United Airlines Dragging Incident.Can You Imagine If It Was Hillary Clinton Or Mike Tyson?

Oh so here we go, discredit the victim so that these CREEPS FROM united Airlines can good good.

Was he really the "victim"?
United handled this really poorly, but United didn't make this guy scream like a fucking two year old.

Seems like a victim to me

Being forced to give up a seat you had paid for and were occupying, being unable to met your commitments the following morning.....all because of United's incompetence

Over-booking should be outlawed, but it's their plane, and one way or another it appears some passengers were going to be removed. What about the others that were taken off, did they act like two year olds throwing a tantrum?
Probably not. They likely took the news like adults, and made the best of a bad situation unlike this felon that threw the screaming fit.

LOL Look at you bowing to your corporate overlords like the good Pleb you are.

"Oh please, rape us harder, corporate masters! And you, too, Trump! You want us to fork over $3.5M per weekend so you can golf while you promised to work in the WH every day? Please do! I have $1200 in savings but I want to give it to yooooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuu, My Cheeto-colored hero! MMMMMmmmmm I love when you dick me in the ass sooooooo hard!"

I'm not defending United. They fucked up, their stock has dropped $900 million so far. They are paying a super-heavy price for their stupidity.

I'm simply saying, this guy could have acted like an adult, and made the best out of a bad situation. Instead his little girl-like screams are all thst's going to be remembered.
That is how change comes about
Someone standing up for his rights and refusing to just "go along" with unfair treatment

If he had just meekly stepped off the plane he would have been given a nearly worthless $800 voucher and returned home a day late

By standing up...United and all other airlines will have to change their policies. You will never again see an airline force a seated passenger off a flight without cause

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So...who won?

The guy who wouldn't let United bully him into surrendering his seat for peanuts and ended up with a bloody mouth

or United who destroyed their reputation for customer service just to move employees at the cheapest possible cost

The screamer won. He's no doubt now going to collect millions for making a fool of himself.
Might even set a trend.....dozens of spoiled little Snowflakes on planes looking for a payday.
We need to create a new term for them, because it's coming.
The Right Wing Cuck Squishy Rubes defending United Airlines are the same Manhood lacking sad sacks who fell apart weeping and shaking uncontrollably when some of them were called "Deplorable" it was Epic Self Pity with ashes thrown on their foreheads and their clothing rent....I laughed like Hell
Was he really the "victim"?
United handled this really poorly, but United didn't make this guy scream like a fucking two year old.

Seems like a victim to me

Being forced to give up a seat you had paid for and were occupying, being unable to met your commitments the following morning.....all because of United's incompetence

Over-booking should be outlawed, but it's their plane, and one way or another it appears some passengers were going to be removed. What about the others that were taken off, did they act like two year olds throwing a tantrum?
Probably not. They likely took the news like adults, and made the best of a bad situation unlike this felon that threw the screaming fit.

LOL Look at you bowing to your corporate overlords like the good Pleb you are.

"Oh please, rape us harder, corporate masters! And you, too, Trump! You want us to fork over $3.5M per weekend so you can golf while you promised to work in the WH every day? Please do! I have $1200 in savings but I want to give it to yooooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuu, My Cheeto-colored hero! MMMMMmmmmm I love when you dick me in the ass sooooooo hard!"

I'm not defending United. They fucked up, their stock has dropped $900 million so far. They are paying a super-heavy price for their stupidity.

I'm simply saying, this guy could have acted like an adult, and made the best out of a bad situation. Instead his little girl-like screams are all thst's going to be remembered.
That is how change comes about
Someone standing up for his rights and refusing to just "go along" with unfair treatment

If he had just meekly stepped off the plane he would have been given a nearly worthless $800 voucher and returned home a day late

By standing up...United and all other airlines will have to change their policies. You will never again see an airline force a seated passenger off a flight without cause

By "standing up" I presume you mean screaming like a little bitch?
The guy gave a false excuse. He lied.
He exhibited antisocial behavior.
Any questions?

Jesus you're dumb. How does any of this refute the fact that he's a paying customer on the plane who had not acted in a way to warrant being removed?
What gave you the impression that he didn’t?
He was asked politely at first. He refused. He was then told politely that he had no choice. He became irate.
The plane could not leave the gate with an irate passenger on board.
Passengers do not dictate what rules they will or will not obey.
Go ahead and try this on any filght and see what happens to you.

LMAO, slyly leave out the REASON he was irate, i.e. he was a paying customer being told to leave for no reason.

You're a fucking moron, or a purposefully lying troll.

I absolutely will try this on my next flight. His settlement will probably be well worth it. Carpe diem, bitch! That $800 voucher will now be a six-figure settlement. How'd that work out for you, United?

We both know the reason and it is no excuse.

But like the typical shitforbrains liberal you always take the most adverse position to generate a negative response.

It's a shame because your trollish behavior is just pissing all over that picture you use in your avi. Pat Tillman would never act like this spoiled asshole did.

Try it.....and Fuck off

The reason is "no excuse"?

Uh, no. When I pay for and schedule a flight, I expect that the flight will take me where I want to go, when I want to go there, barring circumstances beyond the control of the company. That's called a social contract. It's called a business contract.

The company fucked up, and wanted its customers to pay for that fuck up. Instead, the customer made the AIRLINE pay, and pay dearly they will.

Shit happens.....which pretty much explains you.
So...who won?

The guy who wouldn't let United bully him into surrendering his seat for peanuts and ended up with a bloody mouth

or United who destroyed their reputation for customer service just to move employees at the cheapest possible cost

The screamer won. He's no doubt now going to collect millions for making a fool of himself.
Might even set a trend.....dozens of spoiled little Snowflakes on planes looking for a payday.
We need to create a new term for them, because it's coming.

This guy is a felon, I wouldn't put it passed such a person, that he threw the blood-curdling fit in order to set up a lawsuit.
The Right Wing Cuck Squishy Rubes defending United Airlines are the same Manhood lacking sad sacks who fell apart weeping and shaking uncontrollably when some of them were called "Deplorable" it was Epic Self Pity with ashes thrown on their foreheads and their clothing rent....I laughed like Hell
It's not so much a defense of United.
We just have a better understanding of the situation then you ***** have.
You just feed off of anarchy and chaos.
I guess that's why we have to have cops when we should be policing ourselves.

Best solution for the Zipperhead Doctor is make sure the only thing that beats him to the hospital is the lights on the ambulance that takes him there.
Jesus you're dumb. How does any of this refute the fact that he's a paying customer on the plane who had not acted in a way to warrant being removed?
What gave you the impression that he didn’t?
He was asked politely at first. He refused. He was then told politely that he had no choice. He became irate.
The plane could not leave the gate with an irate passenger on board.
Passengers do not dictate what rules they will or will not obey.
Go ahead and try this on any filght and see what happens to you.

LMAO, slyly leave out the REASON he was irate, i.e. he was a paying customer being told to leave for no reason.

You're a fucking moron, or a purposefully lying troll.

I absolutely will try this on my next flight. His settlement will probably be well worth it. Carpe diem, bitch! That $800 voucher will now be a six-figure settlement. How'd that work out for you, United?

We both know the reason and it is no excuse.

But like the typical shitforbrains liberal you always take the most adverse position to generate a negative response.

It's a shame because your trollish behavior is just pissing all over that picture you use in your avi. Pat Tillman would never act like this spoiled asshole did.

Try it.....and Fuck off

The reason is "no excuse"?

Uh, no. When I pay for and schedule a flight, I expect that the flight will take me where I want to go, when I want to go there, barring circumstances beyond the control of the company. That's called a social contract. It's called a business contract.

The company fucked up, and wanted its customers to pay for that fuck up. Instead, the customer made the AIRLINE pay, and pay dearly they will.

Shit happens.....which pretty much explains you.

"Shit happens" is the motto for any stupid company.
So...who won?

The guy who wouldn't let United bully him into surrendering his seat for peanuts and ended up with a bloody mouth

or United who destroyed their reputation for customer service just to move employees at the cheapest possible cost

The screamer won. He's no doubt now going to collect millions for making a fool of himself.
Might even set a trend.....dozens of spoiled little Snowflakes on planes looking for a payday.
We need to create a new term for them, because it's coming.

This guy is a felon, I wouldn't put it passed such a person, that he threw the blood-curdling fit in order to set up a lawsuit.

"Oh yes, Corporations, whatever I can do to please you!!! Please, insert your engorged penis into whatever orifice you wish! Oh how I LOVE you, Lord Job Creator The Merciful!"
The Right Wing Cuck Squishy Rubes defending United Airlines are the same Manhood lacking sad sacks who fell apart weeping and shaking uncontrollably when some of them were called "Deplorable" it was Epic Self Pity with ashes thrown on their foreheads and their clothing rent....I laughed like Hell
It's not so much a defense of United.
We just have a better understanding of the situation then you ***** have.
You just feed off of anarchy and chaos.
I guess that's why we have to have cops when we should be policing ourselves.

LOL, do tell about your "better understanding". What knowledge have you obtained that we haven't?
Seems like a victim to me

Being forced to give up a seat you had paid for and were occupying, being unable to met your commitments the following morning.....all because of United's incompetence

Over-booking should be outlawed, but it's their plane, and one way or another it appears some passengers were going to be removed. What about the others that were taken off, did they act like two year olds throwing a tantrum?
Probably not. They likely took the news like adults, and made the best of a bad situation unlike this felon that threw the screaming fit.

LOL Look at you bowing to your corporate overlords like the good Pleb you are.

"Oh please, rape us harder, corporate masters! And you, too, Trump! You want us to fork over $3.5M per weekend so you can golf while you promised to work in the WH every day? Please do! I have $1200 in savings but I want to give it to yooooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuu, My Cheeto-colored hero! MMMMMmmmmm I love when you dick me in the ass sooooooo hard!"

I'm not defending United. They fucked up, their stock has dropped $900 million so far. They are paying a super-heavy price for their stupidity.

I'm simply saying, this guy could have acted like an adult, and made the best out of a bad situation. Instead his little girl-like screams are all thst's going to be remembered.
That is how change comes about
Someone standing up for his rights and refusing to just "go along" with unfair treatment

If he had just meekly stepped off the plane he would have been given a nearly worthless $800 voucher and returned home a day late

By standing up...United and all other airlines will have to change their policies. You will never again see an airline force a seated passenger off a flight without cause

By "standing up" I presume you mean screaming like a little bitch?

I have no idea what three security officers were doing to that senior citizen to "entice" him to cooperate
I did see them slam his face against an armrest and drag him off unconscious

I cannot understand why you would mock a senior citizen for screaming in pain
No connections in Louisville. It looks like United had a last minute problem with an airliner and needed to send four crew members to Louisville. Better to inconvenience 4 passengers in Chicago than strand 130 passengers in Louisville for lack of crewmembers.

Cancelling or delaying a flight is not that unusual. Inconvenience should not involve violently removing a passenger.
They should have deplaned everyone. The only reboarded those who were authorized. Again, the plane wasn't leaving with a belligerent and violent passenger on board.

Again, the man was not belligerent or violent until they forcibly removed him. He was not acting out before that.
He failed to deplane when asked. That, in itself, is a Federal rule violation. He could face jail time and/or a $10,000 fine. Let's not forget he was disobeying police officers. What do you think the result would be if you and I refused to leave a restaurant at closing and the owners called the cops?

Wrong comparison

A correct comparison would be being told to leave a restaurant after you had already been seated and paid for your meal so that someone else could be given your table
After you agreed to be bumped from the table if unforeseeable circumstances that prevent the restaurant from allowing you to remain seated there.
The guy gave a false excuse. He lied.
He exhibited antisocial behavior.
Any questions?

Jesus you're dumb. How does any of this refute the fact that he's a paying customer on the plane who had not acted in a way to warrant being removed?
What gave you the impression that he didn’t?
He was asked politely at first. He refused. He was then told politely that he had no choice. He became irate.
The plane could not leave the gate with an irate passenger on board.
Passengers do not dictate what rules they will or will not obey.
Go ahead and try this on any filght and see what happens to you.

LMAO, slyly leave out the REASON he was irate, i.e. he was a paying customer being told to leave for no reason.

You're a fucking moron, or a purposefully lying troll.

I absolutely will try this on my next flight. His settlement will probably be well worth it. Carpe diem, bitch! That $800 voucher will now be a six-figure settlement. How'd that work out for you, United?


You'll try it? You mean throw a tantrum like a two year old who needs a nap?

No, meaning if United or any other airline tells me I have to get off to accommodate an overbooking, I'll refuse. Let them try and fucking drag me off, injure me in the process, and then allow me an early retirement.

You're focusing on all the wrong things. But I get it. Trumpanzees aren't known for critical thinking.

If you want to make a foolish spectacle of yourself, be my guest.
So the guy is a con.
Probably screamed like a little bitch in order to set up a lawsuit.
If he wins that lawsuit we all win...dumbass.

Dumbass, I'm not defending the airline practice of over-booking, but the felon likely screamed like a two year old to place a lawsuit in motion.

We have no idea what the security officers were doing to him at the time he was screaming. We do know they slammed his face onto an armrest

Those are the things lawsuits are made out of
Awesome. Let him sue. If he does, then he'll be charged with multiple felonies and Federal charges....and they'll stick.

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