"Unite the Right".


antifa fags meet stick man
Why are these CONSERVATIVES throwing a fit over the removal of a Robert E. Lee statue?

Lee was one of those evil Democrats from our nation's history that conservatives constantly try to use to pin the guilt by association label of racism on modern Democrats.
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That's why.
Oh...they are destroying them? Or moving them to more appropriate places like museums?
Then all monuments should be taken down.
White Nationalists March on University of Virginia

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. — A month after a Ku Klux Klan rally here ended with the police using tear gas on protesters, Charlottesville is bracing for a weekend of white nationalist demonstrations and counterprotests, and suddenly this tranquil college town feels like a city under siege.

Thousands of people — many from out of town — are expected to descend on the city to either protest or participate in a “Unite the Right” rally on Saturday convened by white nationalists who oppose a plan to remove a statue of
Robert E. Lee, the Confederate general, from a city park."

Catchy slogan for white supremacy...Unite the Right...

They have theirs, you have yours. The rest of us will watch with some amusement.

Is this where you pretend you don't agree with them?
No, that was where he responded with common sense & facts and you missed it.
Still deflecting? No is one is debating the legal right of these Nazis protesting. Its a moral issue here.

It bothers most reasonable people that a bunch of white supremacist have rallied together to spread their hate while armed.

Unlike the good ole days, huh?

Just saw that...

wonder who started the violence?

the protestors, or the counter-protestors?
No matter how many Republicans condemn the rally, it will still be spun to attack Trump and GOP
It's trump's base

KKK’s official newspaper supports Donald Trump for president

It is called the Crusader — and it is one of the most prominent newspapers of the Ku Klux Klan.

Under the banner "Make America Great Again," the entire front page of the paper's current issue is devoted to a lengthy defense of Trump’s message — an embrace some have labeled a de facto endorsement.

"America was founded as a White Christian Republic. And as a White Christian Republic it became great."

KKK’s official newspaper supports Donald Trump for president

Yikes! Look who just endorsed Obama for 4 more years

Chavez, Castro, Putin endorse Obama

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