United Earth Government

Would you like a United Earth?

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A world that worked together to solve its problems insteading of waring on each other?

yeah thats useless huh?

A world that worked together to solve its problems insteading of waring on each other?

yeah thats useless huh?

Why do you need a one world government to accomplish that?
Who agrees that there should be a United Earth Government? All existing nation-states would already exist, but they would be federalized into less-powerful states (similar to US states). It wouldn't be some stupid New World Order conspiracy theory or anything like that, since that is just a hoax, but this would be a real legitimate peaceful and democratic world government. I think it would be a good thing. Of course, the US would probably still be the leader of the world. This new world government would of course be capitalist and democratic and have human rights and a constitution similar to the United States constitution. It would further development worldwide. It would sort of be like the United Earth in Star Trek I suppose, what do you think, would you like there to be a world government?

It is a fine "idea" But...

What would you say to the millions who would rather have sheria as its "constitution"?

Considering how the US is taxed and the "rich" are forced to take care of the "poor". How would that work in the new world order? Would the "poor" in this country who are considered vastly wealthy by many in the world, be taxed more to give to the less fortunate world?

Would we have one world currency? How would that work?

Who would be in charge of the world military?


A world that worked together to solve its problems insteading of waring on each other?

yeah thats useless huh?

Impossible to acheive so useless to attempt to.

You seem to be arguing the merits of the end, with total disregard to the vaidity of the means; or lack of them
Sure, it is easy to say "if the world works together, all would be great"

Of course it would be.

But to get there is impossible.

Like Obama with his "Bush couldnt close GITMO, but I will becuase we need it closed"

Seems he ignored the means to get there....or lack of them.
For this world government to happen most people would have to give up believing in fantasies.

That day is coming IF we live long enough.
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They dont war on each other.

The tea party fools like to pretend they will war on the other states but in the end we all know they are chickenshits.

A world that worked together to solve its problems insteading of waring on each other?

yeah thats useless huh?

Why do you need a one world government to accomplish that?

Because the nation-state solution hasn't been working so well.


Do you prefer life as you see it in other countries that are only 250 years old?
Seems to me the nation state thing is working great.
250 years and we are the most properous, free-est, envied nation in the world.
What...a little inconvenience to your luxuries is a reason to blast the system?
You are aware that our poor live better than many of the "middle class" of many other nations that are infinitely older than ours?
Am I not correct?
Yeah because the world all working together would be so fucking horrible.

Man am I sick of you brain dead cons.

The world working together sounds beyond brain dead to me.

For example, how's that U.N. thing been working out when, say, genocide becomes a popular form of social engineering in places like Rwanda or Darfur? Can't you just feel the love?
I guess in the case of Rwanda and Dar-fur you had people that became sick of brain dead cons and killed them by the bus load. The same people would undoubtly call for a united world government to be able to get their hands on more cons.
They dont war on each other.

The tea party fools like to pretend they will war on the other states but in the end we all know they are chickenshits.

You read and believe in way too many far left blogs.
It is evident in your posts.
United Earth Government is just another name for Totalitarian Regime with no place for those who refuse to submit to seek refuge.

A world that worked together to solve its problems insteading of waring on each other?

yeah thats useless huh?

Why do you need a one world government to accomplish that?

Because the nation-state solution hasn't been working so well.

Says who? How are you going to make everybody get along in a one world government? What would be different than how it is today? Are you going to use force? Or would everyone just magically start to get along?
Why do you need a one world government to accomplish that?

Because the nation-state solution hasn't been working so well.


Do you prefer life as you see it in other countries that are only 250 years old?
Seems to me the nation state thing is working great.
250 years and we are the most properous, free-est, envied nation in the world.
What...a little inconvenience to your luxuries is a reason to blast the system?
You are aware that our poor live better than many of the "middle class" of many other nations that are infinitely older than ours?
Am I not correct?

You are absolutely correct.
Why do you need a one world government to accomplish that?

Because the nation-state solution hasn't been working so well.


Do you prefer life as you see it in other countries that are only 250 years old?
Seems to me the nation state thing is working great.
250 years and we are the most properous, free-est, envied nation in the world.
What...a little inconvenience to your luxuries is a reason to blast the system?
You are aware that our poor live better than many of the "middle class" of many other nations that are infinitely older than ours?
Am I not correct?

Unlike many..I personally think war is an atrocity. Killing people is absolutely and utterly wrong. It should go against every fiber of our being. Wars are also counter productive. The resources used to prosecute them could have been deployed toward efforts that would make the world a better place..like solving our energy woes..or :gasp: space travel.

But..we haven't come to a stage where everyone feels that way. Especially those in the religious community. Until we do..this cycle will repeat..over and over.
Because the nation-state solution hasn't been working so well.


Do you prefer life as you see it in other countries that are only 250 years old?
Seems to me the nation state thing is working great.
250 years and we are the most properous, free-est, envied nation in the world.
What...a little inconvenience to your luxuries is a reason to blast the system?
You are aware that our poor live better than many of the "middle class" of many other nations that are infinitely older than ours?
Am I not correct?

You are absolutely correct.

And he made a great case for why the world would benifit from such a government.

Geeeezeee people think it through

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