‘Uniquely Designed to Attack Humans’: Stunned Researchers Accidentally Discover Covid-19 is a Man-Made Abomination


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
The Wuhan virus, courtesy of the CCP.

When a team of researchers in Australia from Flinders University and La Trobe used powerful computers to model the protein receptors in a number of animal species, their goal was to see how the coronavirus’s spike protein attached itself to them. What they discovered shocked them.
Unlike anything that could have developed over time in nature and jumped to humans, Covid-19 demonstrates a unique design that was intended to attack humans specifically. This is, of course, impossible if one were to believe everything (anything) the Chinese Communist Party has said about the coronavirus. But considering all the evidence is pointing to the theory that Covid-19 was artificially produced through gain-of-function research as either a way to develop defenses against biological weapons or a biological weapon itself, we should heed this report’s findings.
According to Daily Telegraph:
The theory was that if the coronavirus attached itself readily to an animal like a bat or a pangolin, it would have likely been the species that the bug used to make its leap into the human population. However, the modelling found that the coronavirus’s spike protein was best suited to attacking protein receptors in humans.

“The computer modelling found the virus’s ability to bind to the bat ACE2 protein was poor relative to its ability to bind human cells,” said Flinders University epidemiologist and vaccine researcher Professor Nikolai Petrovsky. “This argues against the virus being transmitted directly from bats to humans.”

What the article doesn’t say is what many, particularly in the intelligence and conspiracy communities, have been speculating about for a while. This appears to be a designer coronavirus. In other words, it was made to do exactly what it’s doing now, namely spread across the human race at an alarming speed.

Of course! it came from a fucking Chinese lab and fauci signed off on it. Suddenly the experts are amazed!
natural virus are never and have never been both quickly spreading and so deadly both at the same time.
It is always one or the other. This one was a designer virus for sure.
The COVID virus was developed in the USA as a potential bio-weapon.

When Obozo was in office, his puppet-master Jinping told him to send him a sample of the COVID virus, as he wanted to "experiment" with it. Obozo signed the documents allowing a deadly virus to be sent to the leader of our greatest enemies.

The rest, you know already.
John Stewart has always been fair. People don't like it unless people suck at the partisan tit.
No he hasn't...He's a common leftist hack who swerved into the truth.

And he's usually tragically un-funny off the cuff, unless the jokes are written for him.

You've only listened to what others have said about him.

Watchman - Surveillance State History - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart | Comedy Central US

Jon Stewart Destroys Obama Over The IRS Scandal
Funded with our tax dollars courtesy of the homO administration.

Giving aid $$ and comfort (fauXI lying, concealing homO'sinvolvement) to the enemy

Waging bio war against the US

The charge is treason

The good news - it was not any more lethal than a normal flu

The bad news - they lied and murdered and used it to soak America for $10 trillion and counting, and used it to thwart the will of the people in 2020
The COVID virus was developed in the USA as a potential bio-weapon.

When Obozo was in office, his puppet-master Jinping told him to send him a sample of the COVID virus, as he wanted to "experiment" with it. Obozo signed the documents allowing a deadly virus to be sent to the leader of our greatest enemies.

The rest, you know already.

Research was stopped under Obama and Trump started it back up.

NIH Lifts Funding Pause on Gain-of-Function Research
The Wuhan virus, courtesy of the CCP.

When a team of researchers in Australia from Flinders University and La Trobe used powerful computers to model the protein receptors in a number of animal species, their goal was to see how the coronavirus’s spike protein attached itself to them. What they discovered shocked them.
Unlike anything that could have developed over time in nature and jumped to humans, Covid-19 demonstrates a unique design that was intended to attack humans specifically. This is, of course, impossible if one were to believe everything (anything) the Chinese Communist Party has said about the coronavirus. But considering all the evidence is pointing to the theory that Covid-19 was artificially produced through gain-of-function research as either a way to develop defenses against biological weapons or a biological weapon itself, we should heed this report’s findings.
According to Daily Telegraph:
The theory was that if the coronavirus attached itself readily to an animal like a bat or a pangolin, it would have likely been the species that the bug used to make its leap into the human population. However, the modelling found that the coronavirus’s spike protein was best suited to attacking protein receptors in humans.

“The computer modelling found the virus’s ability to bind to the bat ACE2 protein was poor relative to its ability to bind human cells,” said Flinders University epidemiologist and vaccine researcher Professor Nikolai Petrovsky. “This argues against the virus being transmitted directly from bats to humans.”

What the article doesn’t say is what many, particularly in the intelligence and conspiracy communities, have been speculating about for a while. This appears to be a designer coronavirus. In other words, it was made to do exactly what it’s doing now, namely spread across the human race at an alarming speed.

Well, what lends credence to this theory even absent any further facts, was the timing. Now, only a very small number of global agencies could even produce this, let alone circulate it among the globe. No nation was better positioned and had more to gain, than China. Just the economic reliance from other nations ensured obedience even if they were caught and lagged in their disinformation campaign.

Couple the timing of this just before the U.S election, the actions in Hong Kong, the denials, disinformation, adherence from the W.H.O and the lack of transparency, silencing of scientists, and it's not at all difficult to point to the purpose of this.

There is still the major understanding of whether it was intentional or not. I can't rule out all suspects or even the method, there are many theories I could entertain that are plausible that don't involve China or the MSS. However, suggesting it was from nature is not too relable at this point.

I would also assume that if China released it that they would have expected to do even MORE damage and for a cure to not be found until much later. A global war of attrition, in which they would have the numbers and theoretically more information to more rapidly produce a vaccine and make other nations even more dependent on them for PPE and the like.

My Spidey Senses were tingling quite early. In particular, once it spreads like wildfire globally. It was extremely contagious.
Wow...another conspiracy theory about the virus being created. You'd think someone could look up the number to Reuters, AP, UPI or some reputable news agency instead of whatever garbage website is in the OP.
The Wuhan virus, courtesy of the CCP.

When a team of researchers in Australia from Flinders University and La Trobe used powerful computers to model the protein receptors in a number of animal species, their goal was to see how the coronavirus’s spike protein attached itself to them. What they discovered shocked them.
Unlike anything that could have developed over time in nature and jumped to humans, Covid-19 demonstrates a unique design that was intended to attack humans specifically. This is, of course, impossible if one were to believe everything (anything) the Chinese Communist Party has said about the coronavirus. But considering all the evidence is pointing to the theory that Covid-19 was artificially produced through gain-of-function research as either a way to develop defenses against biological weapons or a biological weapon itself, we should heed this report’s findings.
According to Daily Telegraph:
The theory was that if the coronavirus attached itself readily to an animal like a bat or a pangolin, it would have likely been the species that the bug used to make its leap into the human population. However, the modelling found that the coronavirus’s spike protein was best suited to attacking protein receptors in humans.

“The computer modelling found the virus’s ability to bind to the bat ACE2 protein was poor relative to its ability to bind human cells,” said Flinders University epidemiologist and vaccine researcher Professor Nikolai Petrovsky. “This argues against the virus being transmitted directly from bats to humans.”

What the article doesn’t say is what many, particularly in the intelligence and conspiracy communities, have been speculating about for a while. This appears to be a designer coronavirus. In other words, it was made to do exactly what it’s doing now, namely spread across the human race at an alarming speed.

It's link hits a paywall, the second goes to a site that bills itself as "the conservative alternative to the drudge report".
Wow...another conspiracy theory about the virus being created. You'd think someone could look up the number to Reuters, AP, UPI or some reputable news agency instead of whatever garbage website is in the OP.

Only parroting Zionist liars from the Israeli owned us media is acceptable to Mossad vet non American candy corn...l
Wow...another conspiracy theory about the virus being created. You'd think someone could look up the number to Reuters, AP, UPI or some reputable news agency instead of whatever garbage website is in the OP.
Or maybe you could just fuck off and go watch Don LeMon and Fredo Cuomo to get your "news".
The Wuhan virus, courtesy of the CCP.

When a team of researchers in Australia from Flinders University and La Trobe used powerful computers to model the protein receptors in a number of animal species, their goal was to see how the coronavirus’s spike protein attached itself to them. What they discovered shocked them.
Unlike anything that could have developed over time in nature and jumped to humans, Covid-19 demonstrates a unique design that was intended to attack humans specifically. This is, of course, impossible if one were to believe everything (anything) the Chinese Communist Party has said about the coronavirus. But considering all the evidence is pointing to the theory that Covid-19 was artificially produced through gain-of-function research as either a way to develop defenses against biological weapons or a biological weapon itself, we should heed this report’s findings.
According to Daily Telegraph:
The theory was that if the coronavirus attached itself readily to an animal like a bat or a pangolin, it would have likely been the species that the bug used to make its leap into the human population. However, the modelling found that the coronavirus’s spike protein was best suited to attacking protein receptors in humans.

“The computer modelling found the virus’s ability to bind to the bat ACE2 protein was poor relative to its ability to bind human cells,” said Flinders University epidemiologist and vaccine researcher Professor Nikolai Petrovsky. “This argues against the virus being transmitted directly from bats to humans.”

What the article doesn’t say is what many, particularly in the intelligence and conspiracy communities, have been speculating about for a while. This appears to be a designer coronavirus. In other words, it was made to do exactly what it’s doing now, namely spread across the human race at an alarming speed.

Okay. But it takes more than one study. That would be some serious information to pin down, but careful even then. This could still be accidental, as it would still not necessarily be designed to be efficient on humans, particularly.

Think of it: What war could you win, if you infect the whole world? Your own citizens would also be infected. Your own economy, affected.
John Stewart has always been fair. People don't like it unless people suck at the partisan tit.
No he hasn't...He's a common leftist hack who swerved into the truth.

And he's usually tragically un-funny off the cuff, unless the jokes are written for him.

You've only listened to what others have said about him.

Watchman - Surveillance State History - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart | Comedy Central US

Jon Stewart Destroys Obama Over The IRS Scandal
No, I've actually listened to him as far back as the 1990s, when he was being floated as the replacement for Craig Kilbourn....He's a hack's hack who occasionally sideswipes the truth, and who usually isn't funny if his "jokes" aren't written for him.
John Stewart has always been fair. People don't like it unless people suck at the partisan tit.
No he hasn't...He's a common leftist hack who swerved into the truth.

And he's usually tragically un-funny off the cuff, unless the jokes are written for him.

You've only listened to what others have said about him.

Watchman - Surveillance State History - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart | Comedy Central US

Jon Stewart Destroys Obama Over The IRS Scandal
No, I've actually listened to him as far back as the 1990s, when he was being floated as the replacement for Craig Kilbourn....He's a hack's hack who occasionally sideswipes the truth, and who usually isn't funny if his "jokes" aren't written for him.

He isn't a blind partisan so you don't like him. OK.

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