Unite Here


Active Member
Feb 25, 2012
Reabhloideach asked me to post this as he does not have enough posts yet to do URLs. I am happy to do so as I am in complete agreement with him !!!

First of all, it doesn't matter if you are a Democrat or a Republican, management or labor, or any other of the many things that keep us divided. This is about what we have in common.

The United States Olympic Team will be wearing uniforms made in China during the opening ceremony in less than two weeks, and the United States Olympic Committee (USOC) says it is too late to change them, that it is too late to get uniforms produced in America in by American manufacturers and made in America by American workers.

I don't think it is too late. I think it can be done.

I have e-mailed UNITE HERE, the union representing, basically, garment workers, because they have the contacts and logistical know how, and have contacted my congressional representative and I let them know that I think it can be done. The details as to why it can't be done can be sorted out later, after those athletes walk into the Olympic stadium wearing uniforms made in America and carrying an American flag and not a white flag of surrender.

I think all we have to do, about all we can do, is give it a try. I am low tech here, but I am sure some of you can get it on facebook, you tube, twitter, whatever.

Below is the pertinent information you will need...(and a warning. The government site limits messages to 500 characters so you may want to visit your representative's personal web site.)

Contact Elected Officials | USA.gov

Organize Here. Win Here. UNITE HERE!

Tom Snyder,
[email protected]

Thank you;
Wanna know what unites us?

Calling ourselves Americans.

Everything else is drivel created by leftist to divide us, and getting behind where the Olympic uniforms are made is not one something to bring us together.

Just cheer extra hard when we are up against those commies.
It is delightfully ironic that this issue has come up. What could be more wonderfully absurd than a nationalist display dressed in foreign rags at a meaningless, hugely expensive event staged for the propagation of international rivalry?
Hats off to all involved.
I guess this is a damned fine example of AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM in action.

We're number 1?

This nation cannot even make the uniforms for our Olympic team.

Talk about welfare dependence?

You're dreaming, if you think you'd be able to get it done this Olympics. :rolleyes:
Reabhloideach asked me to post this as he does not have enough posts yet to do URLs. I am happy to do so as I am in complete agreement with him !!!

First of all, it doesn't matter if you are a Democrat or a Republican, management or labor, or any other of the many things that keep us divided. This is about what we have in common.

The United States Olympic Team will be wearing uniforms made in China during the opening ceremony in less than two weeks, and the United States Olympic Committee (USOC) says it is too late to change them, that it is too late to get uniforms produced in America in by American manufacturers and made in America by American workers.

I don't think it is too late. I think it can be done.

I have e-mailed UNITE HERE, the union representing, basically, garment workers, because they have the contacts and logistical know how, and have contacted my congressional representative and I let them know that I think it can be done. The details as to why it can't be done can be sorted out later, after those athletes walk into the Olympic stadium wearing uniforms made in America and carrying an American flag and not a white flag of surrender.

I think all we have to do, about all we can do, is give it a try. I am low tech here, but I am sure some of you can get it on facebook, you tube, twitter, whatever.

Below is the pertinent information you will need...(and a warning. The government site limits messages to 500 characters so you may want to visit your representative's personal web site.)

Contact Elected Officials | USA.gov

Organize Here. Win Here. UNITE HERE!

Tom Snyder,
[email protected]

Thank you;

You said "union", I stopped reading.
You're dreaming, if you think you'd be able to get it done this Olympics. :rolleyes:

some people are scrappers and some people just roll over and die.

so yes, i think it can be done? i know it can be done and i am sure a lot of american manufacturers and a lot of american workers can make it happen. i am sure the american made product is already there, most of it, in some warehouse somewhere and all it takes is pushing the right people in the right direction to get it done.

the only thing that stands in the way is people saying it can't be done. all you have to do is put the pressure on the people who have the juice to pull it off. i'm low tech, but someone can work facebook and tweets and whatever and i bet that if the uniforms show up by the 26th, our athletes will be wearing them on the 27th.

i am sure other people are trying to pull something together.

i mean...what do YOU want? do you want the ralph lauren olympic team, complete with the corporate logo on the breast pocket (and what next) or do you want team USA. i swear, i believe in the olympic games and amateur athletes and i do donate to the USOC, but this is making me rethink the whole deal, donation wise anyway.

come on...be a scrapper.
Reabhloideach asked me to post this as he does not have enough posts yet to do URLs. I am happy to do so as I am in complete agreement with him !!!

First of all, it doesn't matter if you are a Democrat or a Republican, management or labor, or any other of the many things that keep us divided. This is about what we have in common.

The United States Olympic Team will be wearing uniforms made in China during the opening ceremony in less than two weeks, and the United States Olympic Committee (USOC) says it is too late to change them, that it is too late to get uniforms produced in America in by American manufacturers and made in America by American workers.

I don't think it is too late. I think it can be done.

I have e-mailed UNITE HERE, the union representing, basically, garment workers, because they have the contacts and logistical know how, and have contacted my congressional representative and I let them know that I think it can be done. The details as to why it can't be done can be sorted out later, after those athletes walk into the Olympic stadium wearing uniforms made in America and carrying an American flag and not a white flag of surrender.

I think all we have to do, about all we can do, is give it a try. I am low tech here, but I am sure some of you can get it on facebook, you tube, twitter, whatever.

Below is the pertinent information you will need...(and a warning. The government site limits messages to 500 characters so you may want to visit your representative's personal web site.)

Contact Elected Officials | USA.gov

Organize Here. Win Here. UNITE HERE!

Tom Snyder,
[email protected]

Thank you;

You said "union", I stopped reading.

if you think of anyone else that can bring this together logistically...well, there just isn't. and management/manufacturers were also mentioned.

the union has more accrss to the various businesses that are involved, both union and non-union, than any one else, even the federal government. do you think the feds seperate business into some jurisdictiona category of trade. no, the unions do that, this isn't about union and management anyway.

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