United Airlines Dragging Incident.Can You Imagine If It Was Hillary Clinton Or Mike Tyson?

So the guy is a con.
Probably screamed like a little bitch in order to set up a lawsuit.
If he wins that lawsuit we all win...dumbass.

Dumbass, I'm not defending the airline practice of over-booking, but the felon likely screamed like a two year old to place a lawsuit in motion.

Right. That's it. His screams are what will award him damages. Not United Airlines beating the shit out of him for no reason.
Any damages will help him dress up his cell in Federal prison.
So the guy is a con.
Probably screamed like a little bitch in order to set up a lawsuit.
If he wins that lawsuit we all win...dumbass.

Dumbass, I'm not defending the airline practice of over-booking, but the felon likely screamed like a two year old to place a lawsuit in motion.

Right. That's it. His screams are what will award him damages. Not United Airlines beating the shit out of him for no reason.
Any damages will help him dress up his cell in Federal prison.

What, precisely, would he be going to federal prison for?

This oughta be good...
So the guy is a con.
Probably screamed like a little bitch in order to set up a lawsuit.
If he wins that lawsuit we all win...dumbass.
Unlikely to win a lawsuit since he agreed to United's Contract of Carriage when he bought his ticket. Additionally, since he's now a well-known belligerent and unstable passenger, he may go on all the airline's no-fly list.

Contract Of Carriage | United Airlines
Transportation of Passengers and Baggage on flights operated by United Airlines, Inc. ("United"), Carriers doing business as United Express, and other carriers operating as United's Codeshare partner (collectively "United Carriers"), are subject to the terms and conditions set forth in United's Contract of Carriage, in addition to any terms and conditions printed on or in any ticket, ticket jacket or eticket receipt. By purchasing a ticket or accepting transportation, the passenger agrees to be bound thereby. Incorporated terms may include, but are not limited to:

  • Limits on liability for delay, damage or loss of baggage, including fragile or perishable goods.
  • Claims restrictions, including time periods within which a passenger must file a claim or bring an action against United.
  • United’s rights to change terms of the Contract of Carriage.
  • Rules on reconfirmation of reservations, check-in times and refusal to carry.
  • United Carriers’ rights and limits on liability for delay or failure to perform service, including schedule changes, substitution of alternate air carrier or aircraft, and rerouting......
So...who won?

The guy who wouldn't let United bully him into surrendering his seat for peanuts and ended up with a bloody mouth

or United who destroyed their reputation for customer service just to move employees at the cheapest possible cost

The screamer won. He's no doubt now going to collect millions for making a fool of himself.
Might even set a trend.....dozens of spoiled little Snowflakes on planes looking for a payday.
We need to create a new term for them, because it's coming.

This guy is a felon, I wouldn't put it passed such a person, that he threw the blood-curdling fit in order to set up a lawsuit.

"Oh yes, Corporations, whatever I can do to please you!!! Please, insert your engorged penis into whatever orifice you wish! Oh how I LOVE you, Lord Job Creator The Merciful!"

Oh geeze, what a drama queen.
So the guy is a con.
Probably screamed like a little bitch in order to set up a lawsuit.
If he wins that lawsuit we all win...dumbass.

Dumbass, I'm not defending the airline practice of over-booking, but the felon likely screamed like a two year old to place a lawsuit in motion.

Right. That's it. His screams are what will award him damages. Not United Airlines beating the shit out of him for no reason.
Any damages will help him dress up his cell in Federal prison.

What, precisely, would he be going to federal prison for?

This oughta be good...
Violating Federal law. Let's not forget he also failed to obey a lawful order from police officers, so he also violated Illinois state law. This guy is free to sue, but the airline will fight back with both Federal and State law. Let's not forget it wasn't United airlines that dragged him off, it was Chicago's finest.

Airline Passenger Rights - Everything to Know About Airlines Overbooking Flights and Compensation
There's a lot about the United situation that is still unclear—including why the apparently overbooked passengers were allowed to board the plane in the first place—but details aside, Kelly says that if an authority figure asks you to get off a plane, get off the plane. Even if it seems unjust, the issue is better dealt with back in the terminal.

"The minute you become non-compliant with cabin crew and the pilot, the pilot is authorized by FAA law to take you off the flight. They are in full control over the safety on that flight," Kelly said.
So the guy is a con.
Probably screamed like a little bitch in order to set up a lawsuit.
If he wins that lawsuit we all win...dumbass.

Dumbass, I'm not defending the airline practice of over-booking, but the felon likely screamed like a two year old to place a lawsuit in motion.

We have no idea what the security officers were doing to him at the time he was screaming. We do know they slammed his face onto an armrest

Those are the things lawsuits are made out of
Awesome. Let him sue. If he does, then he'll be charged with multiple felonies and Federal charges....and they'll stick.

So it's like a blackmail dealio? If you go away, fine. If you don't you'll be charged with multiple felonies.
If he broke the law, seems he should be charged regardless.I I
Sometimes, when a human has to deal with a dirty slant pretending it's a hard-on, the human is simply annoyed to the point where there's an overwhelming urge to bitchslap the filthy cockroach and administer a harsh beatdown.

This is only natural for any decent, clean, moral, patriotic, red-blooded American man.

Know what we mean?
So the guy is a con.
Probably screamed like a little bitch in order to set up a lawsuit.
If he wins that lawsuit we all win...dumbass.
Unlikely to win a lawsuit since he agreed to United's Contract of Carriage when he bought his ticket. Additionally, since he's now a well-known belligerent and unstable passenger, he may go on all the airline's no-fly list.

Contract Of Carriage | United Airlines
Transportation of Passengers and Baggage on flights operated by United Airlines, Inc. ("United"), Carriers doing business as United Express, and other carriers operating as United's Codeshare partner (collectively "United Carriers"), are subject to the terms and conditions set forth in United's Contract of Carriage, in addition to any terms and conditions printed on or in any ticket, ticket jacket or eticket receipt. By purchasing a ticket or accepting transportation, the passenger agrees to be bound thereby. Incorporated terms may include, but are not limited to:

  • Limits on liability for delay, damage or loss of baggage, including fragile or perishable goods.
  • Claims restrictions, including time periods within which a passenger must file a claim or bring an action against United.
  • United’s rights to change terms of the Contract of Carriage.
  • Rules on reconfirmation of reservations, check-in times and refusal to carry.
  • United Carriers’ rights and limits on liability for delay or failure to perform service, including schedule changes, substitution of alternate air carrier or aircraft, and rerouting......
Pretty sure no carriage contract makes passengers consent to physical abuse.
That is a big reach there Divine. Bottom line, the traveling public will remember this for a while and it will effect the profitability of United.
What's the big reach? I'm telling you that's the way it is.

Yeah, yeah. People will scream "I'll never fly United airlines again!!!!" then when it's the only airline going to Buttfuck, MS or the cheapest ticket on Orbitz, they'll board the airline like sheep. Baaa!


Not everyone. I had 2 very bad experiences with Continental years ago. Since then they have had the lowest fare, but I refuse to ever fly that airline again. I'll pay a few dollars more to avoid them.
Good for you. Sit around an airport for 4 extra hours, spend an extra night in a hotel or pay a few hundred extra dollars just to spite them! LOL

As this flight shows, United was full. You won't be missed.

Actually it was full minus four nonpaying seats moron.
Interesting that you devolved into name-calling. The bottom line here is that the passenger was in the wrong, the police acted lawfully and United airlines won't suffer any noticeable loss of business over this incident.

So the guy is a con.
Probably screamed like a little bitch in order to set up a lawsuit.
If he wins that lawsuit we all win...dumbass.
Unlikely to win a lawsuit since he agreed to United's Contract of Carriage when he bought his ticket. Additionally, since he's now a well-known belligerent and unstable passenger, he may go on all the airline's no-fly list.

Contract Of Carriage | United Airlines
Transportation of Passengers and Baggage on flights operated by United Airlines, Inc. ("United"), Carriers doing business as United Express, and other carriers operating as United's Codeshare partner (collectively "United Carriers"), are subject to the terms and conditions set forth in United's Contract of Carriage, in addition to any terms and conditions printed on or in any ticket, ticket jacket or eticket receipt. By purchasing a ticket or accepting transportation, the passenger agrees to be bound thereby. Incorporated terms may include, but are not limited to:

  • Limits on liability for delay, damage or loss of baggage, including fragile or perishable goods.
  • Claims restrictions, including time periods within which a passenger must file a claim or bring an action against United.
  • United’s rights to change terms of the Contract of Carriage.
  • Rules on reconfirmation of reservations, check-in times and refusal to carry.
  • United Carriers’ rights and limits on liability for delay or failure to perform service, including schedule changes, substitution of alternate air carrier or aircraft, and rerouting......
Pretty sure no carriage contract makes passengers consent to physical abuse.
Sue the police then. The fact remains he refused to deplane. The fact he ran back onto the plane is another violation of federal law.
So...who won?

The guy who wouldn't let United bully him into surrendering his seat for peanuts and ended up with a bloody mouth

or United who destroyed their reputation for customer service just to move employees at the cheapest possible cost

The screamer won. He's no doubt now going to collect millions for making a fool of himself.

He's going to collect millions because a corporation fucked up, MASSIVELY. Not because of anything this guy did.

Are the others that left going to collect millions? No, guess they should have thrown a hissy fit like this two year old did.

Were they physically abused by police at the behest of the Corporate Slaveholders?
"Corporate Slaveholders"? WTF? How old are you? Mid20s or less?
Was he really the "victim"?
United handled this really poorly, but United didn't make this guy scream like a fucking two year old.

Seems like a victim to me

Being forced to give up a seat you had paid for and were occupying, being unable to met your commitments the following morning.....all because of United's incompetence

Over-booking should be outlawed, but it's their plane, and one way or another it appears some passengers were going to be removed. What about the others that were taken off, did they act like two year olds throwing a tantrum?
Probably not. They likely took the news like adults, and made the best of a bad situation unlike this felon that threw the screaming fit.

LOL Look at you bowing to your corporate overlords like the good Pleb you are.

"Oh please, rape us harder, corporate masters! And you, too, Trump! You want us to fork over $3.5M per weekend so you can golf while you promised to work in the WH every day? Please do! I have $1200 in savings but I want to give it to yooooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuu, My Cheeto-colored hero! MMMMMmmmmm I love when you dick me in the ass sooooooo hard!"

I'm not defending United. They fucked up, their stock has dropped $900 million so far. They are paying a super-heavy price for their stupidity.

I'm simply saying, this guy could have acted like an adult, and made the best out of a bad situation. Instead his little girl-like screams are all thst's going to be remembered.
That is how change comes about
Someone standing up for his rights and refusing to just "go along" with unfair treatment

If he had just meekly stepped off the plane he would have been given a nearly worthless $800 voucher and returned home a day late

By standing up...United and all other airlines will have to change their policies. You will never again see an airline force a seated passenger off a flight without cause
1) The airline did have cause.

2) This guy violated both Federal and State laws.

3) Go ahead and stand up. You too will be in violation of multiple laws and will end up on the no-fly list.
Cancelling or delaying a flight is not that unusual. Inconvenience should not involve violently removing a passenger.
They should have deplaned everyone. The only reboarded those who were authorized. Again, the plane wasn't leaving with a belligerent and violent passenger on board.

Again, the man was not belligerent or violent until they forcibly removed him. He was not acting out before that.
He failed to deplane when asked. That, in itself, is a Federal rule violation. He could face jail time and/or a $10,000 fine. Let's not forget he was disobeying police officers. What do you think the result would be if you and I refused to leave a restaurant at closing and the owners called the cops?

Wrong comparison

A correct comparison would be being told to leave a restaurant after you had already been seated and paid for your meal so that someone else could be given your table
After you agreed to be bumped from the table if unforeseeable circumstances that prevent the restaurant from allowing you to remain seated there.

And you would be rightfully irate if it happened
Nobody questions whether United can legally remove you.....but just because they can, doesn't mean they should
So the guy is a con.
Probably screamed like a little bitch in order to set up a lawsuit.
If he wins that lawsuit we all win...dumbass.

Dumbass, I'm not defending the airline practice of over-booking, but the felon likely screamed like a two year old to place a lawsuit in motion.

We have no idea what the security officers were doing to him at the time he was screaming. We do know they slammed his face onto an armrest

Those are the things lawsuits are made out of
Awesome. Let him sue. If he does, then he'll be charged with multiple felonies and Federal charges....and they'll stick.

So it's like a blackmail dealio? If you go away, fine. If you don't you'll be charged with multiple felonies.
If he broke the law, seems he should be charged regardless.I I
I have no idea what blackmail dealio is. He agreed to the carriage contract voluntarily. No one made him buy that ticket. he could have driven, ridden a trail or a bus.
They should have deplaned everyone. The only reboarded those who were authorized. Again, the plane wasn't leaving with a belligerent and violent passenger on board.

Again, the man was not belligerent or violent until they forcibly removed him. He was not acting out before that.
He failed to deplane when asked. That, in itself, is a Federal rule violation. He could face jail time and/or a $10,000 fine. Let's not forget he was disobeying police officers. What do you think the result would be if you and I refused to leave a restaurant at closing and the owners called the cops?

Wrong comparison

A correct comparison would be being told to leave a restaurant after you had already been seated and paid for your meal so that someone else could be given your table
After you agreed to be bumped from the table if unforeseeable circumstances that prevent the restaurant from allowing you to remain seated there.

And you would be rightfully irate if it happened
Nobody questions whether United can legally remove you.....but just because they can, doesn't mean they should
The solution is simple; don't fly.
I cannot understand why you would mock a senior citizen for screaming in pain

They are practicing for when they destroy Social Security Medicare and Medicaid...they are into "granny strangling"...
Says the people who want to disarm the public and give all power to the Federal government.
are you insane you are going to get into a gun fight with the Federal Government ? No one is going to out Violence The Feds ....
So the guy is a con.
Probably screamed like a little bitch in order to set up a lawsuit.
If he wins that lawsuit we all win...dumbass.

Dumbass, I'm not defending the airline practice of over-booking, but the felon likely screamed like a two year old to place a lawsuit in motion.

We have no idea what the security officers were doing to him at the time he was screaming. We do know they slammed his face onto an armrest

Those are the things lawsuits are made out of
Awesome. Let him sue. If he does, then he'll be charged with multiple felonies and Federal charges....and they'll stick.

A jury would have to decide....

Based on the reaction of the internet, it would be hard to find a jury feeling compassion for a corporation calling in a goon squad vs an elderly man resisting losing his seat

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