Ungrateful, entitled woman receives box of food instead of food stamps & wants to send it back

If she sends it back, she should be kicked off welfare. Sounds like a win-win to me.

so some self-satisfied trumpian piece of garbage can tell people what to eat? why should she be grateful? how do you know there was a single thing in that box she or her family could eat.


there are ways to do it-------way back when I was young----
impoverished people DID get some staples.----government
stuff like American cheese, oil -----I think also rice. That
sort of stuff plus some "food stamp" allotment seems ok to me. Just about everyone eats it-----the target seemed to
be children and HOME GROWN stuff. ----also peanut butter.
As far as the PRE-PACK meals in the envelope------that's

but that isn't the goal of this... it's a) put money into the hands of their buddies who own/deliver the food; and b) humiliate people.

iirc, the reason they gave out "government cheese" is because there was a huge dairy surplus and it helped dairy farmers (or some senator who represented dairy farmers).

I am fully aware of the SURPLUS issue ----AND I SUPPORT
is beneficial ---------keeping THIS COUNTRY food independent is very important -------I see no reason to subsidize Portugese sardines or products from Indonesia or
unidentifiable fish sauce from china. We SHOULD be producing wheat and rice and milk for ALL ------right here.
-----and tomatoes from Jersey......,for American "red gravy"----for New York pizza.

er..... which has what to do with humiliating people?

I did not bring up the "humiliating people" issue.
It might be better to mail coupons for the specific
available surplus items and let people pick them up
in cooperating grocery stores than drop a
GOVERNMENT FREE FOOD box on the doorstep.
My objective is---get wholesome food to those who
need it, preferably homegrown and---stimulation of
USA agriculture is a GOOD 'side-effect'
I don't TELL anyone what they can and cannot do. I do however know that some people just aren't meant to get a higher education, and most will flat out tell you that. You can't automatically make someone smarter than they are. That's a FACT.

Fuck you and your belief that people should either be left to sink or swim.

That isn't the way out of the hole ... You still aren't helping anyone ... :thup:


I help people... but my HELP you consider enabling them to stay the way they are.

Your idea of not helping them, is actually helping them, is fucked in the head.

I'm sorry you are such a fucked up individual. What can I do to help you?

If she sends it back, she should be kicked off welfare. Sounds like a win-win to me.

I'm wiling to bet that this is a boatload of bogus bovine excrement . That program is only n the concept phase and it may never actually go into effect. There are serious logistical problems with it. Are you of such low moral character and intellect that you swallow whole everything that you see on the internet and pass it off as fact?

If she sends it back, she should be kicked off welfare. Sounds like a win-win to me.

Trump's budget director called the new food stamp grocery delivery service a 'Blue Apron-type program' — but there are some massive differences

  • The Trump administration and the US Department of Agriculture proposed a grocery delivery program called the Harvest Box as part of the fiscal year 2019 budget.
  • The program would replace part of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), also known as food stamps.
  • One Trump administration official called the Harvest Box proposal a "Blue Apron-type program," but there are some massive differences between the two ideas.
Typical ungrateful negro.......

So regardless of her food preferences or needs, she should be grateful for something that’s not suitable? Give her the fucking money and let her get her own damn food.

As someone with multiples food allergies and senstivities, much of what is sold in grocery stores makes me ill. Anything prepackaged or pre-prepared is off limits. A box full of canned foods would be donated to the food bank.
No, the negro shouldn't receive any money. Either eat the food or get a cane pole or gun and go catch and kill her own food. If not, let her dig for worms in her or neighbors yard. They're protein rich.

80% of food stamps go to white people idiot, mostly to the children of workers in right to work red states. This lie that lazy blacks are stealing your tax dollars is not only false, but dangerous.

There are poor white people digging for roots and stones in Appalachia and still don’t have enough to eat.

It’s to the benefit of your Deep State to keep you hating on other people who are poorer than you. It keeps you from noticing that that rich are getting richer at YOUR expense, and you’re getting screwed.

Every economy which Friedman’s policies were tried on ended up as a dictatorship with low wages, high prices, and extreme poverty with the wealthy elites benefiting from government programs and low taxes.

The US economy was the healthiest of all of Friedman’s trickle down economics. Everyone else learned fairly quickly just how damaging this “reverse income tax” idea of earned income credits really is.

Republicans oppose scrapping this system and raising minimum wages but it is earned income credits that most directly benefits the wealthy, allowing corporations to keep wages and prices artificially low. Take away thebjncome supports and force profitable corporations to pay reasonable minimum wages.

If she sends it back, she should be kicked off welfare. Sounds like a win-win to me.

Trump wants to replace food stamps with food boxes, for some reason

The Harvest box proposal is scant on implementation details: How boxes would be distributed, for example, is left up to the states. One expert described the idea as “puzzling,” solving no actual problems with the program but creating plenty of new ones.

The idea of getting a box of preassembled food has brought on comparisons to buzzy startups like Blue Apron that send subscribers, who can pay more than $200 per month, a preassembled meal kit of fresh ingredients, unusual condiments, and recipes.

The only thing the Trump proposal has in common with meal kit delivery services is the box. Its real effect would be giving people in need less choice about what they feed themselves and their families.
I don't have to "give" them any excuses.

They are facts of life.

They aren't the facts of life ... And people prove they aren't all the time.


Yeah actually they are. Try looking up McCreary County Kentucky. That's one county over from where I live. They are one of the poorest counties in the entire U.S. Not only do they have an extreme low median income, but they have a very low graduation rate, and one of the lowest percentages of college degrees as well.

...and the county is predominately white, and it isn't even close.
They can probably use a new city in that county, to make better use of any spaces vacated to fill the city.

The problem is, it has become one of those counties that the federal government talked into having a federal prison, saying it would help their economy and provide more jobs. The problem with that is, if anyone knows about federal prisons, and what happens when they open in rural counties like their's, it just doesn't work out. First, people from other prisons get the chance to transfer there to gain seniority. Then they recruit military who are ending their commitment, to sign up to work there. Then whatever jobs are left, most of the people in the county don't have the minimum education requirement, or the ability to pass a drug test to get a job there.

Then the next issue is, the county is so poor and dilapidated, that the employees don't want to live there, so they buy a home somewhere else and commute to work. So they aren't living in the community to shop there and inject their money into the economy. So basically the prison doesn't help the county, and in fact hurts the county because some companies who see counties that have federal prisons in them, and that makes them NOT want to locate there.
Every county should be better connected to State government through better aqueducts and better roads.

Why not ask for new cities, to solve that problem? An entire new city could accommodate everyone in the county, if necessary; and have better access to infrastructure.

There should be no homeless problem in our Republic.
I don't have to "give" them any excuses.

They are facts of life.

They aren't the facts of life ... And people prove they aren't all the time.


Yeah actually they are. Try looking up McCreary County Kentucky. That's one county over from where I live. They are one of the poorest counties in the entire U.S. Not only do they have an extreme low median income, but they have a very low graduation rate, and one of the lowest percentages of college degrees as well.

...and the county is predominately white, and it isn't even close.
They can probably use a new city in that county, to make better use of any spaces vacated to fill the city.

The problem is, it has become one of those counties that the federal government talked into having a federal prison, saying it would help their economy and provide more jobs. The problem with that is, if anyone knows about federal prisons, and what happens when they open in rural counties like their's, it just doesn't work out. First, people from other prisons get the chance to transfer there to gain seniority. Then they recruit military who are ending their commitment, to sign up to work there. Then whatever jobs are left, most of the people in the county don't have the minimum education requirement, or the ability to pass a drug test to get a job there.

Then the next issue is, the county is so poor and dilapidated, that the employees don't want to live there, so they buy a home somewhere else and commute to work. So they aren't living in the community to shop there and inject their money into the economy. So basically the prison doesn't help the county, and in fact hurts the county because some companies who see counties that have federal prisons in them, and that makes them NOT want to locate there.
Every county should be better connected to State government through better aqueducts and better roads.

Why not ask for new cities, to solve that problem? An entire new city could accommodate everyone in the county, if necessary; and have better access to infrastructure.

There should be no homeless problem in our Republic.

Oh there isn't a homeless problem there, people just live in horrible conditions and are dependent on social welfare programs.
Look at this list from 2014:

"Lowest Median Household Income:

  • Owsley County, Ky., $19,624

  • Jefferson County, Miss., $20,281

  • Wolfe County, Ky., $21,168

  • Brooks County, Texas, $21,445

  • McCreary County, Ky., $21,758

  • Hudspeth County, Texas, $22,083

  • Hancock County, Tenn., $22,205

  • Jackson County, Ky., $22,213

  • Clay County, Ky., $22,296

  • Holmes County, Miss., $22,335"
Jim Webb says poorest U.S. counties are in Appalachia and 90 percent white

I've lived in McKee, Kentucky which is in Jackson County. Clay County is next to Jackson County. I live in Whitley County now which is next to McCreary County. Daniel Boone National Forest takes up a large part of the area... and you can't build new businesses there. A lot of the rest of the areas used to be dependent on coal. Then you are stuck with the issue that a business can't move into an area if there isn't enough people with money to spend... but people could use the jobs working there to get more money. So do you see the catch there?
I help people... but my HELP you consider enabling them to stay the way they are.

Your idea of not helping them, is actually helping them, is fucked in the head.

I'm sorry you are such a fucked up individual. What can I do to help you?

No ... Your idea of helping someone doesn't help them.

My idea of helping someone takes something more than what money can buy.
I am willing to invest my resources and time into ensuring a person learns what opportunities are available to them.
I take them where they need to go ... Introduce them to ideas of what they can accomplish.
We either focus on the skills they do have ... The effort they are willing to put forth ... Or simply where they get any training necessary to improve their own lives.

You just neglect them and teach them to be wards of the state ... You aren't doing them any favors ... :thup:
All so you can excuse your personal responsibility and delegate it to the government .. You just suck all the way around.

I don't have to "give" them any excuses.

They are facts of life.

They aren't the facts of life ... And people prove they aren't all the time.


Yeah actually they are. Try looking up McCreary County Kentucky. That's one county over from where I live. They are one of the poorest counties in the entire U.S. Not only do they have an extreme low median income, but they have a very low graduation rate, and one of the lowest percentages of college degrees as well.

...and the county is predominately white, and it isn't even close.
They can probably use a new city in that county, to make better use of any spaces vacated to fill the city.

The problem is, it has become one of those counties that the federal government talked into having a federal prison, saying it would help their economy and provide more jobs. The problem with that is, if anyone knows about federal prisons, and what happens when they open in rural counties like their's, it just doesn't work out. First, people from other prisons get the chance to transfer there to gain seniority. Then they recruit military who are ending their commitment, to sign up to work there. Then whatever jobs are left, most of the people in the county don't have the minimum education requirement, or the ability to pass a drug test to get a job there.

Then the next issue is, the county is so poor and dilapidated, that the employees don't want to live there, so they buy a home somewhere else and commute to work. So they aren't living in the community to shop there and inject their money into the economy. So basically the prison doesn't help the county, and in fact hurts the county because some companies who see counties that have federal prisons in them, and that makes them NOT want to locate there.
Every county should be better connected to State government through better aqueducts and better roads.

Why not ask for new cities, to solve that problem? An entire new city could accommodate everyone in the county, if necessary; and have better access to infrastructure.

There should be no homeless problem in our Republic.

Which is why we should institutionalize the chronically homeless.
They aren't the facts of life ... And people prove they aren't all the time.


Yeah actually they are. Try looking up McCreary County Kentucky. That's one county over from where I live. They are one of the poorest counties in the entire U.S. Not only do they have an extreme low median income, but they have a very low graduation rate, and one of the lowest percentages of college degrees as well.

...and the county is predominately white, and it isn't even close.
They can probably use a new city in that county, to make better use of any spaces vacated to fill the city.

The problem is, it has become one of those counties that the federal government talked into having a federal prison, saying it would help their economy and provide more jobs. The problem with that is, if anyone knows about federal prisons, and what happens when they open in rural counties like their's, it just doesn't work out. First, people from other prisons get the chance to transfer there to gain seniority. Then they recruit military who are ending their commitment, to sign up to work there. Then whatever jobs are left, most of the people in the county don't have the minimum education requirement, or the ability to pass a drug test to get a job there.

Then the next issue is, the county is so poor and dilapidated, that the employees don't want to live there, so they buy a home somewhere else and commute to work. So they aren't living in the community to shop there and inject their money into the economy. So basically the prison doesn't help the county, and in fact hurts the county because some companies who see counties that have federal prisons in them, and that makes them NOT want to locate there.
Every county should be better connected to State government through better aqueducts and better roads.

Why not ask for new cities, to solve that problem? An entire new city could accommodate everyone in the county, if necessary; and have better access to infrastructure.

There should be no homeless problem in our Republic.

Oh there isn't a homeless problem there, people just live in horrible conditions and are dependent on social welfare programs.
Upgrading infrastructure requires labor.
I help people... but my HELP you consider enabling them to stay the way they are.

Your idea of not helping them, is actually helping them, is fucked in the head.

I'm sorry you are such a fucked up individual. What can I do to help you?

No ... Your idea of helping someone doesn't help them.

My idea of helping someone takes something more than what money can buy.
I am willing to invest my resources and time into ensuring a person learns what opportunities are available to them.
I take them where they need to go ... Introduce them to ideas of what they can accomplish.
We either focus on the skills they do have ... The effort they are willing to put forth ... Or simply where they get any training necessary to improve their own lives.

You just neglect them and teach them to be wards of the state ... You aren't doing them any favors ... :thup:
All so you can excuse your personal responsibility and delegate it to the government .. You just suck all the way around.


You have no idea what I do. :abgg2q.jpg:

Reading my post, and watching me in real life are two different things... just like I don't trust what you say you do in real life... because quite honestly by reading your posts and seeing how you act I don't believe for one minute you'd do anything to help out someone in need. Hell, I'd bet you are one of those people that complain about someone buying a homeless person a meal because you don't want to see a homeless person in a restaurant while you are eating.
They aren't the facts of life ... And people prove they aren't all the time.


Yeah actually they are. Try looking up McCreary County Kentucky. That's one county over from where I live. They are one of the poorest counties in the entire U.S. Not only do they have an extreme low median income, but they have a very low graduation rate, and one of the lowest percentages of college degrees as well.

...and the county is predominately white, and it isn't even close.
They can probably use a new city in that county, to make better use of any spaces vacated to fill the city.

The problem is, it has become one of those counties that the federal government talked into having a federal prison, saying it would help their economy and provide more jobs. The problem with that is, if anyone knows about federal prisons, and what happens when they open in rural counties like their's, it just doesn't work out. First, people from other prisons get the chance to transfer there to gain seniority. Then they recruit military who are ending their commitment, to sign up to work there. Then whatever jobs are left, most of the people in the county don't have the minimum education requirement, or the ability to pass a drug test to get a job there.

Then the next issue is, the county is so poor and dilapidated, that the employees don't want to live there, so they buy a home somewhere else and commute to work. So they aren't living in the community to shop there and inject their money into the economy. So basically the prison doesn't help the county, and in fact hurts the county because some companies who see counties that have federal prisons in them, and that makes them NOT want to locate there.
Every county should be better connected to State government through better aqueducts and better roads.

Why not ask for new cities, to solve that problem? An entire new city could accommodate everyone in the county, if necessary; and have better access to infrastructure.

There should be no homeless problem in our Republic.

Which is why we should institutionalize the chronically homeless.
Send them to Right to Work States! It should be a crime to be homeless if you have a right to work.
Since the welfare queen can afford a phone and internet to record her dismay then she shouldn't be receiving a public handout.
Yeah actually they are. Try looking up McCreary County Kentucky. That's one county over from where I live. They are one of the poorest counties in the entire U.S. Not only do they have an extreme low median income, but they have a very low graduation rate, and one of the lowest percentages of college degrees as well.

...and the county is predominately white, and it isn't even close.
They can probably use a new city in that county, to make better use of any spaces vacated to fill the city.

The problem is, it has become one of those counties that the federal government talked into having a federal prison, saying it would help their economy and provide more jobs. The problem with that is, if anyone knows about federal prisons, and what happens when they open in rural counties like their's, it just doesn't work out. First, people from other prisons get the chance to transfer there to gain seniority. Then they recruit military who are ending their commitment, to sign up to work there. Then whatever jobs are left, most of the people in the county don't have the minimum education requirement, or the ability to pass a drug test to get a job there.

Then the next issue is, the county is so poor and dilapidated, that the employees don't want to live there, so they buy a home somewhere else and commute to work. So they aren't living in the community to shop there and inject their money into the economy. So basically the prison doesn't help the county, and in fact hurts the county because some companies who see counties that have federal prisons in them, and that makes them NOT want to locate there.
Every county should be better connected to State government through better aqueducts and better roads.

Why not ask for new cities, to solve that problem? An entire new city could accommodate everyone in the county, if necessary; and have better access to infrastructure.

There should be no homeless problem in our Republic.

Oh there isn't a homeless problem there, people just live in horrible conditions and are dependent on social welfare programs.
Upgrading infrastructure requires labor.

They are upgrading infrastructure all over in Kentucky... but those people don't often work where they live. I know you think this is a simple solution, but it isn't.
I help people... but my HELP you consider enabling them to stay the way they are.

Your idea of not helping them, is actually helping them, is fucked in the head.

I'm sorry you are such a fucked up individual. What can I do to help you?

No ... Your idea of helping someone doesn't help them.

My idea of helping someone takes something more than what money can buy.
I am willing to invest my resources and time into ensuring a person learns what opportunities are available to them.
I take them where they need to go ... Introduce them to ideas of what they can accomplish.
We either focus on the skills they do have ... The effort they are willing to put forth ... Or simply where they get any training necessary to improve their own lives.

You just neglect them and teach them to be wards of the state ... You aren't doing them any favors ... :thup:
All so you can excuse your personal responsibility and delegate it to the government .. You just suck all the way around.


You have no idea what I do. :abgg2q.jpg:

Reading my post, and watching me in real life are two different things... just like I don't trust what you say you do in real life... because quite honestly by reading your posts and seeing how you act I don't believe for one minute you'd do anything to help out someone in need. Hell, I'd bet you are one of those people that complain about someone buying a homeless person a meal because you don't want to see a homeless person in a restaurant while you are eating.

That's because you're a statist. Statists think that their own reality reflects the world. You would never help anybody out PERSONALLY which is why you get so offended at the idea of people reducing government assistance. You view government assistance either as your income...or you see it as a way to force other people to provide care for people you don't want to deal with. Because you're a leftist tool, you want to shut down all other avenues of assistance to the people who need it. You reject the concept of religious charities because you, yourself, would never contribute to a religious charity because you hate Christians. You reject the concept of personal contributions because you would never personally, directly contribute in any meaningful way towards the care of others. In your tiny statist mind, the only benefactor sufficient to the task is the state, and you believe all other benefactors should be prevented from providing for people...and every person should be FORCED to submit to your form of assistance in whatever form you dictate to them.

Another reason to despise statist tools and continue to find ways to shut them down, drown them out, lock them up, and remove them from general population.
Last edited:
I help people... but my HELP you consider enabling them to stay the way they are.

Your idea of not helping them, is actually helping them, is fucked in the head.

I'm sorry you are such a fucked up individual. What can I do to help you?

No ... Your idea of helping someone doesn't help them.

My idea of helping someone takes something more than what money can buy.
I am willing to invest my resources and time into ensuring a person learns what opportunities are available to them.
I take them where they need to go ... Introduce them to ideas of what they can accomplish.
We either focus on the skills they do have ... The effort they are willing to put forth ... Or simply where they get any training necessary to improve their own lives.

You just neglect them and teach them to be wards of the state ... You aren't doing them any favors ... :thup:
All so you can excuse your personal responsibility and delegate it to the government .. You just suck all the way around.


You have no idea what I do. :abgg2q.jpg:

Reading my post, and watching me in real life are two different things... just like I don't trust what you say you do in real life... because quite honestly by reading your posts and seeing how you act I don't believe for one minute you'd do anything to help out someone in need. Hell, I'd bet you are one of those people that complain about someone buying a homeless person a meal because you don't want to see a homeless person in a restaurant while you are eating.

That's because you're a statist. Statists think that their own reality reflects the world. You would never help anybody out PERSONALLY which is why you get so offended at the idea of people reducing government assistance. You view government assistance either as your income...or you see it as a way to force other people to provide care for people you don't want to deal with.

I help out people all the fucking time. The issue is, I don't need to brag about it to make myself feel good.

Want to know one of the latest things I did? There is a homeless girl that is always standing next to the exit ramp at the Richmond exit. In class we were talking about issues and I said something about the girl at the exit. A girl in class said she sees her at Star Bucks visiting with her kids there because she doesn't have a home for them to visit her there at. Well I went to Star Bucks and bought a gift card for them to give to her, so the next time she was visiting with her kids there she could buy them something to drink or eat... so at least she could feel comfortable with her kids, and not feel ostracized from society like most people make homeless people feel.

At one point in my life I lived in a homeless shelter for 5 months. I know how it feels.
Since the welfare queen can afford a phone and internet to record her dismay then she shouldn't be receiving a public handout.
it artificially stimulates demand. it is more expensive than simple unemployment for merely being unemployed in any at-will employment State.
You have no idea what I do. :abgg2q.jpg:

I don't need to know what you do ... I know what you keep supporting and that sucks.

I am no hero ... I just do what I can.
I am more interested in being the change I want to see ... Instead of supporting anything that is counterproductive to a truly beneficial goal.

Your trust is not necessary ... I don't need anything from you ... And don't require your approval to achieve what needs to be done.
What you believe is what you have to tell yourself to face your utter inadequacy ... It is of no consequence to me.

Your entire diatribe is just worthless bullshit that amounts to nothing ... :thup:


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