Universal background checks

you know prospective employers would be all over that list. some one would also post it all over the internet

Yow. You do have a point there. That's what happens with lists of sex offenders: in my county, they publish them yearly in the local paper ----------------- WITH PHOTOS.

The amazing thing is that there are so many of them.

On the other hand, is this bad? A list of people who should not own guns: maybe that needs to be out there on the Internet and in the paper!!! We're talking about crazies and felons, after all.

i'm sure the ACLU would think so. personally it wouldn't bother me.
What about a "National Gun Restriction List" kind of like the "National Sex Offender Registry"? This list would be an on-line database that anyone can check to see if the person they are selling a gun to can own one. You get punished if you are caught selling to someone on that list. People could also turn in some one who they saw with a gun that was on the list. This is the only real way to keep guns out of violent crazy people's hands while the rest of us gun owners remain anonymous.

you know prospective employers would be all over that list. some one would also post it all over the internet

How would this be a bad thing?

Do you want to be working next to someone on that list who is armed, keeps a gun in their desk or car?

The employer could alert everyone when he fires someone on that list to call police if they see him around with a gun.

Gun range workers, friends & family would know if that person is supposed to be handling a gun.

If it is ok for me to know if a worker is a sex predator, then it is ok for me to know they should not have a gun.
you know prospective employers would be all over that list. some one would also post it all over the internet

Yow. You do have a point there. That's what happens with lists of sex offenders: in my county, they publish them yearly in the local paper ----------------- WITH PHOTOS.

The amazing thing is that there are so many of them.

On the other hand, is this bad? A list of people who should not own guns: maybe that needs to be out there on the Internet and in the paper!!! We're talking about crazies and felons, after all.

I'm not sure. Especially when it comes to felons.

When you look at everything working against these guys coming out of prison, making their life more miserable may not be the answer. I can understand it with sex offenders as the recidivism rate is so high.

But if we make it impossible or even more difficult for felons to find legitimate work it will simply mean more of them end up back in prison.

Not that long ago if someone made a mistake and ended up in prison, they had a fair chance of getting out and starting over fresh. I don't know that this is a bad thing.

On the other hand, I'm not sure another registry would be all that useful as potential employers can already do background checks...
What about a "National Gun Restriction List" kind of like the "National Sex Offender Registry"? This list would be an on-line database that anyone can check to see if the person they are selling a gun to can own one. You get punished if you are caught selling to someone on that list. People could also turn in some one who they saw with a gun that was on the list. This is the only real way to keep guns out of violent crazy people's hands while the rest of us gun owners remain anonymous.

you know prospective employers would be all over that list. some one would also post it all over the internet
How would this be a bad thing?
The ACLU will sue on privacy grounds before the ink is dry.
What about a "National Gun Restriction List" kind of like the "National Sex Offender Registry"? This list would be an on-line database that anyone can check to see if the person they are selling a gun to can own one. You get punished if you are caught selling to someone on that list. People could also turn in some one who they saw with a gun that was on the list. This is the only real way to keep guns out of violent crazy people's hands while the rest of us gun owners remain anonymous.

you know prospective employers would be all over that list. some one would also post it all over the internet

How would this be a bad thing?

Do you want to be working next to someone on that list who is armed, keeps a gun in their desk or car?

The employer could alert everyone when he fires someone on that list to call police if they see him around with a gun.

Gun range workers, friends & family would know if that person is supposed to be handling a gun.

If it is ok for me to know if a worker is a sex predator, then it is ok for me to know they should not have a gun.

it would be nice if we could call a spade a spade. but in this country we hve become too politically correct
How is registration a form of prior restraint? They aren't restraining anything.
Allow me to eliminate your confusion:

Been thinking about [universal background checks], above and beyond their unconstitutionality as a form of prior restraint.

But even then, it isn't a form of restraint for legal gun owners. You are allowed to get the gun if you are legal.

Without a background check anyone can buy a gun anywhere, making it that much easier for criminals. Do you honestly think that is okay?

Newsflash: Anyone can already buy a gun anywhere anytime. All it takes is a seller with a gun and a buyer with cash or its equivalent. Making laws will only affect the law abiding, not the segment of the population anyone should be concerned about.

This is such a simple concept I wonder why libs cant get it right.
Allow me to eliminate your confusion:

Been thinking about [universal background checks], above and beyond their unconstitutionality as a form of prior restraint.

But even then, it isn't a form of restraint for legal gun owners. You are allowed to get the gun if you are legal.

Without a background check anyone can buy a gun anywhere, making it that much easier for criminals. Do you honestly think that is okay?

Newsflash: Anyone can already buy a gun anywhere anytime. All it takes is a seller with a gun and a buyer with cash or its equivalent. Making laws will only affect the law abiding, not the segment of the population anyone should be concerned about.

This is such a simple concept I wonder why libs cant get it right.
Their desire for gun control has nothing to do with public safety.
But even then, it isn't a form of restraint for legal gun owners. You are allowed to get the gun if you are legal.

Without a background check anyone can buy a gun anywhere, making it that much easier for criminals. Do you honestly think that is okay?

Newsflash: Anyone can already buy a gun anywhere anytime. All it takes is a seller with a gun and a buyer with cash or its equivalent. Making laws will only affect the law abiding, not the segment of the population anyone should be concerned about.

This is such a simple concept I wonder why libs cant get it right.
Their desire for gun control has nothing to do with public safety.

the key word is control. the new government agenda
You do not have a right to know if I own a firearm unless I choose to share that information with you.
Can you not tell the diff. between what someone writes on the forum and what is in someone's signature? The C. S. Lewis quote has nothing in particular to do with this debate, just you people in general. I didn't use it in response to the the gun debate. It's just there to remind people of who we, on our side of the these debates, are dealing with.

As I said, provide a relevant quote or leave the poor man alone.

I'll just turn off signatures. They are usually pretty stupid or inappropriate anyway. Repetitive visual clutter.

I did this long ago.
What about a "National Gun Restriction List" kind of like the "National Sex Offender Registry"? This list would be an on-line database that anyone can check to see if the person they are selling a gun to can own one. You get punished if you are caught selling to someone on that list. People could also turn in some one who they saw with a gun that was on the list. This is the only real way to keep guns out of violent crazy people's hands while the rest of us gun owners remain anonymous.

you know prospective employers would be all over that list. some one would also post it all over the internet

How would this be a bad thing?

Do you want to be working next to someone on that list who is armed, keeps a gun in their desk or car?

The employer could alert everyone when he fires someone on that list to call police if they see him around with a gun.

Gun range workers, friends & family would know if that person is supposed to be handling a gun.

If it is ok for me to know if a worker is a sex predator, then it is ok for me to know they should not have a gun.

I don't see why it needs to be out anyway by necessity or anything else. It should work the way it does now. You get the girl's info, you put it into the system, after a while it comes back, you can sell or you can't sell. No details, no reasons why. Just a simple yes or no. That's all the info you need as a seller, right?
Did the ACLU sue & win against the sex offenders list???
Different issue, different standard.
Sex offenders present a specific threat to the community.

The sex offender list has details of the conviction. A "Gun Restriction List" would be a simple Yes or No. That should not cause many problems.

What is the alleged purpose of this list? I mean other than notify the gov't whose house needs to be raided first.
Does anyone really think criminals will declare their guns?
Different issue, different standard.
Sex offenders present a specific threat to the community.
The sex offender list has details of the conviction. A "Gun Restriction List" would be a simple Yes or No. That should not cause many problems.
So... the same list we have now, with the same information?

The difference, in the what they are talking about here in Virginia, is that the check is not just available to gun dealers. I think there needs to be some protections in it so people don't just go around doing background checks on people to see if they can't pass a background check. So, you could require a small fee like $5 or $10. And, you could make them fill out a form of some sort. It gets tricky though. I don't think you want them to put any details about the gun being transferred. That's not the point. The point is to know whether somebody knows this guy is a potential bad actor or not and to not use it as a cheap employment background check.
The sex offender list has details of the conviction. A "Gun Restriction List" would be a simple Yes or No. That should not cause many problems.
So... the same list we have now, with the same information?

The difference, in the what they are talking about here in Virginia, is that the check is not just available to gun dealers. I think there needs to be some protections in it so people don't just go around doing background checks on people to see if they can't pass a background check. So, you could require a small fee like $5 or $10. And, you could make them fill out a form of some sort. It gets tricky though. I don't think you want them to put any details about the gun being transferred. That's not the point. The point is to know whether somebody knows this guy is a potential bad actor or not and to not use it as a cheap employment background check.
That's why whatever law they come with for UBC will require a dealer for the transfer.
Different issue, different standard.
Sex offenders present a specific threat to the community.

The sex offender list has details of the conviction. A "Gun Restriction List" would be a simple Yes or No. That should not cause many problems.

What is the alleged purpose of this list? I mean other than notify the gov't whose house needs to be raided first.
Does anyone really think criminals will declare their guns?

The list is just the one we already have now. The difference is who has access to check against the list. The return being, yes you can sell to this individual or no you cannot sell to this individual. The list would just be everyone you shouldn't sell to so I'm not sure how it would help you figure out who to raid. Most of the list would be felons. They probably have guns anyway, being as how they're criminals. Probably ought to check the crazies too. So, I don't think it helps in the raiding area.
Different issue, different standard.
Sex offenders present a specific threat to the community.

The sex offender list has details of the conviction. A "Gun Restriction List" would be a simple Yes or No. That should not cause many problems.

What is the alleged purpose of this list? I mean other than notify the gov't whose house needs to be raided first.
Does anyone really think criminals will declare their guns?

The government already has this list. They should make this list public so we can all keep an eye out to make sure we don't let them have a gun. Those violent people with guns reflect poorly on us rational "Good Guy" gun owners. It is in all of our interest to keep guns out of their hands, not just the gun shops who keep records of those of us who bought guns legally.
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