"Unite the Right".

Why are these CONSERVATIVES throwing a fit over the removal of a Robert E. Lee statue?

Lee was one of those evil Democrats from our nation's history that conservatives constantly try to use to pin the guilt by association label of racism on modern Democrats.

Because the Democrats should not be permitted to write their sins out of the historical record.

I've never heard of any Democrat trying to pretend that the South wasn't Democratic in 1860.

I have heard rightwingers try to claim that the secessionists weren't conservatives, and that the Civil War wasn't about slavery.

I've heard Democrats claim that the parties reversed polarity in the mid-1960s, despite the lack of evidence to support the claim, and the existence of evidence to the contrary.

IOW you have NO evidence of anyone trying to pretend that the South wasn't Democrat in 1860. Why did you lie then?
Why are these CONSERVATIVES throwing a fit over the removal of a Robert E. Lee statue?

Lee was one of those evil Democrats from our nation's history that conservatives constantly try to use to pin the guilt by association label of racism on modern Democrats.

Because the Democrats should not be permitted to write their sins out of the historical record.

If you're great-grandfather was a serial killer, would that be your sin too?

Only if I publicly denied that he was in spite of the evidence, in order to confuse the record for strictly political purposes.

That didn't answer the question.

Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks. Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and black Republican leaders. Though Congress passed legislation designed to curb Klan terrorism, the organization saw its primary goal–the reestablishment of white supremacy–fulfilled through Democratic victories in state legislatures across the South in the 1870s. After a period of decline, white Protestant nativist groups revived the Klan in the early 20th century, burning crosses and staging rallies, parades and marches denouncing immigrants, Catholics, Jews, blacks and organized labor. The civil rights movement of the 1960s also saw a surge of Ku Klux Klan activity, including bombings of black schools and churches and violence against black and white activists in the South.

Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com
Why are these CONSERVATIVES throwing a fit over the removal of a Robert E. Lee statue?

Lee was one of those evil Democrats from our nation's history that conservatives constantly try to use to pin the guilt by association label of racism on modern Democrats.

Because the Democrats should not be permitted to write their sins out of the historical record.

If you're great-grandfather was a serial killer, would that be your sin too?

Only if I publicly denied that he was in spite of the evidence, in order to confuse the record for strictly political purposes.

That didn't answer the question.

Of course it does, and clearly. The density of your skull is a disadvantage.
White Nationalists March on University of Virginia

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. — A month after a Ku Klux Klan rally here ended with the police using tear gas on protesters, Charlottesville is bracing for a weekend of white nationalist demonstrations and counterprotests, and suddenly this tranquil college town feels like a city under siege.

Thousands of people — many from out of town — are expected to descend on the city to either protest or participate in a “Unite the Right” rally on Saturday convened by white nationalists who oppose a plan to remove a statue of
Robert E. Lee, the Confederate general, from a city park."

Catchy slogan for white supremacy...Unite the Right...

Counter to racist BLM

Why are these CONSERVATIVES throwing a fit over the removal of a Robert E. Lee statue?

Lee was one of those evil Democrats from our nation's history that conservatives constantly try to use to pin the guilt by association label of racism on modern Democrats.

Because the Democrats should not be permitted to write their sins out of the historical record.

If you're great-grandfather was a serial killer, would that be your sin too?

You just made the point others are trying to make. Just because some of our family had slaves in America does not mean you have to erase it today

White Nationalists March on University of Virginia

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. — A month after a Ku Klux Klan rally here ended with the police using tear gas on protesters, Charlottesville is bracing for a weekend of white nationalist demonstrations and counterprotests, and suddenly this tranquil college town feels like a city under siege.

Thousands of people — many from out of town — are expected to descend on the city to either protest or participate in a “Unite the Right” rally on Saturday convened by white nationalists who oppose a plan to remove a statue of
Robert E. Lee, the Confederate general, from a city park."

Catchy slogan for white supremacy...Unite the Right...

Counter to racist BLM


Exactly. Let's see if Trump invites their key members to the White House like DumBama did with BLM.
Why are these CONSERVATIVES throwing a fit over the removal of a Robert E. Lee statue?

Lee was one of those evil Democrats from our nation's history that conservatives constantly try to use to pin the guilt by association label of racism on modern Democrats.

Because the Democrats should not be permitted to write their sins out of the historical record.

I've never heard of any Democrat trying to pretend that the South wasn't Democratic in 1860.

I have heard rightwingers try to claim that the secessionists weren't conservatives, and that the Civil War wasn't about slavery.

I've heard Democrats claim that the parties reversed polarity in the mid-1960s, despite the lack of evidence to support the claim, and the existence of evidence to the contrary.

IOW you have NO evidence of anyone trying to pretend that the South wasn't Democrat in 1860. Why did you lie then?

Oh come on. When the subject comes up, it's the liberals here that claim those racist white Democrats became Republicans.
White Nationalists March on University of Virginia

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. — A month after a Ku Klux Klan rally here ended with the police using tear gas on protesters, Charlottesville is bracing for a weekend of white nationalist demonstrations and counterprotests, and suddenly this tranquil college town feels like a city under siege.

Thousands of people — many from out of town — are expected to descend on the city to either protest or participate in a “Unite the Right” rally on Saturday convened by white nationalists who oppose a plan to remove a statue of
Robert E. Lee, the Confederate general, from a city park."

Catchy slogan for white supremacy...Unite the Right...

Counter to racist BLM


Exactly. Let's see if Trump invites their key members to the White House like DumBama did with BLM.
I'll go out on a limb and say he won't.
The White Power morons have as much right to protest as the left wing loons. If their protest devolves into rioting, looting and burning shit to the ground as liberal protest tend to do the arrest them and throw their asses in jail. You can't stop them because you don't like the message
Why are these CONSERVATIVES throwing a fit over the removal of a Robert E. Lee statue?

Lee was one of those evil Democrats from our nation's history that conservatives constantly try to use to pin the guilt by association label of racism on modern Democrats.

Because the Democrats should not be permitted to write their sins out of the historical record.

I've never heard of any Democrat trying to pretend that the South wasn't Democratic in 1860.

I have heard rightwingers try to claim that the secessionists weren't conservatives, and that the Civil War wasn't about slavery.

I've heard Democrats claim that the parties reversed polarity in the mid-1960s, despite the lack of evidence to support the claim, and the existence of evidence to the contrary.

IOW you have NO evidence of anyone trying to pretend that the South wasn't Democrat in 1860. Why did you lie then?

Oh come on. When the subject comes up, it's the liberals here that claim those racist white Democrats became Republicans.

They did at the ballot box. Goldwater got 88% of the vote in Mississippi in 1964. Those were white Democrats voting Republican.
Why are these CONSERVATIVES throwing a fit over the removal of a Robert E. Lee statue?

Lee was one of those evil Democrats from our nation's history that conservatives constantly try to use to pin the guilt by association label of racism on modern Democrats.

Because the Democrats should not be permitted to write their sins out of the historical record.

If you're great-grandfather was a serial killer, would that be your sin too?

You just made the point others are trying to make. Just because some of our family had slaves in America does not mean you have to erase it today


Who's trying to erase what? Give me specific examples, not just your unsubstantiated bullshit.
White Nationalists March on University of Virginia

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. — A month after a Ku Klux Klan rally here ended with the police using tear gas on protesters, Charlottesville is bracing for a weekend of white nationalist demonstrations and counterprotests, and suddenly this tranquil college town feels like a city under siege.

Thousands of people — many from out of town — are expected to descend on the city to either protest or participate in a “Unite the Right” rally on Saturday convened by white nationalists who oppose a plan to remove a statue of
Robert E. Lee, the Confederate general, from a city park."

Catchy slogan for white supremacy...Unite the Right...

I saw a blip on this today. It shows these white nationalists walking in a snaking column with torches at night. Very reminiscent of the rallies at Nuremberg in the 30s. Trump is certainly giving the racists a moment to crawl out from under the garbage bins and get some sun on their faces. If nothing else Trump is illuminating in grand view that the race problem for many whites never went away and they've just been seething and waiting for a moment to let their anger out. All the racism that conservatives poured onto Obama was no fluke, this is who they are. They've just been hiding in plain site for 40 years. And now they're out. 'They're loud, they're proud, and they're white as a shroud'.
And here's what Unite the Right looks like, in action:

Maybe you should watch your videos before you post them. All it shows is a bunch of people who are standing there law and orderly protesting. The only violence in your video was a black guy attacking the white guy who was talking about their movement. Hey, maybe that's your point: the black attacker was a Republican????
White Nationalists March on University of Virginia

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. — A month after a Ku Klux Klan rally here ended with the police using tear gas on protesters, Charlottesville is bracing for a weekend of white nationalist demonstrations and counterprotests, and suddenly this tranquil college town feels like a city under siege.

Thousands of people — many from out of town — are expected to descend on the city to either protest or participate in a “Unite the Right” rally on Saturday convened by white nationalists who oppose a plan to remove a statue of
Robert E. Lee, the Confederate general, from a city park."

Catchy slogan for white supremacy...Unite the Right...

They have theirs, you have yours. The rest of us will watch with some amusement.

Is this where you pretend you don't agree with them?

Seeing how more blacks and illegals live in shitty parts of town and only get bad jobs and vote 99% democrat for 50 years it's looks like the whith nationalist are more aligned with your way of thinking.
Conservativism foments hate, bigotry, and racism.

The rightist agenda seeks to oppose diversity and dissent while vilifying those perceived to be ‘different.’

And democrats have been so good for everyone. Especially when they created the Klan. Your party is the original white nationalist party. Again, I point to the poverty you keep minority's in with the policy you support.
Conservativism foments hate, bigotry, and racism.

The rightist agenda seeks to oppose diversity and dissent while vilifying those perceived to be ‘different.’
The fact that you believe half the country "foments hate, bigotry and racism" is prima facie hate.

Project some more. It's amusing.
Conservativism foments hate, bigotry, and racism.

The rightist agenda seeks to oppose diversity and dissent while vilifying those perceived to be ‘different.’

Correct, because when BLM or some other leftist group does it (only with violence) it's free speech. When white people do it, it's bigotry, racism and hate.

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