the top. Or did you miss that part?

Yes, I'm afraid I missed that part. You'll be hard pressed to prove that one.

Oh, and as for abrasive, how abrasive do you think it is for you to come in here, spouting class envy vitriol based on blatantly false assertions as though you're some sort of economic expert? And how much courtesy do you think you deserve in being told that you're making a jackass out of yourself? I ain't your momma, son. If you want to debate with the grownups, I suggest you butch up and stop whining about how mean people are to you when you step on your johnson.

Oh, and next time you want to call me a dirty name, grow a pair of cojones and just say it. Don't be a hypocritical little punk and try to get the bennies of calling me a "****" while also trying to claim the bennies of being too nice to say it. Piss or get off the pot. It's not like after your little display of ignorance, anyone's going to respect your opinion enough to care, anyway.

OK, you're a ****. But then, I'm sure you already knew that.

And as I've shown, it's not "Blatantly false." I said it means almost everything, you said it means almost nothing. The truth is it means a lot, but not as much as I thought. Big fucking deal. It's still probably the single best predictive statistic in determining someones future income. I've admitted the mobility was higher than I thought, but my original assertion is still closer to the truth than the noise you're spouting.

Get bent. ****.

When all else fails resort to insults. There isn't a day that goes by when a liberal does not expose them self as an ideological empty can.
She ripped your weak assed argument to shreds and you fire back with "****"...
Brilliant. It is my sincere hope that you slip and fall ass backwards onto a pile of thumbtacks.
I take issue. It's contrary to private property rights.

Your defect is that you believe government can set a maximum wage or maximum wealth level and deal with the excess better than the wage earner or owner of that wealth.

There is ample evidence today that those who hold in their possession a major portion of this Nation's wealth (its principal resource), and are in effect hoarding it, are not "dealing" with it in a manner which is essential to our economic health, therefore our national security.

I need to keep repeating the fact that America's most prosperous and economically stable period occurred during the years when the progressive tax rate capped at 91%. Yes it affected mainly the rich, but they remained rich, just not super-rich. Eventually they managed to get a "conservative" puppet elected, Ronald Reagan, who commenced to remove the safeguards put in place to maintain our economic health.

Reagan's destructive example was followed by Bush-1, Clinton and Bush-2. And here we are.

Still we have citizens who insist that government should not do what needs to be done to ensure the economic stability of the Nation.
Could it be that the folks that have the wealth did things such as working hard to acquire the weath, educating themselves and investing wisely and the folks that do not have any wealth have continued to do the things that made them not wealthy?
An economy based on horse and buggy manufacturing once went bad and the blue collar mentality of the 1940s has also gone bad.
China has more college honor students in math, IT and engineering than we have COLLEGE STUDENTS.

Well, to be fair they do outnumber us in people about 4:1. Do you have a link to the study your referring to? I'm curious.

Contact your local engineering school here IN THE UNITED STATES.
GaTech, MIT, where ever.
Take a good hard look at the % of Indians and Asians NOW getting degrees in OUR engineering schools.
About 30% + HERE. Advanced masters engineering degrees is about 50%.
Americans want a guaranteed wage, tenure in their job and want to be able to workcradle to grave in the same field with a yearly raise.
And one wonders why savings amongst the middleclass has gone down.
Add in poor financial choices and taxes and there you have it.
I take issue. It's contrary to private property rights.

Your defect is that you believe government can set a maximum wage or maximum wealth level and deal with the excess better than the wage earner or owner of that wealth.

There is ample evidence today that those who hold in their possession a major portion of this Nation's wealth (its principal resource), and are in effect hoarding it, are not "dealing" with it in a manner which is essential to our economic health, therefore our national security.

I need to keep repeating the fact that America's most prosperous and economically stable period occurred during the years when the progressive tax rate capped at 91%. Yes it affected mainly the rich, but they remained rich, just not super-rich. Eventually they managed to get a "conservative" puppet elected, Ronald Reagan, who commenced to remove the safeguards put in place to maintain our economic health.

Reagan's destructive example was followed by Bush-1, Clinton and Bush-2. And here we are.

Still we have citizens who insist that government should not do what needs to be done to ensure the economic stability of the Nation.

Could you possibly be more economically illiterate?

The very wealthy do not hide their wealth in coffee cans buried in the backyard.

They invest it in things intended to increase their wealth - which often require jobs to be performed in that effort. Without the velocity of their investments, economic growth and job creation would be much lower.
No, wealth does NOT beget wealth.

capital gains?

stocks and other investments?

massive tax breaks from the Republicans designed to shift the burden onto the middle class?

Don't exist, right?

If birthright is such a big deal, then explain to me why the vast majority of people who start out in the lowest quintile of income end up near the top.

The vast majority who start out poor end up rich?

Are you insane?

Most of the stock market is owned by midde class Americans.
Capital gains rates are the same for everyone.
If a poor person invests $1 and a billionaire $1 IN THE SAME INVESTMENT, the rate of return is THE same for both.
All day long, every day and year.
I take issue. It's contrary to private property rights.

Your defect is that you believe government can set a maximum wage or maximum wealth level and deal with the excess better than the wage earner or owner of that wealth.

There is ample evidence today that those who hold in their possession a major portion of this Nation's wealth (its principal resource), and are in effect hoarding it, are not "dealing" with it in a manner which is essential to our economic health, therefore our national security.

I need to keep repeating the fact that America's most prosperous and economically stable period occurred during the years when the progressive tax rate capped at 91%. Yes it affected mainly the rich, but they remained rich, just not super-rich. Eventually they managed to get a "conservative" puppet elected, Ronald Reagan, who commenced to remove the safeguards put in place to maintain our economic health.

Reagan's destructive example was followed by Bush-1, Clinton and Bush-2. And here we are.

Still we have citizens who insist that government should not do what needs to be done to ensure the economic stability of the Nation.

Could you possibly be more economically illiterate?

The very wealthy do not hide their wealth in coffee cans buried in the backyard.

Correct. They hide it in the Caymans.
They invest it in things intended to increase their wealth

But. Cessy said wealth doesn't beget wealth...
I take issue. It's contrary to private property rights.

Your defect is that you believe government can set a maximum wage or maximum wealth level and deal with the excess better than the wage earner or owner of that wealth.

There is ample evidence today that those who hold in their possession a major portion of this Nation's wealth (its principal resource), and are in effect hoarding it, are not "dealing" with it in a manner which is essential to our economic health, therefore our national security.

This may shock you, but individuals are not obligated to use their personal, individually-owned property for anyone's good but their own, so long as they're not breaking any laws. It's the GOVERNMENT'S job to worry about the nation's economic health and national security, so perhaps instead of behaving in ways that make people want to hoard - ie. confiscating their hard-earned money for pie-in-the-sky socialist schemes - the government should start making them feel safe in putting that cash to work.

I need to keep repeating the fact that America's most prosperous and economically stable period occurred during the years when the progressive tax rate capped at 91%. Yes it affected mainly the rich, but they remained rich, just not super-rich. Eventually they managed to get a "conservative" puppet elected, Ronald Reagan, who commenced to remove the safeguards put in place to maintain our economic health.

Reagan's destructive example was followed by Bush-1, Clinton and Bush-2. And here we are.

Still we have citizens who insist that government should not do what needs to be done to ensure the economic stability of the Nation.

Yeah, perhaps if you keep repeating it, it'll suddenly become true. And perhaps if I wish really hard, a leprechaun will show up and lead me to his pot of gold.
The fairness of a progressive tax recognizes inequalities of wealth distribution in an economic structure like ours and seeks to rectify some of the dangers to the society that kind of system poses.

A progressive tax does not address that at all. For the above to be true the initial distrubtion of wealth would have had to come about unfairly for a progressive tax (the more you make the more you pay as a percentage of income) to 'make fair' the unequal distribution of wealth.

You haven't explained why it's fair at all. You've simply rationalized the unfairness. If there weren't benefits to the public associated with taxes you might have a point. But there are benefits to the public. And that person A has to pay more than person B for those benefits is by defintion unfair. One's financial standing is irrelevant in terms of how much tax is fair. Your financial standing has nothing to do with the benefits of what you pay in taxes. Poor people pay less than rich people in taxes and the only thing that can be called is government enforced charity, but it certianly can not be called fair.

One fair model would be everyone pays the same dollar amount in taxes regardless of income. Or we somehow magically figure out who derives the most benefits from taxes and charge them accordingly. That wouldn't work out so well either for government revenue. Even a none progressive income tax isn't a fair distribution of the the tax burden. It certainly can't be considered fair that you have to give government more money, dollar for dollar, the more money you earn. A progressive tax isn't fair. It's simply the way the system has to be for government to generate enough revenue to do anything because a truly fair model wouldn't be able to fund what government spends.
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No, wealth does NOT beget wealth. Lots of people inherit money from their parents and blow it all. EDUCATION begets wealth. If you want your kids to be wealthy and successful, it's a lot more important to bequeath to them an appreciation for learning and hard work than a bundle of cash.

If birthright is such a big deal, then explain to me why the vast majority of people who start out in the lowest quintile of income end up near the top. Or did you miss that part?

Yes, I'm afraid I missed that part. You'll be hard pressed to prove that one.

Oh, and as for abrasive, how abrasive do you think it is for you to come in here, spouting class envy vitriol based on blatantly false assertions as though you're some sort of economic expert? And how much courtesy do you think you deserve in being told that you're making a jackass out of yourself? I ain't your momma, son. If you want to debate with the grownups, I suggest you butch up and stop whining about how mean people are to you when you step on your johnson.

Oh, and next time you want to call me a dirty name, grow a pair of cojones and just say it. Don't be a hypocritical little punk and try to get the bennies of calling me a "****" while also trying to claim the bennies of being too nice to say it. Piss or get off the pot. It's not like after your little display of ignorance, anyone's going to respect your opinion enough to care, anyway.

OK, you're a ****. But then, I'm sure you already knew that.

And as I've shown, it's not "Blatantly false." I said it means almost everything, you said it means almost nothing. The truth is it means a lot, but not as much as I thought. Big fucking deal. It's still probably the single best predictive statistic in determining someones future income. I've admitted the mobility was higher than I thought, but my original assertion is still closer to the truth than the noise you're spouting.

Get bent. ****.

When all else fails resort to insults. There isn't a day that goes by when a liberal does not expose them self as an ideological empty can.
She ripped your weak assed argument to shreds and you fire back with "****"...
Brilliant. It is my sincere hope that you slip and fall ass backwards onto a pile of thumbtacks.

OH NO, you will not misinterpret what just happened here. She ABSOLUTELY started with the insults, and really hasn't made a post without any insults. And she basically begged to be called a ****. I wasn't gonna go there.

Nice try.
There is ample evidence today that those who hold in their possession a major portion of this Nation's wealth (its principal resource), and are in effect hoarding it, are not "dealing" with it in a manner which is essential to our economic health, therefore our national security.

I need to keep repeating the fact that America's most prosperous and economically stable period occurred during the years when the progressive tax rate capped at 91%. Yes it affected mainly the rich, but they remained rich, just not super-rich. Eventually they managed to get a "conservative" puppet elected, Ronald Reagan, who commenced to remove the safeguards put in place to maintain our economic health.

Reagan's destructive example was followed by Bush-1, Clinton and Bush-2. And here we are.

Still we have citizens who insist that government should not do what needs to be done to ensure the economic stability of the Nation.

Could you possibly be more economically illiterate?

The very wealthy do not hide their wealth in coffee cans buried in the backyard.

Correct. They hide it in the Caymans.
They invest it in things intended to increase their wealth

But. Cessy said wealth doesn't beget wealth...

In and of itself it doesn't beget wealth absent any other economic activity. Without proper investment, it's just a store of value.

And capital in the Caymans is still deployed for investment purposes. Don't confuse tax accounting and legal structures with actual economic activity.
I take issue. It's contrary to private property rights.

Your defect is that you believe government can set a maximum wage or maximum wealth level and deal with the excess better than the wage earner or owner of that wealth.

There is ample evidence today that those who hold in their possession a major portion of this Nation's wealth (its principal resource), and are in effect hoarding it, are not "dealing" with it in a manner which is essential to our economic health, therefore our national security.

I need to keep repeating the fact that America's most prosperous and economically stable period occurred during the years when the progressive tax rate capped at 91%. Yes it affected mainly the rich, but they remained rich, just not super-rich. Eventually they managed to get a "conservative" puppet elected, Ronald Reagan, who commenced to remove the safeguards put in place to maintain our economic health.

Reagan's destructive example was followed by Bush-1, Clinton and Bush-2. And here we are.

Still we have citizens who insist that government should not do what needs to be done to ensure the economic stability of the Nation.
And you conclude that wealth is much better served in the hands of politicians who have the power to spend irresponsively, yes?
Think about this.... one earns one million dollars in gross earnings...At a 91% effective rate that person must allow the government to confiscate $910,000 of that, leaving the person who worked for it with just $90,000?
Tell us ,oh great one, where would the incentive be for that person to work and produce the following year knowing full well that a bunch of political hacks are gleefully spending HIS money.
High taxes would crush the economy.
High taxes offer the government carte blanche. NO!!
Politicians MUST learn discipline. We voted for fiscal responsibility and rejected the insane spending seen now.
Economic activity and growth comes from the private sector.
I take issue. It's contrary to private property rights.

Your defect is that you believe government can set a maximum wage or maximum wealth level and deal with the excess better than the wage earner or owner of that wealth.

There is ample evidence today that those who hold in their possession a major portion of this Nation's wealth (its principal resource), and are in effect hoarding it, are not "dealing" with it in a manner which is essential to our economic health, therefore our national security.

I need to keep repeating the fact that America's most prosperous and economically stable period occurred during the years when the progressive tax rate capped at 91%. Yes it affected mainly the rich, but they remained rich, just not super-rich. Eventually they managed to get a "conservative" puppet elected, Ronald Reagan, who commenced to remove the safeguards put in place to maintain our economic health.

Reagan's destructive example was followed by Bush-1, Clinton and Bush-2. And here we are.

Still we have citizens who insist that government should not do what needs to be done to ensure the economic stability of the Nation.

Could you possibly be more economically illiterate?

The very wealthy do not hide their wealth in coffee cans buried in the backyard.

They invest it in things intended to increase their wealth - which often require jobs to be performed in that effort. Without the velocity of their investments, economic growth and job creation would be much lower.
They also speculate, usually with other people's money and always with a tax bias for debt rather than equity investment, which is largely responsible for loading down the US economy with debt.

This also encourages corporate raiding with junk bonds which adds interest to the cost of doing business.

As for job gains:

"The argument is made that 'The rich create jobs.'

"After all, somebody has to build the yachts.

"What is missing is the more general principle: Wealth and income inequality destroy job creation.

"This is because the wealthy soon reach a limit on how much they can consume.

"They spend their money buying financial securities – mainly bonds, which end up indebting the economy. And the debt overhead is what is pushing today’s economy into deepening depression."

Michael Hudson
"We want what is fair"
Fair, what a friggin terrible word to teach youth. A fair field of oppurtunity yes but nothing else is fair and I have the scars to prove it.
Is it fair Wes Welker is 50 pounds lighter and 6 inches shorter than most wide receivers in the NFL, that corners take on backs 30 pounds bigger and most importantly, defensive ends face double teams in the red zone?
Fair is what ruins risk and dreams. The only fair that is relevant to me is the fair that comes to town every summer with rides and games where I got my first piece of 'tang in 1968.
There is ample evidence today that those who hold in their possession a major portion of this Nation's wealth (its principal resource), and are in effect hoarding it, are not "dealing" with it in a manner which is essential to our economic health, therefore our national security.

I need to keep repeating the fact that America's most prosperous and economically stable period occurred during the years when the progressive tax rate capped at 91%. Yes it affected mainly the rich, but they remained rich, just not super-rich. Eventually they managed to get a "conservative" puppet elected, Ronald Reagan, who commenced to remove the safeguards put in place to maintain our economic health.

Reagan's destructive example was followed by Bush-1, Clinton and Bush-2. And here we are.

Still we have citizens who insist that government should not do what needs to be done to ensure the economic stability of the Nation.

Could you possibly be more economically illiterate?

The very wealthy do not hide their wealth in coffee cans buried in the backyard.

They invest it in things intended to increase their wealth - which often require jobs to be performed in that effort. Without the velocity of their investments, economic growth and job creation would be much lower.
They also speculate, usually with other people's money and always with a tax bias for debt rather than equity investment, which is largely responsible for loading down the US economy with debt.

This also encourages corporate raiding with junk bonds which adds interest to the cost of doing business.

As for job gains:

"The argument is made that 'The rich create jobs.'

"After all, somebody has to build the yachts.

"What is missing is the more general principle: Wealth and income inequality destroy job creation.

"This is because the wealthy soon reach a limit on how much they can consume.

"They spend their money buying financial securities – mainly bonds, which end up indebting the economy. And the debt overhead is what is pushing today’s economy into deepening depression."

Michael Hudson

SO Michael Hudson, blogger for some anti-capitalist website ralphs up some nonsense about speculation( one person's method of earning a living at great risk to the investor) and you take the bait.
Yes, let's grab up all that money and let the government have it.
Surely politicians are the greatest stewards of the people's money.
one person's method of earning a living at great risk to the investor

Risk? Pshaw. All they need to do is hold a financial gun to the federal head. There ain't no steenkin' risk in this game.
one person's method of earning a living at great risk to the investor

Risk? Pshaw. All they need to do is hold a financial gun to the federal head. There ain't no steenkin' risk in this game.
Gee I must be out of my league due to your extensive knowledge of markets and commodities trading. You are certainly correct. No one in the markets uses their own money They take it from the poor and middle class. In fact I saw a guy leaving my bank right after he withdrew a few thousand form my account to go bet on the price of gold.
Go blow your union labor horn somewhere else.
Could you possibly be more economically illiterate?

The very wealthy do not hide their wealth in coffee cans buried in the backyard.

They invest it in things intended to increase their wealth - which often require jobs to be performed in that effort. Without the velocity of their investments, economic growth and job creation would be much lower.
They also speculate, usually with other people's money and always with a tax bias for debt rather than equity investment, which is largely responsible for loading down the US economy with debt.

This also encourages corporate raiding with junk bonds which adds interest to the cost of doing business.

As for job gains:

"The argument is made that 'The rich create jobs.'

"After all, somebody has to build the yachts.

"What is missing is the more general principle: Wealth and income inequality destroy job creation.

"This is because the wealthy soon reach a limit on how much they can consume.

"They spend their money buying financial securities – mainly bonds, which end up indebting the economy. And the debt overhead is what is pushing today’s economy into deepening depression."

Michael Hudson

SO Michael Hudson, blogger for some anti-capitalist website ralphs up some nonsense about speculation( one person's method of earning a living at great risk to the investor) and you take the bait.
Yes, let's grab up all that money and let the government have it.
Surely politicians are the greatest stewards of the people's money.
"Michael Hudson is a former Wall Street economist.

"A Distinguished Research Professor at University of Missouri, Kansas City (UMKC), he is the author of many books, including Super Imperialism: The Economic Strategy of American Empire (new ed., Pluto Press, 2002) and Trade, Development and Foreign Debt: A History of Theories of Polarization v. Convergence in the World Economy.

"He can be reached via his website, [email protected]

Michael Hudson

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