Univ. of Connecticut designating dorms "BLACK MALE ONLY"

Separating blacks from whites are poor lessons on learning that we are more alike than we are different.

Well hell - everyone agrees blacks and whites are more alike than different. . But we are not equal. Blacks are mentally inferior and the evidence is overwhelming.
There are some cultural differences, but if we each had a chance to live on an island devoid of humans except one of the opposite race. Given some time, they might come back to the mainland as best friends. They would realize they have the same desires, fears and needs. That bond, I would guess could withstand any of the bullshit our society brings to the table. People if given the opportunity to really open up to another find commonalities and realize their differences are small compared to their fondness of one another.

That's prolly true, but being friends does not make two people mentally equal. THINK
Separating blacks from whites are poor lessons on learning that we are more alike than we are different.

Well hell - everyone agrees blacks and whites are more alike than different. . But we are not equal. Blacks are mentally inferior and the evidence is overwhelming.
Beware if blanket statement. I did well in school and took more difficult subjects. leaving with two degrees. I don't hold a candle to Condeleeza Rice, Ben Carson or probably Colin Powell. There are so many more brilliant blacks that I am not even aware of, that I 'm certainly going to say that they are not inferior to me.

Both races, blacks and whites run the gamut of great representatives of each race and poor representatives. Black thugs, White Trailer trash Even in the poorest districts, there are great examples of proud, productive Americans.
There are some cultural differences, but if we each had a chance to live on an island devoid of humans except one of the opposite race. Given some time, they might come back to the mainland as best friends. They would realize they have the same desires, fears and needs. That bond, I would guess could withstand any of the bullshit our society brings to the table. People if given the opportunity to really open up to another find commonalities and realize their differences are small compared to their fondness of one another.

That's prolly true, but being friends does not make two people mentally equal. THINK
SS, you probably not even equipped to hold a candle to the blacks I have mentioned.
Separating blacks from whites are poor lessons on learning that we are more alike than we are different.

Well hell - everyone agrees blacks and whites are more alike than different. . But we are not equal. Blacks are mentally inferior and the evidence is overwhelming.
Beware if blanket statement. I did well in school and took more difficult subjects. leaving with two degrees. I don't hold a candle to Condeleeza Rice, Ben Carson or probably Colin Powell. There are so many more brilliant blacks that I am not even aware of, that I 'm certainly going to say that they are not inferior to me.

Both races, blacks and whites run the gamut of great representatives of each race and poor representatives. Black thugs, White Trailer trash Even in the poorest districts, there are great examples of proud, productive Americans.

You have two college degrees? Maybe the nutbags are right after all.
There are some cultural differences, but if we each had a chance to live on an island devoid of humans except one of the opposite race. Given some time, they might come back to the mainland as best friends. They would realize they have the same desires, fears and needs. That bond, I would guess could withstand any of the bullshit our society brings to the table. People if given the opportunity to really open up to another find commonalities and realize their differences are small compared to their fondness of one another.

That's prolly true, but being friends does not make two people mentally equal. THINK
SS, you probably not even equipped to hold a candle to the blacks I have mentioned.

Yeah...."the blacks" you mentioned are most certainly pleased to know that you refer to them as "the blacks".
So explain why blacks come in last in all standardized tests. And don't say the tests are culturally biased towards whites unless you can explain why asians do so well on the tests.

Also explain why africa is by far the poorest and most backward of all continents.

Blacks are mentally inferior and the evidence is overwhelming. THINK, you miserable white-hating wretch.

:rolleyes: oh look, your mental inferiority is showing ^ again.
Blacks suck as Malcolm X, the Nation of Islam and the Black Panthers have been clamoring for racial segregation for decades.
What are blacks even doing in college? They don't have the brains to learn anything useful like IT or physics. They get degrees in useless easy crap like African Studies or Theology.

wtf is wrong with you?

Black people were not usually allowed to acquire formal education during the slavery era. As a matter of fact, various laws were passed in the South disallowing slave literacy in the wake of the slave rebellions and revolts. Nevertheless countless black scientists and inventors have made significant contributions to society and humanity.

15 Famous Black Scientists in History

He's a troll, and he is also really, really, stupid.
There are some cultural differences, but if we each had a chance to live on an island devoid of humans except one of the opposite race. Given some time, they might come back to the mainland as best friends. They would realize they have the same desires, fears and needs. That bond, I would guess could withstand any of the bullshit our society brings to the table. People if given the opportunity to really open up to another find commonalities and realize their differences are small compared to their fondness of one another.

That's prolly true, but being friends does not make two people mentally equal. THINK
SS, you probably not even equipped to hold a candle to the blacks I have mentioned.

Yeah...."the blacks" you mentioned are most certainly pleased to know that you refer to them as "the blacks".
Well, I was in a quandry. "Purple" just didn't seem to fit.
Is this the 1960s with a democrat standing on the school house steps yelling segregation today, segregation tomorrow? Assuming this story to be true why isn't there outrage over this segregation?

UConn building 'black-only' living space to promote scholarship | Fox News
Faced with alarmingly low graduation rates for black males, the University of Connecticut is trying something it calls bold -- and critics call segregation.
The school's main campus in Storrs has launched a program slated for fall in which 40 black male undergraduates live together in on-campus housing. Proponents believe the students can draw on their common experiences and help each other make it to commencement. But others cringe at the idea of black-only housing, saying it turns decades of hard-fought racial progress on its head.
UConn's action does turn "decades of hard-fought racial progress on its head." What a mess.
Is this the 1960s with a democrat standing on the school house steps yelling segregation today, segregation tomorrow? Assuming this story to be true why isn't there outrage over this segregation?

UConn building 'black-only' living space to promote scholarship | Fox News
Faced with alarmingly low graduation rates for black males, the University of Connecticut is trying something it calls bold -- and critics call segregation.
The school's main campus in Storrs has launched a program slated for fall in which 40 black male undergraduates live together in on-campus housing. Proponents believe the students can draw on their common experiences and help each other make it to commencement. But others cringe at the idea of black-only housing, saying it turns decades of hard-fought racial progress on its head.

UConn turns the clock back 50 years
Is this the 1960s with a democrat standing on the school house steps yelling segregation today, segregation tomorrow? Assuming this story to be true why isn't there outrage over this segregation?

UConn building 'black-only' living space to promote scholarship | Fox News
Faced with alarmingly low graduation rates for black males, the University of Connecticut is trying something it calls bold -- and critics call segregation.
The school's main campus in Storrs has launched a program slated for fall in which 40 black male undergraduates live together in on-campus housing. Proponents believe the students can draw on their common experiences and help each other make it to commencement. But others cringe at the idea of black-only housing, saying it turns decades of hard-fought racial progress on its head.

We keep separating people, both psychologically and physically, by the color of our skin.

We're not learning.
UConn's action does turn "decades of hard-fought racial progress on its head." What a mess.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Once this cat is out of the bag, every victim group dejour will clamor for its own housing.

And I know single sex frats and dorms exist, but those have existed for a long time, and do not have the stigma attached to them that this move does.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Once this cat is out of the bag, every victim group dejour will clamor for its own housing..
Y'know, that's a fair point, but I'm not so sure.

No other ethnic group has been as isolated by PC and Identity Politics as American Blacks, and this is just another manifestation of that.

Well, at least I hope you're wrong...

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