United Airlines Dragging Incident.Can You Imagine If It Was Hillary Clinton Or Mike Tyson?

Apparently this ex-doctor had a checkered past. David Dao: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Oh....and he wasn't removed once but twice. The first time he was dragged out and he was turned lose but then he ran back into the cabin with blood all over his face after bashing into an armrest.
This guy had lost his license to practice for 10 years because of illegally prescribing painkillers. He would have served 2 years but got probation instead. His medical training came from a school in Vietnam.

"The man who was forcibly dragged off of an overbooked United Airlines flight has been identified as David Dao, a doctor, professional poker player and father of five originally from Vietnam who was once convicted of trading drugs for sex as part of a downfall that derailed his medical career."



Oh so here we go, discredit the victim so that these CREEPS FROM united Airlines can good good.
Just trying to fill in the blanks the MSM neglected to fill. Fox is repeating this story every 5 mins. Turns out not only is Mr. Dao a baby but he's also a lying sack of shit.
That is a big reach there Divine. Bottom line, the traveling public will remember this for a while and it will effect the profitability of United.
What's the big reach? I'm telling you that's the way it is.

Yeah, yeah. People will scream "I'll never fly United airlines again!!!!" then when it's the only airline going to Buttfuck, MS or the cheapest ticket on Orbitz, they'll board the airline like sheep. Baaa!


Not everyone. I had 2 very bad experiences with Continental years ago. Since then they have had the lowest fare, but I refuse to ever fly that airline again. I'll pay a few dollars more to avoid them.

Continental no longer exists. United bought them seven years ago.
Apparently this ex-doctor had a checkered past. David Dao: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Oh....and he wasn't removed once but twice. The first time he was dragged out and he was turned lose but then he ran back into the cabin with blood all over his face after bashing into an armrest.
This guy had lost his license to practice for 10 years because of illegally prescribing painkillers. He would have served 2 years but got probation instead. His medical training came from a school in Vietnam.

"The man who was forcibly dragged off of an overbooked United Airlines flight has been identified as David Dao, a doctor, professional poker player and father of five originally from Vietnam who was once convicted of trading drugs for sex as part of a downfall that derailed his medical career."



Oh so here we go, discredit the victim so that these CREEPS FROM united Airlines can good good.

Was he really the "victim"?
United handled this really poorly, but United didn't make this guy scream like a fucking two year old.

Seems like a victim to me

Being forced to give up a seat you had paid for and were occupying, being unable to met your commitments the following morning.....all because of United's incompetence
Apparently this ex-doctor had a checkered past. David Dao: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Oh....and he wasn't removed once but twice. The first time he was dragged out and he was turned lose but then he ran back into the cabin with blood all over his face after bashing into an armrest.
This guy had lost his license to practice for 10 years because of illegally prescribing painkillers. He would have served 2 years but got probation instead. His medical training came from a school in Vietnam.

"The man who was forcibly dragged off of an overbooked United Airlines flight has been identified as David Dao, a doctor, professional poker player and father of five originally from Vietnam who was once convicted of trading drugs for sex as part of a downfall that derailed his medical career."



Oh so here we go, discredit the victim so that these CREEPS FROM united Airlines can good good.
Just trying to fill in the blanks the MSM neglected to fill. Fox is repeating this story every 5 mins. Turns out not only is Mr. Dao a baby but he's also a lying sack of shit.

Why would this be REMOTELY relevant, dumbass?
So the guy is a con.
Probably screamed like a little bitch in order to set up a lawsuit.
If he wins that lawsuit we all win...dumbass.

Dumbass, I'm not defending the airline practice of over-booking, but the felon likely screamed like a two year old to place a lawsuit in motion.

Right. That's it. His screams are what will award him damages. Not United Airlines beating the shit out of him for no reason.
So the guy is a con.
Probably screamed like a little bitch in order to set up a lawsuit.
If he wins that lawsuit we all win...dumbass.

Dumbass, I'm not defending the airline practice of over-booking, but the felon likely screamed like a two year old to place a lawsuit in motion.

We have no idea what the security officers were doing to him at the time he was screaming. We do know they slammed his face onto an armrest

Those are the things lawsuits are made out of
Apparently this ex-doctor had a checkered past. David Dao: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Oh....and he wasn't removed once but twice. The first time he was dragged out and he was turned lose but then he ran back into the cabin with blood all over his face after bashing into an armrest.
This guy had lost his license to practice for 10 years because of illegally prescribing painkillers. He would have served 2 years but got probation instead. His medical training came from a school in Vietnam.

"The man who was forcibly dragged off of an overbooked United Airlines flight has been identified as David Dao, a doctor, professional poker player and father of five originally from Vietnam who was once convicted of trading drugs for sex as part of a downfall that derailed his medical career."



Oh so here we go, discredit the victim so that these CREEPS FROM united Airlines can good good.
Just trying to fill in the blanks the MSM neglected to fill. Fox is repeating this story every 5 mins. Turns out not only is Mr. Dao a baby but he's also a lying sack of shit.

Love how Fox immediately tries to dig up dirt on the victim
Apparently this ex-doctor had a checkered past. David Dao: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Oh....and he wasn't removed once but twice. The first time he was dragged out and he was turned lose but then he ran back into the cabin with blood all over his face after bashing into an armrest.
This guy had lost his license to practice for 10 years because of illegally prescribing painkillers. He would have served 2 years but got probation instead. His medical training came from a school in Vietnam.

"The man who was forcibly dragged off of an overbooked United Airlines flight has been identified as David Dao, a doctor, professional poker player and father of five originally from Vietnam who was once convicted of trading drugs for sex as part of a downfall that derailed his medical career."



Oh so here we go, discredit the victim so that these CREEPS FROM united Airlines can good good.

Was he really the "victim"?
United handled this really poorly, but United didn't make this guy scream like a fucking two year old.

Seems like a victim to me

Being forced to give up a seat you had paid for and were occupying, being unable to met your commitments the following morning.....all because of United's incompetence

Over-booking should be outlawed, but it's their plane, and one way or another it appears some passengers were going to be removed. What about the others that were taken off, did they act like two year olds throwing a tantrum?
Probably not. They likely took the news like adults, and made the best of a bad situation unlike this felon that threw the screaming fit.
Apparently this ex-doctor had a checkered past. David Dao: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Oh....and he wasn't removed once but twice. The first time he was dragged out and he was turned lose but then he ran back into the cabin with blood all over his face after bashing into an armrest.
This guy had lost his license to practice for 10 years because of illegally prescribing painkillers. He would have served 2 years but got probation instead. His medical training came from a school in Vietnam.

"The man who was forcibly dragged off of an overbooked United Airlines flight has been identified as David Dao, a doctor, professional poker player and father of five originally from Vietnam who was once convicted of trading drugs for sex as part of a downfall that derailed his medical career."



Oh so here we go, discredit the victim so that these CREEPS FROM united Airlines can good good.
Just trying to fill in the blanks the MSM neglected to fill. Fox is repeating this story every 5 mins. Turns out not only is Mr. Dao a baby but he's also a lying sack of shit.

Love how Fox immediately tries to dig up dirt on the victim

It appears they didn't have to dig very far.
Apparently this ex-doctor had a checkered past. David Dao: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Oh....and he wasn't removed once but twice. The first time he was dragged out and he was turned lose but then he ran back into the cabin with blood all over his face after bashing into an armrest.
This guy had lost his license to practice for 10 years because of illegally prescribing painkillers. He would have served 2 years but got probation instead. His medical training came from a school in Vietnam.

"The man who was forcibly dragged off of an overbooked United Airlines flight has been identified as David Dao, a doctor, professional poker player and father of five originally from Vietnam who was once convicted of trading drugs for sex as part of a downfall that derailed his medical career."



Oh so here we go, discredit the victim so that these CREEPS FROM united Airlines can good good.

Was he really the "victim"?
United handled this really poorly, but United didn't make this guy scream like a fucking two year old.

Seems like a victim to me

Being forced to give up a seat you had paid for and were occupying, being unable to met your commitments the following morning.....all because of United's incompetence

Over-booking should be outlawed, but it's their plane, and one way or another it appears some passengers were going to be removed. What about the others that were taken off, did they act like two year olds throwing a tantrum?
Probably not. They likely took the news like adults, and made the best of a bad situation unlike this felon that threw the screaming fit.

LOL Look at you bowing to your corporate overlords like the good Pleb you are.

"Oh please, rape us harder, corporate masters! And you, too, Trump! You want us to fork over $3.5M per weekend so you can golf while you promised to work in the WH every day? Please do! I have $1200 in savings but I want to give it to yooooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuu, My Cheeto-colored hero! MMMMMmmmmm I love when you dick me in the ass sooooooo hard!"
Apparently this ex-doctor had a checkered past. David Dao: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Oh....and he wasn't removed once but twice. The first time he was dragged out and he was turned lose but then he ran back into the cabin with blood all over his face after bashing into an armrest.
This guy had lost his license to practice for 10 years because of illegally prescribing painkillers. He would have served 2 years but got probation instead. His medical training came from a school in Vietnam.

"The man who was forcibly dragged off of an overbooked United Airlines flight has been identified as David Dao, a doctor, professional poker player and father of five originally from Vietnam who was once convicted of trading drugs for sex as part of a downfall that derailed his medical career."



Oh so here we go, discredit the victim so that these CREEPS FROM united Airlines can good good.

Was he really the "victim"?
United handled this really poorly, but United didn't make this guy scream like a fucking two year old.

Seems like a victim to me

Being forced to give up a seat you had paid for and were occupying, being unable to met your commitments the following morning.....all because of United's incompetence

Over-booking should be outlawed, but it's their plane, and one way or another it appears some passengers were going to be removed. What about the others that were taken off, did they act like two year olds throwing a tantrum?
Probably not. They likely took the news like adults, and made the best of a bad situation unlike this felon that threw the screaming fit.

The others were bullied into giving up their seat
I doubt if they are happy about it

This guy stood up for himself and demanded his rights. He asked to speak to his lawyer to find out what his rights were. Beating up a paying passenger who objected to the way you were treating him is not justifiable
Here's a thought: Make your fucking employees drive the modest 5 hours to Louisville, and pay them in the form of a nice meal, gas money, a night's stay in a hotel, and avoid beating up a senior citizen.

Too hard? Wow.
Apparently this ex-doctor had a checkered past. David Dao: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Oh....and he wasn't removed once but twice. The first time he was dragged out and he was turned lose but then he ran back into the cabin with blood all over his face after bashing into an armrest.
This guy had lost his license to practice for 10 years because of illegally prescribing painkillers. He would have served 2 years but got probation instead. His medical training came from a school in Vietnam.

"The man who was forcibly dragged off of an overbooked United Airlines flight has been identified as David Dao, a doctor, professional poker player and father of five originally from Vietnam who was once convicted of trading drugs for sex as part of a downfall that derailed his medical career."



Oh so here we go, discredit the victim so that these CREEPS FROM united Airlines can good good.
Just trying to fill in the blanks the MSM neglected to fill. Fox is repeating this story every 5 mins. Turns out not only is Mr. Dao a baby but he's also a lying sack of shit.

Love how Fox immediately tries to dig up dirt on the victim

It appears they didn't have to dig very far.

What relevance does it have to a case of an airline beating up a passenger?

It is what makes Fox journalism standards so laughable
Apparently this ex-doctor had a checkered past. David Dao: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Oh....and he wasn't removed once but twice. The first time he was dragged out and he was turned lose but then he ran back into the cabin with blood all over his face after bashing into an armrest.
This guy had lost his license to practice for 10 years because of illegally prescribing painkillers. He would have served 2 years but got probation instead. His medical training came from a school in Vietnam.

"The man who was forcibly dragged off of an overbooked United Airlines flight has been identified as David Dao, a doctor, professional poker player and father of five originally from Vietnam who was once convicted of trading drugs for sex as part of a downfall that derailed his medical career."



Oh so here we go, discredit the victim so that these CREEPS FROM united Airlines can good good.

Was he really the "victim"?
United handled this really poorly, but United didn't make this guy scream like a fucking two year old.

Seems like a victim to me

Being forced to give up a seat you had paid for and were occupying, being unable to met your commitments the following morning.....all because of United's incompetence

Over-booking should be outlawed, but it's their plane, and one way or another it appears some passengers were going to be removed. What about the others that were taken off, did they act like two year olds throwing a tantrum?
Probably not. They likely took the news like adults, and made the best of a bad situation unlike this felon that threw the screaming fit.
It`s their plane indeed but do they tell the person buying the ticket that they may or may not have a seat on the plane?
From what I've seen the company is in the wrong. They should have just let the employees take another flight or offered increasing amounts of dollars until someone yelled "sold!"
I second this and the more money that they end up having to shell out, the more that they will remember to keep better track of how many seats for future flights are paid for.

God bless you always!!!

Apparently this ex-doctor had a checkered past. David Dao: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Oh....and he wasn't removed once but twice. The first time he was dragged out and he was turned lose but then he ran back into the cabin with blood all over his face after bashing into an armrest.
This guy had lost his license to practice for 10 years because of illegally prescribing painkillers. He would have served 2 years but got probation instead. His medical training came from a school in Vietnam.

"The man who was forcibly dragged off of an overbooked United Airlines flight has been identified as David Dao, a doctor, professional poker player and father of five originally from Vietnam who was once convicted of trading drugs for sex as part of a downfall that derailed his medical career."



Oh so here we go, discredit the victim so that these CREEPS FROM united Airlines can good good.
Just trying to fill in the blanks the MSM neglected to fill. Fox is repeating this story every 5 mins. Turns out not only is Mr. Dao a baby but he's also a lying sack of shit.

Why would this be REMOTELY relevant, dumbass?
The guy gave a false excuse. He lied.
He exhibited antisocial behavior.
He became hostile.

Any questions?
Last edited:
So...who won?

The guy who wouldn't let United bully him into surrendering his seat for peanuts and ended up with a bloody mouth

or United who destroyed their reputation for customer service just to move employees at the cheapest possible cost
Apparently this ex-doctor had a checkered past. David Dao: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Oh....and he wasn't removed once but twice. The first time he was dragged out and he was turned lose but then he ran back into the cabin with blood all over his face after bashing into an armrest.
This guy had lost his license to practice for 10 years because of illegally prescribing painkillers. He would have served 2 years but got probation instead. His medical training came from a school in Vietnam.

"The man who was forcibly dragged off of an overbooked United Airlines flight has been identified as David Dao, a doctor, professional poker player and father of five originally from Vietnam who was once convicted of trading drugs for sex as part of a downfall that derailed his medical career."



Oh so here we go, discredit the victim so that these CREEPS FROM united Airlines can good good.
Just trying to fill in the blanks the MSM neglected to fill. Fox is repeating this story every 5 mins. Turns out not only is Mr. Dao a baby but he's also a lying sack of shit.

Why would this be REMOTELY relevant, dumbass?
The guy gave a false excuse. He lied.
He exhibited antisocial behavior.
Any questions?

You need to look up the term relevant

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