Uniting America


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
How do we unite American into one great society? How do we create a monoculture.

I am okay with getting rid of blue state and red state culture and replacing with a moderate culture.

In this new America. No more segregation! No more diversity! All Americans will be the same! One culture! One America!

-Religion is a personal thing. Keep it out of politics
-Self Defense is a human right, no gun control
-Comic book, fantasy, sci fi, and video game culture is mainstream and is as American as apple pie. The term nerd or jock does not exist anymore
-Well funded infrastructure, space program, military, and education
-NSA would make sure private schools are not teaching children to be religious fascists or greedy capitalists
-No poverty
-Violent ghetto inner city culture replaced with a culture of education, compassion, and peace
-Disney represents American culture. Export it worldwide!
-High speed internet affordable and accessible by every American citizen
-High quality healthcare affordable to everyone
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I'm for firing the Magic Negro, where we don't have white vs black, or any of the other bullshit....

We are ALL Americans!!!!!

But of course, Liberals' heads will explode over this post!!!!
Air drop comic books, Marvel movies, Disney movies, Star Wars movies, action figures, and Barbies everywhere on Earth!
In my new America liberals or conservatives won't exist!

And BTW hunting and shooting will not be considered a conservative thing anymore! Every American student public or private would be required to take classes on those subjects!
Great ideas. Let me know when you get your hands on a Monkey's Paw. lol
-Religion is a personal thing. Keep it out of politics

Such an ill advised statement. Consult the First Amendment for further assistance.

-Self Defense is a human right, no gun control


Comic book, fantasy, sci fi, and video game culture is mainstream and is as American as apple pie. The term nerd or jock does not exist anymore

Being the resident geek in my family, I beg to differ.


Well funded infrastructure, space program, military, and education

I'll let Matthew handle this one.

-NSA would make sure private schools are not teaching children to be religious fascists or greedy capitalists

Erm... keep the NSA and government out of religion and out of the free market.

-No poverty

Good luck.

Violent ghetto inner city culture replaced with a culture of education, compassion, and peace

Once again, good luck.

Disney represents American culture. Export it worldwide!

No it doesn't. We gamers do. :p

-High speed internet affordable and accessible by every American citizen

Repeat after me:

"There is no such thing as a "free" internet."

High quality healthcare affordable to everyone

Yeah, when half of the 23 state insurance co-ops set up by Obamacare collapse, that doesn't make healthcare affordable for anyone.
I agree with probably half or a little more of the op's suggestions! I do feel we should invest in infrastructure, science, have a respectable space program and fund education!!!!

I'd just rather focus on real life instead of games and playing around!!!
How do we unite American into one great society? How do we create a monoculture.

I am okay with getting rid of blue state and red state culture and replacing with a moderate culture.

In this new America. No more segregation! No more diversity! All Americans will be the same! One culture! One America!

-Religion is a personal thing. Keep it out of politics
-Self Defense is a human right, no gun control
-Comic book, fantasy, sci fi, and video game culture is mainstream and is as American as apple pie. The term nerd or jock does not exist anymore
-Well funded infrastructure, space program, military, and education
-NSA would make sure private schools are not teaching children to be religious fascists or greedy capitalists
-No poverty
-Violent ghetto inner city culture replaced with a culture of education, compassion, and peace
-Disney represents American culture. Export it worldwide!
-High speed internet affordable and accessible by every American citizen
-High quality healthcare affordable to everyone

Disney represents American culture? The same Disney that has their employees training foreigners to do their job before they get fired?

Private schools not teaching religion? Why do you think parents send their children to private schools?

Well funded this, that and the other thing? Where do you think we would get the money from? You do realize we are 19 trillion in debt, don't you?

Your plan is a lot of hope with no ability to fund or implement.
America's future is to break up into balkanized territories locked in a forever war.
How do we unite American into one great society? How do we create a monoculture.

I am okay with getting rid of blue state and red state culture and replacing with a moderate culture.

In this new America. No more segregation! No more diversity! All Americans will be the same! One culture! One America!

-Religion is a personal thing. Keep it out of politics
-Self Defense is a human right, no gun control
-Comic book, fantasy, sci fi, and video game culture is mainstream and is as American as apple pie. The term nerd or jock does not exist anymore
-Well funded infrastructure, space program, military, and education
-NSA would make sure private schools are not teaching children to be religious fascists or greedy capitalists
-No poverty
-Violent ghetto inner city culture replaced with a culture of education, compassion, and peace
-Disney represents American culture. Export it worldwide!
-High speed internet affordable and accessible by every American citizen
-High quality healthcare affordable to everyone

Disney represents American culture? The same Disney that has their employees training foreigners to do their job before they get fired?

Private schools not teaching religion? Why do you think parents send their children to private schools?

Well funded this, that and the other thing? Where do you think we would get the money from? You do realize we are 19 trillion in debt, don't you?

Your plan is a lot of hope with no ability to fund or implement.

Well, if we let it all fall apart and we don't lead in anything anymore...Then I guess we will never be able to pay it down...Won't we.

We generate far more economic output by r&d creation, science and infrastructure investment then constant war. Yet, you want those things to be defuded? Your dumb war and tax breaks made the debt. How fucking dare you blame anyone but your self.
"In this new America. No more segregation! No more diversity! All Americans will be the same! One culture! One America!"


Among America's greatest strengths is its diversity, the right to dissent, and the right to express one's individual liberty – including one's cultural traditions; Americans are perfectly capable of being one people and one Nation while at the same time celebrating and acknowledging the many cultures that make up America.
How do we unite American into one great society? How do we create a monoculture.

I am okay with getting rid of blue state and red state culture and replacing with a moderate culture.

In this new America. No more segregation! No more diversity! All Americans will be the same! One culture! One America!

-Religion is a personal thing. Keep it out of politics
-Self Defense is a human right, no gun control
-Comic book, fantasy, sci fi, and video game culture is mainstream and is as American as apple pie. The term nerd or jock does not exist anymore
-Well funded infrastructure, space program, military, and education
-NSA would make sure private schools are not teaching children to be religious fascists or greedy capitalists
-No poverty
-Violent ghetto inner city culture replaced with a culture of education, compassion, and peace
-Disney represents American culture. Export it worldwide!
-High speed internet affordable and accessible by every American citizen
-High quality healthcare affordable to everyone

Disney represents American culture? The same Disney that has their employees training foreigners to do their job before they get fired?

Private schools not teaching religion? Why do you think parents send their children to private schools?

Well funded this, that and the other thing? Where do you think we would get the money from? You do realize we are 19 trillion in debt, don't you?

Your plan is a lot of hope with no ability to fund or implement.

Well, if we let it all fall apart and we don't lead in anything anymore...Then I guess we will never be able to pay it down...Won't we.

We generate far more economic output by r&d creation, science and infrastructure investment then constant war. Yet, you want those things to be defuded? Your dumb war and tax breaks made the debt. How fucking dare you blame anyone but your self.

Yes, and the idea that we have more government dependents than ever certainly has no impact on our lack of funds.

10,000 Syrian refugees that will cost Americans billions, no problem. Millions crossing our southern border--many children with no adult escorts, no problem, we can fund them. Millions of foreigners taking our jobs and lower American wages, who cares?

But when you have wars, now we've crossed the line.
How do we unite American into one great society? How do we create a monoculture.

I am okay with getting rid of blue state and red state culture and replacing with a moderate culture.

In this new America. No more segregation! No more diversity! All Americans will be the same! One culture! One America!

-Religion is a personal thing. Keep it out of politics
-Self Defense is a human right, no gun control
-Comic book, fantasy, sci fi, and video game culture is mainstream and is as American as apple pie. The term nerd or jock does not exist anymore
-Well funded infrastructure, space program, military, and education
-NSA would make sure private schools are not teaching children to be religious fascists or greedy capitalists
-No poverty
-Violent ghetto inner city culture replaced with a culture of education, compassion, and peace
-Disney represents American culture. Export it worldwide!
-High speed internet affordable and accessible by every American citizen
-High quality healthcare affordable to everyone

Disney represents American culture? The same Disney that has their employees training foreigners to do their job before they get fired?

Private schools not teaching religion? Why do you think parents send their children to private schools?

Well funded this, that and the other thing? Where do you think we would get the money from? You do realize we are 19 trillion in debt, don't you?

Your plan is a lot of hope with no ability to fund or implement.

Well, if we let it all fall apart and we don't lead in anything anymore...Then I guess we will never be able to pay it down...Won't we.

We generate far more economic output by r&d creation, science and infrastructure investment then constant war. Yet, you want those things to be defuded? Your dumb war and tax breaks made the debt. How fucking dare you blame anyone but your self.
In case you haven't noticed, the national debt has doubled over the past 7 years. How much of that has been spent on infrastructure?
I'm for firing the Magic Negro, where we don't have white vs black, or any of the other bullshit....

We are ALL Americans!!!!!

But of course, Liberals' heads will explode over this post!!!!
And this sort of ignorance, fear, hate, stupidity, and racism common to many on the right is also an expression of individual liberty – where hate speech such as this is entitled to Constitutional protections, reminding Americans of he ugliness and hatred of racism.
"Religion is a personal thing. Keep it out of politics"


Unfortunately there are many theists on the social right who, as a consequence of their arrogance and authoritarianism, will seek to codify subjective religious dogma into secular law, in violation of the Framers' mandate that church and state remain separate.

Thankfully the Framers, as a consequence of their wisdom and experience with theocracies, gave us the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, prohibiting citizens from compelling religious conformity through force of law, prohibiting government from promoting religion, and prohibiting government from becoming excessively entangled in religious doctrine.
How do we unite American into one great society? How do we create a monoculture.

I am okay with getting rid of blue state and red state culture and replacing with a moderate culture.

In this new America. No more segregation! No more diversity! All Americans will be the same! One culture! One America!

-Religion is a personal thing. Keep it out of politics
-Self Defense is a human right, no gun control
-Comic book, fantasy, sci fi, and video game culture is mainstream and is as American as apple pie. The term nerd or jock does not exist anymore
-Well funded infrastructure, space program, military, and education
-NSA would make sure private schools are not teaching children to be religious fascists or greedy capitalists
-No poverty
-Violent ghetto inner city culture replaced with a culture of education, compassion, and peace
-Disney represents American culture. Export it worldwide!
-High speed internet affordable and accessible by every American citizen
-High quality healthcare affordable to everyone

And how do you plan to make everyone think the same as you?

"Disney represents American culture" :rofl:

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