Unimaginable cowardice

oh my fucking god. i may never stop laughing again.

i love the sentiment. love the thought. but when people who shout out hate daily say it? kinda becomes pointless. you and your trump tirades are far from showing you practice what you preach.
I don't hate President Trump, even as awful a human being that he is.... i don't think he won the presidency fair and square, I know he cheated in many more ways than one, and I know he is in bed with Putin and Russia, a mole, for them...and I love my country and hate to see him DESTROY everything we are, and have ever stood for....he's destroying the GOOD in America,(what God Blessed us for) and reveling in the BAD.
Karma is a bitch...
We had eight years of Obama that we had to suffer through… There would be no trump if there was no Obama
Yet another Trumpette who blames his really stupid, anti-American vote for Trump on Obama.

You asssholes just can't accept your own guilt.
It was a ANTI-Obama vote you dumb fuck.
There would be no trump if there was no Obama...
Obama was/is a hate filled shit stain...
it's really not good for your health to be so vengeful, vindictive and hateful Patriot.... peace of mind comes with the ability to forgive others of their mistakes/sins.
I understand what you’re saying Care4all and I largely agree. But there are some things that are unforgivable - starting with hurting a child. It takes a special kind of evil and selfishness to hide in a closet while children are dying.

No normal or rational person would do that. You wouldn’t. I wouldn’t. An old lady wouldn’t. Only the type of sleazy person who makes sexual advancements towards children would. I hope the rest of their lives are nothing but unimaginable torment.
Correction, a lot of people think they would have stormed in. You don't know unless you have been there.
Well you wouldn’t have “Real Dave” because you’re a genuine real pussy. But no - other than disgusting people like you - nobody hides in a closet while children are being shot. Nobody (again outside of sleazy, self-loving people such as yourself).
The party of "Family Values" voted for Trump - a fraud, business cheat, liar, women abuser, accused child rapist who traumatizes children to get his way in Congress.
Yes...but he is upholding the U.S. Constitution, restoring constitutional government, and protecting liberty. All of the things that outrageous a statist tool and societal parasite such as yourself.

Interestingly enough, “fraud, business cheat, liar, women abused, and child rapist” literally describes the Clinton’s. So we would have had that in the White House no matter what. At least our guy won’t collapse the U.S. like the U.S. with fascism and corruption like Hitlery would have.
Hillary Clinton represented family values...
he/his campaign team worked with a Foreign govt to influence the election, that's illegal and cheating...
Actually, it has been proven that Hitlery Clinton and the Dumbocrats “worked with foreign governments to influence the election”.

It was Christoper Steele of England who said that he could not stand by and allow Donald Trump to be elected President (even though Christopher Steele isn’t even a U.S. citizen). He then created the fake “Trump Dossier” working with Russia. The Dumbocrats - knowing they needed “attorney-client privilege” to hide behind in the event of a subpoena hired law firm Perkins Coie to purchase and disseminate the dossier from the Russians.

At the same time, the Obama Administration granted “special exemption” to Russian attorney Natalia Vladimirovna Veselnitskaya to gain entry to the U.S. - where she suddenly and mysteriously obtains the private contact information of the Trump’s.
I don't hate President Trump, even as awful a human being that he is.... i don't think he won the presidency fair and square, I know he cheated in many more ways than one, and I know he is in bed with Putin and Russia
So just to be clear - Russia had so much power and influence into our election that Hitlery Clinton won 3 million more votes than Donald Trump. Apparently Russia is only able to influence the exact key votes in the exact key states that made the election possible for Donald Trump.

And oh yeah - they did that while working with Hitlery Clinton. :lmao:
it's really not good for your health to be so vengeful, vindictive and hateful Patriot.... peace of mind comes with the ability to forgive others of their mistakes/sins.
I understand what you’re saying Care4all and I largely agree. But there are some things that are unforgivable - starting with hurting a child. It takes a special kind of evil and selfishness to hide in a closet while children are dying.

No normal or rational person would do that. You wouldn’t. I wouldn’t. An old lady wouldn’t. Only the type of sleazy person who makes sexual advancements towards children would. I hope the rest of their lives are nothing but unimaginable torment.
You mean hurting them by separating them from their families? We agree on something.
Correction, a lot of people think they would have stormed in. You don't know unless you have been there.
Well you wouldn’t have “Real Dave” because you’re a genuine real pussy. But no - other than disgusting people like you - nobody hides in a closet while children are being shot. Nobody (again outside of sleazy, self-loving people such as yourself).
Acvtually, you don;t know shit about what I would do. I do know this, keep arming these kids with miliitary grade weapons & a lot of people won't go in with just a handgun.
I don't hate President Trump, even as awful a human being that he is.... i don't think he won the presidency fair and square, I know he cheated in many more ways than one, and I know he is in bed with Putin and Russia
So just to be clear - Russia had so much power and influence into our election that Hitlery Clinton won 3 million more votes than Donald Trump. Apparently Russia is only able to influence the exact key votes in the exact key states that made the election possible for Donald Trump.

And oh yeah - they did that while working with Hitlery Clinton. :lmao:
Wow,. Your arguments just keep getting dumber & dumer.

Without the Russian influence, Hillary could have had 5 million, ten million more votes you stupid fuck.
How did you hget this stupid? You must watch Fox, listed to Limbaugh & Info wars.
My heart breaks for Mr. Pollack. To hear your daughter died because of the cowardice of the Broward County Sheriff's Officers and the cowardice of the Stoneman Douglas “guards” would be horrible. To hear those cowards hid in a closet would be enraging. To hear that a cowardly teacher kept a door locked, preventing your wounded daughter from getting to safety would be unbearable. To hear those same cowardly guards sexually harassed your daughter and other underage girls at the school would be infuriating.

I can only hope that the officers and the “guards” never experience a single moment of peace for the rest of their miserable lives. I hope they experience nightmares. I hope they suffer from PTSD. I hope they are harassed day and night by citizens. I hope their relationships dissolve so that they have nobody. I hope that they experience significant financial hardships. I hope their health deteriorates.

More cowardice revealed from the halls of Marjory Stoneman Douglas

I see,., we are supposed to believe that you would have stormed in. You are such a pussy that you can't live without your AR15 so more children don't have to face another slaughter.
A LOT of people WOULD have gone in Real Dumb, a LOT of people. Not everyone is a COWARDLY mother fucker like yourself.
Correction, a lot of people think they would have stormed in. You don't know unless you have been there.
Sometimes the lives of others are more important than yours. A liberal would NEVER admit that as they think they are better than anybody.


And where is link to unbiased proof that shows what ALL liberals think?

Because without it, than your statement is - what a shock - totally baseless.

Just the idle ramblings of a hate-filled Trumpbot.
They vote for hillary and then call Trump a liar and disgrace.
I just summed it up.
Hypocrisy is what progressives are all about...

The party of "Family Values" voted for Trump - a fraud, business cheat, liar, women abuser, accused child rapist who traumatizes children to get his way in Congress.
Says a Clinton supporter

I never voted for Bill Clinton. Hillary Clinton represented family values way way way way way better than the orange POS you worship.
The loopy kunt was an enabler, both are corrupt to the core... sex trafficking is their trade
So you werre so fucking stupid you believed the pizza shop story.
Hypocrisy is what progressives are all about...

The party of "Family Values" voted for Trump - a fraud, business cheat, liar, women abuser, accused child rapist who traumatizes children to get his way in Congress.
Says a Clinton supporter

I never voted for Bill Clinton. Hillary Clinton represented family values way way way way way better than the orange POS you worship.
The loopy kunt was an enabler, both are corrupt to the core... sex trafficking is their trade
So you werre so fucking stupid you believed the pizza shop story.

Of course he is. He is a Trumpbot.

Why are white, uneducated voters voting for Trump?
who are we, as a country? there are many who feel he's saving a "historic" america they want back.
say what??? he's saving a historic America? :rofl:

DEAR LORD you are brainwashed....

America HAS NEVER EVER BEEN what Donald Trump is making us.... period!
how come YOU are not brainwashed? why is it always the other guy?

what is trump making us that IS NOT fed by your russia delusions? it sounds like your entire thought process of TRUMP is predicted by RUSSIA naratives that the left made up.

and i see you totally bypassed hillary and the DNC issue. you called me a liar, i put up where i got it from - refute please.

otherwise with each and every post you make that is EMO-BASED you prove me correct in that your emotions are guiding you to what is happening, not a search for truth or fact. in your mind you found 'em.

trump sucks. russia helped trump to spoil your life, trump must pay.

trump is trying to under what a lot of admins have done. he's got things going pretty well if you put your hate down and look around. more jobs than job seekers. economy doing well. not perfect no - but much better than we were.

better is perspective. please forgive me if i use my own vs. yours in which to make my own decisions.

Real Americans give a shit that a Presidential candidate would have colluded with Russians. You fake American Truimpettes don't care.

Because the economy was not growing, unemployment was not coming down, the stock market was not climbing before your orange god took office. Right?
They vote for hillary and then call Trump a liar and disgrace.
I just summed it up.
Hypocrisy is what progressives are all about...

The party of "Family Values" voted for Trump - a fraud, business cheat, liar, women abuser, accused child rapist who traumatizes children to get his way in Congress.
Says a Clinton supporter

I never voted for Bill Clinton. Hillary Clinton represented family values way way way way way better than the orange POS you worship.

Yeah....laughing about getting a child molester off is a sure sign of family values.:backpedal:
Jesus Fuck how many times do you ignorant fucks have to post this same shit? Are all of you this fucking stupid or what.

You voted for an accused child rapist who endorsed a child molester for the US Senate. My God, have you no shame?
Hypocrisy is what progressives are all about...

The party of "Family Values" voted for Trump - a fraud, business cheat, liar, women abuser, accused child rapist who traumatizes children to get his way in Congress.
Says a Clinton supporter

I never voted for Bill Clinton. Hillary Clinton represented family values way way way way way better than the orange POS you worship.

Yeah....laughing about getting a child molester off is a sure sign of family values.:backpedal:
Jesus Fuck how many times do you ignorant fucks have to post this same shit? Are all of you this fucking stupid or what.

You voted for an accused child rapist who endorsed a child molester for the US Senate. My God, have you no shame?

The answer is in you reply.

No...they don't.

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