Union membership continues to decline! Rejoice!

private company unions only represent less than 10% of all the workers in the US.

The fed job I wanted to work at a power plant required a federal employee union membership. Which is unfair to be made to join.

First intelligent thing I can recall you saying.

Maybe there's hope for.......


Why thank you, but blow it out your ass and into your hand.
As it turns out, there was a sharp decline in public sector unions. So, yay. Interestingly, more people choose not to be in the union in the private sector for the first time in almost 100 years. Of course, they killed theselves by getting laws passed that made them obsolete in the first place.
I would place more blame on getting too affiliated with the Ds and the mob as the cause of the decline in private sector unions.
Union members are liked because of the the low turnover rate, which means money saved on training. They are also better skilled at their jobs.

When did GM pass Toyota in quality?

News to me

yer an idiot

Toyota recalls have never happened according to Ed the idiot.

Do us both a favor and google my screen name....

Never mind, I'll do it for you

Ecgþeow (pronounced [ˈedʒðeow]) or Edgetho (Proto-Norse *Agiþewaz) or Ecgtheow is a character in the Anglo-Saxon epic Beowulf. He is not mentioned outside the Beowulf manuscript, and it is not known whether he was based on a real person. He belonged to a probably Swedish family (an ätt, see Norse clans) called the Waegmundings. He married the daughter of Hreðel, king of the Geats, and was the father of Beowulf.

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