Unimaginable cowardice

it's really not good for your health to be so vengeful, vindictive and hateful Patriot.... peace of mind comes with the ability to forgive others of their mistakes/sins.
They don't deserve forgiveness.

Well, in all fairness, if you need forgiveness, you don't deserve it. If you deserve it, you don't need it.

That being said, these "people" need to suffer consequences for their actions, whether anyone forgives them or not.
it's really not good for your health to be so vengeful, vindictive and hateful Patriot.... peace of mind comes with the ability to forgive others of their mistakes/sins.

Let's do something to fix this shit, and then we can work on forgiveness.
you don't always ''fix things'' right when your mind is not thinking straight and filled with hatred...

How do YOu tell the difference between "Hate" and Righteous Anger?
it's easily spotted...

You sure you are not operating on Confirmation Bias?

Marjory Stoneman Douglas security guards fired by school board
My heart breaks for Mr. Pollack. To hear your daughter died because of the cowardice of the Broward County Sheriff's Officers and the cowardice of the Stoneman Douglas “guards” would be horrible. To hear those cowards hid in a closet would be enraging. To hear that a cowardly teacher kept a door locked, preventing your wounded daughter from getting to safety would be unbearable. To hear those same cowardly guards sexually harassed your daughter and other underage girls at the school would be infuriating.

I can only hope that the officers and the “guards” never experience a single moment of peace for the rest of their miserable lives. I hope they experience nightmares. I hope they suffer from PTSD. I hope they are harassed day and night by citizens. I hope their relationships dissolve so that they have nobody. I hope that they experience significant financial hardships. I hope their health deteriorates.

More cowardice revealed from the halls of Marjory Stoneman Douglas

How dare you ! The police are saints!

When did you join Black Lives Matters?
My heart breaks for Mr. Pollack. To hear your daughter died because of the cowardice of the Broward County Sheriff's Officers and the cowardice of the Stoneman Douglas “guards” would be horrible. To hear those cowards hid in a closet would be enraging. To hear that a cowardly teacher kept a door locked, preventing your wounded daughter from getting to safety would be unbearable. To hear those same cowardly guards sexually harassed your daughter and other underage girls at the school would be infuriating.

I can only hope that the officers and the “guards” never experience a single moment of peace for the rest of their miserable lives. I hope they experience nightmares. I hope they suffer from PTSD. I hope they are harassed day and night by citizens. I hope their relationships dissolve so that they have nobody. I hope that they experience significant financial hardships. I hope their health deteriorates.

More cowardice revealed from the halls of Marjory Stoneman Douglas

How dare you ! The police are saints!

When did you join Black Lives Matters?

The police don't need to be saints in order to not be demons. Only children and the mentally-impaired take your simplistic, binary, either-or approach to life.
By the way . Wasn’t their a police detail at the Orlando night club shooting ? At the hotel during the Las Vegas shooting ?

Ohhhh can’t say anything bad about the Po po!
My heart breaks for Mr. Pollack. To hear your daughter died because of the cowardice of the Broward County Sheriff's Officers and the cowardice of the Stoneman Douglas “guards” would be horrible. To hear those cowards hid in a closet would be enraging. To hear that a cowardly teacher kept a door locked, preventing your wounded daughter from getting to safety would be unbearable. To hear those same cowardly guards sexually harassed your daughter and other underage girls at the school would be infuriating.

I can only hope that the officers and the “guards” never experience a single moment of peace for the rest of their miserable lives. I hope they experience nightmares. I hope they suffer from PTSD. I hope they are harassed day and night by citizens. I hope their relationships dissolve so that they have nobody. I hope that they experience significant financial hardships. I hope their health deteriorates.

More cowardice revealed from the halls of Marjory Stoneman Douglas

How dare you ! The police are saints!

When did you join Black Lives Matters?

The police don't need to be saints in order to not be demons. Only children and the mentally-impaired take your simplistic, binary, either-or approach to life.

Childeren , mentally impaired and Conservatives! Cause they always defend the police in high profile unarmed caught on video red handed shootings of black men.

Tell me I’m wrong !
My heart breaks for Mr. Pollack. To hear your daughter died because of the cowardice of the Broward County Sheriff's Officers and the cowardice of the Stoneman Douglas “guards” would be horrible. To hear those cowards hid in a closet would be enraging. To hear that a cowardly teacher kept a door locked, preventing your wounded daughter from getting to safety would be unbearable. To hear those same cowardly guards sexually harassed your daughter and other underage girls at the school would be infuriating.

I can only hope that the officers and the “guards” never experience a single moment of peace for the rest of their miserable lives. I hope they experience nightmares. I hope they suffer from PTSD. I hope they are harassed day and night by citizens. I hope their relationships dissolve so that they have nobody. I hope that they experience significant financial hardships. I hope their health deteriorates.

More cowardice revealed from the halls of Marjory Stoneman Douglas

How dare you ! The police are saints!

When did you join Black Lives Matters?

The police don't need to be saints in order to not be demons. Only children and the mentally-impaired take your simplistic, binary, either-or approach to life.

Childeren , mentally impaired and Conservatives! Cause they always defend the police in high profile unarmed caught on video red handed shootings of black men.

Tell me I’m wrong !

Okay, you're wrong.
My heart breaks for Mr. Pollack. To hear your daughter died because of the cowardice of the Broward County Sheriff's Officers and the cowardice of the Stoneman Douglas “guards” would be horrible. To hear those cowards hid in a closet would be enraging. To hear that a cowardly teacher kept a door locked, preventing your wounded daughter from getting to safety would be unbearable. To hear those same cowardly guards sexually harassed your daughter and other underage girls at the school would be infuriating.

I can only hope that the officers and the “guards” never experience a single moment of peace for the rest of their miserable lives. I hope they experience nightmares. I hope they suffer from PTSD. I hope they are harassed day and night by citizens. I hope their relationships dissolve so that they have nobody. I hope that they experience significant financial hardships. I hope their health deteriorates.

More cowardice revealed from the halls of Marjory Stoneman Douglas

How dare you ! The police are saints!

When did you join Black Lives Matters?

The police don't need to be saints in order to not be demons. Only children and the mentally-impaired take your simplistic, binary, either-or approach to life.

Childeren , mentally impaired and Conservatives! Cause they always defend the police in high profile unarmed caught on video red handed shootings of black men.

Tell me I’m wrong !

Okay, you're wrong.
Now tell me I’m right !
My heart breaks for Mr. Pollack. To hear your daughter died because of the cowardice of the Broward County Sheriff's Officers and the cowardice of the Stoneman Douglas “guards” would be horrible. To hear those cowards hid in a closet would be enraging. To hear that a cowardly teacher kept a door locked, preventing your wounded daughter from getting to safety would be unbearable. To hear those same cowardly guards sexually harassed your daughter and other underage girls at the school would be infuriating.

I can only hope that the officers and the “guards” never experience a single moment of peace for the rest of their miserable lives. I hope they experience nightmares. I hope they suffer from PTSD. I hope they are harassed day and night by citizens. I hope their relationships dissolve so that they have nobody. I hope that they experience significant financial hardships. I hope their health deteriorates.

More cowardice revealed from the halls of Marjory Stoneman Douglas

How dare you ! The police are saints!

When did you join Black Lives Matters?

The police don't need to be saints in order to not be demons. Only children and the mentally-impaired take your simplistic, binary, either-or approach to life.

Childeren , mentally impaired and Conservatives! Cause they always defend the police in high profile unarmed caught on video red handed shootings of black men.

Tell me I’m wrong !

Okay, you're wrong.
Now tell me I’m right !

Sorry, I never lie.
The dumbass gun nut will argue that I don't know anything about guns & therefore any argument is void. Look, dickbreath, I know plenty about guns & probably own more than you & know how to use them. I am not going to type " Semi automatic rifle with large magazines every time I want to talk about how you buttweeds want to allow the slaughter children because you need that gun to play tough guy.
Look at the ignorant, immature, and angry little tool attempt to backtrack now!:lmao:

First of all, you are clearly ignorant about firearms. Second, just because you’re too lazy to type something doesn’t mean you get to refer to it as “military-grade”. Third, all you have to type is “AR-15” which is even shorter than “military-grade” (which is further proof that you are ignorant about the subject matter, just trying to back track now, and flat-out lying as always).

The AR-15 is a semi-automatic version of the M-16 for civilian & law enforcement. But OMG OMG OMG.

There are more models than the AR-15 & then you would have a freakin crybaby tantrum if I called them AR-15's instead of the exact model used. If I said assault rife, you'd have a fit.

You are such a whiny little fuck. Anything to avoids saying why you favor these weapons being available for use in the slaughter of school children.

If you assholes aren't traumatizing children at the border for political fodder, you want to see therm slaughtered by assault rifles. How about you man up & pick on adults who can fight back?
The AR-15 is a semi-automatic version of the M-16 for civilian & law enforcement.
Look who learned how to Google! Unfortunately, you can’t trust everything you read on the internet.

In terms of the frame, the AR-15 much more resembles the M4 (which is smaller than the very old M16). And in terms of rounds, the M16 uses the 5.56 NATO round, while usually (not always) the AR-15 is chambered for the .223 round.

But none of that matters anyway. It’s still a semi-automatic firearm and the furthest thing from “military-grade” imaginable. You once again illustrate why you are the board idiot.
You are such a whiny little fuck. Anything to avoids saying why you favor these weapons being available for use in the slaughter of school children.
Awe...there-there. It’s ok ‘lil buddy. President Trump is making your life exponentially better - even if you don’t understand it. :itsok:
You are such a whiny little fuck. Anything to avoids saying why you favor these weapons being available for use in the slaughter of school children.
Awe...there-there. It’s ok ‘lil buddy. President Trump is making your life exponentially better - even if you don’t understand it. :itsok:
Actually, the giant orange fuck has harmed by business because of his stupid tariffs. He has ballooned the national debt,. He has alienated our allies. He has traumatized children to get his irrelevant wall. He has lied to me every day.

I am glad to know giving you an extra $20 a week is all it takes to turn on your country.
The AR-15 is a semi-automatic version of the M-16 for civilian & law enforcement.
Look who learned how to Google! Unfortunately, you can’t trust everything you read on the internet.

In terms of the frame, the AR-15 much more resembles the M4 (which is smaller than the very old M16). And in terms of rounds, the M16 uses the 5.56 NATO round, while usually (not always) the AR-15 is chambered for the .223 round.

But none of that matters anyway. It’s still a semi-automatic firearm and the furthest thing from “military-grade” imaginable. You once again illustrate why you are the board idiot.

See, you gun asswipes know so much more than anyone. Silly me. I'll tell those dead children how they were not attacked by an assault weapon. I'm sure that will help.

I'm thinking the AR-15 is But hey, you're the expert. to military grade than the Western Auto 22 rifle in by cabinet.
You are such a whiny little fuck. Anything to avoids saying why you favor these weapons being available for use in the slaughter of school children.
I have bad news for you. I favor actual “military-grade” weapons being made “available” just as the U.S. Constitution dictates. Latest and greatest, fully automatic weapons. The government answers to me - I don’t answer to the government. They should never have a weapon that I “can’t” have.
Lie #1:
Actually, the giant orange fuck has harmed by business because of his stupid tariffs.
Reality: Unemployment has hit record lows, the market has hit record highs, and incomes are UP across the U.S. Everything he has done has been a resounding success.

Lie #2:

He has ballooned the national debt
Reality: Barack Insane Obama and the Dumbocrats ballooned our debt (added as much in 8 years as we had accumulated in the previous 232 years combined).

Lie #3:

He has alienated our allies.
Reality: MaObama alienated our allies (infuriated both Israel and England). President Trump has restored our relationships (Israel loves him) and our enemies (Russia) both fear and respect him. In addition, MaObama had 8 years to solve the North Korea problem. He failed (like everything else he did). It took President Trump 8 weeks to solve the problem. That’s what real leadership looks like.

Lie #4:

He has traumatized children to get his irrelevant wall.
Reality: No children have been “traumatized” (other than you progressives :laugh: ). What President Trump has done is enforce the law. Something you lawless, fascist thugs hate.

Lie #5:

He has lied to me every day.
Reality: We are not talking about MaObama. Stay on topic.

Lie #6:

I am glad to know giving you an extra $20 a week is all it takes to turn on your country.
Reality: The left turned on their country for government table scraps. The left calls for riots, civil unrest, violence, etc. And you are the one freaking out because you believe your government gravy train is going to dry up with the Republicans in charge.

President Trump has truly “Made America GREAT Again”. As an anti-American fascist, you can’t stand that.
See, you gun asswipes know so much more than anyone. Silly me. I'll tell those dead children how they were not attacked by an assault weapon. I'm sure that will help.
Well now you’ve changed your story for the THIRD time. I merely pointed out that they weren’t killed by a “military-grade” weapon as you hysterically claimed.

As far as your new term “assault weapon” here, that’s really nonsensical. If I take a baseball bat and bludgeoned a person, it becomes an “assault weapon”. I used it as a weapon to assault someone in that scenario.

How about you stop being a typical left-wing snowflake trying to elicit an emotional response from people with hyperbole? It’s not a “military-grade” weapon. It’s not an “assault weapon”. It’s just a gun. Just say gun. If you want to get extra specific, you can say “rifle”.
Officers waited for the shooting to stop at the infamous Columbine school massacre before they entered the school. The media blamed the NRA. Officers were questioning witnesses while the maniac was murdering people across campus at Va. Tech Blacksburg. The media blamed the NRA. Officers ran the other way instead of confronting the shooter in Fla. The media blamed the NRA. Officers responded in less than a minute and captured the gunman in Annapolis, Md. and the media doesn't want to talk about it. .
You are such a whiny little fuck. Anything to avoids saying why you favor these weapons being available for use in the slaughter of school children.
I have bad news for you. I favor actual “military-grade” weapons being made “available” just as the U.S. Constitution dictates. Latest and greatest, fully automatic weapons. The government answers to me - I don’t answer to the government. They should never have a weapon that I “can’t” have.
Where does it say people can own any weapon ever made in the Constitution?

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