"Unite the Right".

continuing from your link

A group including many former Confederate veterans founded the first branch of the Ku Klux Klan as a social club in Pulaski, Tennessee, in 1866.

KKK + Confederates = the right
Deny and lie all you like. IT's right there in black and white - resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks
Deny what, skippy? You are the one denying.

This is why republicans have political power. We kicked the racist losers out of our party and cleaned up our act.
Denying your denial is a lib tactic. We all can see that. I don't play games with you. Democrats started the klan. It's a fact


So you agree that the statue of Lee is a racist abomination and should be torn down?
Spin smoke spin spin...never even mentioned that.

Well then be a man, or whatever passes for a man in Texas these days,

and state your opinion for the record.
Facts are the klan was created by democrats and these trolls here are doing everything they can to derail this thread. Check Robert Byrds history. And his relation to the Clintons.
Why are these CONSERVATIVES throwing a fit over the removal of a Robert E. Lee statue?

Lee was one of those evil Democrats from our nation's history that conservatives constantly try to use to pin the guilt by association label of racism on modern Democrats.
View attachment 143248
That's why.

You meant to post this one didn't you?


Why are these CONSERVATIVES throwing a fit over the removal of a Robert E. Lee statue?

Lee was one of those evil Democrats from our nation's history that conservatives constantly try to use to pin the guilt by association label of racism on modern Democrats.
View attachment 143248
That's why.

So you're a great admirer of the evil Democrat Robert E. Lee?
Facts are the klan was created by democrats and these trolls here are doing everything they can to derail this thread. Check Robert Byrds history. And his relation to the Clintons.

The Klan was created by ex Confederate soldiers.

Are you therefore opposed to statues honoring such figures from history?
No matter how many Republicans condemn the rally, it will still be spun to attack Trump and GOP
It's trump's base

KKK’s official newspaper supports Donald Trump for president

It is called the Crusader — and it is one of the most prominent newspapers of the Ku Klux Klan.

Under the banner "Make America Great Again," the entire front page of the paper's current issue is devoted to a lengthy defense of Trump’s message — an embrace some have labeled a de facto endorsement.

"America was founded as a White Christian Republic. And as a White Christian Republic it became great."

KKK’s official newspaper supports Donald Trump for president
Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks.
KKK, American Nazi Party praise Trump's hiring of Bannon

President-elect Donald Trump is drawing praise from the Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazis and other white nationalist groups for appointing former Breitbart executive Stephen Bannon as his chief strategist.

“Perhaps The Donald is for real,” Rocky Suhayda, chairman of the American Nazi Party, told CNN in an segment that included interviews with several white nationalists.

David Duke, a former KKK leader who lost his Senate bid last week in Louisiana, called Bannon’s hiring an “excellent” decision.

KKK, American Nazi Party praise Trump's hiring of Bannon
Why are these CONSERVATIVES throwing a fit over the removal of a Robert E. Lee statue?

Lee was one of those evil Democrats from our nation's history that conservatives constantly try to use to pin the guilt by association label of racism on modern Democrats.
View attachment 143248
That's why.

You meant to post this one didn't you?


Why are these CONSERVATIVES throwing a fit over the removal of a Robert E. Lee statue?

Lee was one of those evil Democrats from our nation's history that conservatives constantly try to use to pin the guilt by association label of racism on modern Democrats.
View attachment 143248
That's why.

So you're a great admirer of the evil Democrat Robert E. Lee?
No, more like this.

Lee wasn't a brutal dictatot.
Right is euphemism for 'white '. Never thought I would see such a hateful rally in 2017. I thought we were past all of this.

A year ago these white supremacist would have dared showed their asses in public like this. But now that a certain orange turd is in the WH they feel free.
Right is euphemism for 'white '. Never thought I would see such a hateful rally in 2017. I thought we were past all of this.

A year ago these white supremacist would have dared showed their asses in public like this. But now that a certain orange turd is in the WH they feel free.
You didn't see all your buddies protesting Trump and beating old people and burning things etc?
It’s interesting and telling what the rightists were chanting:

"You will not replace us!"

This makes no sense.

No one is advocating anyone should be ‘replaced.’

And the fear that whites will be ‘replaced’ by immigrants is as ridiculous as it is wrong.
These wannabe Nazis are in full force.


  • IMG_1308.jpg
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These wannabe Nazis are in full force.

Guy in levies, a black shirt and a ball cap are scary to you?

Oh please. Do not downplay these race warriors. The guy's t-shirt has a quote of Adolf Hitler. Its not about what he's wearing, its about what he and the other white supremacist out there stand for. The fact many of them are out there arm makes them even more of a danger.
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These wannabe Nazis are in full force.

Guy in levies, a black shirt and a ball cap are scary to you?

Oh please. Do not downplay these race warriors. The guy's t-shirt has a quote of Adolf Hitler. Its about about what he's wearing, its about what he and the other white supremacist out there stand for. The fact many of them are out there arm makes them even more of a danger.
The guy's t-shirt has a quote of Adolf Hitler.

Couldn't see that in the picture provided.

Does that scare you?

are they any more dangerous than BLM, the assholes that tore up Baltimore a year or so ago, or football fans after a major win?

If you think they are scary, don't leave your basement, (or safe space), and you won't have to deal with them.

They have as much right to protest, march, etc as any other group in America.

They get out of line, arrest them.

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