United States VS. Taiwan on Covid-19: May 1, 2020 TO August 1, 2020.


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2012
United States VS. Taiwan on Covid-19: May 1, 2020 TO August 1, 2020.


UNITED STATES: May 1, 2020 TO August 1, 2020
COVID-19 Infections - 3,633,096
COVID -19 deaths - 92,129

TAIWAN: May 1, 2020 TO August 1, 2020
COVID-19 Infections - 45
COVID-19 deaths - 1

If the United States had been doing as well as TAIWAN over the past 3 months on a per capita basis, it would of had less than 700 infections and less than 15 deaths.

TAIWAN has for the most part returned to normal. Bars, Clubs, sporting events, churches, schools, places of work in TAIWAN are open. Mask wearing is only mandatory on public transportation. New infections when they occur are contained through Testing, Contact Tracing, Isolation of potentially infected people for 14 days. Anyone coming into the country, even citizens of Taiwan, are put into isolation for 14 days immediately. They are only allowed out after multiple tests show they are negative for the virus. On average in TAIWAN, most days see no new infections. No one has died in TAIWAN since May 11, 2020. If a new outbreak were to occur in TAIWAN, the mechanisms are in place to shut down if need be to kill the virus outbreak. Life and the economy have returned to normal without any sacrifice to public health in Taiwan. This is because of sound national government policy in the early days of the pandemic and continued monitoring and assessment of the situation.

In deep contrast to TAIWAN, the UNITED STATES is currently suffering an average of 64,000 new infections and 1,129 new deaths, EVERY DAY! The situation in the United States is worse than the March/April time period in terms of infections. Back in mid-April, new daily infections peaked in the United States at an average of 32,000 per day, half of the current average daily infection rate now. Average daily deaths were running at about double the current average rate but that seems less like an improvement given that the daily death rate in the United States has been rising consistently every day since JULY 5, 2020. There is no national strategy in the United States for containing and destroying the virus. You have 50 states that are operating independently of each other in terms of policies about what is open and mask wearing. This strategy has been a TOTAL FAILURE! The United States has the 9th highest rate of per capita infection out of the 197 countries on the planet. The United States has the 10th highest rate of per capita deaths out of the 197 countries on the planet.

01. Qatar
02. Bahrain
03. San Marino
04. Chile
05. Kuwait
06. Oman
07. Panama
08. Vatican City
09. United States Of America
10. Armenia

01. San Marino
02. Belgium
03. United Kingdom
04. Andorra
05. Spain
06. Peru
07. Italy
08. Sweden
09. Chile
10. United States Of America
Its not as simple as just looking at the COVID-19 data.
You also need to look at the economy and jobs and schools, etc.
The US could have very low numbers if no one went to work.
Look at Sweden, with no shutdown.

Look here and there, look everywhere
I see, I see, a virus scare
some get hit soft, some get hit hard,
It all depends on your DNA card

Bottom line: Its all China's fault
Its not as simple as just looking at the COVID-19 data.
You also need to look at the economy and jobs and schools, etc.
The US could have very low numbers if no one went to work.
Look at Sweden, with no shutdown.

Look here and there, look everywhere
I see, I see, a virus scare
some get hit soft, some get hit hard,
It all depends on your DNA card

Bottom line: Its all China's fault

Actually, all the United States had to do is what TAIWAN did on January 20, 2020 and seal the country off from foreign business and travel. The only people let in AFTER January 20, 2020 were quarantined for 14 days, and had to test negative for covid-19 multiple times, before being let out of quarantine.

The result is that TAIWAN has had less than 600 cases of infection and only 7 total deaths since it started. The United States could have done what TAIWAN did, but it failed. Trump did not seal/block foreign travel and business until late March, 2 months after Taiwan did, and long after the virus had penetrated deep into every state population in the country.

Taiwan's economy has been relatively unscathed. Cases of infection in Taiwan are rare, and deaths from covid-19 even more unusual in TAIWAN.

The United States by contrast NEVER had a national lockdown when it should have. You had maybe 40 states that were locked down consistently for 6 weeks, but that's it. It barley put a dent in the number of national cases. They leveled off in May, then started rising in June.

The U.S. Economy is now in the worst recession since the 1930s. A 5% contraction of real GDP in the first quarter of 2020. That was followed by a 32% contraction in real GDP during the 2nd quarter of 2020. There will be NO economic recovery until the virus is contained and destroyed! You can open up all you want, but 70% of people are not going to go to bars, clubs, restaurants, church, school, work, when there is deadly pandemic raging through the country. Opening up won't save the economy. Only containment and destruction of the virus will do that.

In order to get to where TAIWAN is today, where everything is open and the virus is contained, the United States must lockdown fully across the country until the number of daily new infections is less than 2 per 1 million population. That means less than 664 cases per day. Right now the United States is at 58,000 cases per day.

Lockdown now, and destroy the virus, or continue on the same current path which will continue to kill people and wreck the economy.

Taiwan has succeeded. Economy is doing relatively well, nearly everything is opened, and the virus is contained.

The United States has failed. Over 1,000 people dying every day from covid-19. 60,000 new infections from covid-19 every day. WORST Recession since the 1930s. Death, infection, economic contraction, high unemployment will CONTINUE as long as you allow the virus to spread with limited or no intervention like the United States had done for 6 months now.
Sweden has the 8th highest death rate from Covid-19 in the world, and they were protected by the fact that Norway, Finland, Denmark and other countries in Europe DID SHUT DOWN!
United States VS. Taiwan on Covid-19: May 1, 2020 TO August 1, 2020.


UNITED STATES: May 1, 2020 TO August 1, 2020
COVID-19 Infections - 3,633,096
COVID -19 deaths - 92,129

TAIWAN: May 1, 2020 TO August 1, 2020
COVID-19 Infections - 45
COVID-19 deaths - 1

If the United States had been doing as well as TAIWAN over the past 3 months on a per capita basis, it would of had less than 700 infections and less than 15 deaths.

TAIWAN has for the most part returned to normal. Bars, Clubs, sporting events, churches, schools, places of work in TAIWAN are open. Mask wearing is only mandatory on public transportation. New infections when they occur are contained through Testing, Contact Tracing, Isolation of potentially infected people for 14 days. Anyone coming into the country, even citizens of Taiwan, are put into isolation for 14 days immediately. They are only allowed out after multiple tests show they are negative for the virus. On average in TAIWAN, most days see no new infections. No one has died in TAIWAN since May 11, 2020. If a new outbreak were to occur in TAIWAN, the mechanisms are in place to shut down if need be to kill the virus outbreak. Life and the economy have returned to normal without any sacrifice to public health in Taiwan. This is because of sound national government policy in the early days of the pandemic and continued monitoring and assessment of the situation.

In deep contrast to TAIWAN, the UNITED STATES is currently suffering an average of 64,000 new infections and 1,129 new deaths, EVERY DAY! The situation in the United States is worse than the March/April time period in terms of infections. Back in mid-April, new daily infections peaked in the United States at an average of 32,000 per day, half of the current average daily infection rate now. Average daily deaths were running at about double the current average rate but that seems less like an improvement given that the daily death rate in the United States has been rising consistently every day since JULY 5, 2020. There is no national strategy in the United States for containing and destroying the virus. You have 50 states that are operating independently of each other in terms of policies about what is open and mask wearing. This strategy has been a TOTAL FAILURE! The United States has the 9th highest rate of per capita infection out of the 197 countries on the planet. The United States has the 10th highest rate of per capita deaths out of the 197 countries on the planet.

01. Qatar
02. Bahrain
03. San Marino
04. Chile
05. Kuwait
06. Oman
07. Panama
08. Vatican City
09. United States Of America
10. Armenia

01. San Marino
02. Belgium
03. United Kingdom
04. Andorra
05. Spain
06. Peru
07. Italy
08. Sweden
09. Chile
10. United States Of America
...there are MANY HUGE differences between Taiwan and the US
Also, the political office holders who still think the virus is nothing more than the flu and dependent on your DNA will be thrown out of office on November 3, 2020. Look out, Blue Wave on the horizon! It just a shame they won't get to take office until January 2020. How many more Americans will die unnecessarily in the meantime?
Also, the political office holders who still think the virus is nothing more than the flu and dependent on your DNA will be thrown out of office on November 3, 2020. Look out, Blue Wave on the horizon! It just a shame they won't get to take office until January 2020. How many more Americans will die unnecessarily in the meantime?
more babble from you
FYI, Taiwan is an island--the US is not
..you must not have graduated 4th grade geography
United States VS. Taiwan on Covid-19: May 1, 2020 TO August 1, 2020.


UNITED STATES: May 1, 2020 TO August 1, 2020
COVID-19 Infections - 3,633,096
COVID -19 deaths - 92,129

TAIWAN: May 1, 2020 TO August 1, 2020
COVID-19 Infections - 45
COVID-19 deaths - 1

If the United States had been doing as well as TAIWAN over the past 3 months on a per capita basis, it would of had less than 700 infections and less than 15 deaths.

TAIWAN has for the most part returned to normal. Bars, Clubs, sporting events, churches, schools, places of work in TAIWAN are open. Mask wearing is only mandatory on public transportation. New infections when they occur are contained through Testing, Contact Tracing, Isolation of potentially infected people for 14 days. Anyone coming into the country, even citizens of Taiwan, are put into isolation for 14 days immediately. They are only allowed out after multiple tests show they are negative for the virus. On average in TAIWAN, most days see no new infections. No one has died in TAIWAN since May 11, 2020. If a new outbreak were to occur in TAIWAN, the mechanisms are in place to shut down if need be to kill the virus outbreak. Life and the economy have returned to normal without any sacrifice to public health in Taiwan. This is because of sound national government policy in the early days of the pandemic and continued monitoring and assessment of the situation.

In deep contrast to TAIWAN, the UNITED STATES is currently suffering an average of 64,000 new infections and 1,129 new deaths, EVERY DAY! The situation in the United States is worse than the March/April time period in terms of infections. Back in mid-April, new daily infections peaked in the United States at an average of 32,000 per day, half of the current average daily infection rate now. Average daily deaths were running at about double the current average rate but that seems less like an improvement given that the daily death rate in the United States has been rising consistently every day since JULY 5, 2020. There is no national strategy in the United States for containing and destroying the virus. You have 50 states that are operating independently of each other in terms of policies about what is open and mask wearing. This strategy has been a TOTAL FAILURE! The United States has the 9th highest rate of per capita infection out of the 197 countries on the planet. The United States has the 10th highest rate of per capita deaths out of the 197 countries on the planet.

01. Qatar
02. Bahrain
03. San Marino
04. Chile
05. Kuwait
06. Oman
07. Panama
08. Vatican City
09. United States Of America
10. Armenia

01. San Marino
02. Belgium
03. United Kingdom
04. Andorra
05. Spain
06. Peru
07. Italy
08. Sweden
09. Chile
10. United States Of America
...there are MANY HUGE differences between Taiwan and the US

There are some, but not enough to account for the fact that they only have ONE DEATH from covid-19 over the past three months while the United States has 92,000+!

There is NOTHING that TAIWAN did, that the United States does not have the capability to do. NOTHING! The United States is a wealthier and more powerful country than Taiwan, and thousands of miles further away from where the virus started. It has less trade, travel and other contact links with China than TAIWAN does.
Also, the political office holders who still think the virus is nothing more than the flu and dependent on your DNA will be thrown out of office on November 3, 2020. Look out, Blue Wave on the horizon! It just a shame they won't get to take office until January 2020. How many more Americans will die unnecessarily in the meantime?
more babble from you
FYI, Taiwan is an island--the US is not
..you must not have graduated 4th grade geography

Relative to the Wuhan province in China, the United States is on an Island. An Island that is further away from China than Taiwan. Guess what Mr. Geography, you can't drive a car from the United States to China! The North American and South American Continents are separate from any other land mass on the planet effectively making it an island relative to China.

Most people arrive in Taiwan through air travel passing through an airport before they go out into the country. Most people arrive in the United States through air travel passing through an airport before they go out into the country. The United States does have land borders with Canada and Mexico, but less than 10% of the people that arrive in the United States from another country arrive by driving a car across the land border or walking across the land border. In any event, the land border can be sealed. 99% of traffic across the land borders with Mexico and Canada cross through specific areas that can be easily sealed.

Canada and Mexico are not sources of infection for the United States. Its Canada and Mexico that have to worry about the United States infecting them.
United States VS. Taiwan on Covid-19: May 1, 2020 TO August 1, 2020.


UNITED STATES: May 1, 2020 TO August 1, 2020
COVID-19 Infections - 3,633,096
COVID -19 deaths - 92,129

TAIWAN: May 1, 2020 TO August 1, 2020
COVID-19 Infections - 45
COVID-19 deaths - 1

If the United States had been doing as well as TAIWAN over the past 3 months on a per capita basis, it would of had less than 700 infections and less than 15 deaths.

TAIWAN has for the most part returned to normal. Bars, Clubs, sporting events, churches, schools, places of work in TAIWAN are open. Mask wearing is only mandatory on public transportation. New infections when they occur are contained through Testing, Contact Tracing, Isolation of potentially infected people for 14 days. Anyone coming into the country, even citizens of Taiwan, are put into isolation for 14 days immediately. They are only allowed out after multiple tests show they are negative for the virus. On average in TAIWAN, most days see no new infections. No one has died in TAIWAN since May 11, 2020. If a new outbreak were to occur in TAIWAN, the mechanisms are in place to shut down if need be to kill the virus outbreak. Life and the economy have returned to normal without any sacrifice to public health in Taiwan. This is because of sound national government policy in the early days of the pandemic and continued monitoring and assessment of the situation.

In deep contrast to TAIWAN, the UNITED STATES is currently suffering an average of 64,000 new infections and 1,129 new deaths, EVERY DAY! The situation in the United States is worse than the March/April time period in terms of infections. Back in mid-April, new daily infections peaked in the United States at an average of 32,000 per day, half of the current average daily infection rate now. Average daily deaths were running at about double the current average rate but that seems less like an improvement given that the daily death rate in the United States has been rising consistently every day since JULY 5, 2020. There is no national strategy in the United States for containing and destroying the virus. You have 50 states that are operating independently of each other in terms of policies about what is open and mask wearing. This strategy has been a TOTAL FAILURE! The United States has the 9th highest rate of per capita infection out of the 197 countries on the planet. The United States has the 10th highest rate of per capita deaths out of the 197 countries on the planet.

01. Qatar
02. Bahrain
03. San Marino
04. Chile
05. Kuwait
06. Oman
07. Panama
08. Vatican City
09. United States Of America
10. Armenia

01. San Marino
02. Belgium
03. United Kingdom
04. Andorra
05. Spain
06. Peru
07. Italy
08. Sweden
09. Chile
10. United States Of America
...there are MANY HUGE differences between Taiwan and the US

There are some, but not enough to account for the fact that they only have ONE DEATH from covid-19 over the past three months while the United States has 92,000+!

There is NOTHING that TAIWAN did, that the United States does not have the capability to do. NOTHING! The United States is a wealthier and more powerful country than Taiwan, and thousands of miles further away from where the virus started. It has less trade, travel and other contact links with China than TAIWAN does.
Does Taiwan have an Andrew Cuomo governor? Did they send covid patients back to nursing homes?
The COVID-19 pandemic is China's fault and only China's fault.
Your partisan attempts to blame Trump are nothing but TDS.
United States VS. Taiwan on Covid-19: May 1, 2020 TO August 1, 2020.


UNITED STATES: May 1, 2020 TO August 1, 2020
COVID-19 Infections - 3,633,096
COVID -19 deaths - 92,129

TAIWAN: May 1, 2020 TO August 1, 2020
COVID-19 Infections - 45
COVID-19 deaths - 1

If the United States had been doing as well as TAIWAN over the past 3 months on a per capita basis, it would of had less than 700 infections and less than 15 deaths.

TAIWAN has for the most part returned to normal. Bars, Clubs, sporting events, churches, schools, places of work in TAIWAN are open. Mask wearing is only mandatory on public transportation. New infections when they occur are contained through Testing, Contact Tracing, Isolation of potentially infected people for 14 days. Anyone coming into the country, even citizens of Taiwan, are put into isolation for 14 days immediately. They are only allowed out after multiple tests show they are negative for the virus. On average in TAIWAN, most days see no new infections. No one has died in TAIWAN since May 11, 2020. If a new outbreak were to occur in TAIWAN, the mechanisms are in place to shut down if need be to kill the virus outbreak. Life and the economy have returned to normal without any sacrifice to public health in Taiwan. This is because of sound national government policy in the early days of the pandemic and continued monitoring and assessment of the situation.

In deep contrast to TAIWAN, the UNITED STATES is currently suffering an average of 64,000 new infections and 1,129 new deaths, EVERY DAY! The situation in the United States is worse than the March/April time period in terms of infections. Back in mid-April, new daily infections peaked in the United States at an average of 32,000 per day, half of the current average daily infection rate now. Average daily deaths were running at about double the current average rate but that seems less like an improvement given that the daily death rate in the United States has been rising consistently every day since JULY 5, 2020. There is no national strategy in the United States for containing and destroying the virus. You have 50 states that are operating independently of each other in terms of policies about what is open and mask wearing. This strategy has been a TOTAL FAILURE! The United States has the 9th highest rate of per capita infection out of the 197 countries on the planet. The United States has the 10th highest rate of per capita deaths out of the 197 countries on the planet.

01. Qatar
02. Bahrain
03. San Marino
04. Chile
05. Kuwait
06. Oman
07. Panama
08. Vatican City
09. United States Of America
10. Armenia

01. San Marino
02. Belgium
03. United Kingdom
04. Andorra
05. Spain
06. Peru
07. Italy
08. Sweden
09. Chile
10. United States Of America
...there are MANY HUGE differences between Taiwan and the US

There are some, but not enough to account for the fact that they only have ONE DEATH from covid-19 over the past three months while the United States has 92,000+!

There is NOTHING that TAIWAN did, that the United States does not have the capability to do. NOTHING! The United States is a wealthier and more powerful country than Taiwan, and thousands of miles further away from where the virus started. It has less trade, travel and other contact links with China than TAIWAN does.
some? not enough to account?? wrong
--Taiwan the country has 11 million tourists per year
--New York City alone has 60 million!!!! more than twice Taiwan's population
--the US has more international airports
--the US has MANY more large, dense cities
--the BIG one: Americans FOUR times as obese as Taiwanese !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! end of story
Also, the political office holders who still think the virus is nothing more than the flu and dependent on your DNA will be thrown out of office on November 3, 2020. Look out, Blue Wave on the horizon! It just a shame they won't get to take office until January 2020. How many more Americans will die unnecessarily in the meantime?
more babble from you
FYI, Taiwan is an island--the US is not
..you must not have graduated 4th grade geography

Relative to the Wuhan province in China, the United States is on an Island. An Island that is further away from China than Taiwan. Guess what Mr. Geography, you can't drive a car from the United States to China! The North American and South American Continents are separate from any other land mass on the planet effectively making it an island relative to China.

Most people arrive in Taiwan through air travel passing through an airport before they go out into the country. Most people arrive in the United States through air travel passing through an airport before they go out into the country. The United States does have land borders with Canada and Mexico, but less than 10% of the people that arrive in the United States from another country arrive by driving a car across the land border or walking across the land border. In any event, the land border can be sealed. 99% of traffic across the land borders with Mexico and Canada cross through specific areas that can be easily sealed.

Canada and Mexico are not sources of infection for the United States. Its Canada and Mexico that have to worry about the United States infecting them.
'''the US is on an island'''''?????!!!??????
.....that's one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard on USMB--and I've heard a lot
Also, the political office holders who still think the virus is nothing more than the flu and dependent on your DNA will be thrown out of office on November 3, 2020. Look out, Blue Wave on the horizon! It just a shame they won't get to take office until January 2020. How many more Americans will die unnecessarily in the meantime?
more babble from you
FYI, Taiwan is an island--the US is not
..you must not have graduated 4th grade geography

Relative to the Wuhan province in China, the United States is on an Island. An Island that is further away from China than Taiwan. Guess what Mr. Geography, you can't drive a car from the United States to China! The North American and South American Continents are separate from any other land mass on the planet effectively making it an island relative to China.

Most people arrive in Taiwan through air travel passing through an airport before they go out into the country. Most people arrive in the United States through air travel passing through an airport before they go out into the country. The United States does have land borders with Canada and Mexico, but less than 10% of the people that arrive in the United States from another country arrive by driving a car across the land border or walking across the land border. In any event, the land border can be sealed. 99% of traffic across the land borders with Mexico and Canada cross through specific areas that can be easily sealed.

Canada and Mexico are not sources of infection for the United States. Its Canada and Mexico that have to worry about the United States infecting them.
Also, the political office holders who still think the virus is nothing more than the flu and dependent on your DNA will be thrown out of office on November 3, 2020. Look out, Blue Wave on the horizon! It just a shame they won't get to take office until January 2020. How many more Americans will die unnecessarily in the meantime?
more babble from you
FYI, Taiwan is an island--the US is not
..you must not have graduated 4th grade geography

Relative to the Wuhan province in China, the United States is on an Island. An Island that is further away from China than Taiwan. Guess what Mr. Geography, you can't drive a car from the United States to China! The North American and South American Continents are separate from any other land mass on the planet effectively making it an island relative to China.

Most people arrive in Taiwan through air travel passing through an airport before they go out into the country. Most people arrive in the United States through air travel passing through an airport before they go out into the country. The United States does have land borders with Canada and Mexico, but less than 10% of the people that arrive in the United States from another country arrive by driving a car across the land border or walking across the land border. In any event, the land border can be sealed. 99% of traffic across the land borders with Mexico and Canada cross through specific areas that can be easily sealed.

Canada and Mexico are not sources of infection for the United States. Its Canada and Mexico that have to worry about the United States infecting them.
People who have obesity, compared to those with a normal or healthy weight, are at increased risk for many serious diseases and health conditions, including the following:1,2,3
  • type 2 diabetes
  • high blood pressure
  • heart disease and strokes
  • certain types of cancer
  • sleep apnea
  • osteoarthritis
  • fatty liver disease
  • kidney disease
  • pregnancy problems, such as high blood sugar during pregnancy, high blood pressure, and increased risk for cesarean delivery (C-section)
United States VS. Taiwan on Covid-19: May 1, 2020 TO August 1, 2020.


UNITED STATES: May 1, 2020 TO August 1, 2020
COVID-19 Infections - 3,633,096
COVID -19 deaths - 92,129

TAIWAN: May 1, 2020 TO August 1, 2020
COVID-19 Infections - 45
COVID-19 deaths - 1

If the United States had been doing as well as TAIWAN over the past 3 months on a per capita basis, it would of had less than 700 infections and less than 15 deaths.

TAIWAN has for the most part returned to normal. Bars, Clubs, sporting events, churches, schools, places of work in TAIWAN are open. Mask wearing is only mandatory on public transportation. New infections when they occur are contained through Testing, Contact Tracing, Isolation of potentially infected people for 14 days. Anyone coming into the country, even citizens of Taiwan, are put into isolation for 14 days immediately. They are only allowed out after multiple tests show they are negative for the virus. On average in TAIWAN, most days see no new infections. No one has died in TAIWAN since May 11, 2020. If a new outbreak were to occur in TAIWAN, the mechanisms are in place to shut down if need be to kill the virus outbreak. Life and the economy have returned to normal without any sacrifice to public health in Taiwan. This is because of sound national government policy in the early days of the pandemic and continued monitoring and assessment of the situation.

In deep contrast to TAIWAN, the UNITED STATES is currently suffering an average of 64,000 new infections and 1,129 new deaths, EVERY DAY! The situation in the United States is worse than the March/April time period in terms of infections. Back in mid-April, new daily infections peaked in the United States at an average of 32,000 per day, half of the current average daily infection rate now. Average daily deaths were running at about double the current average rate but that seems less like an improvement given that the daily death rate in the United States has been rising consistently every day since JULY 5, 2020. There is no national strategy in the United States for containing and destroying the virus. You have 50 states that are operating independently of each other in terms of policies about what is open and mask wearing. This strategy has been a TOTAL FAILURE! The United States has the 9th highest rate of per capita infection out of the 197 countries on the planet. The United States has the 10th highest rate of per capita deaths out of the 197 countries on the planet.

01. Qatar
02. Bahrain
03. San Marino
04. Chile
05. Kuwait
06. Oman
07. Panama
08. Vatican City
09. United States Of America
10. Armenia

01. San Marino
02. Belgium
03. United Kingdom
04. Andorra
05. Spain
06. Peru
07. Italy
08. Sweden
09. Chile
10. United States Of America
...there are MANY HUGE differences between Taiwan and the US

There are some, but not enough to account for the fact that they only have ONE DEATH from covid-19 over the past three months while the United States has 92,000+!

There is NOTHING that TAIWAN did, that the United States does not have the capability to do. NOTHING! The United States is a wealthier and more powerful country than Taiwan, and thousands of miles further away from where the virus started. It has less trade, travel and other contact links with China than TAIWAN does.
some? not enough to account?? wrong
--Taiwan the country has 11 million tourists per year
--New York City alone has 60 million!!!! more than twice Taiwan's population
--the US has more international airports
--the US has MANY more large, dense cities
--the BIG one: Americans FOUR times as obese as Taiwanese !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! end of story

The President and the U.S. congress had the power to seal the entire country off from the rest of the World. That is what Taiwan did on January 20, 2020. Taiwan has more people arriving from China for various reasons, on a per capita level, every day than the United States. But that is not relevant when all you have to do seal off and block all foreign travel.

The United States grounded all aircraft in the United States for days after September 11, 2001 terror attacks. It has the power to seal off all forms of entry into the country from the outside world.

Also, the political office holders who still think the virus is nothing more than the flu and dependent on your DNA will be thrown out of office on November 3, 2020. Look out, Blue Wave on the horizon! It just a shame they won't get to take office until January 2020. How many more Americans will die unnecessarily in the meantime?
more babble from you
FYI, Taiwan is an island--the US is not
..you must not have graduated 4th grade geography

Relative to the Wuhan province in China, the United States is on an Island. An Island that is further away from China than Taiwan. Guess what Mr. Geography, you can't drive a car from the United States to China! The North American and South American Continents are separate from any other land mass on the planet effectively making it an island relative to China.

Most people arrive in Taiwan through air travel passing through an airport before they go out into the country. Most people arrive in the United States through air travel passing through an airport before they go out into the country. The United States does have land borders with Canada and Mexico, but less than 10% of the people that arrive in the United States from another country arrive by driving a car across the land border or walking across the land border. In any event, the land border can be sealed. 99% of traffic across the land borders with Mexico and Canada cross through specific areas that can be easily sealed.

Canada and Mexico are not sources of infection for the United States. Its Canada and Mexico that have to worry about the United States infecting them.
View attachment 370195

Unfortunately you don't know how to read the maps you posts. Notice there is no road leading from the United States to China. The virus had to hitch a ride on an Airplane to get to the United States from China, the same way it would travel into Taiwan. DUH!
Also, the political office holders who still think the virus is nothing more than the flu and dependent on your DNA will be thrown out of office on November 3, 2020. Look out, Blue Wave on the horizon! It just a shame they won't get to take office until January 2020. How many more Americans will die unnecessarily in the meantime?
more babble from you
FYI, Taiwan is an island--the US is not
..you must not have graduated 4th grade geography

Relative to the Wuhan province in China, the United States is on an Island. An Island that is further away from China than Taiwan. Guess what Mr. Geography, you can't drive a car from the United States to China! The North American and South American Continents are separate from any other land mass on the planet effectively making it an island relative to China.

Most people arrive in Taiwan through air travel passing through an airport before they go out into the country. Most people arrive in the United States through air travel passing through an airport before they go out into the country. The United States does have land borders with Canada and Mexico, but less than 10% of the people that arrive in the United States from another country arrive by driving a car across the land border or walking across the land border. In any event, the land border can be sealed. 99% of traffic across the land borders with Mexico and Canada cross through specific areas that can be easily sealed.

Canada and Mexico are not sources of infection for the United States. Its Canada and Mexico that have to worry about the United States infecting them.
View attachment 370195

Unfortunately you don't know how to read the maps you posts. Notice there is no road leading from the United States to China. The virus had to hitch a ride on an Airplane to get to the United States from China, the same way it would travel into Taiwan. DUH!
...you have been EASILY proven wrong
Also, the political office holders who still think the virus is nothing more than the flu and dependent on your DNA will be thrown out of office on November 3, 2020. Look out, Blue Wave on the horizon! It just a shame they won't get to take office until January 2020. How many more Americans will die unnecessarily in the meantime?
more babble from you
FYI, Taiwan is an island--the US is not
..you must not have graduated 4th grade geography

Relative to the Wuhan province in China, the United States is on an Island. An Island that is further away from China than Taiwan. Guess what Mr. Geography, you can't drive a car from the United States to China! The North American and South American Continents are separate from any other land mass on the planet effectively making it an island relative to China.

Most people arrive in Taiwan through air travel passing through an airport before they go out into the country. Most people arrive in the United States through air travel passing through an airport before they go out into the country. The United States does have land borders with Canada and Mexico, but less than 10% of the people that arrive in the United States from another country arrive by driving a car across the land border or walking across the land border. In any event, the land border can be sealed. 99% of traffic across the land borders with Mexico and Canada cross through specific areas that can be easily sealed.

Canada and Mexico are not sources of infection for the United States. Its Canada and Mexico that have to worry about the United States infecting them.
People who have obesity, compared to those with a normal or healthy weight, are at increased risk for many serious diseases and health conditions, including the following:1,2,3
  • type 2 diabetes
  • high blood pressure
  • heart disease and strokes
  • certain types of cancer
  • sleep apnea
  • osteoarthritis
  • fatty liver disease
  • kidney disease
  • pregnancy problems, such as high blood sugar during pregnancy, high blood pressure, and increased risk for cesarean delivery (C-section)

Not of that matters if you prevent the virus from entering the country. If the United States had done what TAIWAN did, few if any of those people with those conditions would have been infected.

AGAIN, one death VS 92,000+ deaths. You have nothing to stand on. The only thing that explains that difference is failed government policy.
United States VS. Taiwan on Covid-19: May 1, 2020 TO August 1, 2020.


UNITED STATES: May 1, 2020 TO August 1, 2020
COVID-19 Infections - 3,633,096
COVID -19 deaths - 92,129

TAIWAN: May 1, 2020 TO August 1, 2020
COVID-19 Infections - 45
COVID-19 deaths - 1

If the United States had been doing as well as TAIWAN over the past 3 months on a per capita basis, it would of had less than 700 infections and less than 15 deaths.

TAIWAN has for the most part returned to normal. Bars, Clubs, sporting events, churches, schools, places of work in TAIWAN are open. Mask wearing is only mandatory on public transportation. New infections when they occur are contained through Testing, Contact Tracing, Isolation of potentially infected people for 14 days. Anyone coming into the country, even citizens of Taiwan, are put into isolation for 14 days immediately. They are only allowed out after multiple tests show they are negative for the virus. On average in TAIWAN, most days see no new infections. No one has died in TAIWAN since May 11, 2020. If a new outbreak were to occur in TAIWAN, the mechanisms are in place to shut down if need be to kill the virus outbreak. Life and the economy have returned to normal without any sacrifice to public health in Taiwan. This is because of sound national government policy in the early days of the pandemic and continued monitoring and assessment of the situation.

In deep contrast to TAIWAN, the UNITED STATES is currently suffering an average of 64,000 new infections and 1,129 new deaths, EVERY DAY! The situation in the United States is worse than the March/April time period in terms of infections. Back in mid-April, new daily infections peaked in the United States at an average of 32,000 per day, half of the current average daily infection rate now. Average daily deaths were running at about double the current average rate but that seems less like an improvement given that the daily death rate in the United States has been rising consistently every day since JULY 5, 2020. There is no national strategy in the United States for containing and destroying the virus. You have 50 states that are operating independently of each other in terms of policies about what is open and mask wearing. This strategy has been a TOTAL FAILURE! The United States has the 9th highest rate of per capita infection out of the 197 countries on the planet. The United States has the 10th highest rate of per capita deaths out of the 197 countries on the planet.

01. Qatar
02. Bahrain
03. San Marino
04. Chile
05. Kuwait
06. Oman
07. Panama
08. Vatican City
09. United States Of America
10. Armenia

01. San Marino
02. Belgium
03. United Kingdom
04. Andorra
05. Spain
06. Peru
07. Italy
08. Sweden
09. Chile
10. United States Of America
...there are MANY HUGE differences between Taiwan and the US

There are some, but not enough to account for the fact that they only have ONE DEATH from covid-19 over the past three months while the United States has 92,000+!

There is NOTHING that TAIWAN did, that the United States does not have the capability to do. NOTHING! The United States is a wealthier and more powerful country than Taiwan, and thousands of miles further away from where the virus started. It has less trade, travel and other contact links with China than TAIWAN does.
some? not enough to account?? wrong
--Taiwan the country has 11 million tourists per year
--New York City alone has 60 million!!!! more than twice Taiwan's population
--the US has more international airports
--the US has MANY more large, dense cities
--the BIG one: Americans FOUR times as obese as Taiwanese !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! end of story

The President and the U.S. congress had the power to seal the entire country off from the rest of the World. That is what Taiwan did on January 20, 2020. Taiwan has more people arriving from China for various reasons, on a per capita level, every day than the United States. But that is not relevant when all you have to do seal off and block all foreign travel.

The United States grounded all aircraft in the United States for days after September 11, 2001 terror attacks. It has the power to seal off all forms of entry into the country from the outside world.

WRONG---huge differences
...the virus was ALREADY in !!! didn't matter if we were cut off
Also, the political office holders who still think the virus is nothing more than the flu and dependent on your DNA will be thrown out of office on November 3, 2020. Look out, Blue Wave on the horizon! It just a shame they won't get to take office until January 2020. How many more Americans will die unnecessarily in the meantime?
more babble from you
FYI, Taiwan is an island--the US is not
..you must not have graduated 4th grade geography

Relative to the Wuhan province in China, the United States is on an Island. An Island that is further away from China than Taiwan. Guess what Mr. Geography, you can't drive a car from the United States to China! The North American and South American Continents are separate from any other land mass on the planet effectively making it an island relative to China.

Most people arrive in Taiwan through air travel passing through an airport before they go out into the country. Most people arrive in the United States through air travel passing through an airport before they go out into the country. The United States does have land borders with Canada and Mexico, but less than 10% of the people that arrive in the United States from another country arrive by driving a car across the land border or walking across the land border. In any event, the land border can be sealed. 99% of traffic across the land borders with Mexico and Canada cross through specific areas that can be easily sealed.

Canada and Mexico are not sources of infection for the United States. Its Canada and Mexico that have to worry about the United States infecting them.
View attachment 370195

Unfortunately you don't know how to read the maps you posts. Notice there is no road leading from the United States to China. The virus had to hitch a ride on an Airplane to get to the United States from China, the same way it would travel into Taiwan. DUH!
...you have been EASILY proven wrong

These are the facts:

United States VS. Taiwan on Covid-19: May 1, 2020 TO August 1, 2020.


UNITED STATES: May 1, 2020 TO August 1, 2020
COVID-19 Infections - 3,633,096
COVID -19 deaths - 92,129

TAIWAN: May 1, 2020 TO August 1, 2020
COVID-19 Infections - 45
COVID-19 deaths - 1

The only way you explain the difference is government policies and actions taken or not taken.

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