United States will deploy thousands of troops in Australia amid tensions with China after Australia warns war with China is possible

At this point, everyone understands the US shouldn’t act as the World’s Policeman. But at the very least, the US can and should act as the World’s Arsenal of Democracy.

looks like xiden and the dems are taking us right into WW3

Oil company's profits are up because we're coming out of a global pandemic and people are driving more. If the Biden administration would get off the backs of the oil companies and let them did what they do without all the red tape, the price of oil would drop like a rock.
Maybe because they are nowhere near the North Atlantic. You do know what NATO stands for, right?

Glad you are if sufficient years that you actually learned geography! Few leftists these days do - but they are young and indoctrinated.
The United States was the economic power of the world at the beginning of the 20th Century. Eclipsing Britain. However, we did not want the mantra of military power of the world. Most Americans were not war mongers and in fact has a strong faith as compared to today. Britian staggered as a military power due to their economic decline, and we had WW 1 and WW 2. There are people who write that we lost our innocence on December 7, 1941.

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