Universal Basic Income: Biden's Best Bet?

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Alaska's revenue comes from oil royalties, moron. Where is the revenue for this giant swindle supposed to come from?
The revenue will come from every American's share of their national commons; feel free to donate your share to the billionaire parasite of your choice.

A Big, Simple, Winning Issue for Biden

"Bring 20 of the Trumpiest-looking Alaskans to a press conference. Unveil a plan whereby every man, woman, and child gets a $1,000 check every month from the government.

"Finance it with taxes on large wealth, fossil fuels, financial transactions, and intellectual property resulting from taxpayer-funded public research.

"Invite the Alaskans to describe the joy of getting their checks: no middleman, no means tests, no government forms to fill out—just free money as everyone’s share of the American commons."

The revenue will come from every American's share of their national commons

Never works. High sounded statements... but it never works.

Anytime you own something "in common" the result is that it is destroyed.

Let's take a look at some of the results of "share of their national commons" in action today.

View attachment 419738

This is a picture from the 1980s, of Haiti and the DR.

View attachment 419739

This is a picture from the 2010s.

View attachment 419740

This is a closer look at the border between Haiti and DR.

Now let's ask the question "Why?" Why is it this way?

The reason is simple. On the DR side, they have a concept that is fundamental to all Capitalism, called "Private Property".

On the Haiti side, they have government owned land, that is "held in common". So that all people can benefit from the natural resources of the country equally... and thus... there are none.

See with private property, the owner of the property has a profit-based incentive to maintain the property. Land that is ruined, has no value to the owner. Can't sell lumber, if you cut down every single tree, and no longer have any trees.

No one is going to spend money building wells, or aqueducts to water the land, or maintain irrigation on land held in common. Why would I spend money, to benefit other people, and not myself?

This is why all the trees were cut down entirely from the Haiti common land. After all, if I need lumber, and the only trees left are saplings, I still going to cut them down and get what little lumber I can, because if I don't someone else will. There is no benefit to me to leave the saplings, because someone else will take them.

Thus the trees are gone, the soil erodes, and the land decays into ruins.

That's what holding natural resources in common, does.

And by the way, Alaska is not holding resources in common.
  • BP Alaska.
  • Caelus Energy.
  • ConocoPhillips Alaska.
  • ExxonMobil.
These are for profit, capitalist companies, operating the oil fields in Alaska. They are not government run, they are for-profit. They are not 'held in common'.

Unless you want to claim that ConocoPhilips and Exxon and BP are all nationalized not-for-profit companies run by the government..... and good luck making that case.
Is that why we have national parks?
I honestly can’t believe nobody thought of just taxing the shit out of everything would allow a nation to make everyone equal. Oh wait, that’s been socialism since day one and has a success rate of exactly zero.

The left constantly complains about guns, wealth inequity, not enough government goodies. What they don't realize is we do have places like that in the US already.

We have a place where everybody is equal; equally poor. There are no wealthy people to worry about because only the government has money. No guns except for people in the government. Free government healthcare. They decide what you are going to be served for breakfast, lunch and dinner. A place if you want to work, fine. If you don't want to work, that's fine too.

We call these places prisons. They are not hard to get into, and full of Democrats already. This is what the left wants to turn the entire country into--a prison.
We have for-profit prisons under our form of Capitalism. Only black codes were abolished not, "hate on the Poor".
Hard to believe there are people stupid enough to feel a free $1000/month would solve their financial problems or anyone's financial problems. They can't seem to see anything beyond their fricken nose.
They’re so fucking stupid they think they will get that check without effecting everyone else and the economy will stay the same. It’s exactly what every communist/ socialist country has thought before. Right up until it all crashes down and they didn’t get the riches for nothing they thought they would, look no further than Venezuela for how universal income has worked.

This topic seems to come up every so often, and one day it may happen, especially with a Biden/Harris admin. What they don't seem to realize is we'll get hyper-inflation and that $1000 would be better used as toilet paper.

Just one of the many myths their voters subscribe to.
More jobs

Economic Forecast Released
It was Ken Blackwell who said, liberals believe that if you create money, you are not entitled to it,
Who or what creates the money in your world?

Modern Monetary Theory – entering adoption phase


"To recap: A sovereign government spends by crediting bank accounts of recipients; it taxes by debiting them.

"A budget deficit means that credits exceed debits.

"This shows up as net financial wealth in the nongovernment sector, and as net reserve credits in the banking system.

"A budget surplus means the opposite: reduction of net financial wealth of the nongovernment sector as well as net reserve debits to the banking system."

http://www.levyinstitute.org/pubs/Wray_Understanding_Modern.pdf (P. 12)
Why don't you just move to a country that already does things that way? Try Cuba for instance. If that's too close, North Korea perhaps.
I don't leave today for the same reasons I didn't leave when I heard "love it or leave it" for the first time during the heroic US invasion/occupation of South Vietnam fifty years ago: I'm on the correct side of history, and your side is not.

Socialism's efficacy can not be determined until it's tested in an established capitalistic economy...like this one.
How do millionaires and billionaires get their money? From you. Not just you.......all of us. Every week, perhaps several times a week, you distribute your money to the top.
We all distribute our money inside a market that is created by the state. The distribution of income inside the state-created market system is not the result of an invisible hand's objective appraisal of each billionaire's marginal utility but rather through political bribes (campaign contributions) designed to exploit the politically constructed laws and institutions that structure economic activity in their society. You should stop celebrating their greed and begin to criticize it.
You miss the point. Capitalism has a natural rate of unemployment.
First off, capitalism is the cure for unemployment, not the cause.
Not Labor's fault.
Nor is it a fault of capitalism.
UC is merely Compensation for that (natural rate of) Unemployment.
Sure thing, kid, and welfare isn't free money, it's compensation for the difficult task of "circulating currency".

Do you realize how ridiculous you sound, day in, day out?
How do millionaires and billionaires get their money? From you. Not just you.......all of us. Every week, perhaps several times a week, you distribute your money to the top.
We all distribute our money inside a market that is created by the state. The distribution of income inside the state-created market system is not the result of an invisible hand's objective appraisal of each billionaire's marginal utility but rather through political bribes (campaign contributions) designed to exploit the politically constructed laws and institutions that structure economic activity in their society. You should stop celebrating their greed and begin to criticize it.
The state doesn't create the market, moron. Markets existed long before the state. Your belief that the laws of economics are artificial creations is idiotic. When has the state ever succeeded in setting arbitrary prices for any good?

You live in a fantasy world.
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Why don't you just move to a country that already does things that way? Try Cuba for instance. If that's too close, North Korea perhaps.
I don't leave today for the same reasons I didn't leave when I heard "love it or leave it" for the first time during the heroic US invasion/occupation of South Vietnam fifty years ago: I'm on the correct side of history, and your side is not.

Socialism's efficacy can not be determined until it's tested in an established capitalistic economy...like this one.
The reason you don't leave is the fact that you don't believe in your own claimed principles.

You're a hypocrite.
lol. Employment is at the will of either party in our at-will employment States.
Abusing phrases like "at will" doesn't make your position viable, it just makes you look like an illiterate shill posting things he doesn't understand.
Just quit your day job if you don't have the moral fortitude to help out and collect unemployment compensation;
What day job?
nobody is Requiring you to be Rich and not Poor only Greed under Capitalism.
You can't even define the difference between rich and poor, much less form a coherent argument regarding such states.
You're just the greedy leach that wants to be paid by the state (taxpayers) to "circulate currency".
You miss the point. Capitalism has a natural rate of unemployment.
First off, capitalism is the cure for unemployment, not the cause.
Not Labor's fault.
Nor is it a fault of capitalism.
UC is merely Compensation for that (natural rate of) Unemployment.
Sure thing, kid, and welfare isn't free money, it's compensation for the difficult task of "circulating currency".

Do you realize how ridiculous you sound, day in, day out?
Capitalism creates a natural rate of unemployment due to its inefficiency. There us no unemployment under more Perfect Capitalism only underpayment.

Yes, it is inefficient Capitalism's fault.

A positive multiplier of two or more is all that is required under our Commerce Clause for capitalism purposes.
So the solution is not destroying the greatest country in the world, the solution is for you to stop giving them your money. You don't need a cell phone. You don't need cable or satellite that provides you with 400 channels plus pay-per-view. You don't need netflix. You don't need this internet; you can use the one at the library.
Do you honestly believe libraries, cable tv, cell phones, and the internet would not exist without billionaires?

Billionaires are created by the state, not by consumers.
So the solution is not destroying the greatest country in the world, the solution is for you to stop giving them your money. You don't need a cell phone. You don't need cable or satellite that provides you with 400 channels plus pay-per-view. You don't need netflix. You don't need this internet; you can use the one at the library.
Do you honestly believe libraries, cable tv, cell phones, and the internet would not exist without billionaires?

Billionaires are created by the state, not by consumers.
No, they wouldn't exist, moron. How would 2 billion cell phones get created without creating billionaires in the process? Consumers create billionaires when the later creates a product they want.
You miss the point. Capitalism has a natural rate of unemployment.
First off, capitalism is the cure for unemployment, not the cause.
Not Labor's fault.
Nor is it a fault of capitalism.
UC is merely Compensation for that (natural rate of) Unemployment.
Sure thing, kid, and welfare isn't free money, it's compensation for the difficult task of "circulating currency".

Do you realize how ridiculous you sound, day in, day out?
Capitalism creates a natural rate of unemployment due to its inefficiency. There us no unemployment under more Perfect Capitalism only underpayment.

Yes, it is inefficient Capitalism's fault.

A positive multiplier of two or more is all that is required under our Commerce Clause for capitalism purposes.
You know how socialism eliminates unemployment? It's called "the Gulag."
So the solution is not destroying the greatest country in the world, the solution is for you to stop giving them your money. You don't need a cell phone. You don't need cable or satellite that provides you with 400 channels plus pay-per-view. You don't need netflix. You don't need this internet; you can use the one at the library.
Do you honestly believe libraries, cable tv, cell phones, and the internet would not exist without billionaires?

Billionaires are created by the state, not by consumers.
They would exist even less without Government libraries.
You miss the point. Capitalism has a natural rate of unemployment.
First off, capitalism is the cure for unemployment, not the cause.
Not Labor's fault.
Nor is it a fault of capitalism.
UC is merely Compensation for that (natural rate of) Unemployment.
Sure thing, kid, and welfare isn't free money, it's compensation for the difficult task of "circulating currency".

Do you realize how ridiculous you sound, day in, day out?
Capitalism creates a natural rate of unemployment due to its inefficiency. There us no unemployment under more Perfect Capitalism only underpayment.

Yes, it is inefficient Capitalism's fault.

A positive multiplier of two or more is all that is required under our Commerce Clause for capitalism purposes.
You know how socialism eliminates unemployment? It's called "the Gulag."
We have a Constitution and a Bill of Rights. Any questions?
You miss the point. Capitalism has a natural rate of unemployment.
First off, capitalism is the cure for unemployment, not the cause.
Not Labor's fault.
Nor is it a fault of capitalism.
UC is merely Compensation for that (natural rate of) Unemployment.
Sure thing, kid, and welfare isn't free money, it's compensation for the difficult task of "circulating currency".

Do you realize how ridiculous you sound, day in, day out?
Capitalism creates a natural rate of unemployment due to its inefficiency. There us no unemployment under more Perfect Capitalism only underpayment.

Yes, it is inefficient Capitalism's fault.

A positive multiplier of two or more is all that is required under our Commerce Clause for capitalism purposes.
You know how socialism eliminates unemployment? It's called "the Gulag."
We have a Constitution and a Bill of Rights. Any questions?
Socialism would require us to eliminate those.

Any questions?
You miss the point. Capitalism has a natural rate of unemployment.
First off, capitalism is the cure for unemployment, not the cause.
Not Labor's fault.
Nor is it a fault of capitalism.
UC is merely Compensation for that (natural rate of) Unemployment.
Sure thing, kid, and welfare isn't free money, it's compensation for the difficult task of "circulating currency".

Do you realize how ridiculous you sound, day in, day out?
Capitalism creates a natural rate of unemployment due to its inefficiency. There us no unemployment under more Perfect Capitalism only underpayment.

Yes, it is inefficient Capitalism's fault.

A positive multiplier of two or more is all that is required under our Commerce Clause for capitalism purposes.
You know how socialism eliminates unemployment? It's called "the Gulag."
We have a Constitution and a Bill of Rights. Any questions?
Socialism would require us to eliminate those.

Any questions?
No. In Right Wing fantasy you are Always Right.
How do millionaires and billionaires get their money? From you. Not just you.......all of us. Every week, perhaps several times a week, you distribute your money to the top.
We all distribute our money inside a market that is created by the state. The distribution of income inside the state-created market system is not the result of an invisible hand's objective appraisal of each billionaire's marginal utility but rather through political bribes (campaign contributions) designed to exploit the politically constructed laws and institutions that structure economic activity in their society. You should stop celebrating their greed and begin to criticize it.

We all distribute our money inside a market that is created by the state.

You don't distribute your money you spend it.

The distribution of income inside the state-created market system is not the result of an invisible hand's objective appraisal of each billionaire's marginal utility but rather through political bribes

Which billionaires paid which bribes to force you to make which purchases?

Give some concrete examples.
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