University Makes Employees Sign Pledge Saying They Are Not Gay


Go to their website:

College of Arts & Sciences


- Communication Arts
- English and Modern Languages
- Christian Studies
- Academy of Aristaeus
- Liberal Arts
- Social Sciences
- Sociology & Psychology
- International Studies
- History & Political Science

That's what's listed under "Arts and Science". Fucking hilarious.

Now let's go to their Department of "Math and Science":

Natural Sciences

Look at what their "goals" are:


Natural Science students will assimilate knowledge of the natural sciences.

Natural Science students will develop skills necessary to apply knowledge of the natural sciences.

Natural Science students will develop skills necessary to maintain a current knowledge of natural science.

Natural Science students will develop skills necessary to communicate and present scientific information effectively.


Totally hilarious. Here, let me teach everything they teach in one paragraph.

Bees pollinate flowers. It rains. Rain makes plants grow. Some plants taste good especially with Ranch Dressing. Old food can make you sick. Germs are bad. Cows are good food too. Oceans are deep. Space is far away. Florida is closer than the moon even though we can see the moon, but not Florida. Some mysteries are never explained.

I love those Bible colleges. Institutions fraught with humor, a never ending source of "yuks". And in Georgia too. No wonder.

Hey, isn't that the state that scared away immigrant workers costing farmers up to a billion dollars? Oh, thank Gawd for good old "LIBERAL" education.
No premarital sex either, seems they have a fundamental issue with straight and gay.

Only those without genitals are permitted.
It is sad that these kids are not being taught how totally awesome homosexuality is.

It's best to teach children about homosexuality in kindergarden anyways.
That's crazy. Everyone knows you can spot gays by just looking at them.

No premarital sex either, seems they have a fundamental issue with straight and gay.

Only those without genitals are permitted.

No. It sounds like they honor and respect the institution of marriage and expect their teachers to actually adhere to the values they profess to have.

Radical concepet nowadays.

Seems like the message is if they live their religion and expect others to, they are hateful, if they don't they are hypocrites. Either way they get screwed.

Go to their website:

College of Arts & Sciences


- Communication Arts
- English and Modern Languages
- Christian Studies
- Academy of Aristaeus
- Liberal Arts
- Social Sciences
- Sociology & Psychology
- International Studies
- History & Political Science

That's what's listed under "Arts and Science". Fucking hilarious.

Now let's go to their Department of "Math and Science":

Natural Sciences

Look at what their "goals" are:


Natural Science students will assimilate knowledge of the natural sciences.

Natural Science students will develop skills necessary to apply knowledge of the natural sciences.

Natural Science students will develop skills necessary to maintain a current knowledge of natural science.

Natural Science students will develop skills necessary to communicate and present scientific information effectively.


Totally hilarious. Here, let me teach everything they teach in one paragraph.

Bees pollinate flowers. It rains. Rain makes plants grow. Some plants taste good especially with Ranch Dressing. Old food can make you sick. Germs are bad. Cows are good food too. Oceans are deep. Space is far away. Florida is closer than the moon even though we can see the moon, but not Florida. Some mysteries are never explained.

I love those Bible colleges. Institutions fraught with humor, a never ending source of "yuks". And in Georgia too. No wonder.

Hey, isn't that the state that scared away immigrant workers costing farmers up to a billion dollars? Oh, thank Gawd for good old "LIBERAL" education.

Don't like people studying science i see?

Thought better of you rdean. Not sure why, but i did.
Don Dowless, the school's president, told WSBTV that teachers and administrators who don't sign the pledge could lose their jobs.

"I think that anybody that adheres to a lifestyle outside of what the biblical mandate is would not be allowed to continue here," Dowless told the station.
The arrogance, ignorance, and hate of the Christian right is remarkable in its hypocrisy.

Hmm is that legal?

Unfortunately yes.
No premarital sex either, seems they have a fundamental issue with straight and gay.

Only those without genitals are permitted.

No. It sounds like they honor and respect the institution of marriage and expect their teachers to actually adhere to the values they profess to have.

Radical concepet nowadays.

Seems like the message is if they live their religion and expect others to, they are hateful, if they don't they are hypocrites. Either way they get screwed.

You tell it. I get so tired of people these days saying its “ok” to be a queer. Did you know there are even some so called republicans in Washington that have openly gay staffers? That’s why I vote tea party all the way.
Don Dowless, the school's president, told WSBTV that teachers and administrators who don't sign the pledge could lose their jobs.

"I think that anybody that adheres to a lifestyle outside of what the biblical mandate is would not be allowed to continue here," Dowless told the station.
The arrogance, ignorance, and hate of the Christian right is remarkable in its hypocrisy.

Hmm is that legal?

Unfortunately yes.

What is unfortunate about it? it is a private institution and is holding ALL its employees to the same standards.

The college caters to a strict fundamentalist christian community.
No premarital sex either, seems they have a fundamental issue with straight and gay.

Only those without genitals are permitted.

No. It sounds like they honor and respect the institution of marriage and expect their teachers to actually adhere to the values they profess to have.

Radical concepet nowadays.

Seems like the message is if they live their religion and expect others to, they are hateful, if they don't they are hypocrites. Either way they get screwed.

Pretty pathetic to say that gay people or people who have premarital sex don't honor and respect the institution of marriage. To stand on the holier than thou soapbox and bash about 99% of people who get married is thankfully a radical concept and only a teeny tiny minority of people do that.

They're not getting screwed. They're prejudiced, and fully allowed to be.
I'm pretty sure "the institution of marriage" is contract law by man.

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