Unfreaking real! Demoted DOJ official's wife worked for Fusion GPS during campaign.

Great Article well worth the read
The FBI Is No Friend of Liberty and Justice
The FBI's handling of the Michael Flynn case is disturbing.

One of the unfortunate ironies of the manufactured "Russiagate" controversy is the perception of the FBI as a friend of liberty and justice. But the FBI has never been a friend of liberty and justice.

Rather, as James Bovard writes, it "has a long record of both deceit and incompetence. Five years ago, Americans learned that the FBI was teaching its agents that 'the FBI has the ability to bend or suspend the law to impinge on the freedom of others.' This has practically been the Bureau's motif since its creation in 1908…. The FBI has always used its 'good guy' image to keep a lid on its crimes." (Bovard has made a vocation of cataloging the FBI's many offenses against liberty and justice, for which we are forever in his debt.)
The FBI Is No Friend of Liberty and Justice
The sole purpose of the fbi and the other federal alphabet agencies created in the past hundred years is to circumvent the constitution. They collectively act as the goons of feds when the feds break the law...as they do more and more and more.
Ok, so Lisa Page left Mueller's team before the details of the texts and affair came out.

So she wasn't "fired for bias".

(As a side not, Strzok hasn't been "fired", either. He's just not working with Mueller's team anymore)
Really why was she fired? you said she didn't work for Mueller and that was wrong...she did. She was fired before her boyfriend because they wanted to do this as quiet as they could...
Read up Doc lots for you to learn...


I think it's you who needs to do some reading, bucko.

You still haven't provided any evidence that anyone other than Strzok was "fired" from Mueller's team for "bias".

Did you forget what we're talking about?
Are you just spamming articles now?

None of these back up any of your claims. You know that, right?
You asked me to back up my claims and I did....you were wrong about the girlfriend and you are wrong about the other two soon to be fired agents...
Ok, so Lisa Page left Mueller's team before the details of the texts and affair came out.

So she wasn't "fired for bias".

(As a side not, Strzok hasn't been "fired", either. He's just not working with Mueller's team anymore)
Really why was she fired? you said she didn't work for Mueller and that was wrong...she did. She was fired before her boyfriend because they wanted to do this as quiet as they could...


Is that what your secret FBI contacts told you?

Or did you pull that out of your ass as well?
Strzok's girlfriend was on Mueller's team she was fire before Strzoks and there is David Archey and Andrew Weissmann will be next...
Bias allegations in Robert Mueller's probe offer Trump allies a new counterargument

David Archey is still on Mueller's team. Strzok's girlfriend was never on Mueller's team. Andrew Weissmann isn't likely to be going anywhere, either.

We're still at 1. Wanna try again?

It's all falling apart for you...

It's your side that colluded with Russia...


You keep that faith alive!

Would you like to make a wager?


Lets do it chicken shit....
Are you just spamming articles now?

None of these back up any of your claims. You know that, right?
You asked me to back up my claims and I did....you were wrong about the girlfriend and you are wrong about the other two soon to be fired agents...


No, you really didn't back up any of your claims.

None of your links back up your claim that 4 people on Mueller's team were fired for bias.
David Archey is still on Mueller's team. Strzok's girlfriend was never on Mueller's team. Andrew Weissmann isn't likely to be going anywhere, either.

We're still at 1. Wanna try again?

It's all falling apart for you...

It's your side that colluded with Russia...


You keep that faith alive!

Would you like to make a wager?


Lets do it chicken shit....

What's the bet, dummy?
Because when I watch you run around in circles trying to avoid backing up your claims, I see a clown.

I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. I'll try to be more PC.

Ohhhhh maybe the Doc needs a pill...didn't mean to crank your chain Doc...take it easy not everyone can be right all of the time except for me...
It's all falling apart for you...

It's your side that colluded with Russia...


You keep that faith alive!

Would you like to make a wager?


Lets do it chicken shit....

What's the bet, dummy?

Here it is dip shit..

I got a hundred bucks that says the bullshit Russian

crap goes no where hurting Trump..

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