Unions Lean Democratic, but Donald Trump Gets Members’ Attention


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Trump may have more support than one thinks


WASHINGTON — Of all the voters who might be expected to resist the charms of Donald J. Trump, the two million members of the Service Employees International Union would most likely be near the top of the list.

The union, which endorsed Hillary Clinton in November, is widely regarded as one of the more progressive in the labor movement. It skews female and racially diverse — roughly the opposite of a Trump rally, in other words.

But the union’s president, Mary Kay Henry, acknowledged that Mr. Trump holds appeal even for some of her members. “There is deep economic anxiety among our members and the people we’re trying to organize that I believe Donald Trump’s message is tapping into,” Ms. Henry said.

In expressing her concern, Ms. Henry reflected a different form of anxiety that is weighing on some union leaders and Democratic operatives: their fear that Mr. Trump, if not effectively countered, may draw an unusually large number of union voters in a possible general election matchup. This could, in turn, bolster Republicans in swing states like Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, all of which President Obama won twice.

So the conservative Trumpbots are even willing to throw anti-unionism under the bus?

So the conservative Trumpbots are even willing to throw anti-unionism under the bus?


Most unions are garbage and in states where people are not free to join and leave as they want they are even worse. I guess when you have a monopoly you really don't have a reason to improve. It is kind of like how Obama has monopoly on stupidity. Does he ever stop saying stupid things? He could switch tempo and utter what Hillary says but that is only a slight improvement.
How do you compete with zero percent income tax and fighting against illegal immigration? I guess Bernie can run on allowing illegals into the country and raising your taxes, both of which will make your life harder, but he is in it to win it...I guess.

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