"Unite the Right".

NYcarbineer, the agreement was voluntary, like a marriage!

By the way, why is the fake news MSNBC and CNN so obsessed whether or not The Donald denounces the individuals trying to exercise their Constitutional rights in opposing the Swamp agenda of revising history?

Did the fake news ever demand Obama and other race hustlers to condemn the savages who illegally rioted for no reason at all?
White Nationalists March on University of Virginia

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. — A month after a Ku Klux Klan rally here ended with the police using tear gas on protesters, Charlottesville is bracing for a weekend of white nationalist demonstrations and counterprotests, and suddenly this tranquil college town feels like a city under siege.

Thousands of people — many from out of town — are expected to descend on the city to either protest or participate in a “Unite the Right” rally on Saturday convened by white nationalists who oppose a plan to remove a statue of
Robert E. Lee, the Confederate general, from a city park."

Catchy slogan for white supremacy...Unite the Right...
/----/ If the made up "alt right" tries to take down statutes of Martin Luther King because he was a Communist sympathizer then I'll buy into your dopey theory.
You are against a city voting to move their statue from a public place to a museum?
Just saw that...

wonder who started the violence?

the protestors, or the counter-protestors?
Oh, I'm sure the guys who showed up to protest with guns and marching thru the campus with torches are the victims here.
Actually yes, they are the victims. They have a 1st amendment right. The terrorists with the masks on their black faces throwing sh*t at the demonstrators and the police, however. Not so much. Guns are for protection. The guys with the guns and torches didn't break any laws. Antifa and BLM should be listed as terrorist organizations. They use violence pretty much everywhere they show up. The dimocrat governor should be impeached for not upholding the constitutional rights of the UTR demonstrators and threatening them with arrest. The content of the message is not more important than your right to say it.
See? Always the victims. Always the victims.

Nah, BLM are the victims.
/----/ Bureau of Land Management ??? Victims of what?
Richard Spencer -- one of the organizers, being arrested

in all its glory

Unless you are there, link to the source of this.
I don't take orders from you.
Just saw that...

wonder who started the violence?

the protestors, or the counter-protestors?
Oh, I'm sure the guys who showed up to protest with guns and marching thru the campus with torches are the victims here.
Actually yes, they are the victims. They have a 1st amendment right. The terrorists with the masks on their black faces throwing sh*t at the demonstrators and the police, however. Not so much. Guns are for protection. The guys with the guns and torches didn't break any laws. Antifa and BLM should be listed as terrorist organizations. They use violence pretty much everywhere they show up. The dimocrat governor should be impeached for not upholding the constitutional rights of the UTR demonstrators and threatening them with arrest. The content of the message is not more important than your right to say it.
See? Always the victims. Always the victims.
If your rights are being violated, you're a victim.
If you can't comprehend that, you're a fool.
Just saw that...

wonder who started the violence?

the protestors, or the counter-protestors?
Oh, I'm sure the guys who showed up to protest with guns and marching thru the campus with torches are the victims here.
Actually yes, they are the victims. They have a 1st amendment right. The terrorists with the masks on their black faces throwing sh*t at the demonstrators and the police, however. Not so much. Guns are for protection. The guys with the guns and torches didn't break any laws. Antifa and BLM should be listed as terrorist organizations. They use violence pretty much everywhere they show up. The dimocrat governor should be impeached for not upholding the constitutional rights of the UTR demonstrators and threatening them with arrest. The content of the message is not more important than your right to say it.
See? Always the victims. Always the victims.
If your rights are being violated, you're a victim.
If you can't comprehend that, you're a fool.
Awwwwwww.....what rights are being violated?
Just saw that...

wonder who started the violence?

the protestors, or the counter-protestors?
Oh, I'm sure the guys who showed up to protest with guns and marching thru the campus with torches are the victims here.
Actually yes, they are the victims. They have a 1st amendment right. The terrorists with the masks on their black faces throwing sh*t at the demonstrators and the police, however. Not so much. Guns are for protection. The guys with the guns and torches didn't break any laws. Antifa and BLM should be listed as terrorist organizations. They use violence pretty much everywhere they show up. The dimocrat governor should be impeached for not upholding the constitutional rights of the UTR demonstrators and threatening them with arrest. The content of the message is not more important than your right to say it.
See? Always the victims. Always the victims.
If your rights are being violated, you're a victim.
If you can't comprehend that, you're a fool.
Awwwwwww.....what rights are being violated?
The right to peaceful assembly.
The only way we be able to find out what actually happened is to look at youtube over the next few days. We will not get any truth from the media. Every story on it calls the protesters white supremacists. Notice how they never refer to any blacks protesting rioting and looting as black supremacists.

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