"Unite the Right".

trump has finally been dragged from his spider hole

View attachment 143269
Notice, if you are capable, that he did not condemn the protesters, only the violence, probably done by blacks and democrats.
Yes, trump cannot dump on his base & didn't
Trump replied as only an unbiased leader could. Your trolling noted.

Anyone who wants a judge recused because of his ethnicity (Judge Curiel, of Hispanic parents. Trump called him a Mexican) is NOT unbiased.
The righties on here have the memory banks of an earthworm.
These wannabe Nazis are in full force.

Guy in levies, a black shirt and a ball cap are scary to you?

Oh please. Do not downplay these race warriors. The guy's t-shirt has a quote of Adolf Hitler. Its about about what he's wearing, its about what he and the other white supremacist out there stand for. The fact many of them are out there arm makes them even more of a danger.
The guy's t-shirt has a quote of Adolf Hitler.

Couldn't see that in the picture provided.

Does that scare you?

are they any more dangerous than BLM, the assholes that tore up Baltimore a year or so ago, or football fans after a major win?

If you think they are scary, don't leave your basement, (or safe space), and you won't have to deal with them.

They have as much right to protest, march, etc as any other group in America.

They get out of line, arrest them.

This isn't about black lives matter. Nice deflection though. Black lives matters protesters don't go around quoting Nazis and carrying a gun.
Pigs in a blanket, fry em like bacon.
What do we want, dead cops...
Trump replied as only an unbiased leader could. Your trolling noted.

Trump didn't denounce the hate.


trump has finally been dragged from his spider hole

View attachment 143269
Notice, if you are capable, that he did not condemn the protesters, only the violence, probably done by blacks and democrats.
Yes, trump cannot dump on his base & didn't
Trump replied as only an unbiased leader could. Your trolling noted.

Anyone who wants a judge recused because of his ethnicity (Judge Curiel, of Hispanic parents. Trump called him a Mexican) is NOT unbiased.
The righties on here have the memory banks of an earthworm.
Going off on another tangent, are we? We are talking about a tweet, TODAY, from Trump.
Oh, I'm sure the guys who showed up to protest with guns and marching thru the campus with torches are the victims here.
Since democrats made it clear they will shoot Republicans, they were only being prudent.
Sure....that's it. Can you point out some of the counter-protesters with guns for us?

any one get shot?
Not yet.....:)

They had cause to call in the National Guard, and still no gunshots?

I've seen a few people swinging bats, throwing bottles...

did the White Supremists bring those items with them?

All I've seen on the board is comments about those scary guns.

(either using silencers, or they're unloaded. HAHAHAHAHAHA)

And I read a recent report where there was only one arrest.
Trump replied as only an unbiased leader could. Your trolling noted.

Trump didn't denounce the hate.
Well by golly, from the words in his tweet he did. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Your flip-flopping should embarass you, but we have come to expect it from deplorables

Edit: Oh, sorry, I get it. you are trolling for a reaction. Thanks. You know, you can go back a page and read the actual Tweet from Trump, and you won't have to publicly embarrass yourself anymore.
The filthy savages on the left are obsessed with undermining the Constitutional rights of Whitey to assemble and to prevent their free speech! Very troubling. Robert E. Lee was a great American!

The filthy savages on the left are obsessed with undermining the Constitutional rights of Whitey to assemble and to prevent their free speech! Very troubling. Robert E. Lee was a great American!

"Great American"? He was until he chose to follow Virginia in secession. But, he was an excellent general.
The filthy savages on the left are obsessed with undermining the Constitutional rights of Whitey to assemble and to prevent their free speech! Very troubling. Robert E. Lee was a great American!

"Great American"? He was until he chose to follow Virginia in secession. But, he was an excellent general.
True...but being an excellent general extended the war for years and killed a lot more people....and ran the southern economy down worse than it would have been.

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