Univ. of Connecticut designating dorms "BLACK MALE ONLY"


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
More black privilege along with all the affirmative action admissions and scholarships and grading blacks get.

UConn officials explain thinking behind African American male-only section of dorm

jan 28 3016 A living space under construction on the University of Connecticut's campus is also under fire.

It will be called SCHOLA2RS House, and is a UConn learning community meant specifically for African American males.

Users of the popular website Reddit heard about the concept and some are not happy about it. Online commenters are calling SCHOLA2RS House "racially segregated housing." Others ask where the "Caucasian Learning Center" is.

It's left organizers on the defending an idea that was meant to be pro-active.
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What are blacks even doing in college? They don't have the brains to learn anything useful like IT or physics. They get degrees in useless easy crap like African Studies or Theology.
I have no problem with this, but it does seem to be a retreat from the progress made in the 1950's when the Supreme Court tossed out "separate but equal."
That is assuming "progress" is forcing afro-americans into academic environments where they get inferiority complexes and involved in criminal behavior because statistically they generally cannot compete on a level playing field.
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Then they need to have white, asian, women, trans, gay, etc. dorms only as well.

Fair is fair.

Liberals are all hypocrites. They want diversity except when one of the "protected groups" says --- we want special treatment..
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That is assuming "progress" is forcing afro-americans into academic environments where they get inferiority complexes and involved in criminal behavior because statistically they generally cannot compete on a level playing field.

Most blacks can't read. In fact they can't even learn how to read. Half the blacks have IQs under 80 and those people are permanently illiterate. But they graduate from HS thanks to affirmative action grading and are even allowed to go to college thanks to more AA.
More black privilege along with all the affirmative action admissions and scholarships and grading blacks get.

UConn officials explain thinking behind African American male-only section of dorm

jan 28 3016 A living space under construction on the University of Connecticut's campus is also under fire.

It will be called SCHOLA2RS House, and is a UConn learning community meant specifically for African American males.

Users of the popular website Reddit heard about the concept and some are not happy about it. Online commenters are calling SCHOLA2RS House "racially segregated housing." Others ask where the "Caucasian Learning Center" is.

It's left organizers on the defending an idea that was meant to be pro-active.

This of course is actually racist. Black Males Only....so if it said White Males Only, they'd scream racist, thus logically therefore, Black Males Only is also racist.
It's a place where black men can get together and nurture their grievances. It will become informally known as the slave quarters.
This of course is actually racist. Black Males Only....so if it said White Males Only, they'd scream racist, thus logically therefore, Black Males Only is also racist.

Yes it really is that simple but none of that matters in this day of black privilege, where blacks get whatever they demand.
Connecticut has always been fucked up, and this confirms it.

But, maybe the brothers can get together in their fancy dorm and have a Real conversation about Race.

Maybe they can come up with the answer that has eluded us all these last 50 years or so...of The Great Society, of The War on Poverty, of Affirmative Action....just how these Democratic policies have left the Black community in worse shape than when they started hep pin em half a century ago...in exchange for their perpetual vote.

Anyway, I think Connecticut is the most fucked up place in the country. All those people that are fucking New York City up---they live in Connecticut.

Saw another article on this. UCONN says it's a space for black males to share experiences and be around others of the same background.

Well shit....maybe white suburban males need a safe space to share how it feels to be blamed for everything, to have so many people saying you don't deserve what you have, to be the one group everyone can make fun of without consequences, etc etc, etc....basically be treated how blacks were at one time.

Nah. That would be racist.
Blacks bitched about segregation ... but now want self-inflicted segregation.

Racism has gone full circle. It used to be KKK Dems terrorizing peaceful negroes. Now it's black wannabe gangster thugs terrorizing peaceful whites. The most racist people in America today are blacks.
Look at the bright side. The black guys will be by themselves not making white dorm mates miserable by having to put up with their crazyness.

Can you imagine having a black roommate? "You racist. Yo shirt be black. I seed yo blonde girlfriend kiss you. She be a bigot an not spread for black guys."

It would be exhausting.
It's an amazing turn around to have blacks demand segregation at college.

I thought the whole point of AA was having more diversity.

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