Unimaginable cowardice

didn't win fair and square. ok - then what exactly did *trump* do to "cheat"?
he/his campaign team worked with a Foreign govt to influence the election, that's illegal and cheating....

he also broke campaign finance laws with his payment's to cover up his affairs with the playboy playmate and with the porn star.... also illegal and cheating

he paid off the Florida A/G to prevent her from pressing charges on behalf of florida citizens scammed by trump university with his supposed Trump Charity funds....also cheating and against the law....

he used a marketing firm created by the Billionaire Robert Mercer....Cambridge Analytica who used stolen face book information to help Trump win...

His team worked with a Russian oligarch and NRA to funnel/money launder campaign money from a foreign nationalist to help Trump....

and much much more...
I don't hate President Trump, even as awful a human being that he is.... i don't think he won the presidency fair and square, I know he cheated in many more ways than one, and I know he is in bed with Putin and Russia, a mole, for them...and I love my country and hate to see him DESTROY everything we are, and have ever stood for....he's destroying the GOOD in America, and reveling in the BAD.

who are we, as a country? there are many who feel he's saving a "historic" america they want back.

didn't win fair and square. ok - then what exactly did *trump* do to "cheat"? would this be any worse than what we *know* hillary did to get the nomination from sanders? she pretty much bent him over and stole the nomination cause it was simply "her turn". if we're worried about "cheating our american values" we get mad here.

if we hate trump more, then we don't care what she did or find excuses. but we then go after trump when less is actually proven in what he did vs. what she did.

the problems facing this country are we get selective in what we enforce as right and wrong and we use our emotional ties in which to judge. this means we don't care what our side does but we'll fight the other side tooth and nail and hate them based on them doing the exact same thing.

we need to punish actions, not people. today we are so far from that you have to wonder if we'll ever come back to the AMERICA you are referencing above. THAT AMERICA allowed both right and left to speak up w/o persecution or threats of violence. THAT AMERICA went by what the people wanted and still found a way to work together even when their side was not in charge.

the AMERICAN you speak of used a proud military force to fight for our collective rights we're so busy dividing up between who we like, removing those rights from people we don't. that's not the AMERICA you speak of but it's who we are today and what you're doing, to me.

from your own words you'll never have a peace of mind because you don't seem to be able to forgive trump. that usually entails seeing some good somewhere and you can't do that. you're like hillary during the debate when trump and her were asked to say something good about the other person.

trump did it. he spoke of good qualities in hillary. she spoke of his children and wussed out.

trump to many is putting back together a country obama spent 8 years turning into a liberal disneyland. trump is far more traditional in what his goals are when compared to us as a country than obamas ever were.

trump also isn't revealing the bad - we do that on our own. he doesn't make you or me do a thing. *we do it*. to blame it on trump is just cowardice.

don't bother telling me how trump cheated, i suppose. what you come up with will be conspiracy theory laced you'd laugh at if it came your way but suddenly finds validity in your emotions.

you want the traditional america back? stop demonizing people who don't think like you do and making them criminals for actions people you do like commit and you say nothing.
They vote for hillary and then call Trump a liar and disgrace.

I just summed it up.
Hypocrisy is what progressives are all about...

But only the progressives...dude, look in the mirror once in a while

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I’m not a Clinton/obama supporter

Nope, you are a Trump worshiper that pretends to be a libertarian...the epitome of hypocrisy

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who are we, as a country? there are many who feel he's saving a "historic" america they want back.
say what??? he's saving a historic America? :rofl:

DEAR LORD you are brainwashed....

America HAS NEVER EVER BEEN what Donald Trump is making us.... period!
how come YOU are not brainwashed? why is it always the other guy?

what is trump making us that IS NOT fed by your russia delusions? it sounds like your entire thought process of TRUMP is predicted by RUSSIA naratives that the left made up.

and i see you totally bypassed hillary and the DNC issue. you called me a liar, i put up where i got it from - refute please.

otherwise with each and every post you make that is EMO-BASED you prove me correct in that your emotions are guiding you to what is happening, not a search for truth or fact. in your mind you found 'em.

trump sucks. russia helped trump to spoil your life, trump must pay.

trump is trying to under what a lot of admins have done. he's got things going pretty well if you put your hate down and look around. more jobs than job seekers. economy doing well. not perfect no - but much better than we were.

better is perspective. please forgive me if i use my own vs. yours in which to make my own decisions.
didn't win fair and square. ok - then what exactly did *trump* do to "cheat"?
he/his campaign team worked with a Foreign govt to influence the election, that's illegal and cheating....

he also broke campaign finance laws with his payment's to cover up his affairs with the playboy playmate and with the porn star.... also illegal and cheating

until this is proven it's bullshit. your entire hatred so far is relying on a potential lie from the left and you won't even acknowledge the left *COULD BE* involved some some jacked up "payback".

most people i talk to when i ask about trumps investigation answer with how long the right investigated hillary. i ask if they want justice or revenge and they go away.

broke campaign finance laws - go back and read what hillary did in the article i posted and come back when you want equal justice and can prove it as well as it was proven against her.

so tired of "logic by emo" arguments.
didn't win fair and square. ok - then what exactly did *trump* do to "cheat"?
he/his campaign team worked with a Foreign govt to influence the election, that's illegal and cheating....

he also broke campaign finance laws with his payment's to cover up his affairs with the playboy playmate and with the porn star.... also illegal and cheating

he paid off the Florida A/G to prevent her from pressing charges on behalf of florida citizens scammed by trump university with his supposed Trump Charity funds....also cheating and against the law....

he used a marketing firm created by the Billionaire Robert Mercer....Cambridge Analytica who used stolen face book information to help Trump win...

His team worked with a Russian oligarch and NRA to funnel/money launder campaign money from a foreign nationalist to help Trump....

and much much more...
this the same info what was given willingly to obama?

i think it was.

the rest you cite have less base in reality than all the crap i could cite against hillary but you will refuse to see it so why play?
who are we, as a country? there are many who feel he's saving a "historic" america they want back.

didn't win fair and square. ok - then what exactly did *trump* do to "cheat"? would this be any worse than what we *know* hillary did to get the nomination from sanders? she pretty much bent him over and stole the nomination cause it was simply "her turn". if we're worried about "cheating our american values" we get mad here.

if we hate trump more, then we don't care what she did or find excuses. but we then go after trump when less is actually proven in what he did vs. what she did.

the problems facing this country are we get selective in what we enforce as right and wrong and we use our emotional ties in which to judge. this means we don't care what our side does but we'll fight the other side tooth and nail and hate them based on them doing the exact same thing.

we need to punish actions, not people. today we are so far from that you have to wonder if we'll ever come back to the AMERICA you are referencing above. THAT AMERICA allowed both right and left to speak up w/o persecution or threats of violence. THAT AMERICA went by what the people wanted and still found a way to work together even when their side was not in charge.

the AMERICAN you speak of used a proud military force to fight for our collective rights we're so busy dividing up between who we like, removing those rights from people we don't. that's not the AMERICA you speak of but it's who we are today and what you're doing, to me.

from your own words you'll never have a peace of mind because you don't seem to be able to forgive trump. that usually entails seeing some good somewhere and you can't do that. you're like hillary during the debate when trump and her were asked to say something good about the other person.

trump did it. he spoke of good qualities in hillary. she spoke of his children and wussed out.

trump to many is putting back together a country obama spent 8 years turning into a liberal disneyland. trump is far more traditional in what his goals are when compared to us as a country than obamas ever were.

trump also isn't revealing the bad - we do that on our own. he doesn't make you or me do a thing. *we do it*. to blame it on trump is just cowardice.

don't bother telling me how trump cheated, i suppose. what you come up with will be conspiracy theory laced you'd laugh at if it came your way but suddenly finds validity in your emotions.

you want the traditional america back? stop demonizing people who don't think like you do and making them criminals for actions people you do like commit and you say nothing.
They vote for hillary and then call Trump a liar and disgrace.
I just summed it up.
Hypocrisy is what progressives are all about...

The party of "Family Values" voted for Trump - a fraud, business cheat, liar, women abuser, accused child rapist who traumatizes children to get his way in Congress.
Says a Clinton supporter

I never voted for Bill Clinton. Hillary Clinton represented family values way way way way way better than the orange POS you worship.

Yeah....laughing about getting a child molester off is a sure sign of family values.:backpedal:
They vote for hillary and then call Trump a liar and disgrace.
I just summed it up.
Hypocrisy is what progressives are all about...

The party of "Family Values" voted for Trump - a fraud, business cheat, liar, women abuser, accused child rapist who traumatizes children to get his way in Congress.
Says a Clinton supporter

I never voted for Bill Clinton. Hillary Clinton represented family values way way way way way better than the orange POS you worship.

Yeah....laughing about getting a child molester off is a sure sign of family values.:backpedal:
It's their job if they do not do their jobs as public defenders they can be disbarred. Hillary was appointed, she had no choice about defending the guy. The fact that she got the court to reduce the charges was all perfectly ethical..It's how the game is played...
Hypocrisy is what progressives are all about...

The party of "Family Values" voted for Trump - a fraud, business cheat, liar, women abuser, accused child rapist who traumatizes children to get his way in Congress.
Says a Clinton supporter

I never voted for Bill Clinton. Hillary Clinton represented family values way way way way way better than the orange POS you worship.

Yeah....laughing about getting a child molester off is a sure sign of family values.:backpedal:
It's their job if they do not do their jobs as public defenders they can be disbarred. Hillary was appointed, she has no choice about defending the guy. The fact that she got the court to reduce the charges was all perfectly ethical..It's how the game is played...

She laughed about it.
The party of "Family Values" voted for Trump - a fraud, business cheat, liar, women abuser, accused child rapist who traumatizes children to get his way in Congress.
Says a Clinton supporter

I never voted for Bill Clinton. Hillary Clinton represented family values way way way way way better than the orange POS you worship.

Yeah....laughing about getting a child molester off is a sure sign of family values.:backpedal:
It's their job if they do not do their jobs as public defenders they can be disbarred. Hillary was appointed, she has no choice about defending the guy. The fact that she got the court to reduce the charges was all perfectly ethical..It's how the game is played...

She laughed about it.
they laughed about the crime lab cutting the underwear for testing and sending the underwear back to the court with the hole in it...Wow...Do you faint when a fly dies?
The party of "Family Values" voted for Trump - a fraud, business cheat, liar, women abuser, accused child rapist who traumatizes children to get his way in Congress.
Says a Clinton supporter

I never voted for Bill Clinton. Hillary Clinton represented family values way way way way way better than the orange POS you worship.

Yeah....laughing about getting a child molester off is a sure sign of family values.:backpedal:
It's their job if they do not do their jobs as public defenders they can be disbarred. Hillary was appointed, she has no choice about defending the guy. The fact that she got the court to reduce the charges was all perfectly ethical..It's how the game is played...

She laughed about it.

'YOU voted for an accused child rapist who just endosed a child molester in Georgia & here you are making up stories about Clinton defending one?

Really? You are really this big an ass?

Says a Clinton supporter

I never voted for Bill Clinton. Hillary Clinton represented family values way way way way way better than the orange POS you worship.

Yeah....laughing about getting a child molester off is a sure sign of family values.:backpedal:
It's their job if they do not do their jobs as public defenders they can be disbarred. Hillary was appointed, she has no choice about defending the guy. The fact that she got the court to reduce the charges was all perfectly ethical..It's how the game is played...

She laughed about it.

'YOU voted for an accused child rapist who just endosed a child molester in Georgia & here you are making up stories about Clinton defending one?

Really? You are really this big an ass?


so if i accuse you of "child rape" no on should ever vote for you for anything now because of that "accusation"?

what a fucked up mentality.
Says a Clinton supporter

I never voted for Bill Clinton. Hillary Clinton represented family values way way way way way better than the orange POS you worship.

Yeah....laughing about getting a child molester off is a sure sign of family values.:backpedal:
It's their job if they do not do their jobs as public defenders they can be disbarred. Hillary was appointed, she has no choice about defending the guy. The fact that she got the court to reduce the charges was all perfectly ethical..It's how the game is played...

She laughed about it.

'YOU voted for an accused child rapist who just endosed a child molester in Georgia & here you are making up stories about Clinton defending one?

Really? You are really this big an ass?


didn't win fair and square. ok - then what exactly did *trump* do to "cheat"?
he/his campaign team worked with a Foreign govt to influence the election, that's illegal and cheating....

he also broke campaign finance laws with his payment's to cover up his affairs with the playboy playmate and with the porn star.... also illegal and cheating

until this is proven it's bullshit. your entire hatred so far is relying on a potential lie from the left and you won't even acknowledge the left *COULD BE* involved some some jacked up "payback".

most people i talk to when i ask about trumps investigation answer with how long the right investigated hillary. i ask if they want justice or revenge and they go away.

broke campaign finance laws - go back and read what hillary did in the article i posted and come back when you want equal justice and can prove it as well as it was proven against her.

so tired of "logic by emo" arguments.

Hillary could have Taken campaign money from Putin himself & bribed poll workers & murdered trhe children of Republican candidates & it would not change what the fuck Trump did by paying off the porn star.

Jesus Christ people. Get a fucking brain & or just shut the fuck up.
My heart breaks for Mr. Pollack. To hear your daughter died because of the cowardice of the Broward County Sheriff's Officers and the cowardice of the Stoneman Douglas “guards” would be horrible. To hear those cowards hid in a closet would be enraging. To hear that a cowardly teacher kept a door locked, preventing your wounded daughter from getting to safety would be unbearable. To hear those same cowardly guards sexually harassed your daughter and other underage girls at the school would be infuriating.

I can only hope that the officers and the “guards” never experience a single moment of peace for the rest of their miserable lives. I hope they experience nightmares. I hope they suffer from PTSD. I hope they are harassed day and night by citizens. I hope their relationships dissolve so that they have nobody. I hope that they experience significant financial hardships. I hope their health deteriorates.

More cowardice revealed from the halls of Marjory Stoneman Douglas
Sounds like you were there hiding along with them.
didn't win fair and square. ok - then what exactly did *trump* do to "cheat"?
he/his campaign team worked with a Foreign govt to influence the election, that's illegal and cheating....

he also broke campaign finance laws with his payment's to cover up his affairs with the playboy playmate and with the porn star.... also illegal and cheating

until this is proven it's bullshit. your entire hatred so far is relying on a potential lie from the left and you won't even acknowledge the left *COULD BE* involved some some jacked up "payback".

most people i talk to when i ask about trumps investigation answer with how long the right investigated hillary. i ask if they want justice or revenge and they go away.

broke campaign finance laws - go back and read what hillary did in the article i posted and come back when you want equal justice and can prove it as well as it was proven against her.

so tired of "logic by emo" arguments.

Hillary could have Taken campaign money from Putin himself & bribed poll workers & murdered trhe children of Republican candidates & it would not change what the fuck Trump did by paying off the porn star.

Jesus Christ people. Get a fucking brain & or just shut the fuck up.

who says hillary didn't do all that?

who did bill pay off cause so far you've got 1 not-aging-well porn star cashing in before cankles come on in and that's it. bill clinton fucked around like that by lunch on the 1st sunday of the month.

don't hold up one family as a model and destroy the other with a "crime" when the family you choose to hold up wins that "prize" hands down.

speaking of getting a brain - i'd have to think the brain you had simply eventually told you "no" and went back home.
I never voted for Bill Clinton. Hillary Clinton represented family values way way way way way better than the orange POS you worship.

Yeah....laughing about getting a child molester off is a sure sign of family values.:backpedal:
It's their job if they do not do their jobs as public defenders they can be disbarred. Hillary was appointed, she has no choice about defending the guy. The fact that she got the court to reduce the charges was all perfectly ethical..It's how the game is played...

She laughed about it.

'YOU voted for an accused child rapist who just endosed a child molester in Georgia & here you are making up stories about Clinton defending one?

Really? You are really this big an ass?


so if i accuse you of "child rape" no on should ever vote for you for anything now because of that "accusation"?

what a fucked up mentality.

So, you blamed Hillary Clinton for all kinds of shit that was never proven.

'But hey, That's OK Right?

All those women accusing Trump, but hey they don't count, nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
didn't win fair and square. ok - then what exactly did *trump* do to "cheat"?
he/his campaign team worked with a Foreign govt to influence the election, that's illegal and cheating....

he also broke campaign finance laws with his payment's to cover up his affairs with the playboy playmate and with the porn star.... also illegal and cheating

until this is proven it's bullshit. your entire hatred so far is relying on a potential lie from the left and you won't even acknowledge the left *COULD BE* involved some some jacked up "payback".

most people i talk to when i ask about trumps investigation answer with how long the right investigated hillary. i ask if they want justice or revenge and they go away.

broke campaign finance laws - go back and read what hillary did in the article i posted and come back when you want equal justice and can prove it as well as it was proven against her.

so tired of "logic by emo" arguments.

Hillary could have Taken campaign money from Putin himself & bribed poll workers & murdered trhe children of Republican candidates & it would not change what the fuck Trump did by paying off the porn star.

Jesus Christ people. Get a fucking brain & or just shut the fuck up.

who says hillary didn't do all that?

who did bill pay off cause so far you've got 1 not-aging-well porn star cashing in before cankles come on in and that's it. bill clinton fucked around like that by lunch on the 1st sunday of the month.

don't hold up one family as a model and destroy the other with a "crime" when the family you choose to hold up wins that "prize" hands down.

speaking of getting a brain - i'd have to think the brain you had simply eventually told you "no" and went back home.

So you are denying Trump never had the affair?
Never paid her off with campaign money?

Exactly what are you denying here.

And why does what Hillary do or didn't do change it?
it's really not good for your health to be so vengeful, vindictive and hateful Patriot.... peace of mind comes with the ability to forgive others of their mistakes/sins.
oh my fucking god. i may never stop laughing again.

i love the sentiment. love the thought. but when people who shout out hate daily say it? kinda becomes pointless. you and your trump tirades are far from showing you practice what you preach.
I don't hate President Trump, even as awful a human being that he is.... i don't think he won the presidency fair and square, I know he cheated in many more ways than one, and I know he is in bed with Putin and Russia, a mole, for them...and I love my country and hate to see him DESTROY everything we are, and have ever stood for....he's destroying the GOOD in America,(what God Blessed us for) and reveling in the BAD.
Karma is a bitch...
We had eight years of Obama that we had to suffer through… There would be no trump if there was no Obama
Yet another Trumpette who blames his really stupid, anti-American vote for Trump on Obama.

You asssholes just can't accept your own guilt.
It was a ANTI-Obama vote you dumb fuck.
didn't win fair and square. ok - then what exactly did *trump* do to "cheat"?
he/his campaign team worked with a Foreign govt to influence the election, that's illegal and cheating....

he also broke campaign finance laws with his payment's to cover up his affairs with the playboy playmate and with the porn star.... also illegal and cheating

until this is proven it's bullshit. your entire hatred so far is relying on a potential lie from the left and you won't even acknowledge the left *COULD BE* involved some some jacked up "payback".

most people i talk to when i ask about trumps investigation answer with how long the right investigated hillary. i ask if they want justice or revenge and they go away.

broke campaign finance laws - go back and read what hillary did in the article i posted and come back when you want equal justice and can prove it as well as it was proven against her.

so tired of "logic by emo" arguments.

Hillary could have Taken campaign money from Putin himself & bribed poll workers & murdered trhe children of Republican candidates & it would not change what the fuck Trump did by paying off the porn star.

Jesus Christ people. Get a fucking brain & or just shut the fuck up.
Only a fool trusts a Clinton...

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