Univ. of Connecticut designating dorms "BLACK MALE ONLY"

SCHOLA2RS House is a UConn learning community meant specifically for African American males.

SCHOLA2RS House--which stands for scholastic house of leaders who are African American researchers and scholars--

is set to be housed inside NextGen Hall, which is scheduled to open in fall 2016.


Next Generation Connecticut is creating construction jobs and, more significantly, will produce sustainable long-term employment in high technology fields. This initiative will also leverage and maximize the State of Connecticut’s related investments in Bioscience Connecticut, Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine, Aerospace Reinvestment Act and the Advanced Manufacturing Fund, among others. By 2024, Next Generation Connecticut will yield over 2,000 new permanent jobs in prominent fields related to research and approximately 30,000 construction jobs.

Further investment in STEM will result in dramatic increases in both STEM research and STEM graduates, in turn producing innovations and inventions that will directly contribute to sustainable economic growth for Connecticut.

Other states have made similar investments in STEM research, creating jobs and increasing their economies. In each state, positive outcomes have accrued and jobs have been created with strong ROI. It is now our time and the University is prepared to join the ranks of the top STEM institutions and states in the country.

Return on Investment | Next Generation Connecticut
so you're not into solving problems, you're more into whining...
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More black privilege along with all the affirmative action admissions and scholarships and grading blacks get.

UConn officials explain thinking behind African American male-only section of dorm

jan 28 3016 A living space under construction on the University of Connecticut's campus is also under fire.

It will be called SCHOLA2RS House, and is a UConn learning community meant specifically for African American males.

Users of the popular website Reddit heard about the concept and some are not happy about it. Online commenters are calling SCHOLA2RS House "racially segregated housing." Others ask where the "Caucasian Learning Center" is.

It's left organizers on the defending an idea that was meant to be pro-active.

This of course is actually racist. Black Males Only....so if it said White Males Only, they'd scream racist, thus logically therefore, Black Males Only is also racist.

It's segregation and segregation is illegal.
I don't see a downside to it. I wouldn't want to dorm with the stinking animals anyway.
So to be clear....yes...Uconn liberals are experimenting with segregating some blacks to see if it helps them academically. Which....I thought in the 60s we figured out it doesn't.
Putting a dress on a pig doesn't make it any less a pig.
The agents of social change, liberals and conservatives have found out that no matter how many laws they pass repealing gravity, they cannot stop objects from falling. Integration doesn't work. It never did. So far the failure of integration has been dealt with by passing more laws mandating integration so they csn fail too.
I thought the whole point of AA was having more diversity.

No, the point of AA is giving blacks a huge advantage over more qualified whites in getting jobs and college placements and scholarships.
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Black people were not usually allowed to acquire formal education during the slavery era. As a matter of fact, various laws were passed in the South disallowing slave literacy in the wake of the slave rebellions and revolts. Nevertheless countless black scientists and inventors have made significant contributions to society and humanity.

15 Famous Black Scientists in History

So explain why blacks come in last in all standardized tests. And don't say the tests are culturally biased towards whites unless you can explain why asians do so well on the tests.

Also explain why africa is by far the poorest and most backward of all continents.

Blacks are mentally inferior and the evidence is overwhelming. THINK, you miserable white-hating wretch.
I don't see a downside to it. I wouldn't want to dorm with the stinking animals anyway.

You don't understand. I too say let the blacks have their own dorm. But then we have to let whites have their own dorms too, and we all know that's not allowed. Yet another racial double standard from the libs.
Separating blacks from whites are poor lessons on learning that we are more alike than we are different.
Separating blacks from whites are poor lessons on learning that we are more alike than we are different.
Which might mean, we aren't alike at all.
There are some cultural differences, but if we each had a chance to live on an island devoid of humans except one of the opposite race. Given some time, they might come back to the mainland as best friends. They would realize they have the same desires, fears and needs. That bond, I would guess could withstand any of the bullshit our society brings to the table. People if given the opportunity to really open up to another find commonalities and realize their differences are small compared to their fondness of one another.

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